
Destiny 2 – Prismatic Subclass Guide

Gaining control of the Prismatic Subclass system in Destiny 2 unlocks a vast array of strategic options. Imagine precisely controlling elemental forces and modifying your Guardian’s skills like never before. This article goes into great detail on how to customise and unlock these particular subclasses.

They present Prismatic aspects and fragments, which let you customise the powers of your Guardian to fit your playstyle. Knowing these concepts is essential, whether you prefer to outwit opponents in PvP combat or unleash powerful attacks in PvE quests.

Whether you are a seasoned Guardian or a fresh recruit, this prismatic subclass guide will fully provide the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize Destiny 2’s Prismatic Subclass system. Get ready to take your gameplay to new heights.

Destiny 2 Prismatic Subclass Guide

Destiny 2 Prismatic Subclass Explained

The Final Shape’s Prismatic subclass brings Destiny 2’s Light and Dark narrative to a close. In contrast to earlier subclasses, it involves creatively combining preexisting skills rather than adding new ones. Three new Supers are introduced, one for each class, along with “elemental decoupling” mechanics to combine previously distinct effects.


Transcendence is a crucial mechanism in which dealing with Light or Dark harm fills its meter. Once one side is complete, kinetic weapons fill the other more quickly. Transcendence allows you to break Witness shields, increasing weapon damage, resistance, and ability recharge rate. It also unlocks class-specific grenades that have both Light and Dark effects. This relates to The Final Shape, a significant update for Destiny 2.

How to Unlock the Prismatic Subclass

The Prismatic subclass can be unlocked during the Final Shape campaign and post-campaign offerings. About halfway through the “Transmigration” campaign mission, the subclass becomes accessible. You get instant access to Prismatic subclass builds, but following the campaign, you must finish some tasks if you want to customize the Prismatic subclass extensively.

The post-campaign tasks “Found in the Dark” and “Found in the Light” unlock Prismatic Aspects and abilities. After completing the campaign, talk to your ghost and advance their initial mission to begin both quest chains. For every character you have, you must finish both objectives.

Using secret tasks and exploration, Prismatic Fragments can be unlocked. You will uncover the remaining Fragments on your own; the campaign will provide you with a handful by default. Our Prismatic Fragment locations guide contains information on all unlock conditions. Thankfully, Prismatic Fragments are restricted by account. Every Fragment you discover unlocks for each of your three characters.

Prismatic Aspects

Upon unlocking Prismatic, you will be presented with an initial selection of aspects. Every class gets a fresh feature:

Destiny 2 Prismatic Titan Build

Prismatic Titan Build

  • Knockout: Your melee weapon gains Arc energy when you critically wound or destroy shields, which increases damage and restores health.
  • Consecration: Leap into the air to produce an enormous solar explosion or slide to shoot a wave of solar energy. Burned targets catch fire when they hit.
  • Unbreakable: Use your grenade to absorb incoming damage to create a Void barrier that can be released as a blast.
  • Diamond Lance: Use stasis to break opponents and form a lance. Slam to freeze foes in a constrained space or throw to freeze targets.
  • Drengr’s Lash: When you use this class ability, foes are suspended as a destructive ripple is sent forth.
Destiny 2 Prismatic Hunter Build

Prismatic Hunter Build

  • Ascension: Use your airborne class skill to ascend, damaging opponents below and giving you and your friends nearby Amplification.
  • Gunpowder Gamble: To charge a solar explosive to defeat opponents using elemental abilities, debuffs, or weapons. It can be fired to set off an explosion in midair.
  • Stylish Executioner: Truesight and Invisibility are awarded by defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target. Your next melee attack while invisible weakens enemies following an elegant execution.
  • Winter’s Shroud: Avoiding makes adjacent targets slower.
  • Threaded Spectre: The decoy left by your class ability attracts the enemy’s attention. It explodes when heavy damage or an adversary approaches, dealing damage to attackers and unleashing Threadlings to attack anyone nearby.
Destiny 2 Prismatic Warlock Build

Prismatic Warlock Build

  • Lightning Surge: Melee, while sliding, flashes ahead, unleashing lightning strikes on foes near.
  • Hellion: Rift unleashes a devastating Solar Soul attack on adversaries.
  • Feed the Void: When a void ability kills, enhanced Devour is triggered, replenishing grenade energy and health.
  • Bleak Watcher: Hold down the grenade button to unleash a Stasis turret that fires slow-moving projectiles.
  • Weaver’s Call: Rift launches any perched object and summons three Threadlings.

Prismatic Fragments

Fragments are no longer exclusive to your class when using Prismatic; once you discover one, all your Guardians can use it.

Facet of Awakening: Equivalent elemental pickups are produced by elemental final blows and super kills. +10 Resilience.

Facet of Balance: One aspect of balance is that although dark kills yield grenade energy, light kills grant melee energy.

Facet of Bravery: Powerful melee kills award Unraveling Rounds for Strand weapons, while grenade kills grant Volatile Rounds for Void weapons.

Facet of Blessing: Melee kills and initiates health regeneration. Melee kills while Transcendent begins to restore your health and nearby allies’ health.

Facet of Command: Suppression or Freezing increases airborne effectiveness, stabilizes, and reloads weapons. A void Breach or Stasis Shard is created when a frozen or suppressed target is killed.

Facet of Courage: Targets with Darkness debuffs take more significant damage from light abilities. +10 Discipline.

Facet of Dawn: You become Radiant with powered melee strikes. Radiant makes allies nearby with the last blows. -10 Strength.

Facet of Defiance: Finishers set off explosions according to the kind of damage your Super deals.

Facet of Devotion: Bonus Light Transcendence energy is awarded for defeating enemies with Darkness debuffs. +10 Strength.

Facet of Dominance: Arc grenades jolt enemies, while Void grenades weaken them.

Facet of Generosity: Transcendent forges Orbs of Power for Allies while Defending targets.

Facet of Grace: Bonus Transcendence energy is awarded for kinetic weapon damage. Super kills give allies around extra energy. -10 Resilience.

Facet of Honor: A destroyed Tangle or elemental pickups gathered yields Transcendence energy of that kind. +10 strength.

Facet of Hope: Quicker regeneration of class abilities when an elemental buff is in effect.

Facet of Isolation: Swift, accurate strikes release a cutting explosion that strengthens during Transcendence.

Facet of Justice: Transcendent ability explodes final blows. +10 Intellect.

Facet of Healing: The last bursts of grenades are more potent during Transcendence and healing.

Protective Facet: Increased resistance to harm while surrounded by adversaries. +10 Strength.

Facet of Purpose: Depending on the damage type of your Super, an Orb of Power can bestow Amplified, Restoration, Frost Armor, Woven Mail, or Overshield. -10 Recovery.

Facet of Ruin: Boosts Solar Ignitions and increases burst size and damage when breaking Stasis Crystals or Frozen targets.

Facet of Sacrifice: Bonus Darkness is granted by a light benefit transcendence energy from the last punches of ability. +10 Discipline.


Destiny 2 is reaching the crux of its storyline, and it has finally come time to face The Witness. Go into combat armed with the most crucial exotic of all - a SCUF controller! With the four paddles on the back of each of our controllers, you can easily access all of your key controls without ever having to take your thumbs off of your thumbsticks. Use your back paddles for reloading, your grenade or melee abilities, or your jump abilities, and you can have all of your key actions available while aiming at the same time. If you want to take your gaming to the next level, check out the SCUF Reflex, Instinct, or Envision. The cutting edge features that SCUF controllers offer will give you more precision than ever before, and will make conquering the Witness a breeze.