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How to Get Started in Gran Turismo 7 – Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Gran Turismo is one of the most extensive racing game series, featuring more than 420 vehicles and nearly 100 racing tracks. It takes over 50 hours for players to complete the single-player mode of Gran Turismo 7, and if you’re a beginner, it might take more without any proper guidance. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best tips and tricks for beginners to ace Gran Turismo 7!

Gran Turismo 7 Beginners Guide Thumbnail

Try Unlocking Most Tracks & Features

Some of the most popular modes and features from the Gran Turismo series made a return in the latest title, including the car wash and the class original racetracks. However, one particular element of the series’ gameplay that players also saw in Gran Turismo 7 was how one must progress through the game in order to get their hands on more exciting features and tracks.

Therefore, Tuning, Car Wash, and Brand Central are completely locked until players progress through the Menu Tasks they’ve been assigned from the cafe. At the game’s start, you can purchase three cars and only have the ability to access the Cafe. Players are required to complete the different types of activities to level up and unlock the unique features.

In Gran Turismo 7, these exciting activities are called Menu Books, with each one being even more unique than the previous one. For example, it might require you to simply complete a race or collect a certain set of cars from the garage. In addition to this, the game features dynamic weather, so you’ll need to equip the best tires for the roads so that you don’t slip through the water.

Gran Turismo Mitsubishi Lancer Evo

Get Your Gran Turismo 7 Licenses

Once your career progresses in Gran Turismo 7, you’ll be required to have unlockable licenses if you wish to take part in single-player championships. It’s highly recommended that you get the national B and the national A license as soon as you can so that you can participate in those events. You can also get all five license categories before heading over to the GT7 Cafe.

You’ll be awarded a brand-new vehicle for completing a specific license category. In addition to this, you’ll also be given an additional vehicle to get the gold trophy for all ten tests featured in that category. During your entire in-game career, these cars will prove to be quite useful and can also save players some credits within the game as you progress through Gran Turismo 7.

Gran Turismo 7 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo

Try Not To Purchase Vehicles Early On

Before purchasing brand-new cars from the massive 420-vehicle roster, keep in mind that players need credits for that. Moreover, these credits are quite difficult to come across at the start of the game, especially GR.3 and Vision GT cars, which cost over a million credits. If you wish to save money, check twice for any eligible cars you might have present in your garage.

If you do, then avoid purchasing a new car for a particular event. However, if your goal is to complete the menus, then you must have a proper vehicle in your arsenal, especially one that fulfills all requirements. Nearly every reward car that players receive from license tests and menus can also be utilized in a wide range of events, helping you save your money for later.

Keep Races Outside Of The Menu Books In Mind

Apart from the races that are featured in the menu books, Gran Turismo 7 also features some additional races that gradually become available at each circuit once you start progressing. These races are a resourceful way for you to bolster your credit balance easily and also allow you to quickly get vehicles for every type of menu book collection without racing for them.

Gran Turismo 7 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Cockpit View

Performance Points (PP) Tuning

Most of the career mode races you’ll come across in the game will feature a “PP requirement.” Performance Points or PP are the performance points of a specific vehicle, which can either be increased or decreased by tuning parts and car setups. For instance, you’ll take part in an event called the European Championship, in which you must enter with a car that has 600pp or more.

Therefore, you’ll have to go to your garage and then the tuning option in order to increase the PP value simply to participate in those races. Make sure to keep balance in mind when you’re tuning and upgrading your vehicle. Excessive focus on power will result in your vehicle failing in corners, whereas extra focus on grip will leave you in the dust on the straight pathways.

Gran Turismo 7 Nissan GTR

Purchase Rain Tires

Gran Turismo 7 heavily relies on an excellent weather simulation, which means that if the sky chooses to open during a race, you’ll find yourself on a wet racing track rather quickly. However, the opposite also applies, so the tracks will dry out gradually after the rain stops. It’s one of the worst things to get stuck in the rain, especially with a vehicle that has slick or sports tyres.

When you’ve unlocked the “Extreme” category in the tuning shop, make sure to spend some money on intermediate or full-wet tyres to prepare for the constantly shifting weather patterns. “Inters” are mostly better for a racing track that’s moderately wet, especially with changing track conditions. On the other hand, full wets are better for a track that’s filled with heavy rain.

Unfortunately, players won’t be able to tell if a certain event has the chance of rain when they’re in career mode. However, if the image preview features gray skies, you should get some rain tyres just to be on the same side. It’s important to note that dynamic weather stays dynamic throughout every attempt. Once you kick off a race with wet tires equipped and are forced to restart, it doesn’t really mean that the rain will make a return exactly as it did in the first attempt.

That’s all there is to know about the beginner tips and tricks for anyone just starting out with the most popular racing game, i.e., Gran Turismo 7. The developers have worked a great deal on enhancing its gameplay, features, mechanics, and visuals, and we’re all for it. If you’re a newcomer to the franchise and are looking to ace the tracks, these tips will surely lend a hand!