SCUF gaming article

Best Controller Settings for Forza Horizon 5

Playground Games’ Forza Horizon 5 is among the top-rated racing games of the 2020's. You can play the game either with a controller or a racing wheel since both control methods offer a fantastic experience. However, most of the community plays FH5 with a controller. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best controller settings to help you control your vehicle better and enhance overall performance by improving braking and steering.

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Why Controller Settings Matter in Forza Horizon 5

The best part about Forza Horizon 5 is that it can be played by casual players and racing fans alike. New players can try the default controller settings to jump straight in, but customized controller settings play a crucial part for racing enthusiasts. Every play style is different, and setting the controller to your liking will give you a smoother experience.

We recommend everyone to first go on the tracks with the default version of their car and the controller. This will help you understand how it feels to be behind the wheel, and then you can optimize all the settings according to your preference. This way, you can figure out which setup is perfect for your style and liking and how your Forza controller can make you win competitions.

Forza Horizon 5 Rally Car

Basic Controller Settings

In order to change the controller settings, all you have to do is go to the settings menu, where you will find a Controller option. This is where you can finetune your acceleration, brakes, gears, and other inputs. We recommend setting the sensitivity of your steering to a medium level, as you don’t want your car to be skidding off the track even on the slightest touch of your fingers.

One more thing that is quite basic but does wonders when you are marking your way on the tracks is the clutch and brake mapping. A small magic swap by mapping your clutch to the "A" button, downshift to the "X" button, and upshift to the "B" button can make your racing highly smooth, and now you can avoid that awkward finger-dancing in the middle of an intense race.

Forza Horizon 5 Sports Car

All About the Deadzones

FH5 has assigned deadzones where your controller does not show any command unless it is moved to a certain degree. These areas help you tune your settings for the game to ensure your car moves in a controlled and precise manner. The settings for these deadzones need to be adjusted to improve the response and control of your car, which is obviously to your liking.

Now, when talking about settings, the one you need to focus on is these deadzones. Playing with these settings makes your controller more receptive to the touch and prevents any unnecessary inputs. The inside and outside deadzones have different sensitivities that can be managed to give your car precise control and smooth turns while firing up the tracks.

We recommend putting your Forza Horizon 5 controls in the inside deadzone to a very low value. A range of 5-10 is ideal as it will prevent getting an input with a slight trigger, and you can have good control over the controller. On the contrary, in the outside deadzone, a maximum value is needed to reach full force settings. To get full pressure, set the sensitivity to 90%.

Forza Horizon 5 Bronco Off Road

Advanced Controller Settings

The steering, acceleration, deceleration, clutch, and brakes can be adjusted according to your game design. We suggest all the racing fans set up their Forza Horizon 5 controller to these recommended settings listed below. This way, they can tweak the default setup a little and have a blast in the game that will be much more thrilling with the FH5 controller and advanced game.

  • Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 5
  • Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 95
  • Acceleration Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
  • Acceleration Axis Deadzone Outside: 98
  • Deceleration Axis Deadzone Inside: 2
  • Deceleration Axis Deadzone Outside: 98
  • Clutch Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
  • Clutch Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
  • Handbrake Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
  • Handbrake Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
  • Vibration Scale: 60
  • Automatic Steering Alignment: 100

Apart from the basic settings, the vibration scale informs you when your wheels are losing their grip, and you can expect a turnover. The default 100 might be too intense for your car, so you can always lower it for more precise control. Last but not least, the auto steering is such a game-changer. It automatically holds the car on track even when your steering input is off!

Forza Horizon 5 Off Road Truck

SCUF Controllers for Forza Horizon 5

If you are looking for the best controller for Forza Horizon 5, the SCUF controllers are a mega-hit. If you have got your hands on these, we assure you that your opponents are coming in for a good beating. The best part about SCUF controllers for racing games are the paddles, which are optimal for additional controls often needed in racing games.

The paddles on SCUF controllers give a great advantage as you get added control over your car without lifting your fingers to get across the buttons. This way, you focus completely on the tracks and take sharp, quick turns with even better control and speed. Mapping your SCUF controllers is your choice, but we recommend the following settings for amazing performance.

Inner Left Paddle: Handbrake

Outer Left Paddle: Clutch

Inner Right Paddle: Gear Down

Outer Right Paddle: Gear Up

These Forza Horizon 5 Xbox controller paddle settings let you change gears and apply brakes with minimal movement. For players who drive manually, the clutch set on the left paddle provides easier access, and the ability to manage the transmission without affecting or slowing your game.

It is important to remember that every player’s style is different from the other. With the right Forza Horizon 5 controller settings, you do not have to worry about anything affecting your racing. SCUF controllers with paddles will also help you maintain that winning streak like a pro. You only need to tweak the settings a little, and you are good to race!