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PRESS RELEASE: JUNE 30, 2014 – Scuf Gaming announces pre-sale of the SCUF 4PS for PlayStation 4 on Monday, June 30th


A new era has arrived for PlayStation 4 fans now that Scuf Gaming has introduced its clever functions to the improved PS4 controller. Scuf Gaming has officially launched the SCUF 4PS enabling elite gamers to utilize more of their hand in a comfortable, safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF 4PS is feature rich with several patented features, including two “SCUF HOOK” back paddles, a fully redesigned back and built-in high-grade SCUF Pro-Grip handles, which are normally an upgrade on SCUF controllers. The two back paddles come standard with A&B configuration but can be mapped according to your preference as an upgrade using the EMR (Electro Magnetic Remapping) Mag Key – (the EMR feature will be released at a later date.) For gamers unfamiliar with SCUF, these paddles mimic the allocated face buttons so you can keep your thumbs on the thumbsticks, while using the back-paddles with your middle fingers to perform more advanced moves. Customers also have the option to choose their favorite SCUF Precision Thumbsticks in domed or concave, which come in three different lengths (regular, medium, long) and various color options.  Sports and fighting game fanatics will be thrilled to try the new SCUF CONTROL DISC, which is fully removable and offers extra control and accuracy for the d-pad! Gamers are winning with the tactical edge that SCUF provides where over 85% of Professional Gamers in Console use SCUF for shooters.




“We have invested millions of dollars into research and development and educating the Gaming World on safe ergonomic use of the controller at the top level so when we embarked on “Project 4PS” a year ago we wanted to offer the PlayStation 4 community something unique and special, something that added that edge over its predecessor, the SCUF PS (for PS3). We believe the results are impressive and further display the innovation our customers have come to expect from Scuf Gaming, said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “SCUF controllers are all about functionality and comfort so our focus is on offering unique features which empower every gamer to personalize their controller to suit their gameplay. From paddles to grip to the size of thumbsticks, every part of a SCUF controller is about improving core performance so you can become the best gamer you can be!”


Prices for the SCUF 4PS start at $119.95 (please NOTE this includes the PRO GRIP) and controllers begin shipping in 4-6 weeks. SCUF is currently offering fourteen (14) unique front shell designs for the launch and will be adding new styles over the next few months.  To pre-order, please visit


Scuf Gaming controllers are endorsed by Major League Gaming and trusted by over 85% of Pro-Gamers. SCUF is leading the field in the professional gaming market.



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Scuf Gaming has 4 patents granted and another 25 have been applied for offering features such as back paddles, adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and various thumbstick lengths in both domed and concave styles. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sells a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.  Editorial and product photos available upon request.


Robby Ringnalda, CEO Denial eSports says “ Today is a great day for Denial.Cod and Denial eSports as a whole. We finally, after a long time coming, are able to announce that we have partnered with @ScufGaming.  After winning the last event by a landslide, I am glad the boys got what they earned and ultimately wanted with this Scuf Gaming Sponsorship. Most of my Team has been using SCUF controllers by choice for the last few years so, it's great to form this official partnership! I know the #scuffamily will welcome the #wolfpack with open arms and I’m looking forward to building this working relationship with SCUF.”





Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming says "At SCUF we are very familiar with several Denial players and Denial eSports; firstly, as long time SCUF users and secondly, as an extremely competitive and impressive COD Team!  It is very gratifying, yet humbling to continually see Top players and Teams want to use SCUF and we are delighted to finally concrete our partnership for the coming year!”


Be on the lookout for the Denial SCUF ONE Coming Soon!



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Scuf Gaming has 4 patents granted and another 27 have been applied for offering features such as back paddles, adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and various thumbstick lengths in both domed and concave styles. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sells a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

For more information please visit


Das farbenfrohe kostenlose „Battle Royale“-Spiel Fortnite bietet spezielle Bau-Mechanismen, kreative Herausforderungen und intensive kompetitive Spiele. Um zu gewinnen, muss man seine Gegner bei Schussduellen schlagen, aber auch schnell zwischen unterschiedlichen Waffen und Bauoptionen wechseln können.

In diesem Guide zeigen wir dir, wie du das maximale Potenzial aus deinem SCUF-Controller bei Fortnite rausholst, wobei wir mit den Grundlagen beginnen und dann mit fortgeschrittenen Konfigurationen und Techniken weitermachen.


Beginnen wir zunächst damit zu lernen, wie man das wichtigste Feature eines SCUF-Controllers verwendet: das Paddle-Steuerungssystem. Zunächst die zwei Paddles. Standardmäßig ist dem äußeren linken Paddle (P4) Springen und dem äußeren rechten Paddle (P1) der Baumodus zugewiesen. Übe, ausschließlich diese Paddles für diese Funktionen zu verwenden und ignoriere ihre Fronttasten beim Spielen. Es wird etwas dauern, bis du dich daran gewöhnst, aber übe weiter, dann wird sich ein Muskelgedächtnis entwickeln. Diese zwei Paddles zu meistern, wird dir dabei helfen, deinen Gegnern auszuweichen und die Oberhand zu gewinnen, indem du schnell auf den Baumodus zugreifen kannst und gleichzeitig für alles andere bereit bist, was auf dich zukommt.

Als Nächstes kommen wir zu den beiden inneren Paddles. Standardmäßig ist dem inneren linken Paddle (P3) „Nachladen/Interagieren“ und dem inneren rechten Paddle (P2) „Nächste Waffe/Erntewerkzeug“ zugewiesen. Wiederhole das gleiche Vorgehen wie zuvor, aber jetzt mit einem der beiden inneren Paddles. Ignoriere ihre Fronttasten, bis du dich an das Verwenden aller Paddles statt der Fronttasten gewöhnt hast. Mit regelmäßiger Übung kann es bis zu zwei Wochen dauern, um sich komplett an sie zu gewöhnen.

Alle vier Paddles zu beherrschen, wird dir den größten Vorteil bringen, um schnell zu springen, nachzuladen, Waffen zu wechseln und den Baumodus aufzurufen, während du zum Zielen deinen Daumen auf dem Thumbstick lässt.


Da du die Paddles jetzt gemeistert hast, fangen wir an, sie zu konfigurieren. Je nach Controller-Modell brauchst du entweder einen EMR-Schlüssel oder musst den Konfigurationsschalter umlegen, falls du einen SCUF Vantage hast. Drücke die Taste, die du deinem Paddle oder deiner SAX-Taste zuweisen willst, und halte sie gedrückt. Wenn du fertig bist, entfernst du den EMR-Schlüssel (oder legst den Konfigurationsschalter beim SCUF Vantage wieder auf Spielen um) und kannst loslegen. Du kannst deinen SCUF an deinen Spielstil anpassen, egal ob du ein aggressiver Spieler bist, der bei Kämpfen schnell die Waffen wechselt, oder eher strategisch vorgehst, um den besten Weg aus dem Ring heraus zu finden. Und sieh dir auch ein Video mit weiteren Fortnite-Konfigurationen an, das bald erscheinen wird!


Wenn man seine Spielleistung verbessern will, machen Paddles zwar einen großen Unterschied, aber nichts verbessert dein Aiming mehr als die richtigen Thumbsticks. Jeder hat andere Handgrößen, Daumenlängen und Vorlieben. Darum sind SCUF Thumbsticks austauschbar, um deinen speziellen Anforderungen an Komfort und Spielstil gerecht zu werden.

Ein Thumbstick zeichnet sich durch zwei Dinge aus: seine Form und seine Länge.

  1. Konkave Thumbsticks sind für mehr Bewegungskontrolle gedacht.

  2. Gewölbte Thumbsticks sind für mehr Präzision konzipiert.

  3. Kurze Thumbsticks ermöglichen eine schnellere Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit.

  4. Lange Thumbsticks sorgen für mehr Bewegungsspielraum.

Für aggressive Spieler, z. B. Spieler mit Schrotflinten, empfehlen wir einen kurzen konkaven Thumbstick links und einen kurzen gewölbten Thumbstick rechts. Man kann sich schnell bewegen und ist immer noch bereit, um schnell zu zielen.

Für defensive Spieler, z. B. Spieler mit Scharfschützengewehren, empfehlen wir einen kurzen konkaven Thumbstick links und einen langen gewölbten Thumbstick rechts. Man kann sich immer noch schnell bewegen, hat aber auch die höchste Präzision beim Aimen.

PC- und PS4-Controller bei „Fortnite“


Während Paddles deine Gesamtleistung und Thumbsticks dein Aiming verbessern, bringt unser Trigger-System deine Geschwindigkeit beim Aimen und Schießen auf eine neue Stufe. SCUFs Trigger-Control-System ist bei jedem Controller-Modell verfügbar und bietet vollständige Trigger-Anpassung dank anpassbarer Trigger-Stops und Hair-Trigger.

Für „Fortnite“ sind Trigger-Stops zu empfehlen, falls man nicht gerade Fahrzeuge verwenden möchte (für die man die vollständige Trigger-Bewegung benötigt). Sie verringern den Weg, den dein Trigger über den Aktivierungspunkt hinaus absolvieren muss, und ermöglichen es dir, schneller zu schießen und zu aimen.

Um deine Trigger-Bewegung weiter zu optimieren, kannst du mit den Hair-Triggern die Distanz zum Aktivierungspunkt modifizieren. Du solltest deine Hair-Trigger ausschließlich im Spiel anpassen. Drehe zunächst den Schlüssel, bis du den Aktivierungspunkt erreichst, an dem deine Waffe automatisch von selbst zu schießen beginnt. Drehe ihn dann 1 Umdrehung oder nach eigener Vorliebe zurück.

Leidenschaftliche Shooter-Spieler können auch unsere Digital Tap-Bumpers und digitalen Trigger wählen (für SCUF IMPACT & Infinity4PS PRO). Diese Features eliminieren die Bewegungsreichweite von Bumpern und Triggern komplett und sorgen für ein ähnliches Gefühl wie bei einem Mausklick. Das wird nur für Spieler empfohlen, die ausschließlich Shooter-Spiele spielen.


Vibration kann sich auf dein Aiming auswirken und durch das zusätzliche Gewicht deines Controllers auch ermüdend sein. Wir empfehlen, einen SCUF ohne Vibrationsmodule/Rumbles zu bestellen (oder sie herauszunehmen, wenn man einen SCUF Vantage verwendet).

Controller für Xbox One bei „Fortnite“


Falls du einen SCUF Vantage besitzt, hast du zwei zusätzliche Eingabetasten, nämlich die SAX-Tasten. Sie wurden dazu entworfen, die Finger noch weniger bewegen zu müssen und um deine Leistung somit zu verbessern. Sie befinden sich seitlich am Controller und können mit der Fingerinnenseite betätigt werden. Wir empfehlen, zunächst „Vorherige Waffe“ auf S1 und „Nächste Waffe“ auf S2 zu legen. Mit den SAX-Tasten kannst du bequem Waffen wechseln, während du mit den Paddles springst und baust.


Da du jetzt alles über die mechanischen Änderungen weißt, die dich zu einem besseren Spieler machen, können wir mit den digitalen Einstellungen weitermachen, damit du deine Spielleistung durch deinen SCUF weiter optimieren kannst. Wir empfehlen in den Einstellungen von Fortnite ein paar Änderungen vorzunehmen.

Nimm Objekte schneller auf, indem du das Paddle nur antippst, statt es gedrückt halten zu müssen.

Gehe in die Einstellungen > Spiel

Tippen zum Suchen/Interagieren > Einschalten

Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit beim Bauen, indem man durch Halten und Drehen schnell eine Basis bauen kann.

Gehe in die Einstellungen > Spiel

Turbobau > Einschalten

Pro-Controller für PS4 bei „Fortnite“

Zeit zu spielen

Nachdem du jetzt die verschiedenen Aspekte deines Controllers angepasst und deine Spieleinstellungen optimiert hast, ist es an der Zeit, dein neues Setup zu testen! Wie bei allen Änderungen kann es auch bei diesen neuen Einstellungen etwas dauern, bis du dich daran gewöhnt hast – aber mit Übung und Hingabe wird dir jedes SCUF-Feature dabei helfen, dein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen und zum bestmöglichen Spieler bei „Fortnite“ zu werden!
PRESS RELEASE: August 13, 2015 – There has been heightened anticipation from the professional and elite gaming communities since Scuf Gaming announced the launch of its SCUF Infinity1 in early June, just prior to the E3 Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. Today, Scuf Gaming has officially begun selling the SCUF Infinity1, for use on Xbox One and PC, designed to offer infinite levels of customization so gamers can fully interchange key areas of function, feature and design and all on the fly.

Five years after creating a new market space for professional customized controllers, SCUF controllers are now used by over 90% of the top professional gamers in the World, which is testimony to their quality build and innovation.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, says, “Since 2010 we have innovated to provide hard core gamers with a better controller experience through the addition of several key functions and features. From our earliest days of inventing paddles and adjustable hair trigger/stop mechanisms, to our more recent EMR technology and new paddle control system; every part of a SCUF is about improving performance and increasing hand use and comfort. Our ethos is underpinned by our commitment to reinvesting a substantial chunk of our revenue into research and development to ensure we lead the way and provide a more intuitive and comfortable experience for our community to enjoy video games. Our most recent major project, which started in early 2014, was Project Infinity1. During the research and design phase, we focused on the key areas of a controller which undergo the most wear and tear, and our goal was to make the controller fully modular to empower the gamer to replace features like thumbsticks, paddles, dpad and grips; and all on the fly. With so many color options, design features and new functionality; we’re confident our customers are going to love the new SCUF Infinity1.”

Infinity1 diagram social

SCUF Infinity1 offers several patented and patent pending features including:

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Paddle Control System
• Fully modular and interchangeable with no screws
• New heights and shapes
• The gamer can choose to play with 0,1, 2, 3 or 4 SCUF paddles and change them on the fly

NEW AXE Infinity1 Paddles
• Paddles have a larger surface area for more activation points
• Great for all hand sizes, especially good for smaller hands
• Compatible with Astro® and Turtle Beach® headset adaptors

Infinity AXE paddles

NEW Interchangeable Thumbstick Control Area
• Change thumbsticks in seconds without removing any screws
• SCUF Thumbsticks come in 3 different lengths (regular, medium and long) domed and concave styles in 5 color options including Black, White, Green, Red and Blue

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Rings
• Rings come in 8 color options including Black, White, Gray, Red, Green, Blue, Orange and Pink
• Fully removable
• High grade self-lubricating materials provide a pro-grade finish to rings

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Pro Edition Switches
• Layered gold on circuits and new switches for increased actuation life
• Improved haptic feedback

SCUF Pro Grip Handles with Adjustable Hair Trigger + Trigger Stop Mechanism
• Interchangeable for full or reduced trigger movement
• High-grade contoured grip in multiple colors
• SCUF Key externally adjusts triggers to suit your gameplay

SCUF EMR Technology
• Remap on the fly with SCUF Electro Magnetic Remapping. Any paddle = Any face button

• SCUF Infinity1 enables YOU to express yourself on the fly, anytime - no limits

SCUF Infinity1 Accessories
• SCUF offers Infinity1 and Xbox One compatible accessories including Thumbstick Replacement kits in 3 different lengths (regular, medium and long) domed and concave styles in 5 color options, Infinity1 Ring & Lock kits in 8 colors, AXE Paddle Replacement kits, SCUF Pro Grip Handles with Adjustable Hair Trigger Grips + Trigger Stop Mechanism to externally tune triggers, SCUF Protection Cases, Charging Cables and GamerGrip Total Grip Solution.

infinity1 accessories

SCUF Infinity1 pricing starts at $119.95. During the Pre-Sale period of August 13 – 31, customers will receive a Free Gift of their choice of a domed or concave Thumbstick kit with a bonus SCUF Infinity1 Wristband.

Click here to Pre-Order your SCUF Infinity1.
In a world full of specialists, the professional who can have it all is rare indeed.

Having established an amazing reputation for himself in the world of Halo, Ian "Crimsix" Porter shook the Call of Duty circuit when he decided that he'd like to be a champion there as well. It was a move that took eSports off guard, and created another legend in the sport.

With record shattering wins in two of the most heavily-played competitive eSports titles in the world and a reputation to match, Ian "Crimsix" Porter is a battle-hardened dynasty unto himself.

And SCUF believes that he deserves a controller to match.


It's our greatest pleasure to introduce you to the Crimsix SCUF Infinity series. With a shell spider webbed in an electric blue circuit design, this untamed beauty will fill you with the feeling of a methodical, calculating edge. The Crimsix SCUF Infinity is also kitted out in the same cutting-edge technology that has put SCUF in the hands of professional gamers the world over, remind you that a cyborg outside can conceal the passionate spirit of a warrior that beats deep inside.

Because Crimsix's amazing track record proves to us that true winning isn't about stats or limits. It's about looking losing odds in the face and scooping victory from the jaws of defeat over and over and over.

Because if you gaze too long at the numbers, you become one of them.

Click here to order a Crimsix SCUF Infinity1, and here to order a Crimsix SCUF 4PS! And don't forget to visit Crimsix on Twitter and Instagram!


Scuf Gaming continues to innovate and announce their 3-dimensional patent pending “SCUF Sidewinder” paddles for SCUF ONE controllers.

Sidewinder - blog edit

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming says “To compensate for the increased depth of the controller handles on the Xbox One controller, SCUF wanted to release a new 3-dimensional paddle that would enable gamers with all hand sizes to access the paddles even easier. The new SCUF Sidewinder paddles are angled at approximately 30 degrees and operate by a push-in/ pull-across motion which offer the ideal solution for even more ergonomic paddle game-play”


The paddle concept SCUF invented over 4 years ago is the ONLY real solution for utilizing more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. SCUF’s award winning ‘flat’ back paddles offer the perfect solution for all SCUF Xbox 360, PS3 controllers and are a very viable option for many gamers on Xbox One. However the new Sidewinder paddles compensate for the deeper handles and fully cater for all hand shapes and sizes for use on the Xbox ONE SCUF!


Duncan Ironmonger continues “Our ability to listen to the community and our desire to innovate and produce the best possible ergonomic solutions is what drives us and is why such a large percentage of the Pro Gaming community trust and use our products. We truly value our customers and as such will be sending ALL existing SCUF ONE customers a FREE pair of SCUF Sidewinder paddles! We believe in rewarding our loyal customers and as such will be sending these out for them to try over the coming 2-3 weeks – there is no need to contact us to request these!”


Two outside position SCUF Sidewinder paddles now come standard on the SCUF ONE controller.  If a customer chooses a four-paddle option, two SCUF ‘flat’ back paddles will be placed on the internal positions of the controller.


Prior to SCUF controller, the middle fingers of the hand were left redundant so SCUF created a way to use them for better performance.  SCUF Paddles can increase the use of your hand by up to 100%. By using up to 4 paddles on the underside of your controller, gamers are able to improve their hand movement and perform more advanced moves.

With over 4 patents issued and another 20 pending, Scuf Gaming/ Ironburg specialize in creating gaming accessories to help improve your gaming experience. Duncan Ironmonger continues “Our controller ethos is centered around designing accessories that increase hand use in a SAFE natural way while improving comfort and reducing latency in an intuitive and ergonomic way – we call it SCUFOLOGY!”



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.

Four years after filing, SCUF gets utility patent for anti-friction rings, taking total to 150 granted & pending patents

ATLANTA, November 1, 2019Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary, Ironburg Inventions, has protected another key feature of gaming controllers with the recently issued US patent (#10,441,881).

This latest patent protects anti-friction rings in the thumbstick control area. The anti-friction rings have been designed to be customizable and removable, provide reduced friction between the controller and the thumbsticks, and enable the user to swap the thumbstick size, shape and design. Replaceable anti-friction rings are a necessary feature for esports professionals and competitive gamers due to performance advantages the rings offer.

With this new patent, Scuf Gaming now has 96 granted patents and designs, with an additional 54 pending patent applications.

“In 2011, we redefined the way gamers use their controllers by inventing the back control functions, adjustable hair triggers, and trigger stops. Since then, SCUF has been focused on improving several other key functional areas of the controller.” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of Scuf Gaming. “One such area is the thumbstick control region which is essential to peak performance and accuracy. By inventing the replaceable anti-friction rings, SCUF has created a solution to ensure thumbsticks can be swapped out and locked, while providing a low level of friction between the thumbsticks and the controller body. With this patent we are delighted to protect our innovation and investment for another key area of the controller.”

For more information on the patents protecting Scuf Gaming’s innovation, please visit:

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 96 granted patents, and another 54 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

ATLANTA, GA - June 29, 2017 - Scuf Gaming is pleased to announce its official partnership with GuardianCon 2017 taking place June 30 - July 1 at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa, Florida. GuardianCon, now entering its third year of operation, is a charity gaming event benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital whose mission is to eradicate children’s cancer. SCUF will donate $15 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for every SCUF controller purchased at GuardianCon or 5% off on using code STJUDE at checkout.

This year’s hosts include SCUF affiliates and Twitch sensations, Gothalion and ProfessorBroman, who are two of the world’s best Destiny players. Also hosting is Kevin Murray, owner of RareDrop, organizers of GuardianCon. On June 30, SCUF will launch new controller designs for Gothalion and ProfessorBroman available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Gothalion and ProfessorBroman available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.  Controller pricing starts at $169.95, € $169.95, £134.99, for SCUF IMPACT for PS4 and PC, and $159.95, €159.95, £129.99 for SCUF Infinity1 for XB1 and PC.To purchase the controllers or for additional information, please visit

Gothalion said, "It means a lot to go from consumer to affiliate to partner with SCUF, a company who's product I've used for years. And now, I’m proud to put my name on one of their controllers, as I’ve used SCUF on stream for years. The partnership means a lot to me but, I’m even more proud that they're helping us make the world a better place."

Gothalion custom professional Xbox and PlayStation controllers

ProfessorBroman stated, "I’m unbelievably proud to announce the ProfessorBroman SCUF controller. I've used a SCUF for years and it’s improved my game and my wrist health immensely. Without a doubt SCUF is the best in the controller business and I'm so excited to be working with them on this controller and partnering to promote gaming for good this year at GuardianCon."

Professor Broman custom professional Xbox and PlayStation controllers

GuardianCon’s goal for 2017 is to raise over $1 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Activities range from a week-long broadcast marathon featuring various content creators, game developers, and community members to the convention show floor with artists, discussion panels, vendors, live music, gaming stations, PvP tournaments and much more.

Among the SCUF affiliates who are participating in this year’s event include; Gothalion, ProfessorBroman, Kraftyy, Triplewreck, Ninja, Gernader Jake, Lucky & Buttwipe, Crucible Radio, Luminosity, MTashed, Versus and True Vanguard.

About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital® is leading the way the world understands, treats and cures childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Treatments developed at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude freely shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing and food--because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.

About GuardianCon
What began as a meetup for a couple of Twitch broadcasters has evolved into a massive two-day community convention and force for charitable giving. GuardianCon, now entering its third year of operation, is a charity gaming event located in Tampa, FL. In 2016 the event raised over $560,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Activities range from a week-long broadcast marathon featuring various content creators, game developers, and community members to the convention show floor with artists, discussion panels, vendors, live music, gaming stations, PvP tournaments and much more.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, global leader and innovator of gaming peripherals and winner of eSports Industry Awards for “Best Hardware” in 2016, provides tactical gear for elite gamers where over 90% of the top professional gamers in the world use SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to competitive and casual gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 30 granted patents, and another 65 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit