SCUF gaming article

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Game Guide

Bungie’s new expansion to Destiny 2, Shadowkeep, released on September 1st, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC. Shadowkeep returns players to the Moon, packed with new content and changes coming over the course of the season.  

Bungie’s new expansion to Destiny 2, Shadowkeep, released on September 1st, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC. Shadowkeep returns players to the Moon, packed with new content and changes coming over the course of the season.  

With new difficulty tiers, find out what you need to gain the advantage in the crucible and gambit. 

With new difficulty tiers, find out what you need to gain the advantage in the crucible and gambit. 

How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUF

How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFHow To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFHow To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUF



Improve your aim in Destiny 2 with the right thumbsticks for your playstyle. 

Improve your aim in Destiny 2 with the right thumbsticks for your playstyle. 

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

    Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.Concave Thumbsticks
  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

    Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.Domed Thumbsticks
  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

    Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.Short Thumbsticks
  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.

  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.

    Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.Tall Thumbsticks

    For defensive players like snipers, we recommend playing with a short concave thumbsticks on the left for quick movement, and a tall domed on the right for precise aiming. 

    For defensive players like snipers, we recommend playing with a short concave thumbsticks on the left for quick movement, and a tall domed on the right for precise aiming. 

    For offensive players like shotgun players, we recommend playing with two short concave thumbsticks to quickly move and react quickly when aiming. 

    For offensive players like shotgun players, we recommend playing with two short concave thumbsticks to quickly move and react quickly when aiming. 

    Trigger Systems

    Trigger SystemsTrigger SystemsTrigger Systems

    Maximize your speed when aiming and shooting to gain the advantage with SCUF’s trigger systems. We have two options depending on if you’re a dedicated FPS player, or if you like to play a variety of games.

    Maximize your speed when aiming and shooting to gain the advantage with SCUF’s trigger systems. We have two options depending on if you’re a dedicated FPS player, or if you like to play a variety of games.

    1. Digital TAP Bumpers and Digital Triggers

    1. Digital TAP Bumpers and Digital Triggers1. Digital TAP Bumpers and Digital Triggers

    These features completely eliminate the range of movement of the bumpers and triggers and provides a feel similar to a mouse click. The Digital TAP Bumpers and Digital Triggers are only recommended for players who only play shooter games and currently available for SCUF IMPACT & Infinity4PS PRO.

    These features completely eliminate the range of movement of the bumpers and triggers and provides a feel similar to a mouse click. The Digital TAP Bumpers and Digital Triggers are only recommended for players who only play shooter games and currently available for SCUF IMPACT & Infinity4PS PRO.only recommended for players who only play shooter games and4PS

    2. Trigger Control System

    2. Trigger Control System2. Trigger Control System

    SCUF’s Trigger Control system is available on every SCUF controller model and offers full trigger customization through Trigger Stops and Adjustable Hair Triggers.

    SCUF’s Trigger Control system is available on every SCUF controller model and offers full trigger customization through Trigger Stops and Adjustable Hair Triggers.djustable

    For Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, you should set your Trigger Stops on unless you plan on using vehicles (which require the full trigger motion to operate).They will reduce the amount your trigger has to travel past the activation point and will allow for faster shooting and aiming. Especially efficient with semi-automatic weapons. 

    For Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, you should set your Trigger Stops on unless you plan on using vehicles (which require the full trigger motion to operate).They will reduce the amount your trigger has to travel past the activation point and will allow for faster shooting and aiming. Especially efficient with semi-automatic weapons. 

    To further tune your trigger movement, the Hair Triggers will allow you to modify the distance to the activation point so firing and aiming becomes a one-tap process.You should only adjust your hair triggers in game; start by turning the key until you hit the activation point which is where your weapon will start shooting on its own, then dial it back 1 turn, or to your preference. 

    To further tune your trigger movement, the Hair Triggers will allow you to modify the distance to the activation point so firing and aiming becomes a one-tap process.You should only adjust your hair triggers in game; start by turning the key until you hit the activation point which is where your weapon will start shooting on its own, then dial it back 1 turn, or to your preference. 



    Paddles located on the back of every SCUF controller allow you to jump, crouch and slide, switch weapons, and reload all while keeping your thumb on the thumbstick prepared to aim. 

    Paddles located on the back of every SCUF controller allow you to jump, crouch and slide, switch weapons, and reload all while keeping your thumb on the thumbstick prepared to aim. 

    SCUF Infinty4PSPRO Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller ConfigurationLearn More About SCUF INFINITY4PS PRO

    SCUF Infinty4PSPRO Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller Configuration

    SCUF IMPACT Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller ConfigurationLearn More About SCUF IMPACT

    SCUF IMPACT Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller Configuration
    Learn More About SCUF IMPACTLearn More About SCUF IMPACT

    SCUF Prestige Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller ConfigurationLearn More About SCUF PRESTIGE 

    SCUF Prestige Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller Configuration
    Learn More About SCUF PRESTIGELearn More About SCUF PRESTIGE

    SCUF Vantage 2 Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller ConfigurationLearn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2

    SCUF Vantage 2 Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Controller Configuration
    Learn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2Learn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2

    For SCUF Vantage players, conveniently get into nav mode by placing it on your left SAX to be used as needed, and melee on the right SAX to use quickly in a pinch.

    For SCUF Vantage players, conveniently get into nav mode by placing it on your left SAX to be used as needed, and melee on the right SAX to use quickly in a pinch.

    Destiny 2 Gameplay Tips

    Destiny 2 Gameplay TipsDestiny 2 Gameplay TipsDestiny 2 Gameplay Tips
    • Play in Competitive Crucible to get the weekly milestone for 5 crucible games and the bounty milestone as well as powerfuls to level up your glory and valor.

    • Play in Gambit to rank up your infamy to get powerfuls and completing bounties.

    • Artifacts are returning, maxing them out will give an exotic effect to their power.

    • Try out the new exotic weapons that have been introduced: a solar hand cannon with a scope that is similar to a sniper rifle, heavy bow with knockback AOE effects, and an arc trace rifle. 

    • Be sure to enable Cross-save to continue your adventure on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC).

  • Play in Competitive Crucible to get the weekly milestone for 5 crucible games and the bounty milestone as well as powerfuls to level up your glory and valor.

  • Play in Competitive Crucible to get the weekly milestone for 5 crucible games and the bounty milestone as well as powerfuls to level up your glory and valor.

    Play in Competitive Crucible to get the weekly milestone for 5 crucible games and the bounty milestone as well as powerfuls to level up your glory and valor.
  • Play in Gambit to rank up your infamy to get powerfuls and completing bounties.

  • Play in Gambit to rank up your infamy to get powerfuls and completing bounties.

    Play in Gambit to rank up your infamy to get powerfuls and completing bounties.
  • Artifacts are returning, maxing them out will give an exotic effect to their power.

  • Artifacts are returning, maxing them out will give an exotic effect to their power.

    Artifacts are returning, maxing them out will give an exotic effect to their power.
  • Try out the new exotic weapons that have been introduced: a solar hand cannon with a scope that is similar to a sniper rifle, heavy bow with knockback AOE effects, and an arc trace rifle. 

  • Try out the new exotic weapons that have been introduced: a solar hand cannon with a scope that is similar to a sniper rifle, heavy bow with knockback AOE effects, and an arc trace rifle. 

    Try out the new exotic weapons that have been introduced: a solar hand cannon with a scope that is similar to a sniper rifle, heavy bow with knockback AOE effects, and an arc trace rifle. 
  • Be sure to enable Cross-save to continue your adventure on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC).

  • Be sure to enable Cross-save to continue your adventure on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC).

    Be sure to enable Cross-save to continue your adventure on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, PC).

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    Follow SCUF on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook and let us know how you’re feeling about the new expansion.Follow SCUF onTwitterTwitterTwitter,InstagramInstagramInstagram,YoutubeYoutubeYoutube, andFacebookFacebookFacebookand let us know how you’re feeling about the new expansion.