
Scuf Gaming teams up with Internet superstar Syndicate

Scuf Gaming teams up with Internet superstar Syndicate for exclusive gaming controller - A partnership 9 years in the making

ATLANTA, September 13, 2019Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has partnered with the British influencer and streamer Tom Cassell, better known by his creative name Syndicate, to design a series of SCUF controllers.

Syndicate, a long-term user and admirer of SCUF controllers, has played a key part in the creation process of the new controllers, adding his own personal touch. Each controller spotlights Syndicate’s trademark lion logo, accented with gold and silver tones, and is crafted to improve any player’s gameplay performance and boasts numerous customizable features to fit any playstyle.

“This is a relationship many years in the making. I’ve used SCUF controllers since I started playing Call of Duty and uploading my games back in 2011,” Tom Cassell said. “I’m excited to bring my fans a controller that is not only sleek and stylish but can improve their play just like it enhances mine.”

This partnership is a celebration of a joint anniversary: Syndicate launched his first YouTube channel nine years ago, the same year Scuf Gaming invented the SCUF controller. Since then, Syndicate has grown to become one of the most famous internet personalities worldwide, with millions of fans across YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms.

“I’ve known Tom for nine years and throughout this time he has been an avid user of SCUF controllers. We talked about a partnership many times, so to finally create a SCUF Syndicate controller was a memorable milestone for both of us,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO of Scuf Gaming. “He understands what SCUF stands for, because he is a user first and a partner second. These new controllers represent that unique, organic relationship, over nine years in the making.”

The SCUF Vantage Syndicate (starting at $199.95, exclusive to North America) and the SCUF Impact Syndicate (starting at 169.95€/$169.95/£134.99) are now available on Scuf Gaming’s official website. A special edition SCUF Prestige Syndicate for Xbox One and PC will become available later this year.

About Syndicate
Tom Cassell, better known as Syndicate, is one of the most famous Internet personalities worldwide. He is the creator and owner of TheSyndicateProject, a YouTube channel with over 9.9 million subscribers, and the Syndicate Twitch channel, which has over 2.7 million followers.

An energetic and uplifting content creator, Syndicate started uploading his videos to YouTube in 2010. His first clips revolved mostly around Halo and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but he rose to prominence with the release of the zombies' mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Cassell left school and quit his job at McDonald's after taking his A-levels to concentrate on his YouTube channel.

Well known thanks to the positive and open style of his videos, Syndicate also owns Life of Tom, another YouTube channel with daily vlogs about travel, hobbies and quotidian funny situations.

For more information about Syndicate, follow him on his channels:

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 91 granted patents, and another 55 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back-control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

Gregory FCA for Scuf Gaming
Matt Fleischl, 610-228-2129
[email protected]
