We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring NAMELESS from Luminosity!

Real Name: Anthony Wheeler
Current Team: Luminosity
Hometown: Dyer, IN
How long have you been gaming? 10 years
If you could be any video game character who would you be? If I could be any video game player I’d be Marcus Phoenix from Gears Of War. He’s just a boss.
What’s your favorite childhood game? My favorite childhood game was Spyro!
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? The last show I binge watched was House Of Cards.
What is your Guilty Pleasure?
Who is your Celebrity Crush? My celebrity crush I’d say is Instagram model Chantel Jeffries. She’s just bad.
Favorite Comfort Food? My comfort food is probably wings from Bdubs.
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? My biggest pet peeve is when people eat with their mouth open. It sounds disgusting…. Who wants to hear that?
Fun Fact? Fun fact about me is that I have 2 rap songs unreleased to the public. They are bangers, too. I’m dropping them in 2018.