
The SCUF PAX West 2017 Wrapup!

PAX West is one of the biggest and most popular conventions in the world, and Scuf Gaming was in Seattle to take part in the huge weekend of fun, spectacle, and video gaming excitement. With a sold out crowd and some legendary attendees, it was the perfect opportunity to share the SCUF experience at PAX.

The new and improved SCUF Booth made its premiere with a streaming booth where guests of honor like Ms 5000 Watts, TheMavShow, TripleWreck, RealKraftyy, Luminosity, and Charionna could entertain crowds of fans both online and in person! These guests were also available to sign autographs and share some tips and tricks with the audience.


The SCUF Booth was also equipped with gaming stations for anyone interested in testing out SCUF's custom controllers themselves! Set up to play Call of Duty and Destiny, there was no better chance for anyone to see for themselves exactly why Scuf Gaming is the controller of choice for over 90% of all pro gamers. It was amazing to see gamers from all over the country sit down and test these competitive controllers, whether they were fans of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC. And when they had tested the innovation of SCUF's technology for themselves, they could purchase a SCUF IMPACT or SCUF Infinity4PS PRO at a special price available only to PAX attendees.


PAX West 2017 was another incredible example of the gaming community getting together to celebrate the best that video games have to offer, and Scuf Gaming, as always, was psyched to be a part of it. Between seeing some incredible new games, meeting new members of TeamSCUF, and teaching crowds of people about our competitive controllers, there's nothing left to do but get excited about PAX West 2018!
