SCUF gaming article

Iceman Isaac's Envision Pro Setup for Warzone


With the new SCUF Envision, it's a PC controller that has a row of buttons along the bottom that you can use for muting game, auto-running across the map, calling in airstrikes. You could even set things like changing a stream, pausing your music. Of course, they've got the side buttons as well, which allow me to ping while I'm aiming down sight. As you can see here, I'm pressing that side button and it's going up, so I can aim down sight and then ping just by squeezing my hand. I've also got another side button over here. I've got the rapid-fire digital triggers that can also be flipped over for fully actuating. And of course, we have the paddles on the back, which allow us to remap to some incredible binds. And the best thing is, I can set - due to the software in this - I can set tap to slide, I can set tap to dive, to where I don't have to pick one or the other. The Envision allows me to do it all and have insane flexibility with my game, not only in Warzone, but every other game, because this allows me to change PC key binds into my controller.