SCUF gaming article
SCUF Mini-Series on "SlasheR"
Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring SlasheR from Team EnVyUs!

Real Name - Austin Michael Liddicoat
Gamer Tag - SlasheR
Current Team - Team EnVyUs
Hometown - Suisin City, CA
How long you have been gaming? - I’ve been gaming for 10+ years casually, competitively though I’d say around 3 years..
If you could be any video game character who would you be? - If I could be any video game character I would probably be James Bond because the 007 game on Nintendo64 was what got me hooked on gaming and who wouldn’t wanna be James Bond…
Favorite childhood game? - Probably Halo 2
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? - Spartacus: Blood and Sand
What is your Guilty Pleasure? - Can't think of one.
Who is your Celebrity Crush? - Margot Robbie.
Favorite Comfort Food? - Molten lava cakes.
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? - Lying.
Do you have any weird phobias? - Spiders. I hate spiders.
Do you have any weird habits? - I have a bad habit of biting my fingernails.
Fun Fact? - I’m currently studying Robotic Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz.