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ATLANTA, GA, October 12th, 2023 – SCUF Gaming, creator of the high-performance gaming controller category (NASDAQ:CRSR), today announced the launch of its groundbreaking new line of PC controllers, SCUF Envision. Designed specifically for PC gamers, SCUF Envision redefines the PC gaming experience with its unprecedented customization and cutting-edge technology.

Offering an unparalleled level of control, SCUF Envision grants PC gamers a decisive competitive advantage, with the additional control options that have made SCUF controller synonymous with competitive gaming. Within a familiar shape, 11 additional remappable inputs compared to standard controllers, empower gamers to create a controller layout that suits their unique playstyle and puts every control within easy reach, for when it matters most.

“Our vision is to provide PC gamers who choose to play with a controller the best possible experience in their favorite games,” said Bertrand Chevalier, GM of SCUF Gaming. “Before Envision, players settled for performance on controllers that weren’t optimized for PC gaming. Now, with Envision, they have more control, and faster responses, all on a platform tailor-made for PC.”

Showcasing its versatility, SCUF Envision boasts five fully programmable G-Keys for convenient access to any PC shortcut. Additionally, the controller features two Side Action (SAX) buttons that unlock new possibilities in game configurations, along with four integrated back paddles for faster reactions and more control in your favorite games. Switch weapons, jump, or slide, all without taking your thumbs off the thumbsticks. Launch an app, mute your microphone, or even launch your stream without your hands leaving the controller.

SCUF Envision innovates further with mechanical ABXY and D-Pad buttons, which offer crisp and responsive inputs. With SCUF Envision Pro, gamers can also take advantage of Adjustable Instant Triggers, allowing them to switch between mouse-like clicks for quick FPS shots and the full trigger range for RPG and racing-style games. The controller's hyper-fast connectivity ensures seamless and lag-free inputs, with Envision Pro unleashing ultra-low-latency CORSAIR SLIPSTREAM Wireless Technology for advanced PC gaming completely free from wires.

“SCUF has always been at the forefront of performance controllers. We introduced back-control functions back in 2011 and have continued to bring innovation to the category. Being part of the Corsair family provided the perfect opportunity to bring the best of both brands together to create the ultimate controller experience for PC gamers,” said Chevalier. “SCUF Envision represents the next evolution of gaming controllers, providing greater precision, and performance than ever.”

SCUF Envision also integrates seamlessly with the power of Corsair iCUE software, enabling gamers to customize thumbstick and trigger response curves from the same interface they use for their entire PC setup. Players can also synchronize the controller’s RGB light strip with the rest of their battlestation, elevating their gaming atmosphere to dazzling new highs.

Putting extraordinary versatility and personalization in your grasp, SCUF Envision delivers more control, more finesse, and more performance to change your game once again.

Pricing and Availability

Compatible with Windows 10 PCs, SCUF Envision starts at $129.99 and Envision Pro starts at $179.99. Both will be available from October 12th at select retailers, and from SCUF Gaming’s website:

Color and design customizable variants of SCUF ENVISION will be coming soon.

Web Pages

To learn more about SCUF Envision, please visit:

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 134 granted patents and designs, and another 34 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitch.




Contact Information

Snr. Director - Corporate Comms

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Isaac Hamilton, mieux connu sous le nom de IceManIsaac, est très franc. Tout ce qu'il fait a un but. Ainsi, lorsqu'il a décidé de se lancer dans la création de contenu et le streaming, il savait qu'il avait besoin d'une véritable stratégie de contenu. Ce qu'il a inventé l'a bien servi jusqu'à ce jour : il ne s'agit pas de lui. 

Plutôt que de publier un gameplay sur lui-même, IceManIsaac a publié des guides sur la façon d'aider les autres à s'améliorer. Et cela a fonctionné. Son engagement envers sa communauté a donné naissance à Warzone Academy, l'a aidé à exploser sur YouTube et l'a transformé en un nom familier. Mais ce n'est que le début. 

Nous avons rencontré IceManIsaac alors qu'il se prépare à sortir son premier contrôleur SCUF personnalisé pour en savoir plus sur ses débuts, ce qui a inspiré la conception de son contrôleur et ce que l'avenir nous réserve. 

Quelle a été votre première introduction au jeu ? Quel jeu vous a rendu accro en premier ? 

Je joue depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne. Depuis que je suis enfant, je ne me souviens pas d'un moment avant de jouer. Je suis né en 1993, et Pokémon Rouge est sorti en 1996 sur Game Boy, et c'était l'un de mes premiers jeux vidéo en grandissant. 

J'ai aussi joué à tous ces jeux sur Nintendo 64. J'ai adoré Diddy Kong Racing. Je me souviens de m'être fait botter les fesses par mon cousin quand j'avais quatre ou cinq ans et d'avoir fait une crise de colère. Alors, j'ai commencé à broyer et broyer et finalement je l'ai battu. 

Je suis devenu accro à des jeux comme Super Smash Brothers 64 et j'ai aimé apprendre des jeux d'histoire comme Super Mario 64. Cela m'a guidé tout au long de ma vie - j'ai joué de N64 à GameCube, de PS3 à PS4. J'ai même joué à la Xbox OG. 

Qu'est-ce qui vous a poussé à commencer le streaming ? 

Je suis tombé amoureux d'Overwatch à l'automne 2016 et j'ai commencé à gravir les échelons de la compétition pendant ma pause dans l'entraînement de l'Air Force. Finalement, quelqu'un m'a dit que j'étais classé n ° 3 mondial pour Hanzo. Alors, j'ai continué à pousser, et quand j'ai atteint le classement n ° 1, j'ai fait une vidéo sur mon ascension de l'or au grand maître et l'ai jetée sur YouTube. Cette vidéo a décollé et m'a fait réaliser le pouvoir de la création de contenu. 

Lorsque les gens de ma section de commentaires YouTube m'ont dit que je devrais commencer à diffuser, je n'avais aucune idée de ce dont ils parlaient. Ensuite, j'ai entendu parler de Twitch et j'ai découvert les gars Lime Summit1g et Dr DisRespect, et ces gars m'ont inspiré pour commencer à diffuser. 

Comment jonglez-vous entre la vie dans l'Air Force et le fait d'être un streamer à plein temps ? 

Je dois équilibrer le travail de 80 à 100 heures par semaine. Je me réveille parfois dès 3 heures du matin pour aller travailler, prendre l'avion ou enseigner un quart de travail de huit heures. Ensuite, je rentre à la maison, je dîne avec ma femme, je bois une tasse de café et je me lance directement dans l'enregistrement de vidéos YouTube et le streaming. Je n'ai vraiment pas de temps libre pendant la semaine. 

Mais j'ai de la chance. Ma femme est la meilleure coéquipière. Elle est le héros tacite et caché de toute cette opération. Elle est mon manager - m'aide avec les contrats, les livrables et s'assure que tout est conforme. Rien de tout cela n'arrive sans elle. 

Il faut beaucoup de dévouement et de discipline pour que cela fonctionne, mais je sais que si je le fais correctement, lorsque je quitterai l'Air Force, je pourrai donner à ma femme - et à notre future famille - la vie qu'ils méritent. J'adore l'Air Force et je voulais servir mon pays. Et j'ai l'impression d'avoir fait ça. Mais c'est mon rêve, et je vais le poursuivre avec tout ce que j'ai. 

Vous avez récemment partagé que vous avez fini de construire le "studio de contenu/jeu de vos rêves". De quels indispensables aviez-vous besoin ? Avez-vous l'intention de continuer à en ajouter ? 

Pour moi, le but de la construction du studio était la première impression. Il y a littéralement des milliers de personnes qui diffusent le même jeu, donc quand quelqu'un entre dans mon flux, je veux qu'il sache que je me soucie de mon contenu, de ma communauté et de mon métier. 

Donc, je voulais clouer l'éclairage. Je voulais clouer l'esthétique. Je voulais faire quelque chose que personne d'autre n'avait fait auparavant. Maintenant, beaucoup de gens copient cela, et c'est très bien. Mais je suis aussi un grand technicien. 

Je l'ai équipé de deux moniteurs ASUS 4K, d'un moniteur 1440p 240 Hz pour mes jeux principaux et d'une configuration à deux PC. J'ai aussi des contrôleurs SCUF partout, de très belles caméras et un bureau construit comme un tank. En termes de performances et d'esthétique, je suis bon pour jouer longtemps avec cette configuration. 

Que pensez-vous de Warzone 2 ? 

Je suis vraiment excité à ce sujet. J'ai eu la chance de jouer à Warzone 2 à Call of Duty: Next, et il y a beaucoup de choses qu'ils vont radicalement changer dans le jeu pour qu'il ressemble légitimement à Warzone 2.0, pas à une nouvelle carte. 

Certaines choses dans le jeu vont sembler maladroites, avec de nouveaux mécanismes de mouvement et de nouveaux mécanismes de pillage. Heureusement, avoir le SCUF dans ma main aide. Je n'ai pas à me soucier de jouer en double griffe ou d'atteindre un pad midi. Je peux lier certains de ces boutons, les palettes, pour aider à cela. 

Mais ce que je préfère dans Warzone 2, c'est la nouvelle carte, qui est incroyable. C'est très bien optimisé. La visibilité est incroyable, et c'est tout simplement magnifique. Ça se joue très, très bien. 

Comment avez-vous rencontré SCUF ? 

Je leur ai parlé à TwitchCon de combien j'aimais les produits, et SCUF m'a envoyé un contrôleur à revoir. Alors, j'ai commencé à faire des critiques SCUF - je pensais que j'allais être un YouTuber de revue technique. Puis Warzone a chuté, et j'ai avancé avec Warzone Academy, et le reste appartient à l'histoire. 

Dites-nous en plus sur votre design SCUF exclusif ! 

Contrairement à mon nom, je déteste le froid. Je déteste le froid plus que tout. Mais j'ai toujours aimé l'esthétique bleue - ce bleu glacier, ce bleu électrique - et l'homme fait cette couleur pop. Je voulais que le contrôleur apparaisse sur ma caméra à main, et les couleurs sont tout simplement incroyables. Et cela correspond parfaitement aux vibrations que j'ai créées avec le bleu électrique et le design de vague rétro. 

Mais, plus que tout, je voulais que ce contrôleur soit très minimal. Je voulais que ce contrôleur soit conçu pour la personne qui l'utilise ; Je voulais que ça ressemble à leur SCUF. C'est pourquoi nous avons le logo eagle eye super minimal en bas à gauche et le logo Academy "A" en bas à droite. 

Tout le contenu de ma chaîne vise à aider les gens à s'améliorer et à s'améliorer, et SCUF est l'un des outils que je recommande pour aider les gens à perfectionner leur métier. C'est de cela qu'il s'agit dans cette conception de contrôleur. Il s'agit du joueur qui l'utilise dans son parcours pour s'améliorer, pas de moi. La communauté que j'ai construite est très importante pour moi - et ce contrôleur est pour eux. 

Kris Lamberson, plus connu sous le nom de "FaZe Swagg", avec plus de 600000 abonnés Instagram, compte 2,1 millions d'abonnés sur Twitch et plus de 2,5 millions d'abonnés YouTube qui regardent régulièrement ses lives. 

Il est le premier créateur afro-américain du FaZe Clan, rejoint en 2020 et il est l'un des créateurs de contenu les plus reconnaissables de la planète. Mais vous le savez probablement déjà.

Saviez-vous que le pop-corn est sa collation préférée pendant ses streams ? Qu'en est-il du fait qu'il a un rituel d'avant-match avant chaque tournoi ou que son stream le plus long a duré 17 heures ?

C'est le genre de choses que nous voulions savoir sur Swagg. Et avant le lancement de sa manette SCUF personnalisée, nous avons pu le faire. 

Profitez de cette séance de questions-réponses exclusive pour en savoir plus sur les « premières » de Swagg en matière de jeu, l'inspiration derrière sa nouvelle manette, et plus encore. 

Quel est le premier jeu auquel vous ayez joué ?

Tout a commencé avec NBA Live 2003 sur PS2. Je jouais très régulièrement à ce jeu avec mon père. 

Quelle est la première console sur laquelle vous avez joué ?

PS2. Ma mère nous en a offert une pour Noël, ainsi que quelques jeux. Mon frère et moi allions tout le temps avec elle au magasin pour louer des jeux. 

Comment en êtes-vous venu à devenir un gamer ?

Mon ami Kaleb m'a montré Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 au lycée, et je suis tout de suite devenu accro. À partir de là, j'ai secrètement emprunté le compte de Jsmooth et j'ai joué à MW3 tous les jours. 

Quel est le jeu le plus difficile auquel vous ayez jamais joué ?

Fortnite (en mode construction) sur PlayStation. Il est beaucoup plus difficile de jouer avec une manette par rapport à un clavier et une souris. 

Quel est votre COD préféré de tous les temps ?

MW3, sans aucun doute. C'est le premier COD auquel j'ai joué et celui qui a tout déclenché pour moi. 

Quelle est la personne avec qui tu préfères jouer et pourquoi ?

Jlisse, haut la main. Il est drôle et maladroit et on ne s'ennuie jamais avec lui. 

Quel est le stream le plus long que vous ayez jamais eu ?

17 heures – lorsque Caldera est arrivée. Juste le battage médiatique autour de cette nouvelle carte et la découverte de celle-ci le premier jour m'ont donné envie de jouer. 

Avez-vous une chose préférée à grignoter pendant que vous jouez ?

Du Pop-corn ! C'est facile à manger entre les matchs, et c'est tellement bon. Même la nuit en regardant un film ou au cinéma, vous me verrez toujours avec du pop-corn. 

Avez-vous des rituels d'avant-match ?  

Les jours de tournoi, je porte toujours mon maillot FaZe et je suis juste excité par la ferveur dans le chat avant le début du tournoi. 

En ce qui concerne votre temps en tant que basketteur, il est évident que les deux sports nécessitent un niveau d'endurance physique et mental différent, mais y a-t-il une corrélation que vous avez trouvée entre les deux ?

Juste comprendre l'équilibre entre ne pas me surmener et m'assurer que mon esprit reste sain. La salle de sport aide beaucoup à cela, d'autant plus que le basket-ball était beaucoup plus exigeant physiquement que les jeux vidéo. C'est beaucoup plus important pour moi de m'entraîner maintenant, car cela m'aide à me réinitialiser mentalement. 

Quelle a été l'inspiration derrière la conception de votre manette SCUF ?

Ma Mercedes-Benz AMG GT Brabus. Elle s’appelle Miami Blue, et j'adore sa couleur. Alors, j'ai pensé “pourquoi ne pas le mettre sur ma manette ?” 

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour vous d'être maintenant partenaire du SCUF depuis cinq ans ?

J’en suis fier ! J'utilise les manettes SCUF depuis que j'ai commencé à jouer à COD. Pouvoir travailler avec eux ces cinq dernières années est un sentiment surréaliste. Les meilleures manettes du jeu ! 

SCUF Gaming Launches New Customizable Features for SCUF Reflex

Make the high-performance PS5 controller your own with complete customizability and 32 new designs for maximum personalization

ATLANTA, GA, May 10th, 2022 – SCUF Gaming, creator of the high-performance gaming controller category (NASDAQ:CRSR), today launched the customizable SCUF Reflex, its most technologically advanced controller designed specifically for PlayStation 5 (PS5), available in three models: Reflex, Reflex Pro, and Reflex FPS. All Reflex controllers come equipped with the game-changing features that competitive players expect from SCUF – such as the patented paddle control system with four removable back paddles programmable at the press of a button – now with a bevy of customization options so that you can create a personalized Reflex controller that is uniquely yours.

“Controllers are an extension of the player to maximize their performance and personality. These new SCUF Reflex options let you create and design a Reflex controller that fits your unique style, with a wide range of faceplates, thumbstick variations, trim colors, and more.” said Diego Nunez, Vice President of Gaming Marketing at CORSAIR. “The PS5 community deserves a controller that meets their gaming needs and lives up to the standards they’ve come to expect from SCUF products. The Reflex was created to be just that. Now all that’s left to do is make it your own.”

The Reflex will offer several customizable components in the builder, including the faceplate, touchpad, button kit, and triggers. A complete list of customizable features includes:

  • 32 faceplate colors

  • 9 touchpad colors

  • 9 faceplate trim colors

  • 6 button kit colors

  • 4 thumbstick colors

  • 2 thumbstick shapes

  • 2 thumbstick heights

  • 2 trigger styles

  • 7 trigger and bumper colors

  • 7 D-pad colors

  • 5 Create/Options colors

  • 2 Home colors

Pricing and Availability

Compatible with PS5 and Windows 7+, SCUF Reflex starts at $199.99 and is available exclusively at:

SCUF is not affiliated, associated, or in any way officially connected with any Sony company. All non-SCUF product names are trademarks of their respective holders.

Product Images

High-resolution images of the SCUF Reflex controller can be found at the link below:

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 180 granted patents and designs, and another 38 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.




Contact Information 

Worldwide PR Director 

Harry Butler 

[email protected]

PR – USA and Canada 

Gregory FCA for

SCUF Gaming -

Mike Lizun

[email protected]


Pascal Bregeon 

Zak Storey

[email protected]

[email protected]

PR – Scandinavia

Gabriel Begorgis

[email protected]

PR – Benelux

Ralf van Velthoven

[email protected]


Yannick Friedsam  

Stefan Quiring

[email protected]

[email protected]

PR – Italy 

Davide Salvioni  

[email protected]

PR – Spain and Portugal 

Noelia Colino 

[email protected]

PR – France

Clemence Garcia

[email protected]

PR – Central Eastern Europe 

Michal Rozpendowski

[email protected]


Faster performance, and more customization, for all Xbox gamers

ATLANTA, GA, August 17th, 2021 – SCUF Gaming, a leader in the design and manufacturing of high-performance gaming controllers, today introduces the Designed for Xbox SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro, created specifically for the Xbox Series X|S.
SCUF Instinct incorporates all of the innovative features gamers expect from SCUF – including the patented paddle control system that helped make SCUF controllers the premier choice of competitive players everywhere – with an evolved controller design to improve performance for Xbox fans. Both Instinct and Instinct Pro include four embedded back control paddles, which can be programmed to replicate the ABXY buttons. Their refined ergonomic shape enables better control for a wide variety of hand sizes, with millions of customization options to suit all gamers including interchangeable faceplates, thumbsticks, and D-pads.
SCUF Instinct Pro additionally offers new adjustable Instant Triggers, giving gamers the ability to choose between regular or instant-action at the flick of a switch. Instant Triggers eliminate the trigger pull, activating immediately with a one-tap motion, similar to a mouse click – ideal for fast-paced shooters. You can always switch back to regular triggers and be ready to play your favorite racing game. Instinct Pro also includes High-Performance Grip.

“With SCUF Instinct, gamers have a new advantage when playing on Xbox Series X|S. We’ve refined the way we deliver SCUF performance controllers, with a new form-factor that will appeal to an even wider range of gamers and hand sizes. Four Embedded Back Paddles, Instant Triggers, and a new thumbstick design combine to make our most reactive controller to date,” said Diego Nunez, SCUF Gaming Chief Marketing Officer. “Xbox fans are at the core of SCUF’s history, and we’re proud to have created a controller that both pays homage to that legacy and equips gamers for exciting new games on the newest console generation.”
Today’s gamers shouldn’t stick with one game, franchise, or genre, which is why Instinct introduces onboard, remappable profiles that can be toggled through at the press of a button, a SCUF first. Paddle profiles make it easy to fine-tune controller settings and save them for later for different games. No pause in gameplay, remapping tool, or app required.
Instinct controllers can also be customized with millions of design combinations on the SCUF Gaming website. Pick from a wide variety of faceplates, thumbstick variations, and trim colors to match any setup or personal style. Every detail and feature of Instinct has been meticulously crafted and engineered for an unbeatable gaming experience configurable to any playstyle.

A full list of SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro features includes:
● Profile Switch allows you to save three remapping configurations for different games
● Wireless connectivity to play comfortably from a distance, now with improved dynamic latency input
● An optional wired connection for lower latency play from your couch with 2m USB Type-C cable
● Interchangeable domed, concaved, short, and long thumbsticks for the perfect fit
● Improved thumbstick design and material for more grip and durability
● Removable faceplate makes it easy to switch designs and thumbsticks
● New Share button for gamers to show off their best clips with friends
● Self-lubricating rings help thumbsticks glide smoothly against the faceplate
● Mute any headset connected to your controller with the press of a button
● Instant Triggers activate like a mouse click for faster shots (Instinct Pro only)
● Performance grip with a comfortable, non-slip feel for extended gaming sessions (Instinct Pro only)

Pricing and Availability
Compatible with the Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows 10 PCs, and mobile devices, SCUF Instinct starts at $169.99 and Instinct Pro starts at $199.99. Both are now available exclusively at SCUF Gaming’s website:

Product Images
High-resolution images of the SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro can be found at the link below:

About SCUF Gaming
SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 158 granted patents and designs, and another 42 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.
For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.




Contact Information

Worldwide PR Director

Harry Butler

[email protected]

PR – USA and Canada

Gregory FCA for
SCUF Gaming -
Matt Fleischl

[email protected]


Pascal Bregeon

[email protected]

PR – Scandinavia

Gabriel Begorgis

[email protected]

PR – Benelux

Ralf van Velthoven

[email protected]


Yannick Friedsam
Stefan Quiring

[email protected]
+49 151 40520153
[email protected]

PR – Italy

Davide Salvioni

[email protected]

PR – France

Aurelien Herault

[email protected]
+33 (7) 86 60 04 79

PR – Spain and Portugal

Noelia Colino

[email protected]

PR – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Michal Rozpendowski

[email protected] +48 662 145 840

You can view this release in French here, German here, and Italian here.

— SCUF Gaming, innovator and creator of the high-performance gaming controller category, has unveiled the new SCUF H1 customizable wired gaming headset. Based on the design and technology of the award-winning CORSAIR VIRTUOSO headset, the H1 is customizable and tailored for competitive gamers who prefer the zero-latency provided by a wired headset.

The SCUF H1’s lightweight design is fully configurable and built for comfort, with immersive sound and a high-resolution interchangeable microphone to make crucial callouts that can be the difference between a victory or a loss. Every rustle of footsteps in a grassy field and every far-off missile strike is delivered with clear fidelity, almost doubling the audio frequency of most gaming headsets.

The H1 is the result of a collaboration with new parent company CORSAIR, which acquired SCUF Gaming in 2019. Building on SCUF’s heritage of customization, comfort, and performance, the H1 is available in two base colors with dozens of customizable features so players can express their style and even match their headset design to their favorite SCUF controller. Features include:

  • High-bandwidth microphone with a removable and universal headphone jack provides wide dynamic range and superb vocal clarity (uni-directional or omni-directional options available)
  • Speaker tags allow for easy customization to keep your style fresh (30+ design options available)
  • Premium memory foam earpads deliver long-lasting comfort for long gaming sessions (Synthetic leather or hybrid options available)
  • Precision-tuned 50mm high-density neodymium speaker drivers deliver clear, high-quality sound in the heat of battle
  • Adjustable, synthetic leather headband conforms to the shape of your head
  • In-line volume control allows you to make on-the-fly adjustments without distracting you from your game

“We created the H1 to pair flawless audio quality with play-all-day comfort,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of SCUF Gaming. “The H1 is a natural extension of the controller and continues our legacy of combining performance and customization. Gamers can customize their H1 to get the look and feel that they want, with the lightweight design engineered for competitive gaming so players can wear it for hours without thinking twice.”

SCUF H1 is compatible with any device equipped with a 3.5mm headphone port or with a 3.5mm adapter, including controllers for current and next generation consoles, smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

The SCUF H1, starting at $129.99, is available to configure and purchase on


Gregory FCA for SCUF Gaming

Matt Fleischl,


[email protected]

Imagery & Downloads

Click Here to Browse the SCUF Gift Guide

Looking for a gift for the gamer in your life, but not sure where to start? SCUF
provides the best performance controllers on the market - for an improved gaming experience while matching your style. Each SCUF controller is customizable from how it looks to which features are suited for the type of gamer in mind. SCUF controllers are perfect for those who love shooter games, but are also great for those who play a wide variety of different types of games. 

Let’s take a look at each type of controller can offer: 

The SCUF INFINITY4PSPRO is the entry into the world of performance controllers with two paddles on the back and a similar shape to a regular PS4 Controller. It is compatible with the PS4, PC, and Mobile Devices. 

SCUF IMPACT is the next level up with 4 paddles on the back for PS4, PC, and Mobile. It has a wider shape than a regular PS4 controller, so it’s great for those who have larger hands.

SCUF PRESTIGE has 4 paddles and a similar comfortable shape to the Xbox One controller.  It is compatible with Xbox One, as well as the next generation of consoles: Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PC + Mobile. 

Each custom controller in the builder has several options to select: 

EMR: Choosing EMR will allow the paddles on the back of the controller to be remapped to whichever buttons someone wants instead of the default buttons. Great for customizing the controller to how one likes to play. 

Trigger Systems: There are three types of trigger systems to choose from which will affect how the buttons on the top back of the controller function.

  • Default - This option leaves the triggers as normal, like any other controller. 

  • Trigger Control System - This option adds a switch to the triggers that can be turned on to decrease how far the trigger has to go to activate. It also adds the ability to adjust the hair triggers which will increase the button’s response time. This option is great for shooter games and some action/adventure games.

  • Digital Tap Triggers - This option makes the triggers function similar to the click of a mouse button. This option is recommended only for shooter games and perfect for those who are really into shooters. 

Thumbsticks: Each SCUF Controller has interchangeable thumbsticks to increase comfort and suit hand size + playstyle. There are choices for shape and height.

  • Concave - Concave shape allows the thumb to dig in for more rapid movements and easier thumbstick clicks

  • Domed - Domed shape provides more subtle control for precise movements

  • Short - Shorter length means less distance to travel for faster reactions

  • Tall - Longer length provides a better angle for increased

Control Disc: This option provides a circular disc on top of the D-Pad on the left and makes it easier for players to hit diagonal directs if needed, like in fighting games. It is removable, so you can still use a regular D-Pad for other games too. 

Grip: There are three options for grip for the SCUF Infinity4PSPro and the SCUF IMPACT.

  • No Grip - This option will leave the back of the controller smooth

  • Military Grade - A textured plastic grip, will help reduce sweat when playing for long periods of time and improve comfort. 

  • High-Performance - A rubberized grip that will reduce sweat and slippage when playing for long periods of time and improve comfort. 

Rumbles: Rumbles are what cause a controller to vibrate when certain things happen in game. By default, they are left in the controller. There is an option to remove them which will decrease the weight of the controller and will remove any unwanted movement when playing. Usually a choice for very competitive shooting game players. 

If you’re looking for more assistance in choosing the best controller for the gamer in your life, check out our Controller Finder.

We also have a Holiday Gift Guide to help pick the perfect gift for your gamer. 

Atlanta, GA, April 10, 2020: SCUF Gaming has today concluded an investigation into a potential data exposure that was recently brought to our attention.

On April 2, we were notified by security researcher Bob Diachenko that an internal development database was potentially exposed to the internet. Once notified, we identified the root cause of this exposure and secured the database within two hours. While investigating Mr. Diachenko’s warning, we also discovered that a bot had connected to the database’s server and placed a ransom note there. We have no evidence that either the bot or any other actor was able to misappropriate customer data.

This issue was specific to one system, being operated off-site due to work-from-home precautions resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic. It contained a database used for customer orders, returns and repairs, along with other non-sensitive customer information. We immediately took action to close off this access.

Please rest assured, there is no risk of exposed customers’ full credit card numbers, credit card CVV numbers, user names, encrypted customer passwords, or any card information for orders processed via PayPal or other payment methods.

Information in the database did include customers’ name, email address, shipping address, billing address, SCUF order history, and if applicable SCUF returns and repairs history. Only the last four digits of payment cards and payment card expiration dates for orders processed before March 28, 2019 were included.

We understand the importance of our customers’ privacy and security, and are taking immediate steps to directly notify all affected customers. We are also performing an in-depth security audit to test that our other systems and databases remain secure. 

We encourage our customers to monitor their personal accounts and email for suspicious activity and be cautious of any unsolicited communications that ask for their personal data or refer you to a web page asking for personal data.

If our customers require further information regarding this data exposure and how they may be affected, they can contact [email protected]

We take the security of the data you entrust to us extremely seriously and are committed to keeping it safe, both now and in the future. We wish to thank Bob Diachenko, security researcher at, for his help in bringing this issue to our attention and our IT team for resolving it rapidly. 

We hope you stay safe and well in these challenging times with COVID-19.

ATLANTA, JUNE 25, 2020SCUF Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has teamed up with the Call of Duty League™ (CDL) to bring fans new, official League controllers featuring team colors and logos. The new line of SCUF controllers commemorate the inaugural season of the Call of Duty League. Each of the 13 designs are available on two different SCUF controllers, the SCUF Infinity 4PS Pro and the SCUF Impact.

“SCUF Gaming has a long history with the highest levels of competition in Call of Duty, and we’re proud to launch this collection so fans can support their favorite team,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of SCUF Gaming. “While the designs capture all of the excitement and passion of each franchise, SCUF features and functionality unlock the true potential of every competitor and gamer.”

SCUF controllers are built with a suite of configurable components, including unique back paddles, ergonomic grips, tunable trigger stops, and thumbstick lengths. These features make SCUFs the preferred controller of countless esports professionals because each component can be tailored to the style of the player, providing a measurable performance improvement. Numerous Call of Duty League competitors such as Clayster, Attach, and Methodz use a SCUF in-game.

This year marks the inaugural season of the Call of Duty League, which features five-on-five matches from professional esports teams in 12 markets, representing 11 cities in four countries around the globe.

The SCUF CDL 4PS Pro and the SCUF CDL IMPACT are available now at

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for consoles and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 118 granted patents and designs, and another 52 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

About Call of Duty League

Call of Duty League™ is the official esports league of the Call of Duty® franchise, from publisher Activision. The inaugural season of Call of Duty League features 12 teams from four countries and spotlights the best Call of Duty esports players from around the world. Call of Duty League launched in January 2020, with fresh ways for pro players, amateurs, and fans to come together around one of the world’s most beloved games. Learn more at

CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY LEAGUE, THE CALL OF DUTY LEAGUE LOGO are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.


Call of Duty League 2020 Begins

A new era of Call of Duty esports, featuring 12 city based teams, began this past weekend with the Launch Weekend hosted in Minneapolis by the Minnesota ROKKR. New rivalries were formed and new teams showed their true strengths going into the upcoming season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Before it kicked off, SCUF was announced as the Official Controller Partner of the Call of Duty League. 

Performance Highlights

Atlanta FaZe and Chicago Huntsmen performed as many expected, taking a commanding 2-0 record after the weekend. Surprising performances this week came from the Paris Legion winning both of their matches this weekend and the Florida Mutineers, who finished the weekend 1-1. Both Dallas Empire and OpTic Gaming Los Angeles fell short of very high expectations, ending at the bottom of the leaderboard at 0-2 each. Home team Minnesota ROKKR started strong at 2-0, also winning the first Battle for the North over the Toronto Ultra. 

SCUF At CDL Launch Weekend

Over at the SCUF booth, fans could learn from SCUF Experts the best tips and tricks for COD: MW, try any SCUF controller at the Game Stations, and pick up their favorite controller from the SCUF Store. Another popular spot was the SCUF Build Challenge, where customers could compete to see who could get the faster time of the week for an impressive prize. To top it all off, all 12 teams stopped by the SCUF signing booth, the only place for fans to meet their favorite players. Local Minnesota ROKKR fans turned up in droves to meet their new team.

Next Up: CDL London

The Call of Duty League continues with the next homestead weekend hosted by London Royal Ravens on February 8-9. To keep up to date on the Call of Duty League, follow SCUF on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Season Standings

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend SCUF Store

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Call of Duty MW Official SCUF Controller

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Minnesota Team Signings

It’s time for tip off!

Today we’re launching the NBA 2K League Collection on SCUF Impact and SCUF Infinity 4PS Pro for PlayStation 4 and PC. This year we’re also adding custom controller designs for two new teams to the league: the Gen.G Tigers of Shanghai and Hornets Venom GT. 

With this collection, you can get your hands on the same controllers many of the top NBA 2K League players rely on in competition. Take advantage of the same performance edge the pros get, including the configurable paddle control system, which allows you to use more of your hands for faster passes, more steals, and better shots. With over 24 unique NBA 2K League designs available, fans can rep their hometown favorite, the League itself, or another team while gaming themselves.

We’re continuing to build on our two-year relationship with the NBA 2K League as its Official Gaming Controller, customizing SCUFs to each team’s colors and logos, and giving fans access to the same NBA 2K League controllers many of their favorite players are using every match.

Get one now, only at 

Call of Duty Sniper Image

For 2019, Call of Duty founding studio Infinity Ward is back at the helm for the development of the next Call of Duty game, which will see the return of iconic Modern Warfare series for the first time since 2011.

This installment of Call of Duty isn’t a prequel or sequel to the original Modern Warfare series but rather a reimagining, powered by a brand-new engine that will provide a new level of realism to gameplay and storytelling. Real, grounded warfare is coming back to the Call of Duty universe.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will feature a single player campaign, a welcome return for those who missed it in Black Ops 4. When the reveal trailer premiered in May, not only were Tier 1 Operators and Rebel Fighters shown taking on a variety of missions in London and Middle East, but confirmation was made of the return of fan-favorite Modern Warfare character Captain Price.

Later at E3, Infinity Ward showcased their first look at extended campaign gameplay behind closed doors to members of the media, gaining many positive reactions.

Of course, the new title includes multiplayer. It promises to be better than ever before with confirmation of cross play between platforms and the decision to forgo the traditional season pass, bringing the entire Call of Duty community closer together for the first time ever. Meanwhile, the co-op Spec Ops mode—not seen since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3—was also confirmed.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Soldiers

When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare lands October 25 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide, you already know Team SCUF be ready for all-out warfare. Until then we’ll be paying close attention as details emerge to help you stay in competitive form!

Let us know on Twitter about the games you’re most excited for:
Allegiance first stepped into Call of Duty towards the back end of the Black Ops 3 season. While not featuring superstars, their debut squad consisted of some recognizable names at the highest level of the game – Steve ‘Mochila’ Canle, Remington ‘Remy’ Ihringer, Matthew ‘Royalty’ Faithful and John ‘Xotic’ Bruno.

After snagging a place in the 2016 Call of Duty Championship by way of the NA Last Chance Qualifier, Allegiance announced their arrival on the international stage with a stellar group stage performance — pipped Europeans Epsilon and Stage 2 Runners Up, Renegades to the top spot. In all, Allegiance dropped only two maps in the pools.

In the knockout stages, consecutive defeats to Luminosity, 3-2, and a sweep by Millenium spelled the end for Allegiance, wrapping their campaign in top 16 — something of a disappointing ending on a weekend that had shown much promise. Still, Allegiance had announced their arrival and their roster looked packed with promise heading into Infinite Warfare.

And the Allegiance Call of Duty squad did in fact get off to a blistering start in Infinite Warfare. The CWL Vegas Open marked the start of the season proper, the first major international event and the first opportunity to collect some coveted pro points – the key to qualifying for the Global Pro League later in the year.


Though not tipped as a favourite for the event, Allegiance were able to fight their way to a fourth-place finish, outplacing the likes of OpTic Gaming, Team EnVyUs and Luminosity.

Unfortunately for that roster, Vegas would mark the start of a rapid decline, with placements falling off with each subsequent event until finally the team went their separate ways.

Around the same time, Allegiance’s Halo team were suffering similar struggles.

2016 had been an incredible year for the team; led by veteran Naded, a Bronze Medal at the X Games in Aspen was followed by a $500,000 pay day by way of a runner up spot at the Halo World Championship 2016.

The departure of Naded spelled the end of the high-flying Allegiance team. The lure of OpTic Gaming proved too much for the storied warrior, while the rest of the Allegiance pack took on new challenges of their own.


Even after a total roster overhaul, the results were promising. A 6th place finish in the Summer Season and 8th in the Fall Season were followed by a third-place finish in at HCS Las Vegas 2016, the team would even go on to survive Relegation to set 2017 up for a bang.

2017 saw a new roster come in, though, and despite modest results the team failed to qualify for the Halo World Championship 2017; this was to be their last appearance as a team at a Major Halo tournament — just one week before the Allegiance Call of Duty team would implode in Dallas.

Their Gears team would have better longevity, but failed to recreate the kind of form that saw them take home a podium finish in London — albeit among an easier field of competition. Mexico, Atlanta, Paris, and Vegas were all top 8 finishes and in the end, the team would go their separate ways.

It was the beginning of a rebuilding era for Allegiance.


Allegiance started to begin again, acquiring a team of aspiring amateurs that had previously competed as SetToDestroyX.

A new Call of Duty squad was formed and while it might not have featured such recognisable names, Austin ‘Believe’ Smith, Dakota ‘Nova’ Williams, Mehran ‘Mayhem’ Anjomshoa and Tristan ‘Spoof’ Green would have raised their profile considerably by the close of the season.

It wasn’t such an explosive debut for the new squad, a top-20 finish at CWL Anaheim — Allegiance’s best Call of Duty placing since Atlanta —  but when it came time to qualify for the most important event of the year, the Call of Duty Championships, the squad breezed through.

Unfortunately, it was announced shortly before the event that Allegiance would be no more. They were to shut down due to lack of funding, meaning that the squad’s run at the Call of Duty Championships would act as a swan song for the organisation.

It might have been an underwhelming end – the team were hardly among the heavy-hitters for the event anyway, and with the bottom two in the groups to be eliminated, Allegiance would have to out-perform at least one elite squad, their group featuring FaZe Clan and Red Reserve as the favourites to proceed.


Remarkably, however, that’s exactly what they managed to do – a victory in their final match of the group against Red saw the team proceed, after which they even went a further step beyond expectations by beating Global Pro League top-six finishers Fnatic in the first round.

It might have been a bittersweet ending for the organisation – brought to an end just as their young team took the first step along the path to success with a break-out result. Instead, that result proved to be exactly what the organisation needed – in the aftermath of the Call of Duty Championships, it was revealed that their success had sparked enough interest to keep the organisation alive.

Having proven themselves on the biggest stage Call of Duty has to offer, the squad look to continue their push into the upper echelons of the game in the coming WWII season. They might still have a long way to go, but with their success having helped secure the future of Allegiance, they will yet have a chance to build a legacy for the organisation.

Allegiance will now push into a new era. Having survived destruction, armed with a Call of Duty and SMITE team, they will seek to stave off competition and stay alive in the cruel world of esports.

Through shrewd recruitment and clever assignment of resources, no one should count out Allegiance. Hopefully they’ll be competing for many years to come.

Scuf Gaming continues its partnership with American rock band, Avenged Sevenfold, releasing the limited edition SCUF Avenged Infinity1 controller for Xbox One.  The limited edition SCUF Avenged Infinity1 has a repeating print of the band’s logo on the front shell, the band’s Death Bat logo on the guide button and SCUF Avenged Infinity1 removable paddles on the reverse of the controller.  With its cool modular design, the Avenged Infinity1 allows the gamer to change thumbsticks, paddles, dpad and grips in seconds.  This controller is an exciting new addition to the SCUF Avenged Series.

SCUF Avenged controllers are hand crafted, unique and come with an authentication certificate with signatures of Avenged band members. The band’s lead vocalist, M. Shadows, is an avid Call Of Duty® gamer and fell in love with SCUF controllers when he began using them in early 2012.

M. Shadows says, “The band is excited to continue our partnership with SCUF. The response to the SCUF Avenged controllers has been amazing over the past few years! As an avid gamer myself, I continue to improve because I’m using what the pros use, a SCUF, and I’m thrilled that we can now share the Avenged Infinity1 with our fans. It’s a dope controller!”

View the SCUF Avenged Series controllers here.


PRESS RELEASE: April 8, 2016 – Scuf Gaming through Ironburg Inventions (the “Invention/ Patent subsidiary”) has been issued yet another very important Gaming Controller Utility Patent, U.S. Patent No. 9,289,688 by the USPTO, which relates to enabling the user to employ the middle and little fingers of the hand to control Triangular Cross-sectional functions of the reverse of a controller. Included in the patent are conduits for lateral support of elongated back functions (eg paddles or flippers) and also a locking mechanism and switch mechanism to the rear panel.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming/ Ironburg Inventions says, “Over the last 5 years we have created a new market space for Pro & Hardcore Gaming controllers adding 5 unique functions to previous generations of controllers. We have invested over 10 million dollars into research and development and educating the Gaming World on safe ergonomic use of input devices at the top level. Of the 5 unique features we offer, the back functionality is the most important because it unlocks the previously redundant underside of the controller enabling increased hand-use. We have previously been granted 17 patents so obtaining another key utility patent is gratifying and symbolic of our ongoing innovation. Our mission is to continually advance the way gamers use input devices and rethink normal. By evolving and improving the gamer’s dexterity and experience, we are committed to the growth and enjoyment of eSports. Protecting what we create is essential to our continued growth and ability to innovate and further invest."

Scuf Gaming (through Ironburg) has filed over 59 patents of which 18 have already been granted. Last year, Scuf Gaming licensed their Intellectual Property to Microsoft for use on the Microsoft Xbox Elite Controller. Scuf Gaming invented and filed patents for several key features on a professional customizable controller to include back control functions, paddles, adjustable hair trigger and trigger stop mechanisms, EMR (Electro-magnetic Remapping), removable thumbsticks, Dpad and Infinity rings, ergonomic SCUF Grip handles and much more.

Ironmonger concludes, “In the early days we had to spend time convincing gamers that SCUF controllers made sense, most recently over 90% of Professional Gamers rely on SCUF in competition. We employ over 180 people in USA and Europe so the ability to protect our investment through issued patents is both gratifying and comforting, especially given the market shift to SCUF like controllers as people catch on.”

patent_ribbonAbout Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where more than 90% of the world’s top professional gamers in shooters use a SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 18 granted patents, and another 41 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. Scuf Gaming is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues including: MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring SlasheR from Team EnVyUs!


Real Name - Austin Michael Liddicoat 
Gamer Tag - SlasheR
Current Team - Team EnVyUs
Hometown - Suisin City, CA
How long you have been gaming? - I’ve been gaming for 10+ years casually, competitively though I’d say around 3 years.
If you could be any video game character who would you be? - If I could be any video game character I would probably be James Bond because the 007 game on Nintendo64 was what got me hooked on gaming and who wouldn’t wanna be James Bond…
Favorite childhood game? - Probably Halo 2
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? - Spartacus: Blood and Sand
What is your Guilty Pleasure? - Can't think of one.
Who is your Celebrity Crush? - Margot Robbie.
Favorite Comfort Food? - Molten lava cakes.
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? - Lying.
Do you have any weird phobias? - Spiders. I hate spiders.
Do you have any weird habits? - I have a bad habit of biting my fingernails.
Fun Fact? - I’m currently studying Robotic Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
PRESS RELEASE: Scuf Gaming partners with Team Curse – February 5th 2014


Scuf Gaming is delighted to partner with Team Curse.

download (1)

Chris Blevins, Curse CoD Manager: “When it comes to professional Call of Duty the most important piece of equipment is the controller. At Curse we want to provide our players with the best possible resources, so it was an easy decision for us when we had the opportunity to partner with the best competitive controller Company in the game.”


Used by over 85% of Pro-Gamers for Shooters, the SCUF Controller is an essential professional grade gaming accessory that enables gamers to take advantage of clever features like our patented paddles, trigger mechanisms and optional extras. SCUF Controllers have become the Pro Gamers choice to aid their game play, while reducing the risk of obtaining hand injuries caused by compromising actions like CLAW Grip.


Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming: “Its great to be working with Team Curse who have most recently been building a strong competitive presence in the Call Of Duty (COD) scene with the addition of three Call Of Duty teams, Curse Las Vegas, Curse New York and Curse Youth. I’m sure we can expect a great 2014 season from the Curse teams and I am personally very excited to show the market what we have coming up for Next Generation SCUF Controllers!“


ABOUT SCUF GAMING: A Company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers”. It all started in 2010 - until the SCUF was invented gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using patented back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming made it possible to display more dexterity is a safe, ergonomic way. Scuf Gaming now has access to over 16 patents, 4 of which are granted patents - offering features such as adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF Grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF Controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, G-finity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. When we designed the SCUF, our focus was to reduce unnecessary latency in hand movement and allow experienced gamers to game for longer while using more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. Scuf gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

For more information please visit
Call of Duty is on the final stretch before the grand finale. This weekend 16 teams headed to the Gfinity Arena for the latest installment of the Gfinity Summer Masters. With $20,000 on the line and the top six teams from Stage 2 in attendance, fireworks were guaranteed. Here are some of the biggest stories from the weekend’s action.

Gfinity Return to Call of Duty

It’s been too long since Gfinity hosted a Call of Duty major tournament at their arena in London, England. Many of Europe’s best CoD competitions have taken place at the Gfinity Arena and this weekend was no exception. A great event for all involved inside one of the best eSports venues in the world. It’s great to have Gfinity back in Call of Duty. Hopefully there’s much more to come.

Splyce Back On Top

Since making team changes after Stage 1, Splyce have very much become the team to beat in Europe, taking second place at ESWC and now winning Gfinity Summer Masters in style. Their 4-0 victory in the final was nothing short of what they deserved after an outstanding tournament across the board. With the Call of Duty Championship World Finals just months away, Splyce are certainly positioning themselves perfectly for a top finish.


Teepee Solidifies Credentials

After announcing his retirement from competitive Call of Duty, Tyler ‘Teepee’ Polchow traded in his controller for a microphone, with a view to tapping into his years of experience to raise the level of critical analysis during matches. This weekend was but another example of the sheer depth of knowledge that Teepee possesses, bringing audiences an unparalleled insight into tournament play. The bar has been raised once again.

Stage 2 Finals Will Be a Thriller

If the Stage 2 Finals are anything like Gfinity Summer Masters then we’re surely in for a treat. Splyce, Hypergames, Infused, Epsilon, and Millenium will face off one final time for the Stage 2 title after a long season of online play. The finale in Cologne will also serve as one last proving ground ahead of the Call of Duty Championship World Finals, where the teams will look to be in the running for a slice of the $2M prize purse. Be sure to tune in.
This past weekend, the HCS Online Qualifier Invitational took place. The tournament followed a double elimination bracket for four groups of four teams. The teams that won their respective bracket’s winner’s and loser’s finals (frankly, a top eight finish), were invited to the HCS Pro League 2016 Qualification LAN in Burbank, California on May 8.

Here are the groups and placings for the Online Qualifier:

Group A

  • 1st. Enigma6

  • 2nd. Soul Red

  • Team eLevate

  • STR8 Rippin

Group B

  • 1st. Team Allegiance

  • 2nd. Denial eSports

  • God Tier

  • Ambush

Group C

  • 1st. OpTic Gaming

  • 2nd. Renegades

  • Legendary

  • Indecisive

Group D

  • 1st. Team Liquid

  • 2nd. EnVyUs

  • Crowd Control

  • Sentinels

These eight teams have been separated into two groups, where they will go into a double elimination format. The top four team will secure a spot in the HCS Pro League for the Summer Season. Two of the eight NA spots have been claimed by Counter Logic Gaming (Halo World Championship) and Evil Geniuses (PAX East Invitational).

Here are the groups for the LAN Qualifier:

Group A

  • Enigma6

  • OpTic Gaming

  • Renegades

  • Denial eSports

Group B

  • Team Allegiance

  • Team Liquid

  • Team EnVyUs

  • Soul Red


Of these teams, there are three that are part of #TeamSCUF. Be sure to give Denial eSports, OpTic Gaming and Team EnVyUs your support as they look to claim a spot in the HCS Pro League. The event will begin at 12 p.m PT and can be viewed at


Play like your favorite Halo Pros. Customize your SCUF Infinity1 HERE.
Paris Games Week 2016 has just ended, and Scuf Gaming was excited to be present at one of the biggest video gaming events in the world.

It was an incredible week, with thousands arriving to hear about the latest and greatest in gaming technology. At the SCUF Booth, educational displays were featured to inform attendees of SCUF innovation. Allowing the features and design to be held to close scrutiny by the community at large fostered some great conversations. We were thrilled to see people walk away with a better understanding of SCUF benefits, and even happier to introduce others to their very first SCUF controller.

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But one of the best parts about the week was seeing so many members of Team SCUF stop by the SCUF Booth, including the greats at SFCO, Veziok, RiskiN, and Pyro, who lent a helping hand with the crowds! Along with these surprise stop-ins, the signing booth stayed busy, with the likes of Birdyy, Sackzi, Skyrroz, Wartek, and Gotaga sitting down to say hello to their fans. Joining them for some fan appreciation were teams Millenium, SDL Motorsports, and PuLse Gaming.

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It was fantastic to see our controllers in the hands of SMITE, EA, and Coca-Cola all week, and their support is just the sort of thing to make Team SCUF feel welcome. This was our biggest booth to date, and the love and appreciation we felt from the fans and eSports enthusiasts who came to visit was just outstanding. With an attendance that just gets bigger and bigger every year, we're looking forward to returning again and again. If we missed you this year, we're hoping to see you in 2017!

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ATLANTA, October 1, 2019 - Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, launches the SCUF Vantage 2 and the SCUF Vantage 2 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® officially licensed PlayStation 4 controllers, also compatible with PC. The SCUF Vantage 2 is an evolution of its game-changing predecessor, the most feature rich controller created. Like all SCUF controllers, it completely redefines the way you use your hand and bridges the skill gap between controllers and keyboard and mouse.

SCUF has further built on its groundbreaking innovation to release the SCUF Vantage 2. It features six customizable inputs (four back paddles, and two side-mounted action – Sax -- buttons). Back functions have become one of the key determining factors in competitive gaming and enable players to get more use out of their hands to match the increasing complexity of today’s most popular games, including battle royale titles. With even better ergonomic grip and upgraded components, a new Customization App and enhanced firmware, the Vantage 2 takes player performance to the next level.

“Like every innovative company, we at Scuf Gaming are tirelessly working toward something greater,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO Founder of Scuf Gaming. “The original Vantage was our most feature rich and technologically advanced controller made. The Vantage 2 has been designed to finesse and improve upon our first release. We looked at every component, every feature, and most importantly took feedback from our professional players and customers to advance and refine this controller.”

The Vantage 2 comes equipped with additional newly enhanced features including:

  • Improved High-Performance Grip

  • Upgraded trigger functions

  • PC Customization App for Windows

  • Improved button haptics

  • Refined tactile textures in the faceplate, trigger, bumper, and Sax buttons

  • Enhanced USB connection system

The Vantage 2 delivers the same ergonomic shape and asymmetrical thumbstick configuration as the original. Vantage controllers significantly increase hand use and control with the addition of over 15 customizable functions including:

  • Patented Paddle Control System

  • Hair Triggers and Adjustable Trigger Stops

  • Removable Trigger Extenders

  • Quick-access Remapping Switch

  • Removable Faceplate

  • Removable Vibration Module

  • Advanced Audio Control

  • Customizable Thumbsticks, D-pads, and more

Expanding beyond functional benefits, the Vantage 2 is also available with a limited-edition Modern Warfare® design. Equipped with unique customization items inspired by military equipment, it is a must-have for any Call of Duty® fan. Featuring an exclusive interchangeable faceplate design inspired by a topographic map, the controller also boasts removable vibration modules with marks to mimic sniper scopes, a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare logo on the Touch Pad and more unique details. Players that purchase the SCUF Vantage 2 Modern Warfare will receive a bonus digital in-game item, a sniper scope charm, for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

“Nine years ago, we invented the SCUF to enable gamers to improve their gameplay on fast-paced shooter games like Call of Duty, so this is a community we are both passionate and very engaged with,” said Ironmonger. “We’ve equipped countless players with the high-performance controllers they need to win. Whether playing at home, in a professional tournament, or elsewhere, SCUF has become the de-facto controller in the competitive community. This limited-edition controller marks another exciting chapter for both Scuf Gaming and the Call of Duty franchise.”

The SCUF Vantage 2, starting at $169.95 for the Wired only model, and $199.95 for the Wireless & Wired model, is available for pre-order in North America starting today on and GameStop. The SCUF Vantage 2 Modern Warfare is also available for pre-order at and through GameStop, starting at $219.95. Additional customization, faceplates and accessories kits for the SCUF Vantage 2 are available at and GameStop. The Vantage 2 will start shipping October 14th, 2019.

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 95 granted patents, and another 53 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back-control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

About Activision
Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision is a leading global producer and publisher of interactive entertainment. Activision maintains operations throughout the world and is a division of Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI), an S&P 500 company. More information about Activision and its products can be found on the company's website, or by following @Activision.
This week in eSports we’ve had major competitions get underway in Gears of War and Halo, while the Call of Duty off-season has begun in Europe. Here are the biggest stories of the past seven days.

Gears 4 Launch Invitational Teams Finalized

With the conclusion of the online qualifiers, the 8 teams heading to Columbus, Ohio for the $25,000 MLG run finals have been decided. Included in the list are Australian's Mindfreak, France's Vitality and Mexico's Splyce as the only non-North American sides competing in the tournament. Joining them will be five NA sides, including Team EnVyUs and OpTic Gaming who will continue their much storied rivalry on the Gears of War battlefield for the first time. The competition will take place October 22nd to October 23rd , with Gears of War 4 set to release internationally October 11th .

Full list of competing teams:

• Team EnVyUs

• OpTic Gaming

• Team eLevate

• NRG eSports

• Dream Team

• Mindfreak

• Splyce

• Team Vitality

Europe Get Splyced

It’s been a volatile week for European Call of Duty, with countless team transfers changing the face of the scene ahead of Infinite Warfare's release date. Things really kicked off when Joshh was unexpectedly dropped from COD XP Runners Up, Splyce, much to the shock of fellow pros and fans alike. His removal was to be short-lived, however, and he soon linked back up with Splyce as part of a new-look team that sees Joshh and Bance join forces with Millenium duo Jurd and Madcat.

The future of Millenium remains uncertain, with Tommey announcing that he’s considering calling time on his glittering career, offering a final decision after the return of long-time teammate, Callum ‘Swanny’ Swan. Two more of UK’s elite also announced their breakdown, with both Team Infused and Epsilon revealing that they were going their separate ways. The Infused split calls time on what has been one of Call of Duty’s longest standing rosters. With so many talented free agents now looking for a new place to ply their trade, this is only the beginning of Europe’s roster mania. Expect plenty more to come.

OpTic Gaming Sign World Champions

The latest OpTic Vision started with an emotional monolog, as long-time OG man Maniac spoke of his Halo retirement after years on the pro scene. Shown live via their Twitch channel, the entire console esports scene was captivated by the moment. This also meant the end of the OpTic Gaming Halo team, who we'll see at the HCS Pro League under a different name.

But just when you thought you’d seen the last of OpTic on Halo, Vision ended with the surprise appearance of Lethul wearing an OpTic Gaming hoody. As if the episode couldn’t get any more action packed, with the entire story of CoD XP also being shown, OpTic announced they’d signed the former CLG team and current World Champions as their new Halo roster. The new OpTic team have already been in action in the HCS Pro League where they’ll look to defend their title.

If you missed OpTic Vision, you can catch it below.

Teams Confirm UMG Orlando Attendance

The CoD World League may be over but Black Ops 3 is set to have one last stand at UMG Orlando. It’s been a little over a month since Call of Duty last headed to Florida and with $100,000 on the line, we’re all set to return again. It’s now been confirmed that almost every NA pro team is gearing up to attend, including world champions EnVyUs, eLevate, OpTic Gaming, and Cloud9. Renegades and eUnited will also attend after making team changes. Renegades replaced Killa with Ivy, while eUnited replaced departing Ivy and Whea7s with Legal and Silly.

Clayster Chronicle Released

If you’re missing the World League and have the Call of Duty blues, now’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy one of the finest CoD videos ever put together. Clayster, 2015 World Champion and one of the game’s best players, has assembled a montage he calls ‘Clayster: The Chronicle’ that brings together many of his best clips from Ghosts, Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3. In all, it’s 28 minutes of pure Clayster action; what more could any Call of Duty fan want? You can find the whole video below.

The single most pre-ordered game of all time, Destiny, has arrived, and we at SCUF are just as excited as everyone else. After some time playing the game, we can attest that using a SCUF Custom Controller strongly improves your gameplay in multiple ways. The paddles are the largest factor; the gun fights in Destiny are fast and fierce, and being able to jump, turn, dash, aim, and fire all at the same time is a massive help. There's tons more to say about the game, and in the coming months, SCUF will be working on a companion guide for Destiny and other new releases. You can expect to see gameplay tips and tricks, as well as how we recommend configuring your SCUF controller for each game, and each class within the game. For now, check out our overview on each of the classes below:


The Titan is big, bad, and in your face. Our experience has us playing the Titan to its strengths; using his stun grenade on a group of enemies, and then diving in with his powered up melee and Striker abilities. We normally ran the Titan with an auto rifle, shotgun, and rocket launcher, so you can still be versatile at range and close up. We recommend using an ABYX paddle configuration for the Titan; you need to be mobile and you will be reloading a lot.


To us, the Warlock is a class that excels in ranged firefights. We would use the Voidwalker ability whenever possible, raining down a devastating bolt of energy on any enemy below. Weapons-wise, we tended to play with Scout Rifles and Fusion Rifles. Both give you the ability to play the mid to long range game, while still offering great firepower and versatility. We swapped between two main configurations on our controller paddles while playing the Warlock, ABYX, and AXYB. The former offers you quick mobility and reload capabilities for your midrange game, while the latter gives you even more mobility in the form of the crouch and slide for better positioning.


The Hunter is a hybrid class that can do well both from a great distance or up close and personal. Quick and agile is the name of the Hunter's game, and its Gunslinger ability emphasizes this. Offering a 1 shot kill, the "golden gun" is devastating. We would often switch between our Sniper Rifle and primary weapon while playing the Hunter; giving us a chance to clean up an enemy that didn't die from one shot with the Sniper rifle. Our paddle configuration ran ABXY, as mobility and weapon swapping were our two main concerns.


Each class in Destiny offers different play styles, which only add intricacies as you level up. As you and your character level up and evolve, your gameplay should do the same. That is why we absolutely recommend the EMR feature for Destiny (available now for the custom SCUF One controllers and coming soon for the custom SCUF 4PS!).


Speaking of Destiny, Scuf Gaming is having a massive giveaway on our Twitter page! To celebrate 400k followers, SCUF is giving away 2 custom SCUF Controllers: a SCUF One, a SCUF 4PS, a copy of Destiny for both the Xbox One and Playstation 4, a Turtle Beach XP Seven Headset, and an Elgato HD60 Capture Card! Be sure to click HERE, or on the photo, to check out the contest for yourself! Enter quickly, as the contest ends this Friday September 12th!
Dark Souls III has arrived to the delight and frustration of gamers everywhere. The “Souls” series of games have been notorious for their difficulty and the third installment proves no different: enemies that can take you out in one-shot, numerous traps, and the occasional cliff/ledge can all very quickly leave you with the dreaded “YOU DIED” across your screen forcing you to trek the dangerous road back to regain your lost souls.

Through our trials and tribulations in Dark Souls III specifically we’ve found our SCUF Controller to be immensely helpful; being able to evade or pop an Estus Flask while keeping complete character AND camera control is invaluable in a game where danger is around every corner.

We run our SCUF Infinity1 paddle configuration as XAYB and our SCUF 4PS with Square/O, the Electromagnetic Remapping feature being a must for Dark Souls, those paddles have saved our lives more times than we can count. The X and Square buttons default to using your items in-game including the essential Estus Flask, the primary means of health recovery for most players. Fleeing from an enemy is incredibly dangerous, being able to keep the camera centered on said enemy so as not to get backstabbed while you also regain health is something easily accomplished with a SCUF.

Perhaps the only button more valuable than X/Square is the button for your Backstep or Roll, B/O on Xbox and Playstation respectively. The roll is famous in Dark Souls as being your primary means of evading attacks, approaching or fleeing from enemies, and intense PVP combat. Our other paddle configurations may have changed over the course of our Dark Souls experience with our SCUF, but the right paddle was always the roll. Again, the camera and character movement our thumbs provide work perfectly in-sync with the right paddle to give us complete character control at all times. We can not stress enough how helpful this was especially during boss encounters when panic-rolling wasn’t nearly as stressful when we could keep the camera centered on the boss to see their incoming attacks.


Dark Souls III has been a grueling and satisfying experience for us and our SCUF Controller so far, from the expansive and maze-like landscapes to the gruesome and awe-inspiring bosses, we have enjoyed and raged every step of the way. If you do find yourself struggling, a SCUF Controller can truly make a difference; configure one with EMR and try out different paddle combinations until you find one that works best for you, and you’ll find yourself praising the sun in no time.

Customize your own SCUF Infinity1 or SCUF 4PS
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Reedy from Epsilon eSports!

Real Name: Matthew Piper
Gamer Tag: FormaL
Current Team: OpTic Gaming
Hometown: Orange County, CA
How long you have been gaming?: 14 years casually, 6 years professionally
If you could be any video game character who would you be?: Sonic the Hedgehog
Favorite childhood game?: Pokemon
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched?: Vampire Diaries (lol)
What is your Guilty Pleasure?: Reese's Sticks
Who is your Celebrity Crush?: @LISSAYEEE
Favorite Comfort Food?: Mac n Cheese
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Immature gamers
Do you have any weird phobias? Spiders
Do you have any weird habits? No weird habits
Fun Fact? There's nothing fun about me.
March 2014 – Scuf Gaming (“SCUF”) announces settlement of a dispute involving Scuf Gaming’s patent rights. Scuf Gaming is the exclusive U.S. licensee of Ironburg Inventions (“Ironburg”) patents covering innovations in game controller technology.

The issue – U.S. Patents No. 8,641,525 and D667,892 cover Scuf Gaming’s back paddle controls, which deliver the functionality of the front buttons to the back of the controller, creating heightened dexterity in a safe, ergonomic way.

As part of the settlement, Imagine customs has agreed to cease manufacture and sales of controllers that include the patented paddles.

“Our intellectual property is a critical component of our value and competitive edge” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of SCUF & Ironburg. “Our ability to protect inventions we have heavily invested in, enables us to continue to innovate and raise the bar for the industry, which in turn enhances the gamer’s experience.”


About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


For more information please visit

The HCS London 2017 event was a brilliant example of incredible Halo action taking the action to Europe for some hard-hitting competition. 32 of the best teams across the pond met up at the Gfinity Arena in Fulham to grab their piece of a $25,000 prize pool and the chance to qualify for DreamHack Denver in October.

[caption id="attachment_652260" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Gfinity HCS London 2017 - 2274 - Joe Brady Photography - Team Infused Photography by Joe Brady[/caption]

Ultimately, the final event came down to two SCUF favorites: Team Infused and Supremacy. While both veteran esports teams were equally matched to one another, in the end, Infused took home a 4-1 victory over their opponents. Will there be a rematch between these rivals in Denver? Only time will tell.

SCUF celebrated the event with the HCS London Giveaway: a chance for one lucky fan to take home a TeamSCUF Infinity1. The winner will be announced today, so keep an eye on SCUF's Twitter and Facebook for your chance to equip a custom Xbox controller of your own!
Blurring the lines between the MMO, RPG and FPS, Bungie’s Destiny sends you through an elaborate space opera to save humanity from ruthless alien forces that want to see us extinct.

In this game guide, we’ll be showing you how to get the most out of your SCUF controller when playing in the massive online world of Destiny.


Paddle configuration:

There is always a reason to keep an eye over your shoulder in the world of Destiny. Your foes aren’t above getting in a shot when you’re trying to loot ammo crates or even when you’re reviving a teammate.

For maximum efficiency, set your controller configuration to Puppeteer and map your left paddle to Square (for the PS4) or X (for the Xbox One). This setup will allow you to revive teammates or loot crates while keeping your thumb on the thumbstick: letting you keep aiming to avoid an enemy who’s trying to get the drop on you!

In addition, map your right paddle to X (for the PS4) or A (for the Xbox One). Jumping and aiming in Destiny can be quite difficult, but players who make use of abilities like Icarus will be very happy to have the ability to do both at once.

Trigger Stops:

Single fire weapons only shoot as quickly as you can pull the trigger, and that’s where SCUF’s trigger stops come in. By activating these stops, a Guardian can put down more fire in a shorter amount of time, making that Scout Rifle even more deadly. And if you’re looking to hop on your Sparrow and cruise to the next zone, turning off your trigger stops takes seconds, and doesn’t require a game restart.


Thumbstick preference is a personal choice when compared to SCUF’s other customizable features. However, TeamSCUF prefers using regular concave thumbsticks for the ability to really dig in our thumbs when running and gunning. This is particularly effective in extended game sessions, where you’re more likely to lose that grip over time.

Destiny is one of the biggest games in the galaxy, and with Destiny 2 on the horizon, we hope to see every Guardian in TeamSCUF gearing up to take down that Wizard from the Moon.

Let us know what configuration has worked best for you! Follow SCUF on Twitter and Facebook and tell us what you think.
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Reedy from Epsilon eSports!

Real Name: Jordan Reed
Gamer Tag: Reedy
Current Team: Epsilon eSports
Hometown: London
How long you have been gaming?: Best part of 10 years
If you could be any video game character who would you be?:Snake From MGS
Favorite childhood game?: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched?: Game of Thrones
What is your Guilty Pleasure?: Justin Bieber
Who is your Celebrity Crush?: Cara Delevingne
Favorite Comfort Food?: Chocolate
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Annoying drunk people
Do you have any weird phobias? I’m scared of snakes
Do you have any weird habits? I play far too much Call of Duty
Fun Fact? I have a tattoo of 1905 (Chelsea FC won the Champions League for the 1st time on the 19th of may and we was founded in 1905)
Apex Season 3

Get ready to become champion in a whole new arena in of Apex Legends’ Season 3, available since October 1st on PS4™, Xbox One™, and PC. With a new champion, a new map, a new rifle, and a new battle pass, you’ll want every advantage to take your squad to the top. Here’s what you need to know to become the best gamer you can be in Apex Legends.

Be A Legend With SCUF

Be prepared for anything that comes your way with the rear paddles on every SCUF controller. Jump and Slide to dodge enemies and perform trick shots all while keeping your thumbs on the thumbsticks, ready to aim.

Apex Legends Scuf Impact default layout

In addition to paddles, the SCUF Vantage has 2 additional side buttons. Keep your health/shield and grenade wheels handy at your side by placing them on the Sax buttons for quicker control during intense fights.

SCUF Vantage 2 controller Apex Legends regular layout

For even more control of your aim, every SCUF controller also features an interchangeable thumbstick system. With thumbsticks available in different shapes and heights, you can truly customize your gear to match your play style. Shorter thumbsticks are great for movement while longer thumbsticks increase your angle to play with, meaning more accuracy. Similarly, the concave shape will give your thumb more grip, which is ideal for quick movement and high sensitivity players and the domed shape enables more finesse, ideal for lower sensitivities.

If you’re a Wattson who loves to play defensively, we recommend a short concave thumbstick on the left for speed and the subtle control and accuracy of a tall domed thumbstick on the right.

If you’re more aggressive like Wraith and Bangalore players, we again recommend a short concave thumbstick on the left, but this time a short domed thumbstick on the right to enable more reactivity.

A Closer Look At The New Offerings For Season 3 Of Apex Legends

Crypto, the new champion, is a hacker who uses his drone to survey the surrounding area. He will be great to counter aggressive teams and break the enemy's tactical strategy by automatically highlighting enemy players for your fellow teammates. However, be mindful: while the drone is active, Crypto stays in place, so be sure to pick a safe spot and it will alert enemies that they have been spotted. Crypto’s Ultimate Ability is an EMP blast using the Drone to slow down enemies, disable traps, and deal up to 50 damage.

World’s Edge, the new map, features a totally different landscape than that of King’s Canyon with all new fire and ice environments, an urban city, and a moving train. It’s vast with open sight lines, perfect for Crypto and more strategic plays.

The Charge Rifle is from Titanfall and Titanfall 2, an anti-Titan laser canon; it’s slow to charge but can shoot over a long distance and deals a lot of damage. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out compared to other popular weapons in the game.

Apex Legends Season 3: Meltdown released October 1st 2019, on PS4™, Xbox One™, and PC.
June 13, 2016 - Scuf Gaming (SCUF), global leader and innovator in eSports, introduces a new line of controller accessories compatible with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller (ELITE), available later this year. As part of the exclusive agreement, SCUF will offer controller customization for the ELITE so Xbox/PC Gamers can experience SCUF innovation if they are purchasing an ELITE controller.

At E3 2016, Microsoft announced SCUF as the exclusive customization partner for the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller (click here for more info). This supplements the announcement made by Microsoft in October 2015, when SCUF was announced as the exclusive 3rd party accessories partner, following Microsoft’s licensing of SCUF’s technology.
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Bance from Splyce!


Real Name - Benjamin Jack Bance
Gamer Tag - Bance or BanceyCastle
Current Team - Splyce
Hometown - Plymouth (UK)
How long you have been gaming? - I have been gaming for most of my life but it's mainly been a hobby until this year.  
Favorite childhood game? - Too many to choose from but it has to be either Crash Bandicoot, Simpsons Hit and Run or Star Wars Battlefront
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? - The 100
What is your Guilty Pleasure? - Love a bit of Justin Bieber
Favorite Comfort Food? - DOMINOS PIZZA
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? - Leaving my door open when walking out.
Do you have any weird habits? - Always have to keep a part of my body moving - mainly shaking my legs to the point where I don't notice I do it.
Fun Fact? - This is only my second year competing and will be my first COD championships this September.
FREMONT, CA – December 16th, 2019, 7am PST – CORSAIR®, a world leader in high-performance gaming peripherals and enthusiast components, is pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire high-performance controller pioneer SCUF Gaming "SCUF®" and its extensive patent portfolio. The transaction is expected to complete by the end of December 2019.

Since launching in 2011, SCUF has recognized that one size does not fit all and set a new standard for performance controllers for use with Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. SCUF radically changed the way controllers are used by redesigning the layout of a controller to increase hand use and improve performance, matching the evolving complexities of competitive games.

In comparison to generic game controllers, SCUF controllers are modular by feature and design, built to specification to shorten hand movements and gain a measurable performance advantage, making it easier for players to tailor the controller to their individual preferences. SCUF controllers feature a vast range of configurable components, including a patented paddle control system, removable back paddles, a quick-access remapping switch, customizable thumbsticks, hair trigger, trigger stops and extenders, choice of D-pads, and an interchangeable magnetic faceplate.

"We are thrilled to greatly expand our portfolio of industry-leading peripherals and enter the gaming controller space to help gamers play at their best," said Andy Paul, Founder and CEO of CORSAIR. "SCUF leads the market for performance controllers and are a key ingredient to the success of countless esports professionals. SCUF will make an excellent and winning addition to the vast lineup of award-winning CORSAIR and Elgato products."

"Over the last ten years, we've worked tirelessly to create the features that have made SCUF the preferred controller for the majority of top professional gamers. Controllers are the single most important connection between an individual and their game, becoming an extension of the player to maximize their performance," said Duncan Ironmonger, Founder and CEO of SCUF Gaming. "We are delighted to join forces with CORSAIR, who share similar DNA to SCUF with regards to innovation and design in the gaming market. CORSAIR has the operational scale and network to help us bring our innovation to even more gamers."

SCUF is a strong enthusiast gaming brand with an expansive IP portfolio and deep partnerships within the esports space. SCUF has a loyal affiliate network and is a licensed partner of Activision for Call of Duty, as well as the official controller partner of many gaming leagues including the NBA 2K League and eMLS.

SCUF Gaming will remain a separate brand within the CORSAIR family and will continue to operate from its HQ in Atlanta, as well as regional offices. All existing SCUF Gaming warranties, purchases, and support are unaffected and will continue to be provided by SCUF Gaming.

Jones Day served as legal advisor to CORSAIR. McDermott Will & Emery served as legal counsel to SCUF Gaming. Stifel served as exclusive financial advisor to SCUF Gaming.


Founded in 1994, CORSAIR has grown from pioneering the high-performance DRAM market into one of the world's leading providers of high-performance gaming and streaming products. CORSAIR offers a complete range of products to equip gamers, enthusiasts, and esports athletes, including mechanical keyboards, precision gaming mice, wireless headsets, premium PC components, and the CORSAIR ONE fully-integrated gaming PC. With a company-wide commitment to quality, innovative design, advanced features and high-performance, CORSAIR products have won thousands of media and industry awards, earning their place in gamers' hands and PCs following years of development and engineering by a team dedicated to building great products that they themselves would want to use.

In 2018 CORSAIR acquired Elgato Gaming, a manufacturer of streaming products. In 2019 CORSAIR acquired Origin Computers, a manufacturer of custom high-performance gaming PCs and laptops.

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming "SCUF®", is an innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 103 granted patents, and another 55 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back-control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax™ button placements. For additional information about SCUF Gaming®, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitch.


Copyright © 2019 CORSAIR Components, Inc. All rights reserved. CORSAIR, the sails logo, and Vengeance are registered trademarks of CORSAIR in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and/or product names may be trade names, trademarks, and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability, and specifications are subject to change without notice.
-- Scuf Gaming Controllers Will Be Used During All NBA 2K League Gameplay --


NEW YORK, May 1, 2018 – As the NBA 2K League makes its debut today, it has announced a new multiyear partnership that will make Scuf Gaming, the innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, the Official Gaming Controller of the NBA 2K League.

The NBA 2K League, the professional esports league co-founded by the NBA and Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., tips off today with 17 teams competing in the inaugural season.

During the NBA 2K League’s first season, Scuf Gaming controllers will be available for use by the best NBA 2K players in the world as they compete during the 17-week season which runs from May to August and includes weekly matchups, three in-season tournaments, playoffs, and the NBA 2K League Finals.

“Scuf Gaming’s handcrafted controllers are fully customizable and will allow our players to personalize key areas of design and function to match their styles,” said Brendan Donohue, Managing Director, NBA 2K League.

The partnership will also include a merchandising component, giving fans of the NBA 2K League the chance to game with the same official NBA 2K League controllers that will be used in competition.

“NBA 2K encompasses everything we love about gaming: it’s fun, fast, and it rewards real skill. It’s a franchise that is destined to become a standard-bearer of professional gaming,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of Scuf Gaming. “Like a good pair of sneakers on the court, a SCUF is an extension of the player, allowing for a better controller experience through customization, comfort, performance and design.”

SCUF controllers can make a significant impact when playing competitively. There are several functional areas of a SCUF that can improve gameplay, including the configurable paddle control system on the back of the controller which allows players to use more of their hand simultaneously, resulting in faster passes, more steals, and better shots.

All NBA 2K League games will be available live on Twitch at For more information about the NBA 2K League, visit

About the NBA 2K League
The NBA 2K League is a professional esports league co-founded by the NBA and Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO). Launching in 2018, the league will feature the best 102 NBA 2K players in the world. Each of the league’s 17 teams drafted six players to compete as unique characters in 5-on-5 play against the other teams in a mix of regular-season games, tournaments and playoffs. The league hosted tryouts in early 2018 before the draft in April and the season tip-off in May. For more information about the NBA 2K League, visit

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, the innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 36 granted patents, and another 69 pending, protecting three key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, and the thumbstick control area.
“The Awakening”, the first DLC Pack for Black Ops 3, has arrived for Playstation 4 users.

A total of four new Multiplayer Maps, the start of the Black Ops 3 “Zombies Experience” Der Eisendrache, and many bug fixes and balancing will be sure to give your SCUF Controller a workout this week.

The new Multiplayer Maps include:

  • Gauntlet – highlighting Treyarch’s classic “three-lane map structure”, with very diverse and impressive visuals, allows players to travel through dense jungle, a frozen arctic area, and an urban city in the same map.

  • Splash – an abandoned water park that offers plenty of fun combat opportunities including skirmishes down waterslides, a pirate ship, and a lazy river. This map definitely highlights many underwater combat opportunities.

  • Rise – Features classic Call of Duty style combat with plenty of areas to employ the new core movement system. Arguably the map best designed for competitive play from “Awakening”, Rise heralds back to the classic cover-based Call of Duty.

  • Skyjacked – A reimagined version of one of our personal favorite Call of Duty Black Ops 2 multiplayer maps, Hijacked.  This map includes many new areas to explore thanks to the core movement system and provides a fresh take on a classic map.

All four maps will surely provide fans of Black Ops 3 with exciting new opportunities and strategies to develop, and we’re sure to see the impact the balance changes make for the Pro Teams in the Call of Duty World League.

4ps zombie v1
Whether you’re a pro or a causal fan, make sure you have your SCUF Controller ready to go. SCUF thumbsticks and Paddle Control System make movement around the new maps a breeze and can provide that edge during every firefight.

The core concept of any Call of Duty Zombies mode is survival, and nothing will help you survive the hordes of the undead like a SCUF Controller. For Zombies we cannot recommend the Electro Magnetic Remapping (EMR) feature enough; having the ability to change your back paddles on the fly is essential to a high-pressure team based mode like Zombies. Be sure to select this feature if you are a Zombie mode fan!

Click HERE to start customizing your own SCUF 4PS Controller now. We’ll see you on the battlefields in “Awakening”.
SCUF IMPACT controller for PlayStation 4PRESS RELEASE - April 3, 2017 (Atlanta, GA) – Scuf Gaming continues to evolve the gamer’s experience with the launch of two new SCUF controllers for use with PlayStation 4 and PC; SCUF IMPACT and SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO. Both controllers are feature rich with advances in eight functional areas, including the addition of interchangeable paddles (which require no screws) for improved durability and comfort. Both SCUF controllers also benefit from new board technology, offering a choice of wireless bluetooth connectivity or wired connectivity through USB communication. This is especially appealing to competitive gamers where wired connectivity is preferred.

The SCUF IMPACT offers a completely new controller experience and includes four removable paddles that are recessed into the back of the controller body for more ergonomic paddle play, improved cable retention and an entirely new ergonomic design; making it the most advanced SCUF controller yet. Scuf Gaming has totally re-engineered the shape and ergonomics of this controller by molding it to fit your hands perfectly for paddle play. The SCUF IMPACT is marginally larger than the Infinity 4PS PRO, stretching 6mm wider to cater for the additional 2 paddles. Prepare to up your game to the next level with more flexing and less reaching - this controller is truly game changing!

SCUF Infinity 4PS PROInfinity4PS PRO controller launch
Leveraging IP and functionality from the highly acclaimed SCUF Infinity series, Scuf Gaming has updated many features and is proud to launch the fully modular SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO. With the Infinity 4PS PRO, you benefit from two removable paddles which are recessed into the back of the controller body, improved switch technology and circuit boards for better click through rates on the paddles, while maintaining the familiarity of the SCUF Infinity 4PS.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Founder of Scuf Gaming said, “Innovating and continually raising the bar to offer new levels of functionality, comfort and customization is what drives us. We’re thrilled to release 2 new SCUF controllers; 1.) The SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO is a wonderful evolution of the Infinity series with advances in technology that answer and exceed the requests of the competitive PlayStation 4 gaming community, including the removable paddles! 2.) The SCUF IMPACT is a project we have been working on for the last 15 months and is our best SCUF yet! We have totally re-engineered the extremities and curvature of the controller to offer an alternative for multiple hand sizes whilst creating space for four paddles.”

The SCUF IMPACT and SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO offer several new features to complement SCUF’s patented and patent pending features, including:

IMPACT controller playstation4 micro usb cableWired Connectivity through USB or Wireless Connectivity through Bluetooth 

  • Play wireless using bluetooth

  • Or play wired through USB connectivity using a micro USB cable

Cable Retention System (IMPACT ONLY)

  • Cavity housing secures the cable to help improve the life of the USB connection

  • Beneficial for wired connectivity where uninterrupted gameplay is required or while charging the controller

SCUF Paddle Control System IMPACT controller playstation4 removable paddles

  • Determining factor for elite gamers, allowing players to keep their thumbs on thumbsticks while using the back paddles to perform advanced moves

  • Increased durability in paddles, which are now removable and interchangeable.

  • NEW removable paddles include a free 12 month paddle replacement policy, should the paddles break during normal use.

  • NEW recessed paddle design makes paddles even easier to reach, includes grip, grooves and are curved at the end to support your fingertips

  • Infinity 4PS PRO - Play with 0, 1 or 2 removable paddles

  • IMPACT - Play with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 removable paddles

Interchangeable Thumbstick Control Area

  • SCUF thumbsticks are super grippy, with an increased surface area for comfort

  • Switch thumbsticks in seconds with the SCUF ring and lock system

  • Choose from 5 thumbstick options; regular domed, regular concave, long domed, long concave or standard PS4 thumbsticks* (*IMPACT ONLY)

  • Choose from five color options (black, white, red, blue & green)

SCUF Ring and Lock System

  • Fully removable and customizable rings

  • Self-lubricating material on the rings ensures that thumbsticks glide seamlessly

  • Rings provide a secure lock of thumbsticks; won’t fall out off or be misplaced

  • Rings are available in nine color options (black, grey, white, green, light blue, dark blue, red orange and pink)

Military Grade SCUF Grip - Handcrafted Process

  • Textured, non-slip surface is ideal for extended hours of gameplay

  • Choose from five color options (black, red, blue, green and white*) *IMPACT ONLY

SCUF EMR (Electro Magnetic Remapping) Technology

  • Use SCUF EMR Mag Key for ‘on the fly’ remapping of the back paddles to any face button

  • Simultaneously press the face button and paddle you want to assign - job done

Controller Size

  • Infinity 4PS PRO - 6.33 x 3.91 x 2.83 inches (16.15 x 9.93 x 7.17 cm)– shape familiarity and two paddle play

  • IMPACT - 6.77 x 4.06 x 2.72 inches (17.20 x 10.30 x 6.91 cm) – completely new shape designed for multiple hand sizes and four paddle play

SCUF Trigger System comes with three core features:

Quick Shift Trigger Stops

  • Quick Shift Trigger Stops enable the user to activate various activation points on the trigger stop

  • Reduction of unnecessary trigger movement past the activation point – great for shooter games!

Adjustable Hair Trigger Mechanism

  • Mechanically tune to make weapon fire a one tap process by eliminating unnecessary latency

  • Activate with an easy turn of the SCUF key

  • Primarily used in shooter games

Trigger Covers and Extenders

  • Fully removable and easily clip onto triggers

  • Improve trigger accuracy and hand comfort

  • Extend the natural parameters of the controller to suit larger hand sizes

  • Choose from six color options (black, white, red, blue, green and yellow)

The SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO pricing starts at $129.95, €129.95 & £99.99 and SCUF IMPACT pricing starts at $139.95, €139.95 & £109.99. Both models are compatible with PlayStation 4 and PC. As a special introductory offer, SCUF is offering a fully loaded SCUF promotion for all spectrum colors; for the promo, the SCUF Infinity 4PS PRO is priced at $179.95, €179.95 & £149.99, and the SCUF IMPACT is priced at $189.95, €189.95 & £159.99 for a limited time.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, global leader and innovator of gaming peripherals and winner of eSports Industry Awards  for “Best Hardware” in 2016, provides tactical gear for elite gamers where over 90% of the top professional gamers in the world use SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to competitive and casual gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 29 granted patents, and another 68 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.
This week’s profile takes a look at Elevate’s Jordan ‘Reedy’ Reed.



As with many of Europe’s prominent players, Reedy made his start on the domestic circuit, rising from the proving grounds of EGL events.

Reedy’s first big results came towards the end of Call of Duty: Ghosts, when he found himself competing alongside Rhys ‘Rated’ Price, a player who would feature on several of Reedy’s squads over the years, as part of Exertus. The team would reach the final of EGL 13, an important milestone in Reedy establishing himself among Europe’s elite.

Over the course of Advanced Warfare, Reedy solidified his position among the upper echelons, playing alongside the established elite and appearing in several finals over the course of the season, also picking up his first event wins with Epsilon. Since then, he’s remained on Europe’s premier teams, competing in every season of the Call of Duty World League as well as attending his first Call of Duty Championship during Black Ops 3.

Current team

For Infinite Warfare, Reedy has represented Elevate, who acquired Reedy’s European roster following the release of their North American squad from the previous title.

The team got off to a promising start, attending the CWL Vegas Open and making their way into pool play from the open bracket. The team ultimately finish top-12, eliminated by the formidable OpTic Gaming. It was a solid starting point, from which Elevate were able to qualify for the all-important Global Pro League, notably picking up a third-place finish at the CWL London Invitational along the way.

Coming in, however, the team were largely overlooked, with expectations for the squad lowered further by their openness about a lack of team practice prior to their group stage.

Despite this, the Elevate squad performed well in Group Green, putting on a solid showing against OpTic Gaming in spite of their ultimate defeat on both occasions. In the end, the squad were able to finish third, taking down fellow Europeans Red Reserve to secure a spot in Stage 2, a pool play position at the upcoming CWL Anaheim and a guaranteed place at this year’s Call of Duty Championships.


Career highlight

While Reedy has found plenty of success over the course of his career to date, in many ways he’s still searching for that one big win. Where several of his former team mates have collected that major title or carried the torch for Europe at international events, somehow things have never quite fallen into place for that single, defining moment for Reedy.

There is, however, a kind of quieter distinction achieved by Reedy, the kind that comes from the pursuit of excellence itself, the unrelenting drive towards success. Reedy may at times be overlooked for lacking that marquee win, but he has been a constant presence at the elite end of Call of Duty for several years now, and his efforts having taken him to finals and trophies, as well as playing a part in forcing his contemporaries to elevate their own game.



Reedy has come under his fair share of criticism at times for his performance in-game, but there’s a reason he remains near the top of European Call of Duty. While he’s rarely the flashiest player, or the one at the top of the score-board, that’s not the role he needs to play to ensure success.

Not everybody can be the most prolific slayer in the game, there simply aren’t enough kills to go around. Some players shine in this role, but in order for them to do so they need space, support, and team mates who are willing to sacrifice their own stat line for the success of the team. They need players like Reedy.


Public Persona

Reedy has long been one of the more outspoken professional players, not just in Europe but in the world. Where it can be easier and in some senses more profitable to take the path of least resistance and focus on building popularity, Reedy has never been afraid of speaking his mind.

It may not be a route to becoming the best-loved player in the world, but if there’s one thing that can be said for Reedy it’s that you know what you’re getting. He’s not frequently caught holding back when he has an opinion, and while that can make him a controversial figure at times, brutal honesty – particularly in combination with Reedy’s naturally opinionated manner – can offer a fresh take where others are often content to comply with the status quo.


GuardianCon is a celebration of Destiny for a good cause, and last weekend marked SCUF’s first appearance there! Destiny’s community is one of the biggest in the world, and TeamSCUF was excited to meet every Guardian we could.

GuardianCon is one of Destiny’s most popular conventions, with thousands of attendees, countless exhibits, and an impressive amount of donations going to charity. In addition to some amazing live gameplay, there were countless YouTube and Twitch guests, including Gothalion and Professor Broman, both of whom chose this moment to unveil their new SCUF controller designs!

The excitement was in the air from the very beginning, and the crowds of fans were huge. The SCUF Booth was right up front to meet the massive party of Guardians, with a gaming booth used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new SCUF IMPACT during sessions of Destiny. Needless to say, that booth was crowded from morning to night. Gothalion and Broman's designs have been requested by fans for a long time, and the enthusiasm at their unveiling caused Gothalion's to sell out in a matter of hours.

Between exhibitions, Q&As, and some incredible cosplay, convention attendees could head over to a Meet & Greet to get autographs from some of the biggest authorities in the Destiny world, including Gothalion, Broman, Kraftyy, Triplewreck, Luminosity, and the hosts of Crucible Radio.

GuardianCon is probably best known for its partnership with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, with some of the best Destiny players in the world exhibiting their skills for donations that will help some very deserving people. This year, GuardianCon raised a staggering 1.2 million dollars: and that was before the doors even opened to the public!

It was an amazing weekend full of excitement and good will, and you can bet that Scuf Gaming will be there in 2018!

Arcade Arcade2ArcadeArea Bags2 BehindTheBoothLine BoothFront BoothFrontBobbyDunc Bottom BottomTopView BWWSCUF ControllersInCase Cosplay CrowdBottomTopRight FansLookingAtBobby Front2 GameStation GameStationFront GameStationPlaying GameStationView Line Players PodCast RSBooth Ryan SCUFBags SCUFCam SCUFCam1 ShomariFans Signup TopRow TopRow2 TW
Call of Duty in 2014 got off to a flying start with the first UMG event of the year. A record turn out saw more than one hundred North American Ghosts players descend upon chilly Philly. Last time out the absence of the World's best team, Complexity, left the UMG title wide upon. Eventually it was two Scuf Gaming teams that battled it out in the grand final; Vanquish and SoaR. Despite SoaR taking a one series lead into the final, it was Vanquish who prevailed and took home the UMG Dallas Championship.


Fast-forward several months and another UMG title was on the line. This time around all the big hitters were present. Complexity, the current World #1, had been unable to defend their UMG title in Dallas due to lack of attendance and were therefore gunning to regain number one spot. There are no easy rides in Call of Duty and as always, they would have to take down the best of the best, including Scuf Gaming sponsored teams Optic Gaming, EnVyUS, CurseLV, Team Kaliber and travelling Englishmen, Team Orbit.


Many fans believe that Scuf Gaming sponsored Faze should have beaten the World #1 team but Complexity dug deep and took a tight series 4-3 in only their second round of competition. After that it was business as usual as Complexity bagged their place in yet another Grand Final. The top three was rounded out by CurseLV and Team Kaliber who battled it out for the chance to take on Complexity for the UMG Philadelphia title. The Loser Bracket Final was less of a close affair, with Team Kaliber sweeping the series and guaranteeing them at least second place.


Despite taking the first map, Team Kaliber were beaten 3-1 in the Grand Final, meaning Complexity were once again crowned Champions. As always you can buy our Pro team controllers, including Complexity, Team Kaliber, Optic Gaming and EnVyUS, with the Scuf Gaming Curse controller coming soon. Scuf Gaming would like to congratulate Complexity on yet another tournament victory, as well as UMG for another successful event. We hope to see you all at the next UMG.

We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring FormaL from OpTic Gaming!


Real Name: Matthew Piper
Gamer Tag: FormaL
Current Team: OpTic Gaming
Hometown: Orange County, CA
How long you have been gaming?: 14 years casually, 6 years professionally
If you could be any video game character who would you be?: Sonic the Hedgehog
Favorite childhood game?: Pokemon
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched?: Vampire Diaries (lol)
What is your Guilty Pleasure?: Reese's Sticks
Who is your Celebrity Crush?: @LISSAYEEE
Favorite Comfort Food?: Mac N Cheese
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Immature gamers
Do you have any weird phobias? Spiders
Do you have any weird habits? No weird habits
Fun Fact? There's nothing fun about me.
It’s Friday so that means another wrap up of this week in video games. Here we take a look at the biggest stories of the past week. Here are our picks.

Are you ready for the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Full Beta?

On October 14th Playstation 4 players will be able to get their hands on the full beta of the new Call of Duty for the first time, running until October 17th. When the Beta reopens on the 21st, it will be available to both PS4 plays and Xbox One players until the 24th. The beta is currently only available to players who have pre-ordered the game or can get their hands on a beta code. Fans were able to get hands on with Infinite Warfare for the first time as part of Call of Duty XP. The full game is due for release in November.

Details Release of Battlefield 1 Five Mini-Campaigns

EA and Dice this week have revealed more info on Battlefield 1’s five ‘War Stories’ that make up the game’s campaign. The five levels are as follows:

 Friends in High Places: Take to the skies over the western front in the cockpit of a British fighter plane against German aces.

 Nothing is Written: You’ll take control of a Bedouin warrior fighting alongside Lawrence of Arabia, taking on technologically superior Ottoman Empire forces.

 Through Mud and Blood: You’ll join a tank crew driving an unreliable Mark V as the British forces prepare for a mass assault on the town of Cambrai, France.

 Avanti Savoia: Here you’ll take part in mountain battle between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian Empire clashing over a strategic fort.

 The Runner: Finally, ‘The Runner’ will put you in the shoes of an Anzac runner on the D-Day of World War 1.

Battlefield 1 is set for release October 21st and will be available on Playstation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows PCs.

GTA Online Bikes DLC Release Date Announced

The exciting new Bikers DLC for GTA Online now has a release date, with fans only having to wait until October 4th to get their hands on the latest major free DLC. In the new content you’ll be able to run your own motorcycle club, with players being able to join as a Prospect and work their way up to the top rank of Club President. There’ll also be a whole host of new bikes, weapons, missions and more.

Hitman – Episode 5: Colorado Out Now

The fifth episode of the latest Hitman, set in Colorado, was released to the public this week. Colorado has a different feel to the previous four episodes, in that you’re operating in hostile territory rather than in a public space, forcing the player to better utilize stealth. If you want to get a sneak peak of the action, the following trailer will wet your appetite.

Portal Movie Teased by JJ Abrams

Finally, this week we have seen the first signs of movement with the rumored Half-Life and/or Portal movie(s) with Star Wars and Star Trek director, JJ Abrams, at the helm. Speaking to IGN at the recent Westworld premiere, Abrams said, "We have a meeting coming up next week with Valve, we’re very active, I’m hoping that there will be a Portal announcement fairly soon. We are having some really interesting discussions with writers, many of whom...once you said you’re doing a movie or show about a specific thing that is a known quantity you start to find people who are rabid about these things."
SCUF Infinity1 logo gray gradient

Scuf Gaming launches Infinity1, giving gamers the power to interchange thumbsticks, grips and paddles on the fly.

PRESS RELEASE: June 2015 - Scuf Gaming innovation takes yet another leap forward!  Five years after creating a new market space for professional customized controllers, Scuf Gaming again leads the way by introducing the SCUF Infinity1 for use on Xbox One and PC. Designed to offer infinite levels of customization, YOU ‘the gamer’ can fully interchange key areas of function, feature and design and all on the fly!

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, says, “After substantial investment and over 14 months of research and development on Project Infinity1, we’re proud to offer even more flexibility and innovative features to our community. This project was all about focusing on key areas of a controller which undergo the most wear and tear. By making the controller modular, we empower the user to replace features like thumbsticks, dpad, grips and paddles on the fly, while maintaining a delicate balance of comfort and finish; similar to racing car wheels and suspension!”

SCUF Infinity1 offers several patented and patent pending features to include:

NEW Interchangeable Thumbstick Control Area
• Change out thumbsticks in a few seconds without removing any screws
• Various lengths, shapes and colors to suit all hand sizes and style of gameplay

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Rings
• Fully removable and customizable
• Use of high grade self-lubricating materials provides a pro-grade finish offering improved smoothness, life and feel of thumbsticks

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Paddle Control System
• Fully modular and interchangeable with no screws
• Various heights and shapes of SCUF paddles
• Choose 0,1, 2, 3 or 4 SCUF paddles – change on the fly

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Pro Edition Switches
• Layered gold on circuits and new switches for increased actuation life
• Improved haptic feedback

SCUF Adjustable Hair Trigger & Pro Grip Handles
• Interchangeable for full or reduced trigger movement
• High grade contoured grip in multiple colors
• SCUF Key externally adjusts triggers to suit your gameplay

SCUF EMR Technology
• Remap on the fly with SCUF Electro Magnetic Remapping. Any paddle = Any face button

• SCUF Infinity1 enables YOU to express yourself on the fly, anytime - no limits

SCUF Infinity1 will launch early Q3 2015 with price starting at $119.95. For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit

View the SCUF Infinity landing page here.
Click here to download SCUF Infinity1 brand assets.


Scuf Gaming® is a global leader and innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 9 granted patents, and another 28 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL, UMG and ESWC. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
The Halo Championship Series is still underway, and this weekend the best Spartans in Europe are going head to head in Gfinity's newly renovated arena in London! With a full pool of 32 teams, legendary organizations like Supremacy, Infused, and Excel will all be looking to get their hands on a 25k prize pool, and Scuf Gaming is going to be there to catch all of the action. The top 3 teams will automatically qualify for DreamHack Denver in October, and we're looking forward to seeing who takes home the loot and the prestige.

And what better way to celebrate HCS than with a new SCUF Giveaway?

Sign up below for the chance to win a TeamSCUF Infinity1 custom controller for the Xbox One. There's a limited time to sign up, so don't miss your chance to get your hands on this piece of patented gaming technology!

Enter our HCS London giveaway to win a #TeamSCUF Infinity1 controller!
PRESS RELEASE: JUNE 30, 2014 – Scuf Gaming announces pre-sale of the SCUF 4PS for PlayStation 4 on Monday, June 30th


A new era has arrived for PlayStation 4 fans now that Scuf Gaming has introduced its clever functions to the improved PS4 controller. Scuf Gaming has officially launched the SCUF 4PS enabling elite gamers to utilize more of their hand in a comfortable, safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF 4PS is feature rich with several patented features, including two “SCUF HOOK” back paddles, a fully redesigned back and built-in high-grade SCUF Pro-Grip handles, which are normally an upgrade on SCUF controllers. The two back paddles come standard with A&B configuration but can be mapped according to your preference as an upgrade using the EMR (Electro Magnetic Remapping) Mag Key – (the EMR feature will be released at a later date.) For gamers unfamiliar with SCUF, these paddles mimic the allocated face buttons so you can keep your thumbs on the thumbsticks, while using the back-paddles with your middle fingers to perform more advanced moves. Customers also have the option to choose their favorite SCUF Precision Thumbsticks in domed or concave, which come in three different lengths (regular, medium, long) and various color options.  Sports and fighting game fanatics will be thrilled to try the new SCUF CONTROL DISC, which is fully removable and offers extra control and accuracy for the d-pad! Gamers are winning with the tactical edge that SCUF provides where over 85% of Professional Gamers in Console use SCUF for shooters.




“We have invested millions of dollars into research and development and educating the Gaming World on safe ergonomic use of the controller at the top level so when we embarked on “Project 4PS” a year ago we wanted to offer the PlayStation 4 community something unique and special, something that added that edge over its predecessor, the SCUF PS (for PS3). We believe the results are impressive and further display the innovation our customers have come to expect from Scuf Gaming, said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “SCUF controllers are all about functionality and comfort so our focus is on offering unique features which empower every gamer to personalize their controller to suit their gameplay. From paddles to grip to the size of thumbsticks, every part of a SCUF controller is about improving core performance so you can become the best gamer you can be!”


Prices for the SCUF 4PS start at $119.95 (please NOTE this includes the PRO GRIP) and controllers begin shipping in 4-6 weeks. SCUF is currently offering fourteen (14) unique front shell designs for the launch and will be adding new styles over the next few months.  To pre-order, please visit


Scuf Gaming controllers are endorsed by Major League Gaming and trusted by over 85% of Pro-Gamers. SCUF is leading the field in the professional gaming market.



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Scuf Gaming has 4 patents granted and another 25 have been applied for offering features such as back paddles, adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and various thumbstick lengths in both domed and concave styles. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sells a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.  Editorial and product photos available upon request.


Robby Ringnalda, CEO Denial eSports says “ Today is a great day for Denial.Cod and Denial eSports as a whole. We finally, after a long time coming, are able to announce that we have partnered with @ScufGaming.  After winning the last event by a landslide, I am glad the boys got what they earned and ultimately wanted with this Scuf Gaming Sponsorship. Most of my Team has been using SCUF controllers by choice for the last few years so, it's great to form this official partnership! I know the #scuffamily will welcome the #wolfpack with open arms and I’m looking forward to building this working relationship with SCUF.”





Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming says "At SCUF we are very familiar with several Denial players and Denial eSports; firstly, as long time SCUF users and secondly, as an extremely competitive and impressive COD Team!  It is very gratifying, yet humbling to continually see Top players and Teams want to use SCUF and we are delighted to finally concrete our partnership for the coming year!”


Be on the lookout for the Denial SCUF ONE Coming Soon!



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Scuf Gaming has 4 patents granted and another 27 have been applied for offering features such as back paddles, adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and various thumbstick lengths in both domed and concave styles. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sells a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

For more information please visit


Fortnite, le jeu de bataille royale en free-to-play, combine mécanismes de constructions, défis créatifs et un gameplay compétitif intense. Pour l'emporter, il va falloir non seulement être un meilleur tireur que vos adversaires, mais également pouvoir changer d'armes ou construire des structures instantanément.

Dans ce guide, nous vous montrerons comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre manette SCUF dans Fortnite. Nous allons d'abord couvrir les bases, puis vous présenterons des techniques et configurations plus avancées.

Bien débuter

La première chose à faire, c'est d'apprendre à utiliser la fonctionnalité la plus importante des manettes SCUF : le système de contrôle de palettes SCUF. Commençons par le jeu sur deux palettes. Par défaut, la palette la plus à gauche (P4) est configurée sur Sauter et la palette tout à droite (P1) est configurée sur Mode construction. Entraînez-vous en jeu à n'utiliser que vos palettes pour réaliser ces actions. Cela peut vous prendre un peu de temps, mais avec la pratique, vous développerez la mémoire musculaire nécessaire. En maîtrisant le jeu sur deux palettes, vous pourrez esquiver les tirs ennemis et prendre l'avantage en passant rapidement au mode Construction, pour être prêt à tout instant à faire face à toute sorte de menaces.

Passons maintenant aux deux palettes intérieures. Par défaut, la palette intérieure gauche (P3) est configurée sur Recharger/Interagir et la palette intérieure droite (P2) est configurée sur Arme suivante/Ramasser l'arme. Répétez le même processus, mais en incorporant maintenant l'une des deux palettes intérieures. Ignorez les touches du dessus de la manette jusqu'à ce que vous utilisiez naturellement l'ensemble de vos palettes. Même en pratiquant régulièrement, cela peut prendre jusqu'à deux semaines.

Maîtriser vos quatre palettes vous donnera la possibilité de sauter, recharger, changer d'arme et activer le mode Construction tout en conservant 100 % de votre précision.

Configuration de palette

Maintenant que vous êtes passé maître dans l'utilisation des palettes, penchons-nous sur la reconfiguration. En fonction de votre modèle, vous devrez soit utiliser une clé EMR, soit activer la touche de reconfiguration (si vous possédez une SCUF Vantage). Appuyez et maintenez la touche que vous souhaitez assigner à votre palette ou touche Sax. Une fois que vous aurez terminé, retirez la clé EMR (ou remettez la touche de reconfiguration de votre SCUF Vantage à sa position initiale), et lancez une partie ! Que vous soyez un joueur agressif qui change d'armes à la volée lors des affrontements intenses, ou un joueur stratégique qui planifie avec soin tous ses déplacements, votre SCUF peut être configurée de façon à complémenter votre style de jeu. Revenez bientôt pour une vidéo sur encore plus de configurations pour Fortnite !


Si vous voulez améliorer votre précision en jeu, même s'il est évident que les palettes sont un élément incontournable, rien n'est plus important que d'utiliser des joysticks adaptés. Tout le monde a ses préférences, mais également des tailles de mains et de pouces différentes. C'est pourquoi les joysticks SCUF sont interchangeables : afin de s'adapter parfaitement à votre style de jeu et à vos besoins en matière de confort.

Il y a deux éléments clés dans le choix de vos joysticks : leur forme et leur taille.

  1. Les joysticks concaves sont conçus pour un grand contrôle des mouvements.

  2. Les joysticks bombés sont conçus pour favoriser la précision.

  3. Les joysticks courts sont conçus pour une plus grande réactivité.

  4. Les joysticks longs sont conçus pour vous donner plus d'angles avec lesquels jouer.

Pour les joueurs agressifs favorisant les fusils à pompe, nous recommandons un joystick court concave sur la gauche et un joystick court bombé sur la droite. Vous vous déplacerez vite, et serez toujours prêt à réagir et à faire feu.

Pour les joueurs plus défensifs, utilisant des fusils de sniper par exemple, nous recommandons d'opter pour un joystick court concave sur la gauche, et un joystick long bombé sur la droite. Ainsi, vous conservez votre capacité à vous déplacer et à changer de direction rapidement, mais bénéficierez d'un contrôle plus fin lorsque vous ajusterez votre visée.

Manette PC et PS4 pour Fortnite

Système de gâchette

Les palettes SCUF améliorent vos performances générales et nos joysticks améliorent votre précision. Quand à notre système de gâchette, il accélère considérablement la vitesse à laquelle vous pouvez viser et tirer. Le système de contrôle des gâchettes SCUF est disponible sur tous nos modèles de manette, et vous offre un paramétrage complet de vos bloque-gâchettes et du point de déclenchement de vos gâchettes.

Pour Fortnite, nous recommandons d'utiliser des bloque-gâchettes, à moins que vous ne souhaitiez utiliser des véhicules (dont la conduite nécessite le spectre complet de mouvement). Cela réduira la distance que votre gâchette doit parcourir au-delà de son point d'activation. Vous gagnerez ainsi de précieuses millisecondes pour viser et tirer.

Pour encore plus de personnalisation, raccourcissez le point d'activation de vos gâchettes. Nous vous conseillons de faire cet ajustement en jeu : serrez la clé jusqu'à atteindre le point d'activation, c'est-à-dire jusqu'au moment où votre arme se mettra à tirer toute seule. Desserrez ensuite d'un ou de plusieurs tours, en fonction de vos préférences.

Les adeptes inconditionnels de FPS peuvent également opter pour nos bumpers TAP numériques et nos gâchettes numériques (disponibles pour les SCUF IMPACT et Infinity4PS PRO). Ces options éliminent totalement le spectre de mouvement des bumpers et gâchettes, sur un principe de déclenchement similaire à un clic de souris. Ce type de touches est recommandé uniquement aux joueurs jouant exclusivement aux FPS.


Non seulement les vibrations perturbent votre visée, mais elles induisent également une plus grande fatigue, du fait du poids plus élevé de la manette. Nous recommandons de commander une manette SCUF sans module de vibration (ou bien de les enlever si vous disposez d'une SCUF Vantage).

Manette Xbox One pour Fortnite

Touches Sax

Si vous possédez une SCUF Vantage, vous disposez de deux touches Sax additionnelles, conçues pour réduire les mouvements de vos doigts et augmenter votre réactivité. Elles sont situées sur le côté de votre manette, et peuvent être activées à l'aide de l'intérieur de vos doigts. Pour commencer, nous recommandons d'assigner Arme précédente à S1 et Arme suivante à S2. À l'aide des touches Sax, vous pourrez changer facilement d'arme tout en sautant et en construisant en utilisant vos palettes.

Paramètres de jeu

Maintenant que vous connaissez les réglages qui feront de vous un meilleur joueur, passons à l'optimisation de vos paramètres en jeu, afin de hisser votre gameplay au niveau supérieur et de rejoindre l'élite de l'élite. Nous vous recommandons d'aller dans le menu des paramètres de Fortnite et de faire quelques petites modifications.

Optez pour ramasser des objets d'une simple pression de palette, plutôt que d'avoir à la maintenir appuyée.

Allez dans Paramètres > Jouabilité

Appui pour Chercher/Interagir > Activé

Construisez des bases et structures à vitesse grand V.

Allez dans Paramètres > Jouabilité

Construction turbo > Activé

Manette PS4 Pro pour Fortnite

C'est le moment de jouer

Maintenant que vous avez personnalisé différents aspects de votre manette et optimisé vos paramètres, il est temps de tester vos performances en lançant une partie ! Comme tout changement, vous aurez peut-être besoin de temps pour vous y adapter. Cependant, avec un peu de pratique et de détermination, toutes les fonctionnalités SCUF vous permettront de révéler tout votre potentiel !
PRESS RELEASE: August 13, 2015 – There has been heightened anticipation from the professional and elite gaming communities since Scuf Gaming announced the launch of its SCUF Infinity1 in early June, just prior to the E3 Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. Today, Scuf Gaming has officially begun selling the SCUF Infinity1, for use on Xbox One and PC, designed to offer infinite levels of customization so gamers can fully interchange key areas of function, feature and design and all on the fly.

Five years after creating a new market space for professional customized controllers, SCUF controllers are now used by over 90% of the top professional gamers in the World, which is testimony to their quality build and innovation.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, says, “Since 2010 we have innovated to provide hard core gamers with a better controller experience through the addition of several key functions and features. From our earliest days of inventing paddles and adjustable hair trigger/stop mechanisms, to our more recent EMR technology and new paddle control system; every part of a SCUF is about improving performance and increasing hand use and comfort. Our ethos is underpinned by our commitment to reinvesting a substantial chunk of our revenue into research and development to ensure we lead the way and provide a more intuitive and comfortable experience for our community to enjoy video games. Our most recent major project, which started in early 2014, was Project Infinity1. During the research and design phase, we focused on the key areas of a controller which undergo the most wear and tear, and our goal was to make the controller fully modular to empower the gamer to replace features like thumbsticks, paddles, dpad and grips; and all on the fly. With so many color options, design features and new functionality; we’re confident our customers are going to love the new SCUF Infinity1.”

Infinity1 diagram social

SCUF Infinity1 offers several patented and patent pending features including:

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Paddle Control System
• Fully modular and interchangeable with no screws
• New heights and shapes
• The gamer can choose to play with 0,1, 2, 3 or 4 SCUF paddles and change them on the fly

NEW AXE Infinity1 Paddles
• Paddles have a larger surface area for more activation points
• Great for all hand sizes, especially good for smaller hands
• Compatible with Astro® and Turtle Beach® headset adaptors

Infinity AXE paddles

NEW Interchangeable Thumbstick Control Area
• Change thumbsticks in seconds without removing any screws
• SCUF Thumbsticks come in 3 different lengths (regular, medium and long) domed and concave styles in 5 color options including Black, White, Green, Red and Blue

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Rings
• Rings come in 8 color options including Black, White, Gray, Red, Green, Blue, Orange and Pink
• Fully removable
• High grade self-lubricating materials provide a pro-grade finish to rings

NEW SCUF Infinity1 Pro Edition Switches
• Layered gold on circuits and new switches for increased actuation life
• Improved haptic feedback

SCUF Pro Grip Handles with Adjustable Hair Trigger + Trigger Stop Mechanism
• Interchangeable for full or reduced trigger movement
• High-grade contoured grip in multiple colors
• SCUF Key externally adjusts triggers to suit your gameplay

SCUF EMR Technology
• Remap on the fly with SCUF Electro Magnetic Remapping. Any paddle = Any face button

• SCUF Infinity1 enables YOU to express yourself on the fly, anytime - no limits

SCUF Infinity1 Accessories
• SCUF offers Infinity1 and Xbox One compatible accessories including Thumbstick Replacement kits in 3 different lengths (regular, medium and long) domed and concave styles in 5 color options, Infinity1 Ring & Lock kits in 8 colors, AXE Paddle Replacement kits, SCUF Pro Grip Handles with Adjustable Hair Trigger Grips + Trigger Stop Mechanism to externally tune triggers, SCUF Protection Cases, Charging Cables and GamerGrip Total Grip Solution.

infinity1 accessories

SCUF Infinity1 pricing starts at $119.95. During the Pre-Sale period of August 13 – 31, customers will receive a Free Gift of their choice of a domed or concave Thumbstick kit with a bonus SCUF Infinity1 Wristband.

Click here to Pre-Order your SCUF Infinity1.
In a world full of specialists, the professional who can have it all is rare indeed.

Having established an amazing reputation for himself in the world of Halo, Ian "Crimsix" Porter shook the Call of Duty circuit when he decided that he'd like to be a champion there as well. It was a move that took eSports off guard, and created another legend in the sport.

With record shattering wins in two of the most heavily-played competitive eSports titles in the world and a reputation to match, Ian "Crimsix" Porter is a battle-hardened dynasty unto himself.

And SCUF believes that he deserves a controller to match.


It's our greatest pleasure to introduce you to the Crimsix SCUF Infinity series. With a shell spider webbed in an electric blue circuit design, this untamed beauty will fill you with the feeling of a methodical, calculating edge. The Crimsix SCUF Infinity is also kitted out in the same cutting-edge technology that has put SCUF in the hands of professional gamers the world over, remind you that a cyborg outside can conceal the passionate spirit of a warrior that beats deep inside.

Because Crimsix's amazing track record proves to us that true winning isn't about stats or limits. It's about looking losing odds in the face and scooping victory from the jaws of defeat over and over and over.

Because if you gaze too long at the numbers, you become one of them.

Click here to order a Crimsix SCUF Infinity1, and here to order a Crimsix SCUF 4PS! And don't forget to visit Crimsix on Twitter and Instagram!


Scuf Gaming continues to innovate and announce their 3-dimensional patent pending “SCUF Sidewinder” paddles for SCUF ONE controllers.

Sidewinder - blog edit

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming says “To compensate for the increased depth of the controller handles on the Xbox One controller, SCUF wanted to release a new 3-dimensional paddle that would enable gamers with all hand sizes to access the paddles even easier. The new SCUF Sidewinder paddles are angled at approximately 30 degrees and operate by a push-in/ pull-across motion which offer the ideal solution for even more ergonomic paddle game-play”


The paddle concept SCUF invented over 4 years ago is the ONLY real solution for utilizing more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. SCUF’s award winning ‘flat’ back paddles offer the perfect solution for all SCUF Xbox 360, PS3 controllers and are a very viable option for many gamers on Xbox One. However the new Sidewinder paddles compensate for the deeper handles and fully cater for all hand shapes and sizes for use on the Xbox ONE SCUF!


Duncan Ironmonger continues “Our ability to listen to the community and our desire to innovate and produce the best possible ergonomic solutions is what drives us and is why such a large percentage of the Pro Gaming community trust and use our products. We truly value our customers and as such will be sending ALL existing SCUF ONE customers a FREE pair of SCUF Sidewinder paddles! We believe in rewarding our loyal customers and as such will be sending these out for them to try over the coming 2-3 weeks – there is no need to contact us to request these!”


Two outside position SCUF Sidewinder paddles now come standard on the SCUF ONE controller.  If a customer chooses a four-paddle option, two SCUF ‘flat’ back paddles will be placed on the internal positions of the controller.


Prior to SCUF controller, the middle fingers of the hand were left redundant so SCUF created a way to use them for better performance.  SCUF Paddles can increase the use of your hand by up to 100%. By using up to 4 paddles on the underside of your controller, gamers are able to improve their hand movement and perform more advanced moves.

With over 4 patents issued and another 20 pending, Scuf Gaming/ Ironburg specialize in creating gaming accessories to help improve your gaming experience. Duncan Ironmonger continues “Our controller ethos is centered around designing accessories that increase hand use in a SAFE natural way while improving comfort and reducing latency in an intuitive and ergonomic way – we call it SCUFOLOGY!”



Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.

Four years after filing, SCUF gets utility patent for anti-friction rings, taking total to 150 granted & pending patents

ATLANTA, November 1, 2019Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary, Ironburg Inventions, has protected another key feature of gaming controllers with the recently issued US patent (#10,441,881).

This latest patent protects anti-friction rings in the thumbstick control area. The anti-friction rings have been designed to be customizable and removable, provide reduced friction between the controller and the thumbsticks, and enable the user to swap the thumbstick size, shape and design. Replaceable anti-friction rings are a necessary feature for esports professionals and competitive gamers due to performance advantages the rings offer.

With this new patent, Scuf Gaming now has 96 granted patents and designs, with an additional 54 pending patent applications.

“In 2011, we redefined the way gamers use their controllers by inventing the back control functions, adjustable hair triggers, and trigger stops. Since then, SCUF has been focused on improving several other key functional areas of the controller.” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of Scuf Gaming. “One such area is the thumbstick control region which is essential to peak performance and accuracy. By inventing the replaceable anti-friction rings, SCUF has created a solution to ensure thumbsticks can be swapped out and locked, while providing a low level of friction between the thumbsticks and the controller body. With this patent we are delighted to protect our innovation and investment for another key area of the controller.”

For more information on the patents protecting Scuf Gaming’s innovation, please visit:

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 96 granted patents, and another 54 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

ATLANTA, GA - June 29, 2017 - Scuf Gaming is pleased to announce its official partnership with GuardianCon 2017 taking place June 30 - July 1 at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa, Florida. GuardianCon, now entering its third year of operation, is a charity gaming event benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital whose mission is to eradicate children’s cancer. SCUF will donate $15 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for every SCUF controller purchased at GuardianCon or 5% off on using code STJUDE at checkout.

This year’s hosts include SCUF affiliates and Twitch sensations, Gothalion and ProfessorBroman, who are two of the world’s best Destiny players. Also hosting is Kevin Murray, owner of RareDrop, organizers of GuardianCon. On June 30, SCUF will launch new controller designs for Gothalion and ProfessorBroman available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Gothalion and ProfessorBroman available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.  Controller pricing starts at $169.95, € $169.95, £134.99, for SCUF IMPACT for PS4 and PC, and $159.95, €159.95, £129.99 for SCUF Infinity1 for XB1 and PC.To purchase the controllers or for additional information, please visit

Gothalion said, "It means a lot to go from consumer to affiliate to partner with SCUF, a company who's product I've used for years. And now, I’m proud to put my name on one of their controllers, as I’ve used SCUF on stream for years. The partnership means a lot to me but, I’m even more proud that they're helping us make the world a better place."

Gothalion custom professional Xbox and PlayStation controllers

ProfessorBroman stated, "I’m unbelievably proud to announce the ProfessorBroman SCUF controller. I've used a SCUF for years and it’s improved my game and my wrist health immensely. Without a doubt SCUF is the best in the controller business and I'm so excited to be working with them on this controller and partnering to promote gaming for good this year at GuardianCon."

Professor Broman custom professional Xbox and PlayStation controllers

GuardianCon’s goal for 2017 is to raise over $1 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Activities range from a week-long broadcast marathon featuring various content creators, game developers, and community members to the convention show floor with artists, discussion panels, vendors, live music, gaming stations, PvP tournaments and much more.

Among the SCUF affiliates who are participating in this year’s event include; Gothalion, ProfessorBroman, Kraftyy, Triplewreck, Ninja, Gernader Jake, Lucky & Buttwipe, Crucible Radio, Luminosity, MTashed, Versus and True Vanguard.

About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital® is leading the way the world understands, treats and cures childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Treatments developed at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude freely shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing and food--because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.

About GuardianCon
What began as a meetup for a couple of Twitch broadcasters has evolved into a massive two-day community convention and force for charitable giving. GuardianCon, now entering its third year of operation, is a charity gaming event located in Tampa, FL. In 2016 the event raised over $560,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Activities range from a week-long broadcast marathon featuring various content creators, game developers, and community members to the convention show floor with artists, discussion panels, vendors, live music, gaming stations, PvP tournaments and much more.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, global leader and innovator of gaming peripherals and winner of eSports Industry Awards for “Best Hardware” in 2016, provides tactical gear for elite gamers where over 90% of the top professional gamers in the world use SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to competitive and casual gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 30 granted patents, and another 65 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit
ATLANTA, Georgia ­ August 25, 2016 – Scuf Gaming is delighted to be featured in the official talent gift bags for the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards. Legendary performers and nominees of this year’s show include Britney Spears, Rihanna, Nick Jonas, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, Future, The Chainsmokers and more.

Scuf Gaming provided 100 custom designed MTV VMA SCUF Infinity 4PS controllers to gift to presenters, performers and award winners at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards.

The 2016 MTV VMAs will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2016, at Madison Square Center in New York City and will be broadcast live in high definition TV and 5.1 surround sound on MTV at 9pm EST/PST.


About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers - over 90% of the top Professional gamers in world use SCUF.

Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all.

The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 21 granted patents, and another 41 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.

About MTV VMAs
Want to stay in tune with all things VMA? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and check out the official 2016 VMA Playlist from MTV & Spotify at
Destiny is still in full force as millions of gamers across the world continue to delve deeper in to the game. With Bungie constantly updating, patching, and releasing new content, Destiny is poised to stick around for a long time.

We at SCUF love Destiny and wanted to share some of our recommendations for paddle configurations on our Custom SCUF controllers while you play the game:

destiny hunter

First up is the Hunter class, considered by many to be the strongest class in the Crucible, Destiny's Player vs. Player Arena. For your SCUF Controller paddle setup, we recommend A/Y for two paddles and ABXY for four, as mobility and weapon swapping should be your two main concerns. Those paddle configurations are recommended for both Gunslinger and Bladedancer subclasses. We also reached out to fans on Twitter to get their reactions to the Hunter:

"Very strong subclasses, but don't mix very well between PVE and PVP. BD (Bladedancer) special and melee are worthless on bosses."

"I love the Hunter. So many cool abilities and if you have good aim + impact, the Gold Gun is insane."

"The throwing knife is mad fun."

Destiny warlock

Next up is the Warlock, which excels at ranged combat, whether in the Voidwalker or Sunsinger subclass. Since our initial review of Destiny, we have taken more time to experience the Warlock overall; both sub-classes, its playstyle, etc. We still recommend, for both sub-classes, to have your far left paddle on the SCUF Controller, be the A button; mobility is key in Destiny overall and being able to jump, glide, and aim is crucial. The far right paddle we would put as X if you are playing an upclose Sunsinger, for those quick reloads; for a more ranged focused Warlock we would put the far right as Y. The middle two paddles, for those of you using the four paddle design, are entirely at your discretion, but we definitely recommend those left and right paddle configurations above.

We went to Twitter to see what you all thought of the Warlock class, and here are some of the responses:

"It's an extremely efficient support class while using the Sunsinger subclass, and assaulter via Voidwalker."

"An absolute tank with its shot gun melee"

"Personally, I feel I'm at a disadvantage while using this class compared to the Hunter & Titan."

destiny titan

Our final class spotlight for Destiny features the Titan; a character who can choose to literally jump in to the fray to cause devastating damage, or to protect allies. Titans are most comfortable on the front lines of the battle, especially those playing the Striker subclass. Their Fist of Havoc Super Ability decimates anything it comes in to contact with, but will put them face to face with enemies outside the blast radius. Defender Titans are the same way, able to rush in to battle with their Ward of Dawn Super Ability that both protects and buffs yourself and allies. Due to that playstyle, we recommend using an A/X, or ABYX, paddle configuration for the Titan in either subclass. Being able to manuever correctly both in and out of danger and keep ammo in your guns is crucial, and mapping those functions to the paddles makes it possible to do so while on the move and aiming down sights.

We took to Twitter once again to see what others had to say about the Titan:

Titan is the powerhouse class. Sure he doesn't do the most damage like the warlock, but he has survivability

The Defender subclass of the Titan is very versatile. Being able to put a shield up to stay alive is great.

Best class in the game imo, strong overall with versatile options and a deadly supercharge in the Fist of havoc!

Have more to say about Destiny? Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to join in the discussion! Be sure to pick up your own Custom Scuf Controller for Xbox One HERE or PS4 HERE and join in the fight!

LONDON, November 8, 2018Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, is partnering with acclaimed musician deadmau5 for his latest pop-up experience, lots of stuff in a store, in London’s Soho district from November 11 - 17. At the pop-up event, deadmau5 fans and gamers will have the opportunity to purchase one of the 100 limited-edition SCUF deadmau5 controllers.

The new deadmau5 SCUF controller, exclusive to this event, features the signature “mau5head” logo and a unique color scheme. In addition, Scuf Gaming and deadmau5 will offer the opportunity to play deadmau5’s favorite game, PUBG, and other titles at in-store gaming stations.

“We’ve witnessed an incredible convergence between music, entertainment, and gaming, and our collaboration with deadmau5 is just one more example of that,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-founder of Scuf Gaming. “In addition to being a world-renowned musician, deadmau5 is a lifelong gamer, and we couldn’t be happier to partner with him. It’s so great to co-create a limited edition controller with his signature ‘mau5head’ logo and bring it to his fans and ours. ”

The exclusive deadmau5 SCUF controller will be available for purchase, as supplies last (£212 GBP), at the pop-up event, located on 19-23 Broadwick St. Soho, London.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 45 granted patents, and another 57 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax™ button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.



MLG brought another explosive event to Atlanta this weekend! With 172 teams in the running, and over $200,000 in prize money, the third major Call of Duty event of 2018 was always going to be a show stopper, and Rise Nation showed the world that they’ve still got plenty to offer pro gaming by taking home the first place trophy!

With two first place finishes under their belt this season, many were pulling for Team Kaliber to take home a third. And while TK couldn’t complete a 3 for 3 record, they still put on a great show before getting sent to the Loser’s Bracket by Team EnVyUs.

In the end, however, it was Rise Nation that brought down Red Reserve for a hefty cash prize, and a new shot at relevance in the 2018 CoD: WWII season!

As always, Team SCUF made a prominent appearance at CWL Atlanta, and the SCUF Booth was a hive of activity, with giveaways, autograph signings, and sneak peeks at some of the latest in custom controller technology. Legends such as OpTic, Rise Nation, Luminosity, TK, Faze, Splyce and EnVyUs visited the booth to sign merchandise and give a little bit back to the fanbase that keeps them going day after day. All in all, it was another amazing Call of Duty event for the books! But there’s no end of the action in sight, with CWL Birmingham promising to tear up the UK at the end of March, and CWL returning stateside to Seattle for more mayhem in April! As usual, Scuf Gaming will be on top of the excitement, and make sure you visit the SCUF Booth when you visit the latest Call of Duty World League events!
In this week’s affiliate profile, we’re looking at one of the greatest and most successful Call of Duty players of all time, the original Two Rings himself, Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow.

Living Esports-Karma


For a player who would become one of the greatest and most successful of all time, Karma didn’t have the explosive start to his career that you might imagine.

His break into the professional level came with the original Black Ops, during which he would be picked up by Raymond ‘Rambo’ Lussier to play under the legendary Xtravagant. Unfortunately, the team didn’t quite live up to the heights reached by the name in years past, with a respectable but not spectacular fifth-place at the MLG National Championship as their best showing to round out the year.

It wasn’t until Black Ops 2 that Karma really broke through as the super-star he is now known to be. At the start of the season he found himself on Fariko.Impact, and with the addition of Chris ‘Parasite’ Duarte and Marcus ‘MiRx’ Carter, they became an unstoppable force, with Karma leading the way. No longer was Karma just another pro – for much of that year, he was considered the best player in the world.

Since then, Karma has remained at the very top of the Call of Duty world, and his time with Impact combined with his part in both the compLexity and OpTic Gaming dynasties has meant that Karma has played a major role in defining the game over the course of his career.


Current Team

For more than two years now, Karma has made his home on OpTic Gaming, having transitioned to the organisation’s premier squad following a stint with an ill-fated OpTic Nation roster.

Today, he’s part of the longest-standing Call of Duty roster - not just playing currently, but of all time. There’s a reason for their longevity: this is arguably the greatest Call of Duty squad in gaming history.

Since the formation of this roster, they’ve been the number one team in the world almost without exception. Over the course of their time together – a period of more than two years spanning three Call of Duty titles – Karma and OpTic Gaming have collected more major event wins than every other team in the world combined.

To this day they remain the dominant force in Call of Duty: the only squad on Infinite Warfare to have won two major events, and the only team to have appeared in three major finals. They have won more championships than any other team in history, and the gap is only growing.


Career Highlight

For a player as successful as Karma, picking a single moment as a high water-mark in their career is always a challenge.

For those that have managed it, there is a particular accolade that holds greater prestige than any other – Call of Duty World Champion. Winners of the Call of Duty Championships and bearers of one of those coveted rings already belong to an exclusive club.

Karma, however, is even more of a rarity – he’s one of only two players in the world to have won the Call of Duty Championships twice.

Which begs the question – which was the greater victory? Was it his first, when his Fariko Impact squad became the very first World Champions on Black Ops 2, during which Karma was hailed as the greatest player in the world? Or was it the year after, as part of the unstoppable compLexity, when he became the very first repeat champion?

Whichever accomplishment you hold in higher regard, ultimately you can only marvel that the question even needs to be asked. Few players will ever have the privilege of having to ponder which of their Call of Duty Championships wins was ultimately the greater achievement, and from the position he’s currently in, Karma may yet add even more to the list.



Karma has been playing for long enough that his play-style has fluctuated at times. He’s one of few players capable of being effective in almost any role depending on the needs of his squad, so his play has at times varied to the requirements of his team.

The characteristic that has always prevailed, however, has been his game sense. When he became the best player in the world during Black Ops 2, it wasn’t just his immense skill with an SMG, but also how he moved around the map that separated him from his peers.

When he’s taken a more secondary role behind the star players of either compLexity or OpTic Gaming, he was still always capable of making a huge difference by recognising the gap he needed to fill and doing so, as well as being able to come up with the big play to save his team when necessary.

Karma’s mind for Call of Duty seems almost unique, and it’s what has made him such a consistently successful and adaptable player. Technically speaking, the “optimal” way to play is to make decisions with the highest probability of success, and yet if you watch Karma closely enough you’ll notice that he doesn’t always do so.

Instead, he seems to have an intuitive sense for the game that allows him to make decisions that most players wouldn’t. It’s this sense that allows him at times to transcend the “proper” approach and pull off plays that the majority of players couldn’t even conceive of, and also why Karma has long been one of the most exciting and fascinating players to watch.


Public persona

As one of the greatest and most successful players of all time, Karma was always destined to become a Call of Duty celebrity.

In many ways, it might have been easy to play the villain – he did, after all, play for two of the most controversial teams of all time in Impact and compLexity. Despite this, Karma’s easy-going personality meant that he never embraced the role of antagonist, preferring to simply carry on with his own business.

Though his talent in-game made him a figure who couldn’t be ignored, it was perhaps joining the enormously popular OpTic Gaming that super-charged his public profile. With the Green Wall behind him, today Karma boasts a massive 542,000 Twitter followers, streams regularly to his 211,000 Twitch followers and produces video content on a slightly less frequent basis for his 217,000 YouTube subscribers.

Living Esports-Karma_FB_Static
Alastair "Ali-A" Aiken is an extremely popular online content producer whose primary Youtube channel boasts over 6.7 million subscribers. Ali-A primarily features impressive and informative Call of Duty content that he showcases to his fans, the Ali-Aarmy.

Be sure to check out Ali-A reviewing the brand new SCUF Infinity1 Ali-A controller in the video below!

Start customizing your own SCUF Infinity1 Ali-A controller or SCUF 4PS Ali-A controller:

Ali-A custom xbox one controller

Ali-A 4ps is now available!

Ali-A custom playstation4 controller
A game came out this year that is so challenging that it’s caused players to shriek dark curses from deep within their soul. A game that has lit a bonfire in the hearts of the rabid fan base ready and eager to take on its massive world of beautiful sights and labyrinthine dungeons. A game that is just as well known for its elaborate arsenal as it is for its bizarre and terrifying enemy combatants.

That game, of course, is Enter The Gungeon.

Why? What did you think I was talking about?

Enter The Gungeon is another quirky indie title brought to us from the people at Devolver Digital. It combines the fast-paced, teeth-gritting frustration of a Shoot-Em-Up with the unpredictability of Roguelike. And if the usual challenge of a SHMUP isn’t enough, designers Dodge Roll Games up the ante with one of the most bizarre collection of baddies and bosses I have ever seen. In Enter The Gungeon you’ll have shoot outs with steroid-popping seagulls, revolver-toting cultists, and shotgun shells armed with shotguns. All of this while a heart-thumping soundtrack blasts in the background.

It’s a truly memorable ride with a cast so colorful that you’ll almost forget that every second of it is riddled with bullets and some of the most challenging gameplay you’ll ever experience. And while I normally think of my SCUF Controller as primarily for my favorite multiplayers, using the paddles for Enter The Gungeon proved to be invaluable. Because you’re constantly under assault, having the ability to roll, reload, and switch guns on the fly kept me alive for far longer than I had any business surviving. Turns out, a few seconds makes all the difference in the world when you’re staring down a spread shot of 50 bullets at a time!

Everything about Enter The Gungeon is exciting. The insane bad guys, the inventive arsenal, the blistering soundtrack: all of it makes for a game that is absolutely worth playing.


PRESS RELEASE: 24th April, 2014 – Scuf Gaming continues their partnership with famous American rock band, Avenged Sevenfold to release the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged controller for use on the Xbox ONE. The LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged boasts a repeating print of the band’s logo; a skull with bat wings (Death Bat) on the guide button and LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged Sidewinder paddles on the reverse of the controller. Only 2,000 LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged are available! They’re hand crafted, unique and come with an authentication certificate with signatures of band members. The band’s lead vocalist, M. Shadows, is an avid Call Of Duty gamer and fell in love with SCUF controllers since using them in early 2012. In August of 2013, SCUF partnered with Avenged Sevenfold releasing the SCUF Avenged Hybrid controller, which gathered an astounding response.



Shadows says, “The band is thrilled to be working with SCUF again. When the SCUF Avenged Hybrid, for Xbox360 & PS3, was released last year, the response was amazing and the only reason more people didn’t get one was because they were waiting on the release of the Xbox ONE Console. Now that SCUF have released the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged, I can imagine the response will be huge, as I know our fans love SCUF like I do – the new back paddles are a must and the other new features are very cool! Since using SCUF, I’ve been hooked and as an avid gamer myself, it’s really improved my game! SCUF Controllers are still a hidden gem in the mainstream, but are extensively used in the Pro Gaming scene where most Top Pro Gamers use a SCUF to play Call Of Duty!”

The LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged combines the familiarity of the XBOX ONE controller with even more unique SCUF features. With over 4 patents granted and another 23 applied for, the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged optional features are rich, interchangeable and robust; from Paddle Hatch to the new concealed Internal Hair Trigger & Stop mechanism to the innovative Electro-Magnetic Remapping (EMR), every aspect of the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged is designed to increase hand use, improve comfort and reduce latency in an intuitive and ergonomic way. Fully customize function, feature, form and design to the gamer’s preferred style of gameplay, feel and look. The LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged enables you to use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way and truly become the best gamer you can be!

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming, says “We’re honored to be working with M. Shadows and Avenged Sevenfold again for the launch of the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged. M. Shadows is a great gamer and huge name in the Call Of Duty community. We had an incredible response to the SCUF Avenged Hybrid last year as Avenged fans crashed our website on the first day of release! Fans have been requesting the LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged for months now so we’re excited to finally release this great new product.”


The LIMITED EDITION SCUF ONE Avenged controller is available for purchase at Base price starts at $159.95, additional upgrades are available. Direct link:

Functions – (Hand Assembled)

  • §  Choice of 2 SCUF Thumbsticks - (Included)

  • §  2 custom Avenged SCUF Sidewinder back Paddles(*NEW patented technology) - (Included)

  • §  Internal Adjustable Hair Trigger & Stop Mechanism -(Optional Upgrade)

  • §  E.M.R. - Electro Magnetic Remapping – (Optional Upgrade)

  • §  SCUF Grip or Pro Grip Handles – (Optional Upgrade)

  • §  Weight Reduction Option / Remove Rumbles – (Optional Upgrade)ABOUT AVENGED SEVENFOLD

Design – (Hand Crafted)
§ Custom Avenged front shell with repeating Avenged

logo (Included)
§ Custom Avenged Death Bat guide button (Included) § 4 black (ABXY) action buttons (Included)
§ Limited Edition certificate with Avenged Sevenfold

band member’s signatures (2000 available)- (Included)

Over the course of the last 14 years, Avenged Sevenfold have grown to be one of the biggest names in heavy metal music. Consistently releasing ground breaking, genre defying music, the band have written and recorded some of the best and most acclaimed rock albums of the 21st Century, each different, but equally as brilliant as it’s predecessor. Their breath-taking live shows have garnered an unshakeable reputation as one of the most must-see bands in the world. Their most recent studio album, ‘Hail To The King’, was the band’s first to hit the #1 spot in the UK and their second to top the Billboard charts in the US. Over the years, Avenged Sevenfold has built a fanatical fan base that includes nearly 17 million fans on Facebook and over 1.2 million fans on Twitter. Avenged Sevenfold begins their Shepherd of Fire tour in April 2014.


Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

The Race To Prestige continues, and Team SCUF is taking the opportunity to remember some of the best moments from Races gone by.

2012 was the first year that the Race To Prestige was officially recognized by Activision, and it brought with it the opportunity for fuller coverage with higher-profile gamers. Taking up this challenge was the appropriately named “Hashtag The Race”: a single Gamertag communally used by popular pro-gamers Ernest Le, TmarTn, GoldGlove, and JERiiCHO. Taking over the driver’s seat in shifts, the quartet shot, stabbed, and airstriked their way through several days of grinding, always in the Twitch camera’s view. And though this assembly of streamers made for exciting viewing, they were far from the only group participating. Thousands of gamers, streamers, and fans all over the world joined in on the fun (and sleep depravity) as each set their sights on becoming the first Prestige Master in 2012.

Perhaps one of the most enjoyable things about watching “Hashtag The Race” scramble through their 80 levels of combat was seeing brand new CoD features unfold in front of them for the first time. The game was Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2, and it was as new to the featured streamers as it was to anyone else playing it. Watching weapons unlock and strategies unfurl was not only a terrific source of entertainment: it was a learning experience for would-be pro-gamers viewing the Twitch stream from their homes around the world.

2012jpg   2012jpg2   2012jpg3

Ernest Le’s profound love for the Tomahawk, for example, was made perfectly clear from the get go, particularly during one amazing sequence where he was able to pull off a triple kill: the final throw of which was made from half a map away (see video below). JERiiCHO’s realization of the strategic importance of the Slum map’s “blue room” was another fond memory, particularly when he began to evolve his game to match. Moments like these set the stage not only for 2012’s Race, but for Races to come. A widespread audience saw that the event wasn’t just about bragging rights: it was about training yourself on the ins and outs of each multiplayer map, and doing it in a hurry.

That learning curve was not wasted on “Hashtag The Race”. During their multi-day run, they were ranked 1st in the world for score, making the live stream not only exciting, but somewhat historic. This moment in history was followed swiftly by the first Prestige Master in the world, oTradeMark, claiming his victory after over five straight days of playing. All this excitement set the standard for the future, where the event would only grow in viewership, leading to an outpouring of donations for the Call of Duty Endowment in Races to come.

Join us tomorrow for a look at 2013’s Race To Prestige.

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Matt 'Nadeshot' Haag has been a pivotal player in the Call of Duty® eSports scene. He is best known as the former captain of OpTic Gaming, one of the most successful gaming organizations in eSports.

Nadeshot is an X Games gold medalist, has an extremely popular Youtube channel and can be seen on MLG.tvstream.

Be sure to pick up the official SCUF controllers of one of the most influential players in eSports history.
Nadeshot SCUF custom controllers
It’s the culmination of a year full of the best professionals to play the game, and it’s proving to be one of the greatest Championships yet. Call of Duty XP 2016 is a mere two days out of reach, and with the highest prize pool in CoD Championship history, 32 of the greatest teams to play the game, and massive crowds of screaming fans, this is sure to be one of the most exciting events in professional gaming history.

And TeamSCUF just can’t miss out on a party like that.


That’s right: we are thrilled to say that when the doors open and the spotlights flare up, we’re going to be right in the thick of things. We’ll have a booth set up for anyone who wants to come and say hello. For those of you who who’ve always wanted to give one of our custom controllers a test drive, we’ll have our Infinity 4PS controllers making an appearance.

Some of our Pro Players will be visiting our signing booth as well: so be sure to come down and get an autograph!

We cannot wait for this weekend! It’s going to be one of the best CoD Championships of all time: we can just feel it. Let’s get hyped and watch the world of Call of Duty come out swinging! Best of luck to the combatants, and we’ll see you in California!


Unlike many of his esteemed colleagues, Formal came to Call of Duty with the reputation of being a champion. Formal’s five-year stint on Halo saw him race through the ranks before eventually becoming one of the best in the game.

He found a home as part of Ambush — joining forces with some of the game’s most accomplished stars such as Heinz, iGotUrPistola, Snip3down and later Enable. His time in Halo saw him take home seven Major titles, spanning three games in the series.

Understandably then, Formal came into Call of Duty with a higher stock than most. Team Kaliber were willing to take a risk on the former Halo star and combining forces with Sharp, Theory and Goonjar, Formal and Team Kaliber took home a top 4 finish in the Winter Invitational back on Call of Duty Ghosts.

A top 16 finish at the 2014 Call of Duty Championship was to be Formal’s last major act in a Team Kaliber shirt, as soon FaZe Black came calling. It wasn’t until EnVyUs swooped in to acquire Formal’s talents, though, that his true potential was exposed and he quickly helped the Boys in Blue to their first major title in years — this was only the beginning of the Formal story.

Formal-At-CWL-OrlandoCurrent Team

The world champions (finally). Formal linked up with OpTic Gaming to deliver a Call of Duty Championship as part of a severe roster shuffle that also saw the acquisition of Crimsix.

The new-look OpTic Gaming had great promise and were a championship caliber team from offing, only denied on their debut by Aches and FaZe Clan. The first Major title would soon come, though, and was quickly followed by another before the team took first place at the Call of Duty Championship 2015 NA Regional Finals. The new OpTic Gaming were on course to achieve greatness.

Yet at the Call of Duty Championship, OpTic Gaming fell short, as Denial won the title. This forced a change in the ranks, with long-time OG man Nadeshot stepping down, with two-time Call of Duty Championship Winner Karma filling his boots.

With Karma, OpTic Gaming were even more successful, winning countless major titles along the way to the 2016 Call of Duty Championship. The heavy favourites again, OpTic Gaming were expected to deliver the world title after a season of dominance.

Yet again though, the Green Wall was demolished and Formal had to watch his former team, EnVyUs, lift the title instead of him. For the second year in a row, OpTic Gaming would place top 8.

Despite the defeat, OpTic Gaming decided not to make a change, confident that they had already assembled the game’s best roster. The next year was much of the same, with OpTic Gaming winning three Majors — the most of any roster on the pro circuit

This time, it was meant to be. In a year where OpTic Gaming weren’t the overwhelming favourites, the team assembled to win the world title won the world title. It was an outstanding achievement from a great team, starved of the one honor that deserted them.

OpTic Gaming finished the Infinite Warfare season having won titles in Paris, Dallas, Stage 2 in Columbus and of course, the all-important Call of Duty Championship title.


Greatest Achievement

Unquestionably Formal’s greatest achievement is his latest achievement. Lifting the Call of Duty Championship was Formal’s goal in the game. Formal didn’t just win the title though, he turned in five-days of superb Call of Duty that’ll go down in history.

The competition’s MVP was outstanding from the moment the first bullet was fired, and his stats paint the picture of a man playing at the very top of his game. At the close of play, Formal led all players in Overall K/D, Hardpoint K/D, Uplink points per game, and was second in Uplink K/D.

Formal rose to the occasion like no-other at the 2017 Call of Duty Championship and was the single most important OpTic Gaming player for almost every series spanning the five-day competition in Orlando, Florida.

After claims of wanting to go down as the best FPS player when he eventually hangs up the sticks, Formal took great strides in the right direction.



Formal is OpTic Gaming’s AR Slayer and is expecting to lead his team in kills — something he achieved to great effect at the Call of Duty Championship and in OpTic’s Stage 2 campaign.

Formal is among the most aggressive rifles in Call of Duty, and is comparable to Splyce’s Zer0 and Luminosity’s Octane in style of play.

What sets Formal apart though is the quality of his aim. The same talent that made him a winner on Halo, has made him a champion on Call of Duty as well. Precise and deadly, Formal has been the catalyst for OpTic’s success and rightly won the game’s biggest individual accolade at the 2017 Call of Duty Championship.


Public Persona

Formal has a clear vision of who he is as both a player and a person; he is a leader, a winner and a competitor first and foremost. This drive and determination largely defines his character, although even by his own acknowledgement, behind closed doors he can be a goofball.

As a long-time member of OpTic Gaming and one of the best players in Call of Duty, understandably Formal has amassed a sizeable social media following. He has 700,000 Twitter followers, making him one of the most popular stars in the whole of Call of Duty. Brief forays into YouTube and Twitch have been highly successful, despite being inconsistent.

Compared to some of his counterparts, Formal has barely even scratched the surface of YouTube, uploading a handful of videos since starting his channel three years ago. Despite that, his following is over 250,000 — an enviable amount to almost any aspiring content creator but just part a parcel of being OpTic Formal.
Jim Maguire, Director of TCM-Gaming had this to say:  “Launching SCUF Gaming as our latest partner while our Ghosts squad are playing at the Activision Cod World Championships in Los Angeles is perfect timing. Providing our guys with the best equipment money can buy in the biggest tournament on the planet has to be a winner. We are looking forward to working closely with Scuf over the coming months. - See more at:




Used by over 85% of Pro-Gamers for Shooters, the SCUF Controller is an essential professional grade gaming accessory that enables gamers to take advantage of clever features like our patented paddles, trigger mechanisms and optional extras. SCUF Controllers have become the Pro Gamers choice to aid their game play, while reducing the risk of obtaining hand injuries caused by compromising actions like CLAW Grip.



Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming: “As many of you may know TCM has been one of Europe’s top Call Of Duty teams for sometime now. We have always had an unofficial affiliation with them because their players have been users of SCUF controllers since the early days of Scuf Gaming. It's great to finally solidify the partnership and openly promote together. Our focus has always been helping support players and the community so announcing this partnership at the COD Championship Finals is very apt"



ABOUT SCUF GAMING: A Company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers”. It all started in 2010 – until the SCUF was invented gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using patented back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming made it possible to display more dexterity is a safe, ergonomic way. Scuf Gaming now has access to over 23 patents, 4 of which are granted patents – offering features such as adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF Grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF Controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, G-finity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. When we designed the SCUF, our focus was to reduce unnecessary latency in hand movement and allow experienced gamers to game for longer while using more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. Scuf gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


For more information please visit


PRESS RELEASE: June 6, 2016 – Five (5) years after inventing several additional core functions for a Gaming Controller and creating a new market space for professional controller/ input devices, Scuf Gaming through Ironburg Inventions (Invention/ Patent Subsidiary) talks more openly about its mid-term product strategy, as its count is extended to twenty-one (21) issued patents. On 31st May 2016 the USPTO issued Utility Patent No 9,352,229 B2, which relates to a hand held input device for controlling video games or other interactive systems with a plurality of additional detachable controls located on the back of the controller, ranging from individual elongated members to mounting plates which can activate magnetic switches, sensors or microswitches.

patent_ribbonCEO & Founder of Scuf Gaming and Ironburg Inventions, Duncan Ironmonger says, “Since Day 1, our strategy has always been to create a new market space by rethinking and improving how gamers use their hands to ergonomically control Input Devices. Starting with Gaming Controllers, we have focused on five (5) key areas to help improve performance and dexterity while increasing hand use and comfort – most people know these as SCUF controllers and while we are delighted by our success, this is only the beginning. With the evolution of the gaming industry and explosion in eSports, SCUF is able to leverage its IP and evolve into several new areas. I’m extremely proud and excited of what we have achieved and this is possibly our most important patent milestone to date because of how it helps lock down and protect our INPUT DEVICE strategy for Console, PC, Mobile, Tablet and VR."

Over the past five (5) years, Scuf Gaming (through Ironburg Inventions Ltd) has been issued over twenty-one (21) patents with another thirty-eight (38) pending of which many are in areas that bridge future input devices. In October 2015, Scuf Gaming (together with Patent subsidiary, Ironburg Inventions, Ltd) signed a licensing agreement with Microsoft Corporation, providing Microsoft rights to use SCUF’s intellectual property to create the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller.

For additional information please visit

About Scuf Gaming:
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where more than 90% of the world’s top professional gamers in shooters use a SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 21 granted patents, and another 38 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. Scuf Gaming is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, CWL, MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
This week’s profile looks at FaZe Clan’s Thomas ‘ZooMaa’ Paparratto.



Once derided as primarily an online player, ZooMaa first began to build a name for himself as a Search and Destroy specialist. During Call of Duty Ghosts, he began to transition into playing respawn game modes as well and attending his first events.

Having qualified for Season 2 of the MLG CoD League, ZooMaa’s squad were acquired by Denial. Although the squad qualified for the international playoffs at MLG Anaheim, a last-place finish prompted a major team shuffle, with the squad rebuilt around ZooMaa.

The new team – now featuring prominent pro players Renato ‘Saints’ Forza, James ‘Replays’ Crowder and Jeremy ‘StuDyy’ Astacio, was an instant success, picking up victory at UMG Dallas on their very first outing together. Despite now being surrounded by high-profile names, ZooMaa continued to distinguish himself as a potential superstar.

It was in Advanced Warfare, however, that he completed his ascent to becoming one of Call of Duty’s superstars. After transitioning with Denial into the new season, ZooMaa would move to Team EnVyUs for a stint before finding himself on FaZe Clan.

The first iteration of the FaZe squad challenged the dominant OpTic Gaming in a couple of finals, but didn’t look in much danger of actually toppling them. After losing in the grand finals of the MLG Pro League Season 2 Playoffs, ZooMaa and Ian ‘Enable’ Wyatt teamed up with Denial duo and World Champions James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks and Dillon ‘Attach’ Price.

The squad would go undefeated against the previously indomitable OpTic for the rest of the season, picking up three championships during which ZooMaa himself was praised as one of the best players in the world.

Current team

ZooMaa remains a member of that FaZe Clan squad today, although recently the team have been through their first team change in over two years. Despite their success towards the end Advanced Warfare, the team had a much less successful year on Black Ops 3. Though results picked up noticeably in Infinite Warfare, as the year progressed the team remained without a championship win.

Things finally came to a head after a top-16 finish at CWL Anaheim, and a change had to be made. To some controversy, it was James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks on the chopping block, with Peirce ‘Gunless’ Hillman, one of the rising talents behind eUnited’s success, brought in as a replacement.

The new FaZe roster was unable to pick up its first trophy on its debut, instead coming in at 5th/6th at the Global Pro League Stage Two Playoffs. The squad were arguably unfortunate to run into both eventual grand finalists EnVyUs and OpTic Gaming, but the placement leaves the team still looking to prove themselves as they head into this year’s Call of Duty Championships.


Greatest achievement

With multiple trophies to his name, it’s difficult to isolate a single greatest achievement for ZooMaa. It’s easier to narrow down a time period – between the formation of the FaZe Clan roster that held until recently, and the end of the Advanced Warfare season.

During that time, ZooMaa helped to push his squad to three major championship victories, taking down the god-squad of OpTic Gaming in all three grand finals. ZooMaa was arguably in his prime on an individual level, and the team became the first to ever deny OpTic Gaming of multiple trophies.

If a single event were to be selected, however, it would probably be the Gfinity Summer Championship. Offering a $50,000 first place prize – one of the biggest pay-outs of the year outside of the Call of Duty Championships – it was only the second event the then-new FaZe had competed at.

Having previously won UMG Dallas, the squad were looking to prove that they weren’t a one-hit wonder, that they could go toe-to-toe with OpTic on a consistent basis. The two teams would meet in an epic best-of-seven final in which FaZe came back from a 1-3 deficit to win 4-3. The match was an instant classic, and also the first time OpTic had fallen short at consecutive events since the addition of Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter and Matthew ‘FormaL’ Piper.



In his rise to the top, ZooMaa quickly developed a reputation as one of the fastest players in the game. While he’s experimented with an Assault Rifle at times, ZooMaa is at his best with an SMG in his hands.

Particularly during Advanced Warfare, ZooMaa was a player to get up in the enemy’s face and force as many interactions as possible, making space for his team and drawing attention away from the dominant riflers. In prime form, ZooMaa would become a one-man wrecking ball, not only taking more fights than any other player but winning most of them as well, almost single-handedly forcing back opponents.

In Search and Destroy, he became known for this aggressive behaviour that it practically became a meme: everyone knew the “ZooMaa flank” was coming, but he retained a remarkably high success rate nonetheless.

Today, ZooMaa is a little more conservative in his play, having amassed more experience at the highest level and learnt when it’s better to reign in the aggression.


Public persona

Like almost all Call of Duty professional players, ZooMaa is no stranger to a range of social media sites. His largest following is to be found on Twitter, boasting more than 278,000 followers, though ZooMaa hasn’t dedicated quite so much time to content creation for sites like YouTube and Twitch as some of his fellow competitors. An active Instagram makes up his second most popular account, with over 138,000 followers.

Unlike some, ZooMaa generally isn’t a particularly divisive or controversial figure. Typically coming across as humble and honest in interviews, even those who may support fierce rivals are rarely found with a bad word to say about ZooMaa on a personal level.
PRESS RELEASE: Scuf Gaming partners with TeamKaliber and releases the ‘TeamKaliber HYBRID’ Team Controller – September 23th, 2013

Scuf Gaming is delighted to partner with TeamKaliber Gaming and release the all-new ‘TeamKaliber HYBRID’ team controller. Used by over 85% of Pro-Gamers for Shooters, the SCUF Controller is an essential professional grade gaming accessory that enables gamers to take advantage of clever features like paddles, trigger mechanisms and optional extras. SCUF Controllers have become the Pro Gamers choice to aid their game play, while reducing the risk of obtaining hand injuries caused by compromising actions like CLAW Grip.

Jimmy aka Chaosxsilencer “We are truly excited to announce our partnership with SCUF. To be able to partner up with the #1 Controller Company in gaming is truly an honor for us. The name TeamKaliber already resonates as family within our organization and it is always about the team as opposed to the individual, so having a SCUF TeamKaliber Controller is very special to us. It represents all aspects of the TeamKaliber organization and what we stand for. We look forward to the partnership and relationship with everyone at SCUF and are excited about the future. “

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming, said “Its great to be working with TeamKaliber who, although a relatively new organization, built a very strong competitive presence in the Call Of Duty scene. In a short time TeamKaliber have built an impressive and loyal following and we are excited for the upcoming year.”

ABOUT SCUF GAMING: Until the SCUF was invented in 2010, gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming has made it possible to display more dexterity is a safe, ergonomic way. Scuf Gaming also offer features such as adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF Grip and optional domed or concave sticks. SCUF Controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, G-finity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. When we designed the SCUF, our focus was to reduce unnecessary latency in hand movement and allow experienced gamers to game for longer while using more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. We believe the paddles and adjustable hair triggers are a great advancement for Console Gaming and are ideal for gamers to display their skill and dexterity and pull off more exciting gameplays which in turn will increase audience interest!” For more information please visit
Over 100 Granted & Pending Patents Create a Stronghold in Gaming Controller Innovation


Scuf Gaming Increases Global Intellectual Property Footprint

ATLANTA, November 5, 2018 — Scuf Gamin, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary Ironburg Inventions, has expanded its global patent portfolio, bringing the company’s total number of patents to 45, with an additional 5 pending patent applications approved and ready to issue, and 52 additional pending applications.

“We’ve known our controller features would become essential for competitive players since creating the market category for performance controllers in 2011,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming®. “Since then, we have invested heavily in our IP portfolio, while educating and supporting the professional gaming community when few people knew esports existed. These patented innovations have benefitted hundreds of thousands of gamers, not just professionals, because our controllers enable them to use more of their hands during gameplay and reduce hand-strain through improved ergonomics.”

The SCUF Vantage™, the company’s most recent and advanced PS4™ controller, relies on existing Scuf Gaming® intellectual property, such as remappable back control functions, interchangeable thumbsticks and trigger control mechanisms. It also features innovations never before seen in a controller, such as the Sax™ buttons (removable side action buttons), which permit mid-finger activation of game functions and removable vibration modules to quickly select vibration and weight preferences. The SCUF Vantage™ has almost 40 granted or pending patents covering its unique features, and that number continues to grow.

Scuf Gaming® continues to obtain intellectual property protection for the features that increase user hand use and enhance performance through the customization of thumbsticks, triggers, and buttons as well as the look and feel of its controllers.

For example, four of the most recently granted patents extend geographic and functional coverage, to include:

  1. S. Patent 9,878,238: Directed to paddle technology used in the SCUF Vantage™ controller.

  2. European Patent 32427: Directed to rapid change thumbsticks.

  3. Canadian Patent 2913093: Directed to paddle technology used in the SCUF Vantage™ controller.

  4. European Patent 3102301: Directed to magnetic remapping technology.

“Intellectual property sits at the heart of our company and protects our ability to innovate, test, and perfect our products,” continued Ironmonger. “Our most advanced controller, the Vantage, is built off our experiences with previous generations of SCUF controllers and our drive to create feature-rich, professional-level input devices that ultimately close the gap between controller and keyboard and mouse. In fact, top gamers, like Nickmercs, regularly best keyboard and mouse players during cross-platform Fortnite competitions thanks to SCUF controllers.”

In 2015, Scuf Gaming licensed their IP to Microsoft to create the Xbox Elite controller. Scuf Gaming continues to invest many millions of dollars into R&D and their patent portfolio, and actively defends their intellectual property to protect their assets and many employees worldwide.

To learn more about Scuf Gaming’s® intellectual property, please visit

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 45 granted patents, and another 57 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax™ button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
PRESS RELEASE: 20th January 2014 – Scuf Gaming partners with SkyLAN for SkyLAN #2


Scuf Gaming is happy to partner with SkyLan and attend their next event SkyLAN #2 “Back In Paris” on 25/26th of January.


SkyLAN is an organizer with impressive growth since their first event, SkyLAN BETA that took place in Lyon early 2013. In less than a year they’re going to be running their 4th event which will this time gather up to 64 teams on Call of Duty Ghosts who will try to earn the biggest share of the 10,000euros guaranteed prize share. Big show expected from the best teams France has to offer.


Benjamin Hoffner, founder of SkyLAN says: “With the success of the SCUF stand at SkyLAN.ESWC and the professionalism displayed, SkyLAN naturally decided to bind with SCUF once again for SkyLAN #2. All the SkyLAN staff is delighted to be working with SCUF once again for this event, which is due to be much bigger.”


Jonas Ferry, head of Scuf Gaming in France says: “It’s extremely important for Scuf Gaming to be supporting the French community and with a great event upcoming we are happy to partner up with SkyLAN once again.  We are driven to provide the best controllers on the market and being able to meet with the players is extremely important to us! We’re looking forward meeting the community and an other great weekend of Call of Duty Ghosts competition.”


ABOUT SCUF GAMING: Until we invented the SCUF in 2010, gamers could only use compromising techniques like “CLAW” to play with more of their hand. Using back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming has made it possible to display more dexterity in a safe, ergonomic way. We understand the limitations of a normal controller for Professional gamers, who need to control over 20 functions whilst they’re in gameplay; making use of only 2 fingers and 2 thumbs is extremely limiting at the Top level. One size cannot fit all and will not fit all for the elite 10% of the community. It can restrict the advancement of play, the games and their enjoyment; hence why some Professional players were eventually forced to use techniques like CLAW; which can be very harmful to your hand with repetition. The paddles and trigger mechanisms that Scuf Gaming developed and patented allow each player to choose their preferred settings for gameplay and help them become the best gamer of they can be.
PRESS RELEASE: May 5, 2016 – Launching the Infinity4PS Controller, Scuf Gaming continues to change the game for PlayStation and PC gamers. Leveraging IP and functionality from the highly acclaimed Infinity Series, SCUF helps to take your game to the next level with the fully modular SCUF Infinity4PS, swap out thumbsticks, triggers and paddles on the fly to optimize the feel and functionality to suit your gameplay.

The SCUF Infinity4PS includes many new innovations including: (1) SCUF’s patented trigger control area, which offers various length triggers and quick shift trigger stops. Gamers can shift the trigger stops to initiate various activation points on the trigger and also mechanically tune the tension and position of the trigger to locate the triggers’ ‘sweet spot’ with the adjustable hair trigger mechanisms. Both functions provide the gamer with reduced trigger latency and improved trigger control. (2) Fully remappable paddles increase hand use and gain a competitive advantage. (3) The Infinity Thumbstick Control Area provides the gamer with the ability to change SCUF’s new proprietary thumbsticks quickly and securely in seconds. Like race car tires, thumbsticks will wear down, especially when they have optimal comfort and grip. This is an option SCUF fans have been eagerly awaiting. (4) The SCUF Infinity4PS now offers the choice of military grade SCUF GRIP, which is the Pro’s grip choice on the SCUF Infinity1.

A wide array of design and color options are available on the SCUF Infinity4PS to suit all tastes and budgets, including branded eSports team SCUF controllers like OpTic and FaZe. SCUF controllers are hand crafted to the gamer’s specification, which is why over 90% of professional gamers choose SCUF controllers. The SCUF Infinity4PS is compatible for use on PlayStation®4 and PC.

“Over the past 12 months, we have witnessed the PlayStation market become far more competitive and serious about eSports. Five years ago we invented SCUF features to offer the pro and hardcore community a more competitive controller to match their skill and hand dexterity. Our commitment and innovation are to the gamer, so creating a more modular controller for PlayStation 4 was a natural evolution. We believe offering gamers the flexibility to replace parts, as they wear through extended gameplay, is essential. The release of the Infinity4PS offers trigger function that we are particularly proud of and comes at a perfect time, since we just announced another two utility patents for our adjustable hair trigger and trigger stop functionality. Since 2011, SCUF users have been very familiar with our trigger control area and we’re pleased to evolve this and carry functionality to the SCUF Infinity4PS,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Founder of Scuf Gaming.

SCUF Infinity4PS offers several patented and patent pending features, including:

The Infinity4PS Trigger System comes with three core features: The Quick Shift Trigger Stops, the Adjustable Hair Trigger Mechanism and SCUF’s NEW Trigger Extenders.

Quick Shift Trigger Stops
• Quick Shift Trigger Stops enable the user to activate various activation points on the trigger stop
• Reduction of unnecessary trigger movement past activation point
• SCUF Key (0.9 mm) is utilized for easy adjustments

Adjustable Hair Trigger Mechanism
• Enables the user to mechanically tune the tension and position of the trigger to locate the trigger’s ‘sweet spot’ for different types of games
• Reduces unnecessary trigger latency before activation point
• SCUF Key (0.9 mm) is utilized for easy adjustments

SCUF’s NEW Trigger Extenders
• Fully removable and easily clip on the Infinity4PS triggers - standard and long lengths
• Improve trigger accuracy and hand comfort
• Extend the natural parameters of the controller to suit larger hand sizes (long)
• Choose from six color options (black, white, red, blue, green & yellow)

Interchangeable Thumbstick Control Area
• Change thumbsticks in seconds with the Infinity Ring and Lock system
• NEW SCUF thumbsticks for Infinity4PS use proprietary materials and come in regular and tall sizes, domed and concave styles
• Choose from five color options (black, white, red, blue & green)

Infinity Ring and Lock System
• Fully removable and customizable, the SCUF Infinity Lock ensures a secure thumbstick
• Use of self-lubricating material on the ring, ensures your thumbstick glides seamlessly
• Infinity Rings add design as they come in nine color options (black, grey, white, green, light blue, dark blue, red, orange & pink)

Military Grade SCUF Grip
• SCUF Grip is similar to grip used to coat weaponry and other military equipment
• Its textured, non-slip surface is great for extended hours of gameplay
• Choose from four color options (black, red, blue & green)

Infinity 4PS PRO Switches
• Switches layered with gold on circuits and new switches provide increased activation longevity
• Improved haptic feedback with every click of the paddle

SCUF Infinity4PS PRO Paddle Control System
• Determining factor for elite gamers, allowing players to keep their thumbs on thumbsticks while using the back paddles to perform advanced moves
• The Infinity4PS PRO paddles are easy to reach, include grip and grooves to provide a secure hold for fingertips

SCUF EMR (Electro Magnetic Remapping) Technology
• Use EMR Mag Key for ‘on the fly’ remapping of the back paddles to any face button

SCUF Infinity4PS pricing starts at $124.95, €124.99 & £99.99 and is for use with PlayStation 4 and PC.

Infinity4ps secure thumbsticks

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where more than 90% of the world’s top professional gamers in shooters use a SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 20 granted patents, and another 39 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. Scuf Gaming is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, CWL, MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
It’s the culmination of a year full of the best professionals to play the game, and it’s proving to be one of the greatest Championships yet. Call of Duty XP 2016 is a mere two days out of reach, and with the highest prize pool in CoD Championship history, 32 of the greatest teams to play the game, and massive crowds of screaming fans, this is sure to be one of the most exciting events in professional gaming history.

And TeamSCUF just can’t miss out on a party like that.


That’s right: we are thrilled to say that when the doors open and the spotlights flare up, we’re going to be right in the thick of things. We’ll have a booth set up for anyone who wants to come and say hello. For those of you who who’ve always wanted to give one of our custom controllers a test drive, we’ll have our Infinity 4PS controllers making an appearance.

Some of our Pro Players will be visiting our signing booth as well: so be sure to come down and get an autograph!

We cannot wait for this weekend! It’s going to be one of the best CoD Championships of all time: we can just feel it. Let’s get hyped and watch the world of Call of Duty come out swinging! Best of luck to the combatants, and we’ll see you in California!
Anaheim is widely regarded as one of the best tournaments in the Call of Duty calendar and the 2016 edition lived up to expectations. Today we’re going to take a look at the headlines from last weekend’s competition.

OpTic Grabs Consecutive Anaheim Titles

Anaheim has been a happy hunting ground for Crimsix (then again where hasn’t?), having won three back-to-back MLG titles in California. This weekend he set out to make it four in four as he aims to live up to a promise to prove that OpTic Gaming is the best Call of Duty team ever.

All four players are playing some of their best CoD of the season, hitting a peak in time for the Call of Duty Championship – one of the few titles to have so far eluded the Green Wall. Barely breaking a sweat in Pool Play or the Winner Bracket, OpTic booked another appearance in a Grand Final, dropping only two maps en route, as well as sweeping rivals Rise and eLevate.

Optic MLG Anaheim champions

eLevate posed more of a threat in the Grand Final and had it not been for stand out performances by Karma and tournament MVP, Formal, OpTic may have stumbled to a runner up finish. In typical OpTic Gaming fashion, though, the crowd favorites managed to complete a reverse sweep of eLevate, winning the final 3-2 in dramatic fashion to secure title number 27 for Crimsix.

OpTic Gaming remains the team to beat.


Despite a difficult start, FaZe still managed to pull itself from the Loser’s Bracket and into an ultimate fourth place finish.

Faze Clan MLG Anaheim
Their sudden turn of fortunes included back-to-back reverse sweeps of European opponents, first eliminating Splyce and later defeating Infused. It took real mettle and an incredible moment of individual play by Clayster to finally fight back against Infused. Ultimately, FaZe should be proud of their ability to play as Comeback Kings.

A Long Road Home For Europe

It was a mixed weekend for the traveling European contingent who will have hoped to get more out of their trip to Anaheim. All three made short work of the Open Bracket, with Infused and Splyce subsequently meeting after finishing 1nd and 2rd in their respective groups. 

Infused came out on top in the only all-European fixture of the weekend, though both they and Splyce ultimately met their fates at the hands of FaZe.
France was on fire with gaming excitement as the Call Of Duty World League descended into Europe. Scuf Gaming set up a booth in the Paris Expo Hall and got a great view of the ESWC Paris action. With OpTic Gaming and FaZe Clan taking home 1st and 2nd place respectively, everyone got an eyeful of some of the best players in esports history. Thanks to all the TeamSCUF members who came by to visit and get a load of the action!

ESWC Paris ESWC Paris ESWC Paris

ESWC Paris ESWC Paris ESWC Paris

ESWC Paris ESWC Paris ESWC Paris

ESWC Paris ESWC Paris ESWC Paris

ESWC Paris ESWC Paris ESWC Paris
“The Awakening”, the first DLC Pack for Black Ops 3, has arrived for Playstation 4 users.

A total of four new Multiplayer Maps, the start of the Black Ops 3 “Zombies Experience” Der Eisendrache, and many bug fixes and balancing will be sure to give your SCUF Controller a workout this week.

The new Multiplayer Maps include:

  • Gauntlet – highlighting Treyarch’s classic “three-lane map structure”, with very diverse and impressive visuals, allows players to travel through dense jungle, a frozen arctic area, and an urban city in the same map.

  • Splash – an abandoned water park that offers plenty of fun combat opportunities including skirmishes down waterslides, a pirate ship, and a lazy river. This map definitely highlights many underwater combat opportunities.

  • Rise – Features classic Call of Duty style combat with plenty of areas to employ the new core movement system. Arguably the map best designed for competitive play from “Awakening”, Rise heralds back to the classic cover-based Call of Duty.

  • Skyjacked – A reimagined version of one of our personal favorite Call of Duty Black Ops 2 multiplayer maps, Hijacked.  This map includes many new areas to explore thanks to the core movement system and provides a fresh take on a classic map.

All four maps will surely provide fans of Black Ops 3 with exciting new opportunities and strategies to develop, and we’re sure to see the impact the balance changes make for the Pro Teams in the Call of Duty World League.

4ps zombie v1
Whether you’re a pro or a causal fan, make sure you have your SCUF Controller ready to go. SCUF thumbsticks and Paddle Control System make movement around the new maps a breeze and can provide that edge during every firefight.

The core concept of any Call of Duty Zombies mode is survival, and nothing will help you survive the hordes of the undead like a SCUF Controller. For Zombies we cannot recommend the Electro Magnetic Remapping (EMR) feature enough; having the ability to change your back paddles on the fly is essential to a high-pressure team based mode like Zombies. Be sure to select this feature if you are a Zombie mode fan!

Click HERE to start customizing your own SCUF 4PS Controller now. We’ll see you on the battlefields in “Awakening”.

21 new controller designs let fans represent hometown NBA 2K League teams

ATLANTA, June 21, 2019 — Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, and the NBA 2K League are launching a collection of controllers to celebrate each of the 21 teams in the NBA 2K League.

Available for the high-performance SCUF Vantage controller, officially licensed for PlayStation 4, each NBA 2K League team controller features a unique design, including a faceplate emblazoned with one of the NBA 2K League team’s respective colors and logo. The Vantage boasts a suite of customizable features designed to allow gamers to use more of their hands and improve performance and comfort. SCUF controllers are relied upon in competition by many of the NBA 2K League's marquee professional players.

“This collection is a nod to the league’s fans, who are just as faithful and loyal as those that cheer on live basketball,” said Scuf Gaming founder and CEO Duncan Ironmonger. “Whether it’s the royal purple and gold of Lakers Gaming, the iconic blue and orange of Knicks Gaming, or any other team, fans can now represent their favorite team when they are gaming.”

The launch is an extension of Scuf Gaming’s ongoing sponsorship as the Official Gaming Controller of the NBA 2K League, and the launch of the official SCUF Vantage NBA2KL controller in March 2019.

Currently in its second season, the NBA 2K League is composed of affiliates of 21 NBA teams participating in an 18-week competitive campaign, culminating with the NBA 2K League Playoffs, which tip off Wednesday, July 24, and the NBA 2K League Finals on Saturday, Aug. 3. Hawks Talon GC, Nets GC, Lakers Gaming, and T-Wolves Gaming are new to the NBA 2K League this season.

“We’ve been a foundational partner with the NBA 2K League since its first season, supporting the league and providing players with high-performance equipment to play at the highest levels,” continued Ironmonger. “As the league grows, we’re excited to bring fans even closer to the action.”

The new SCUF Vantage NBA 2K League team collection (starting at $199.95) is now available in the US & Canada through Scuf Gaming’s website, and individual team faceplate kits ($29.95) will become available next week. For more information and to view photos of the collection, please visit

About the NBA 2K League

The NBA 2K League, a professional esports league co-founded by the NBA and Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO), launched in 2018 and features the best NBA 2K players in the world. Each of the league’s 21 teams features six players who compete as unique characters in 5-on-5 play against the other teams in a mix of regular-season games, tournaments and playoffs. Knicks Gaming won the first-ever NBA 2K League Finals on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2018. The league’s second season takes place from April-August 2019. For more information about the NBA 2K League, visit


For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring JKap from Team EnVyUs

Real Name: Jordan Kaplan

Gamer Tag: JKap

Current Team: EnVyUs

Hometown: Marlton, NJ

How long have you been gaming? Gaming since about 2000 (Mario and sports games), competitive gaming since late 2008

If you could be any video game character who would you be? IDK which character I’d be

What’s your favorite childhood game? Super Mario 64

What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? Sons of Anarchy

What is your Guilty Pleasure? Can’t think of a good guilty please atm

Who is your Celebrity Crush? Selena Gomez

Favorite Comfort Food? Ice Cream

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Not sure if it’s my biggest, but a pet peeve is when people spell “definitely” as “defiantly” (Which I swear happens way more than it should)

Do you have any weird phobias? N/A

Do you have any weird habits? N/A

Fun Fact? N/A
Wanna see a magic trick?

The battlefields of the virtual world are flooded with all kinds of warriors: from noble soldiers to high-flying daredevils. But for some, the call to chaos and mayhem is just too good to pass up.

The SCUF Jester is for the player who looks to stir up pandemonium everywhere they go. Never satisfied with just winning, the Jester player looks at a game as an opportunity to put a smile on his opponent’s face: whether they like it or not.

Decked out in leering faces that will haunt the enemy’s dreams, the SCUF Jester’s soft touch finish can be customized with any of your favorite button colors and grips.

But it’s more than just a pretty face.

Each Jester is fully equipped with patented paddles, interchangeable thumbsticks and everything else that has made the Infinity Series controllers the number one choice of 90% of pro gamers the world over.

Get started with your custom SCUF Jester, click here for Xbox One and here for PlayStation 4.

Now get out there and hurt ’em really, really bad.
ATLANTA, November 26, 2019Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary, Ironburg Inventions, has expanded its global patent portfolio to 103, with the addition of 7 granted patents in Europe. 

Scuf Gaming’s latest patents expand the international coverage of its in-case trigger stop feature. Trigger stops significantly reduce the travel distance of the trigger. Since its invention in 2011, the trigger control system has become a necessity for shooter games, where every millisecond matters, because it allows for quicker aim and firing. 

With these new patents, Scuf Gaming now has 103 granted patents and designs in eleven different countries with an additional 55 pending patent applications.  

“Advanced trigger control features are at the core of console gameplay and have become a standard in competitive gaming. When we started redefining how controllers were used nearly a decade ago, reducing unnecessary trigger pull was one of our first steps.” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of Scuf Gaming. “By inventing trigger stops, we enabled faster and more efficient gameplay, particularly on shooter games. It is very exciting to reach 100 granted patents, and to do so with one of our very first inventions.”   

For more information on the patents protecting Scuf Gaming’s innovation, please visit: 


About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 103 granted patents and designs, and another 55 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
The newest edition to the Battlefield franchise has arrived and brings with it all of the intense, massive, team-based FPS battles that we’ve come to know and love. SCUF recently had a chance to play through the Great War, and we've come up with a few pointers for people who want to SCUF up their game.


Paddle Configuration:

Like most FPS games, you can see a significant improvement in your Battlefield gameplay by equipping yourself with a SCUF Controller. Unlike most FPS games, Battlefield’s multiplayer can put you in the role of a number of different classes, each with a different kit to help your teammates or hinder your opponents. With that in mind, a SCUF controller would greatly benefit from the Electromagnetic Remapping feature, allowing you to reprogram your paddles on the fly to fit any situation on the battlefield. Beyond remapping the face buttons of AXYB or X/Square/Triangle/O, EMR can also remap left and right on the Dpad which controls your “Gadgets”, which include Defibrillators, Repair tools, Ammo Packs, and C4 to name a few. Those gadgets can literally be life or death during a multiplayer Battlefield game, and having them at your fingertips while still being able to move makes a huge difference.


A typical Battlefield 1 multiplayer map is anything but typical: one moment you could be parachuting off a clifftop while throwing a grenade at an unsuspecting tank below, and the next moment could have you at the front lines reviving teammates with your Defibrillator. Due to this, there is no “best” thumbstick configuration for Battlefield. So your best bet is to play with whatever thumbsticks you are most comfortable with. That idea is best used in conjunction with the SCUF Infinity series of controllers as they allow you to swap out thumbsticks very quickly with the SCUF Ring and Lock system. That being said, you can never go wrong with the SCUF recommended classic for FPS games: a SCUF Concave thumbstick on the left, and a SCUF Domed thumbstick on the right. The concave stick lets you dig in for pinpoint control of your movement while the rounded domed stick is perfect for quick camera movements that allow you to snap onto your next target in a flash.

En prévision du lancement de Forza Motorsport 7, Scuf Gaming s'est associé à Porsche, Turn 10 Studios et Microsoft Stores

SCUF Forza Elite-controller-porsche-911gt2rs

ATLANTA, Géorgie, 26 septembre 2017--SCUF Gaming, l'innovant créateur de manettes de jeu hautes performances, s'est associé à Porsche et Turn 10 Studios pour concevoir une manette en édition limitée, la SCUF FORZA ELITE, qui célébrera la sortie en octobre de Forza Motorsport 7.

Avec un design inspiré par la Porsche 911 GT2 RS, mise à l'honneur dans l'illustration de couverture de Forza Motorsport 7, la SCUF FORZA ELITE comporte, sur un fond argent métallisé emblématique de la 911, des rayures rouges et noires, avec des accents en fibre de carbone ainsi que le logo Forza. Reflétant l'intérieur de la Porsche 911, les poignées de cette manette de luxe sont faites en alcantara cousu main.

« La SCUF FORZA ELITE est conçue dans nos installations d'Atlanta, où rien n'est laissé au hasard pour assurer des performances maximales, a déclaré Duncan Ironmonger, PDG et cofondateur de SCUF Gaming. En 2011, nous avons révolutionné l'univers du jeu vidéo, créant de toute pièce le marché des manettes hautes performances par l'ajout de fonctionnalités augmentant l'utilisation des mains et améliorant l'expérience de jeu. Cette nouvelle édition limitée s'inscrit dans cette tradition. C'est un hommage aux fans à la fois de Forza, de Porsche et de SCUF. Et c'est un rêve qui n'aurait pas pu se réaliser si ces trois marques leaders ne s'étaient pas associées. »

Cette édition limitée comprend toutes les fonctionnalités signatures des manettes SCUF, telles que les palettes et les gâchettes ajustables, qui sont utilisées par plus de 90 % des joueurs professionnels. La manette comprend également l'iconique écusson Porsche, associé à des couleurs audacieuses et des éléments métalliques de haute qualité, qui transcendent l'arrière de la manette en permettant un accès optimal aux palettes. S'inspirant des pneus de voitures de course, les joysticks premium de la SCUF ELITE offrent aux joueurs une adhérence et un confort inégalé, leur donnant toutes les cartes en main pour qu'ils repoussent les limites de la conduite dans Forza Motorsport 7. Des joysticks de hauteurs différentes sont inclus afin que les joueurs puissent choisir ceux qu'ils préfèrent. Sont également inclus des anneaux rouge volcan, des poignées comportant le grip pro SCUF, une housse personnalisée, un certificat d'authenticité et des pièces de rechange pour la manette.

« En 2015, nous avons travaillé avec Microsoft pour proposer nos innovations brevetées au plus grand nombre possible de joueurs et de clients, a ajouté Ironmonger. Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre ce partenariat pour le lancement de l'un des jeux Xbox les plus attendus de l'année. »

Dans le cadre de l'accord conclu avec Microsoft, SCUF devient le fournisseur tiers exclusif d'accessoires pour la manette sans fil Xbox ELITE. Et, grâce au partenariat entre SCUF et Porsche, la SCUF FORZA ELITE est disponible à l'achat en deux options :


  • Manette personnalisée collector avec poignées en alcantara® gris foncé avec coutures rouges

  • Housse personnalisée collector avec pièces de rechange

  • Certificat d'authenticité

  • Disponible dans le  Microsoft Store

  • Édition limitée - 2 000 exemplaires seulement

  • 299,95 $

  • Début des livraisons en octobre

Pack de manette SCUF FORZA ELITE

  • Manette personnalisée collector avec poignées en alcantara® gris foncé avec coutures rouges

  • Housse personnalisée collector avec pièces de rechange

  • Certificat d'authenticité

  • Miniature de la Porsche 911 GT2 RS (2018), avec le logo SCUF Gaming et Forza Motorsport 7

  • Certificat d'authenticité

  • Disponible sur

  • Édition limitée - 500 exemplaires uniquement

  • 369,95 $ 

  • Début des livraisons en octobre

Forza Motorsport 7 permet à tous de vivre toute l'adrénaline de la course automobile de haut niveau. Avec ses graphismes en 4K, Forza Motorsport 7 sera une expérience visuelle incontournable pour tous les fans de grosses cylindrées, et sera disponible sur Xbox One et PC (Windows 10).

Les 50 premières SCUF FORZA ELITE seront mises en vente le 7 octobre au cours d'un événement de lancement spécial organisé par SCUF Gaming, Microsoft et Porsche dans les locaux du Microsoft Store sur la 5e avenue, à New York. Commençant à 9 h (EST), l'événement donnera aux participants la chance d'admirer les modèles Porsche en exposition sur site, de participer à des compétitions en jeu et d'être les premiers à mettre la main sur les fantastiques manettes SCUF FORZA ELITE. Les précommandes de la SCUF FORZA ELITE seront ouvertes le même jour sur et sur le site de Microsoft , pour une livraison prévue fin octobre.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez

À propos de SCUF Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, leader mondial dans le secteur des périphériques de jeu vidéo et vainqueur des eSports Industry Awards de 2016 dans la catégorie « Meilleur matériel », fournit des équipements hautes performances qui sont utilisés par plus de 90 % des joueurs professionnels de la scène Esport. Vendant des accessoires premium et des manettes de jeu personnalisées, SCUF propose un grand nombre de fonctionnalités et d'éléments permettant d'optimiser l'utilisation des mains et d'améliorer l'expérience de jeu. Conçues sur mesure, les manettes SCUF s'adressent aux joueurs qui savent que les modèles uniques ne s'adaptent pas à tout le monde. Les fonctionnalités des manettes SCUF sont protégées par 36 designs et brevets délivrés, ainsi que 69 autres demandes de brevet en instance. Elles se concentrent sur trois zones clés : les fonctions à l'arrière de la manette et sur les poignées, les mécanismes de contrôle des gâchettes et, enfin, la zone de contrôle des joysticks.  Pour en savoir plus sur Scuf Gaming, rendez-vous sur et suivez-nous sur Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube ou Snapchat.

Contact presse :

Gregory FCA pour SCUF Gaming
Matt Fleischl, 610-228-2129
[email protected]
The Race to Prestige is still going strong, and Team SCUF is taking this opportunity to look back on some of our favorite moments of Races gone by.

With a futuristic setting and A-list actor Kevin Spacey lined up as its villain, Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare rode its way into 2014 on an electronic wave of hype. The same high-stakes action of Call of Duty we’ve come to know and love, wrapped in a futuristic veneer, CoD: AW was an addition that had people talking. The game was about to get even faster and more varied, and The Race to Prestige would reflect that.

With a whole new set of techniques, weapons, and loadouts to experiment with, Ernest Le, Goldglove, Goldenboy, iiJERiiCHOii, and TmarTn took to their now-famous Gamertag of “Hashtag The Race” to raise money for the Call of Duty Endowment, and maybe earn some bragging rights along the way.

The stream began as it always had: with excitement and a small bit of anticipation for the grind that waited. As the hours passed, fatigue occasionally set in, but “Hashtag The Race” knew that their audience was looking for mayhem and hijinks, and delivered with flying colors. With new techniques and maps to learn, there were more than a few opportunities to show off, and there are a few that people still remember today, including Ernest Le’s insane 14 man akimbo killing spree….

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And what kind of multi-day, sleep-deprived test of skill would be complete without attempting to consume an entire meal in one slurp? We’re not sure anyone will be able to forget iiJERiiCHOii attempting to down this horrifying “smoothie”. But when you’ve been playing for days straight, we suppose just about anything seems like a good idea…

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But in the end, it was all worth it. Five straight days of non-stop combat seems like a small price to pay for over $15,000 raised for the Call of Duty Endowment. And to top off the excitement, 2014 ushered in a Prestige winner in the form of DooM Clan’s “WeAreDooMClan” Gamertag. Ultimately, Hashtag The Race agreed that this was one of the best times they’d had during The Race.

But they were in store for some historic moments in 2015.
This weekend marks one of the most exciting events in the year of esports: MLG Anaheim! Scuf Gaming will be in California to get a look at all the biggest moments, glorious wins, and crushing defeats. If you're in town for the event, be sure to visit the SCUF Booth for a hands-on look at tons of new SCUF merchandise, including the new SCUF IMPACT.

But even if you can't make it, that shouldn't stop you from entering the SCUF MLG Anaheim Giveaway! One lucky winner will walk away with a $250 SCUF Gift Card, a SCUF Jersey, and a ton of MLG swag! There are plenty of ways to enter, and using every one of them will maximize your chances to win.


Scuf Gaming #MLGAnaheim Giveaway!

Ready to check out all the Call of Duty spectacle you can handle? Be sure to head over to to be a part of the action!
September 4th-6th marked the UMG DC SCUF 50k tournament. The event was in full swing with the Scuf Gaming team in attendance and selling the new SCUF Infinity1, a Xbox ONE custom controller, for the first time to great reception.

The tournament itself featured a varied final scoreboard, with back-to-back tournament winners FaZe managing a 7th-8th placing. The top two spots went to OpTic Gaming and Denial eSports respectively, with OpTic showing a dominating 3-0 performance during Grand Finals.

Scuf Gaming booth UMG DC
There's only one day left for MLG Atlanta, and Saturday's incredible series of battles have made it clear that the final Sunday is going to be an amazing finale! EnVyUs made it to the winner's bracket with an impressive 3-1 win against OpTic, and they'll face Luminosity today. That'll be paired with the showstopper of FaZe Clan facing off against eUnited. All in all: Championship Sunday is looking to be the most exciting event of 2017!

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta

The action was equally amped up at the SCUF Booth, where OpTic Gaming, Team Kaliber, Splyce, and FaZe Clan made it out to sign autographs and get their fans pumped for a weekend of gaming! TeamSCUF even got to meet a pair of die hards who showed off their SCUF tattoos: now that's dedication!

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta

There's only one day left, and the crowd at MLG Atlanta is deafening! There's no way to know for sure who's going to come out on top, and we can't wait to see the final results!
Do you hear it? The distant clatter of swords unsheathing: the thunderclap of thousands of hooves beating into the ground? By the time you hear it, it will already be too late: The Knights of SCUF have arrived!

Knights of SCUF

Embellished with the image of medieval crusaders in a dual-color scheme of silver and blue, the Knights of SCUF represents another addition to the already impressive Designer Collection. Fully customizable, this new Infinity Series controller is available for Playstation 4, and comes equipped with the patented innovations that make SCUF the choice of 90% of all console pro gamers.

Sharpen your blade, mount your steed, and charge into battle!
PRESS RELEASE July 24th 2013 – Scuf Gaming & Ironburg Inventions (Invention/ Patent subsidiary) announces the issuance of another US Patent; No 8,480,491 which relates to the adjustable trigger system for calibration or customized control of trigger action on a Gaming controller.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming/ Ironburg says; “We are delighted to have been issued another Patent by the USPTO which further protects the SCUF controller being copied. We have spent the last 30 months educating people on how to use the unique features of the SCUF controller so having the added protection for the Hair Trigger and Trigger stop mechanism we invented 3 years ago is great news! This patent will add to our Global Patent bank and Design rights which already covers the Rear Paddles on a Gaming controller.”

Avanged Vantage PS4 Controller

ATLANTA, November 02, 2018 — Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers continues its partnership with American rock band Avenged Sevenfold and releases the SCUF Vantage Avenged. The controller features iconic designs from the band’s globally recognized artwork, and continues Scuf’s multi-year collaboration with the acclaimed musicians and gamers. Music from the Grammy-nominated heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold —whose first SCUF controller design debuted in 2013— has had their music featured in each of the four installments of Call of Duty: Black Ops, all of which has been collected in the EP “Black Reign”, available now. Lead vocalist M. Shadows is an avid Call of Duty® player and has been using SCUF controllers since early 2012.

Shadows says, “We are super excited to share a new Avenged design for SCUF controllers and continue our partnership with SCUF. With our new song “Mad Hatter” featured in this year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, we are thrilled to now give our fans the edge in-game with the great features of the SCUF Vantage Avenged for PS4.”

“This new controller embodies the increasing interplay between the gaming and entertainment worlds in an authentic way,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “We’re delighted to extend our close partnership with M. Shadows and Avenged Sevenfold. The response from their community through the years has been amazing and we are excited to offer their fans a new design that represents the brand so well.”

The SCUF Vantage Avenged Sevenfold design mirrors the slick style that frequents Avenged Sevenfold’s album covers and merchandise. It features a black background and glossy silver imagery which compliments the silver triggers, D-Pad, and Sax buttons.

Each SCUF Vantage Avenged Sevenfold controller comes equipped with a suite of configurable components, including the paddle control system, unique side-mounted Sax buttons, advanced audio touch bar controls, a quick-access remapping switch, customizable thumbsticks, hair trigger, trigger stops and extenders, choice of D-pads, and an interchangeable magnetic faceplate, all designed to increase hand use and deliver a significant performance improvement.

For more information on the SCUF Vantage Avenged Sevenfold, please visit

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 42 granted patents, and another 60+ pending, protecting four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.


Avenged Sevenfold became one of the world’s biggest rock bands by creating a sound that broke through obstacles of language, distance and culture. They raised the stakes and standards for the genre with a string of blockbuster albums, including their 2005 platinum-selling breakthrough, City Of Evil, 2007’s platinum-selling Avenged Sevenfold and two consecutive No. 1’s on Billboard’s Top 200 Albums chart: 2010’s Nightmare and 2013’s Hail To The King. They’ve achieved Diamond, Platinum and Gold awards for album sales in nearly a dozen countries, racked up over a billion video views and a billion-plus Spotify streams, have consistently been one of the most-played bands on rock radio for over a decade with multiple No. 1 singles, and have headlined arenas and the biggest rock festivals around the globe, amassing a diehard international fan base whose members number in the millions. Their most recent release, The Stage, is a work of immense scope and ambition tied together by an Artificial Intelligence theme. Inspired by the writings of Carl Sagan and Elon Musk, the album is the band’s first thematic release and its epic 15-minute-plus closing track, “Exist,” features a guest appearance by award-winning astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson giving a spoken word performance he penned specifically for the album. The album hit No. 1 on Billboard’s Rock, Hard Rock and Alternative Albums charts and drew praise from a plethora of outlets, among them Rolling StoneNMEQThe GuardianGuitar WorldMetal HammerRevolverLoudwire, Metal InjectionAlternative PressDrumTotal Guitar and Classic Rock, with the latter calling it “a metal masterpiece.” The album’s title track earned the band their first-ever Grammy nomination for “Best Rock Song.”
Every custom SCUF Controller is hand-made and hand-tested to order, and goes through numerous processes to provide you with the hardware to take your gaming to the next level.


Those of you that are familiar with Bungie’s Destiny community should recognize the name Mesa Sean instantly.

This YouTube content creator and live streamer has been making his rounds on the platform for years, serving up all things related to Destiny on his dedicated channel to a quarter of a million subscribers. He also founded one of the biggest Destiny groups on Facebook with over 67,000 members. It’s safe to say that when it comes to all things surrounding Bungie’s hit game, he covers all the bases.


The Latest Drop

To recognize Mesa Sean’s contributions and accomplishments, today we are launching new SCUF IMPACT and Vantage controller designs based on the man himself, one of Team SCUF’s most dedicated members.

Inspired by his main channel art, Mesa Sean’s controller is pure rock ‘n’ roll. His design sees smoke drifting in fiery hues from two purple skulls atop a black background. Meanwhile, Mesa Sean’s signature logo and the hashtag #MadeItToTheEnd are placed on the edges to give this design its final touches.


Follow Mesa Sean

Make sure to keep up with Mesa Sean for his Destiny 2 coverage on the road to Shadowkeep in September. You can follow him on social media via the links below:
Pamaj at Scuf Gaming Headquarters Atlanta

This Tuesday, Pamaj surprised his fans with an unexpected trip to SCUF Headquarters in Atlanta. But the infamous OpTic Gaming sniper was here for more than just a friendly visit: he had arrived for the launch of his new controllers for both IMPACT and Infinity1. The Pamaj SCUF 2.0 had been a closely-guarded secret for months, but now that Pamaj was in-house, it was the perfect time to unveil these beauties.

With a partnership that has spanned over 4 years, Pamaj has been an affiliate that’s stood by Scuf Gaming since its earliest days. This faith in SCUF’s innovations and patented technology has led to an evolution of Pamaj-styled controllers: from the SCUF One to the SCUF 4PS to this latest piece of firepower. Inspired by his Canadian lineage and his new found home in the United States, this controller comes in two variations, each bearing the flag of one of his homes.

Pamaj got a firsthand look at the SCUF workshops with a behind-the-scenes tour provided by Scuf Gaming CEO, Duncan Ironmonger. After watching the process of each controller being made by hand, Pamaj tried his hand at it, crafting one of the first Pamaj SCUFs himself. Afterwards, he set up a gaming station and tested out his new SCUF IMPACT controller on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

After the test run, Pamaj took some questions from his fans, giving some insight to questions like “Did you ever imagine yourself doing what you do today and being the person you are?”

His answer? “Not at all. ...Everyone who does what they really love to do, they never really expect it to be what it is.’s so far-fetched, it’s like a dream.”He went on to answers questions about hockey, his favorite career moments, careers that he’s considered outside of gaming. Oh, and which member of OpTic Gaming would he choose to be roommates with in a much smaller apartment? Watch the video to find out!

Before saying goodbye to Atlanta, Pamaj left a few lucky fans with something special: signed Pamaj hats for the first 40 customers to purchase a Pamaj controller.

Pamaj had a huge visit to SCUF HQ, but we’ve barely scratched the surface on everything that took place. Keep an eye on SCUF’s Twitter and Facebook for more behind-the-scenes looks at his visit. In the meantime, check out the latest Pamaj SCUF design here:

Get Your Pamaj SCUF For IMPACT And Infinity1

IMG_0010 IMG_0074 (1) IMG_0106

The newest iteration of the blockbuster Call of Duty franchise, Infinite Warfare, has arrived for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, and this time we’re headed to Space. The movement and action of the game is similar to previous games Black Ops: 3 and Advanced Warfare, with wall-running, boost-jumping, and specialist classes (Rigs) all making a return in IW. The fast-paced First Person Shooter is literally taken to new heights in the campaign and some multiplayer levels, as players engage in tense firefights in zero-gravity.

The multiplayer delivers the fast, futuristic, and fun gameplay that CoD is known for. Close quarters maps ensure that there’s literally action around every corner, and fan favorite guns from previous CoD games make their return, disguised with fun aliases. Much like other titles in the Call of Duty series, the game is fully realized with the addition of a SCUF Controller. From the high mobility and verticality, to the number of jump and drop-shots players will be performing, the SCUF shines brightly and offers a noticeable improvement to overall gameplay.

Paddle Configurations:

As with most Call of Duty games, the Infinite Warfare multiplayer gives players tons of customization options to let them play the way they want. Weapon type, weapon attachments, Lethal and Tactical Grenades, Rigs, and of course the three perk system are just some of the options available to customize in IW. Below we’ll provide our recommended class and SCUF Controller setup that worked best for us as we played through the Infinite Warfare Multiplayer.

Assault Rifle Class:

A well-rounded class that can be used in just about any situation, but will excel in longer-ranged gunfights.


     •  KBAR-32: Full-auto ballistic rifle with a fast fire rate and increased hip fire control.

     •  Elo Attachment: Emitted light optic sight with a floated illuminated reticle.

     •  Quickdraw Attachment: Custom grip for fast aiming down the sites. An essential attachment for any Assault class. 

     •  Oni Secondary Weapon: Full-auto energy pistol that accelerates fire rate over time.

     •  Seeker Grenade: An autonomous device that will seek out nearby enemies before exploding.

     •  Jammer Grenade: Jams enemy minimap, movement, and aiming systems.

     •  Ghost Perk 1: Player character is invisible to UAV and radar pings. A must have perk for most multiplayer skirmishes.

     •  Tracker Perk 2: Offers the ability to see trails left behind by enemies. Good for tracking down targets.

     •  Gung-Ho Perk 3: Player is able to shoot, use equipment and activate scorestreak rewards while sprinting. Great for the fast paced action of Infinite Warfare.

     •  Warfighter Rig: Assault class battle-rig made to perform well in any situation.

     •  Claw Payload: Rapid fire spread shot firearm with ricochet ballistic rounds to take out multiple enemies and even kill around corners.

     •  Ping Trait: Kills and assists activate a minimap ping at the enemy’s location, allowing easier continuation of scorestreaks.

Our Assault class paddle configurations are YBXA for Xbox One and Triangle/X for Playstation 4. The most frequently used abilities should always be mapped to the outermost paddles for ease of use. Most classes in Infinite Warfare will make liberal use of the jump/thrust function, but our Assault class is heavily reliant on the Oni pistol for most close range situations. An easily-accessible quick weapon swap will benefit victory during CQB.

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Submachine Gun Class:

Our go-to run and gun class for smaller, close quarters encounters.


     •  HVR: Full auto ballistic firearm with best-in-class stopping power. Incredible damage while maintaining the mobility of a SMG.

     •  Reflex Attachment: A precision red dot sight

     •  Quickdraw Attachment: Custom grip offering quicker aiming down sights. Essential for a fast paced class.

     •  Rifled Barrel Attachment: Extended stopping power range for taking down opponents at a distance.

     •  NV4 Secondary Weapon (Overkill: Use a second primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot): Full-auto ballistic rifle with a moderate fire rate. Made for taking down enemies at longer range.

     •  Plasma Grenade Lethal: A sticky grenade that explodes into a pool of burning plasma.

     •  Dexterity Perk 1: Reload and swap weapons faster. Mandatory for running two primary weapons and a SMG that burns through ammo quickly.

     •  Hardline Perk 2: Gain bonus experience points for each kill.

     •  Gung-Ho Perk 3: Player is able to shoot, use equipment and activate scorestreak rewards while sprinting. Essential for a run and gun class.

     •  Synaptic Rig: C6 class remote operated robot, optimized for speed and close quarters combat. Partners beautifully with speed.

     •  Equalizer Payload: Dual integrated machine guns with built in suppressors to complement the close range class.

     •  Combat Burst Trait: Gain a brief boost to movement speed after each kill, allowing for faster traversing of the map.

Our SMG run and gun class is heavily focused on movement and quick kills. Because of this, we chose to configure our controller to XBYA on Xbox One and Square/X on Playstation 4. Our SMG class is designed to increase movement speed as players get kills, and since the HVR has a very low “time-to-kill”, expect to be ping-ponging across the map for the majority of games. In addition to that, the high fire rate of SMGs will burn through ammo quickly, so making sure the reload button is easily accessible will guarantee a full clip before jumping to the next firefight.

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Sniper Class:

Our marksman class for those who enjoy sharp-shooting.


     •  EBR 800: Semi-auto energy rifle with an alternate automatic fire mode for close range skirmishes.

     •  Variable Zoom Attachment: Pressing R3 when scoped in will cycle between three different zoom distances, perfect for adjusting to any sniping situation.

     •  Spartan-SA3 Secondary Weapon: A lock-on anti air launcher, perfect for taking out enemy scorestreaks attempting to foil a sniper spree.

     •  Trip Mine Lethal: A magnetic mine that triggers when an enemy passes through its beam, perfect for flank prevention while sniping in the opposite direction.

     •  Personal Radar Tactical: A sensor array that uses heat signatures to track enemies that are closing in.

     •  Ghost Perk 1: Makes players invisible to UAV and radar pings, assuring a safe sniping position.

     •  Cold Blooded Perk 2: Makes players invisible to thermal detection systems. An extra layer of stealth for a sniper to go under the radar.

     •  Hardline Extra Perk 2: Gain bonus experience points for enemy kills.

     •  Marksman Perk 3: See enemy names from greater distance and reduce flinch when under fire and using a sniper rifle.

     •  Phantom Rig: Specializes in concealing players involved in long-range engagements. A natural fit for our sniping class.

     •  Active Camo Payload: Allows players to go (almost) completely invisible for a few brief moments to escape firefights or reposition on the map.

     •  Heightened Senses Trait: While aiming down sights with a sniper rifle, gain increased audio feedback and warning radar blips for nearby enemies.

Unlike our other classes in IW our Sniping class doesn’t require high mobility to thrive considering most snipers benefit from shooting in a stationary position. With that in mind, our paddle layout for sniping is XBAY for Xbox One and Square/Triangle for Playstation 4. Despite energy weapons slowly regeneration ammo over time, we found ourselves reloading our sniper quite often; and when the EBR is switches to its fully-automatic mode, reloading becomes even more essential. Speaking of the automatic mode, having the “swap weapons” button mapped to an outside paddle is extremely helpful for situations needing a more close ranged weapon. Simply hold down the paddle to switch between sniper rifle and assault rifle with ease, a function that saved us more times that we could count.

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PRESS RELEASE: July 2015 - Scuf Gaming continues to innovate with the launch of the new SCUF 4PS PRO edition paddle control system. Since inventing and patenting the paddle control system over 4 years ago, Scuf Gaming has redefined the way gamers use their controller in a more natural and intuitive way, with paddle play now becoming the determining factor for elite gamers. SCUF 4PS PRO paddles mimic the allocated face buttons so gamers can keep their thumbs on the thumbsticks while using the back paddles with their middle fingers to perform advanced moves with increased dexterity.

The SCUF 4PS PRO edition paddle control system has been re-engineered to ensure the paddles are easier to reach on the SCUF 4PS and are great for all hand sizes. Grip and grooves have been added to the end of the paddles to provide a secure grip for fingertips. The PRO edition switches are layered with gold on the circuits to provide an increased actuation life. And, there’s an overall improved haptic feedback on the SCUF 4PS controller. The SCUF 4PS for PlayStation 4 is feature rich and robust, just what’s expected from a SCUF controller.

4PS Pro Edition Paddles custom Playstation controller

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, “At SCUF, we’re proud of the investment we’ve made in the eSports community and will continue to lead the market in innovation and ergonomics. We’ve done extensive research and development to create the new SCUF 4PS PRO edition paddle control system and we’re certain that gamers are going to love the new paddles. They feel great, are easier to reach no matter what your hand size may be and are backwards compatible. We’re excited for the upcoming season as PlayStation moves more competitively into eSports with Call of Duty: Black Ops III and feel the PRO paddles will   take the game to a whole new level.”

SCUF 4PS controllers start at $119.95. For more information, please visit



Scuf Gaming® is a global leader and innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 9 granted patents, and another 28 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL, UMG and ESWC. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
Thank you SCUF fans and partners! We've hit one million! Now let's celebrate!

Once we hit 1,000,000 twitter followers you will have one mil-l-l-l-l-l-l-ion seconds to enter the giveaway, for these prizes:

SCUF VIP Experience
You and a guest will receive the ultimate SCUF VIP experience.

Upon arrival at the Atlanta airport, you and your guest will be picked up in style and driven to the SCUF Headquarters, where you will be welcomed by the entire SCUF team and taken on a tour of the SCUF factory. You and your guest will have the opportunity to design and help build your own custom SCUF controllers (XB1 or PS4) with custom shell designs, colored button kits, custom printed paddles, the works! You will also each receive a SCUF Swag Bundle valued at over $500, including apparel, accessories and other special gifts.

You will also have the opportunity to play a game against one of SCUF's top affiliates: a professional gamer or YouTuber in the eSports community. You and your guest will also be treated to a fine dining experience with SCUF's CEO and Pro Player or YouTuber.

One night's hotel accommodation is also included.

SCUF Customer Controller Prize Packs - 4 Winners
You will have the opportunity to design your own custom SCUF controllers (XB1 or PS4) with custom shell designs, colored button kits, custom printed paddles, the works! You will also receive a SCUF Swag Bundle valued at over $500, including apparel, accessories and other special gifts.

SCUF Gift Card Winners - 30 Winners


Visit the One Million SCUF Twitter Follower Giveaway page for more details and to enter!
EA and Respawn gave us a heads up a little while back at E3 that Apex Legends would have Leviathan-sized things to come on July 2. With that date rapidly approaching, the full details have finally spilled out on Season 2: Battle Charge. What’s in store for those that will jump into the action? Let’s take a closer look.

New Apex Legend: Natalie “Wattson” Paquette


First up, there’s the electrifying new legend, Wattson. She’s got some truly defensive skills, as she can place and connect multiple nodes to create defensive fencing on the map. Enemies attempting to pass through will have their location pinged and be in for a literal shock when they take a hit to their health in addition to movement slowdown.

Taking full advantage of performance aim and shooting with your SCUF will be more important than ever against Wattson as her ultimate ability, the Interception Pylon, will destroy any explosives and equipment you throw within her radius. This gets more difficult if she’s stockpiling Ultimate Accelerants, which can give her Ultimate Ability a full recharge thanks to her unique passive ability, Spark of Genius.

New Apex Weapon: L-STAR

Along with Wattson, the new season of Apex Legends will feature a sweet new weapon that should prove to be a real game-changer: the L-STAR plasma rifle.

This high-powered LMG fires unique projectiles that are larger than those shot by other weapons in the game, allowing for players to deliver a dangerous spray. Be careful, however, as the L-STAR can overheat. Learning how to feather your shot will be essential to mastering this weapon. Look for the L-STAR to spawn exclusively in airdrops.

Time To Take Charge

Prepare to take charge because Apex Legends is set to make you feel like a Champion all over again when it launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC soon. For those in need of a refresher, brush up with our How to SCUF video and visit our Apex Legends hub for more tips. See you in Ranked Mode!

Halo Game Guide

First appearing as a launch title for Xbox in 2001, the Halo series continues to be one of Microsoft’s strongest gaming franchises.

Bolstered by the founding of the Halo World Championship in 2014, the Halo series has been a staple in competitive gaming since the very beginning. Its fresh take on level design and combat technology has made it a favorite in the eyes of millions of gamers, including pro gamers such as Brett “Naded” Leonard, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, and Tyler “Spartan” Ganza.


Paddle configuration:

When under fire in Blood Gulch or Lockout, every split second counts and SCUF's patented paddles are exactly what a player needs to make the most out of every moment.

       -  Map the left D-Pad button to your outer-left paddle. This means you can cycle through your grenades without sacrificing movement.

       -  Map X to your inner-left paddle to focus your Sprint and movement to the same hand.

       -  Map B to your inner-right paddle. Never lift your thumb from the thumbstick in order to aim and strike with melee or a Spartan Charge.

       -  Map A to your outer-right paddle. This will allow you to jump and aim with the same hand at the same time.



The SCUF interchangeable thumbstick system means a perfect fit for any hand size.

       -  For the left thumbstick, go with a regular-sized concave: this allows you to dig in for movement, and makes it that much easier to click for a ground pound.

       -  For the right thumbstick, a long-sized dome is the best way to go. The shape allows you to roll your thumb smoothly to aim, and the length of the stick assures quicker precision.


What The Experts Say:

I use 1 paddle on my SCUF to switch grenades. Since in Halo 5 you can only switch nades with left or right on the dpad, having a paddle for it allows for easy, on the fly switches to your plasma nades/splinter nades to be able to pick up quick sticks or reversals. They don't call me Naded for nothing.”

--Brett “Naded” Leonard

For Halo 5 specifically, it was almost a necessity for me to get used to the SCUF paddles. This game has multiple different mechanics the Halo franchise hadn't seen before, and keeping your thumb on the joysticks is monumental to being able to shoot and maneuver well around the map. If it wasn't for the paddles I would've had to change my controller settings and layout I've used for years

--Eric “Snip3down” Wrona

I use my left paddle to Sprint/Stabilize, and my right one is to thrust/dash.

--Cuyler “Huke” Garland
For Honor Game Guide

For Honor is a unique take on multiplayer competition. Choosing to fight for the bloodthirsty Vikings, the honor-bound Knights, or the mysterious Samurai is the first step to dueling, slashing, and clobbering your way to the top of the faction leaderboards.

Rather than the twitch-based run-and-gun that many gamers have come to expect from the online scene, For Honor requires a patience and deliberate style. Even in its PC version, a quality controller can mean the difference between glorious victory or a soggy defeat at the bottom of a ledge.


The most important aspect of For Honor’s controls lies in the thumbsticks. Swapping in and out of different stances to avoid one katana or long sword can be tough when it’s a one-on-one duel. It’s even worse when you’re facing down 2, 3, or even 4 other players!

       -  Put a regular length concave thumbstick on the left side of your controller, and pair it with a regular length domed stick on the right.

       -  The concave shape on the left thumbstick lets you dig in, which you’ll need when circling your opponent.

       -  The domed shape helps you float between stances: blocking hits that would have torn your head off otherwise.


As far as paddle configuration is concerned, the two most important face buttons in the heat of battle are your Guard Break (Square for Playstation, X for Xbox) and your Dodge (X for Playstation, A for Xbox).

       -  Map the Dodge button to a left paddle. This keeps your movement and dodge on the same hand, making movements more fluid.

       -  Map Guard Break to a right paddle. This leaves the right hand ready to change stances or attack should the opportunity present itself.

Need to remap your paddles on the fly? Check out our EMR instruction guide!


Long, tense duels means sweaty hands and plenty of tension. Getting the right handle on your controller means choosing the right grip and shell for your SCUF.

       -  SCUF Grip or Pro Grip handles are ideal for keeping your hands tight on the controller, game after game.

       -  SCUF’s Soft Touch finish means that your hands are comfortable and secure.

Be sure to keep a bottle of GamerGrip handy, especially when your teammates get slaughtered and you're facing down angry Vikings.
With Call of Duty: WWII getting its full release on November 3, it makes sense that gamers all over the world are desperate for some boots on the ground competition. And to satisfy that need for some classic run and gun action, Scuf Gaming is proud to host the Boots On The Ground Series by Courage and Hitch!

Featuring three invite-only competitions, the Boots On The Ground series is a perfect opportunity for CoD fans to watch some of their favorite players tickle those nostalgia glasses with multiplayer mayhem from Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, and Black Ops 2.

The event begins this weekend with Modern Warfare 2, and continues all the way to the end of October. And the best part? All proceeds from the BOTG Series are going to charity!

Here’s the full tournament schedule:


Considering the fact that Scuf Gaming has its roots in boots on the ground combat, this is a competition that is close to the hearts of everyone at SCUF HQ. It was thanks to that style of multiplayer that terms like “SCUF Jump” and “SCUF Knife” have become household names since SCUF’s founding in 2011.

Be sure to visit Courage and Hitch's Twitch channels to catch all the throwback fun!
This Friday, August 22nd, UMG Dallas 2014 begins! With such a strong showing for #TeamSCUF Pro Teams at the recent Gfinity 3 tournament we couldn’t be more excited to see what the teams will bring this weekend.

Team EnVyUs will likely be the talk of the tournament after coming off such a strong victory at G3. A
15-1 win/loss map showing, and team member FormaL leading the entire tournament with a 1.35 KD has EnVy poised to keep their momentum going. To play like your favorite Pro’s from Team EnVyUs, check out the EnVy SCUF One HERE.

OpTic Gaming had a disappointing performance, to say the least, at the G3 tournament but that could very well be the motivation they needed to up their game for Dallas. Everyone knows the team can perform with the best, and this tournament is their change to remind us of that. Check out the new OpTic SCUF One controller HERE.

In a rare turn of events, OpTic Nation managed to finish higher than OG at the recent Gfinity Tournament. The team showed high level play during their bout to their 3rd place finish, and we expect to see them perform at Dallas as well. Check out the original OpTic SCUF One HERE.

FaZe Pro Team did well at G3 with their recent roster change adding Parasite and Apathy. Giving the team some time to better coordinate the players, FaZe could perform quite well this weekend. Pick up your own FaZe SCUF One HERE.

While not bringing the best performance at G3, we know Team Kaliber is capable of great things. The, relatively, recent roster change back to their original lineup should prove to be very formidable indeed, and we hope to see them “wow” us this weekend. Pick up your very own TK SCUF One HERE.

Curse Gaming was one man down at Gfinity with Tipsy not being able to play. Now that things are squared away, the squad should be in full force this upcoming weekend with great things expected. Click HERE to see the SCUF One Curse controller!

JusTus Pro has done nothing but improve as a team since their inception. Everyone will be interested to see what they bring to UMG Dallas this year and how much of a name they can make for themselves.

After not qualifying for Season 3, Strictly Business will have to play hard at UMG Dallas to remind everyone how formidable of a team they truly are. The addition of new teammate Phizzurp should also show their strength as a team. Pick up your very own Strictly Business SCUF One HERE.
MLG Columbus


Last weekend marked the first MLG of the new Call of Duty season. With 108 teams from around the globe heading to Columbus, Ohio to compete for the title of MLG Columbus champion.


Columbus was also the first opportunity for Call of Duty fans to see Infinity Ward's answer to the CoDCaster mode, made popular during the reign of Black Ops 2, along with new game modes like Blitz that had found their way into the play list. Scuf Gaming were also on site as one of the event's sponsors, with an exhibition both for fans to test out the latest Scuf Gaming products and purchase them over the course of the weekend.


The event wasn't without its surprises, with Optic Gaming having a rough ride in the first event of Ghosts. Other Scuf Gaming sponsored teams, Team EnVyUS, Team Kaliber and Complexity all fared better, with EnVyUS eventually settling for a fourth place finish, a marked improvement from only a few months ago. The final was eventually contested between the world #1, Complexity and Gfinity third place finishers, Team Kaliber.


The Grand Final was an epic affair and could have gone either way. Once again the boys of Complexity were able to dig deep when it mattered, though, and Clayster, Crimsix, Teepee and Aches helped themselves to their fourth consecutive event title; with G2, MLG Fall Invitational and ESWC preceding Columbus. Complexity have now equalled  the record breaking four successive titles set by Impact during the early stages of Black Ops 2, While also using Scuf Gaming controllers.




You can purchase the controllers used by Complexity, Team Kaliber, EnVyUS, Optic Gaming and others by clicking here >. Our Pro Gaming section features our range of branded team controllers. You can now play like your favorite pros and maybe you'll be the next player to achieve MLG glory. Scuf Gaming would like to congratulate all the success Scuf Gaming sponsored pro players this weekend. As always, we'll see you next time.

PRESS RELEASE – September 19, 2013: Scuf Gaming is delighted to announce a partnership with Major League Gaming (MLG) who have been a dominant force in the competitive eSports scene for over 10 years! Whether it’s with their live events, or through their thriving online community within MLG: Play (formerly Game Battles; GB), MLG attracts millions of enthusiastic gamers from across the globe to watch and to play in their competitive online environment, bringing growth to the eSports world. Through the new partnership, Scuf will showcase their products via MLG online properties, events and more.

“We are delighted to be partnered with MLG, the leader in the eSports community,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming. “Since our humble beginnings we have always strived to become fully recognized as the premiere Gaming Controller Company so today is a big milestone for us at Scuf Gaming. Every SCUF controller is built with the gamer’s personal preference and style in consideration. Since creating the SCUF Controller, we have worked extremely hard to support the professional and elite gaming community where we are now adopted by over 85% of the Top Pro Gamers. We have spent almost 3 years educating gamers on how to use paddles and on how to utilize more of their hand use, in a safe and ergonomic way; helping to enhance their gaming experience and skill during competitive game play. We love what we do and continually strive to improve and innovate for the Pro Gaming market. We feel privileged to be working with Major League Gaming as their commitment to excellence is unsurpassed and I personally can’t wait for the year ahead!”

“We are excited to work with Scuf Gaming to further introduce their high-quality controllers to Major League Gaming,” said Sundance DiGiovanni, CEO and founder, Major League Gaming. “Scuf has created a great, customizable controller that addresses the needs of gamers and we look forward to rolling out our partnership in the coming months.”

ABOUT SCUF GAMING: Until the SCUF was invented in 2010, gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming has made it possible to display more dexterity in a safe, ergonomic way. We understand the limitations of a normal controller for Professional gamers, who need to control over 20 functions whilst they’re in gameplay; making use of only 2 fingers and 2 thumbs is extremely limiting at the Top level. One size cannot fit all and will not fit all for the Elite 10% of the community. It can restrict the advancement of play, the games and their enjoyment; hence why some Professional players were eventually forced to use techniques like CLAW; which can be very harmful to your hand with repetition. The paddles and trigger mechanisms that Scuf Gaming developed and patented allow each player to choose their preferred settings for gameplay and help to make them become the best gamer of their ability.

SCUF controllers have become very well known in the Professional Gaming Community, especially after one of the most recent events; COD Championships in Los Angeles, where 126 of the 128 Pro-players competing were using a SCUF Controller. Most recently Scuf Gaming released the NEW SCUF Hybrid – make sure you don’t miss out on your chance to own one. For more information, please visit

About Major League Gaming: Major League Gaming (MLG) ( is the home for online multiplayer gaming with a dedicated and growing community of 8 million gamers worldwide. MLG’s premier online gaming platform is the ultimate destination for gamers to compete, improve their skills, socialize and watch video game programming daily via MLG broadens the online experience with Pro Circuit Championship tournaments nationwide assembling the world’s best players and commentators in front of in-person spectators and simultaneously streaming the action online. MLG’s broadcasts reach one of the most highly-engaged networks of 16-34 year old males (80% 16-34 year olds; 90% male, and over 40% HHI $100k+: Comscore), with live streams of MLG Championship weekends captivating an average of 2 million unique viewers globally who spend an average of 150 minutes watching.
The final Call of Duty World League open event has ended. Over the weekend, 113 teams fought it out, with Luminosity Gaming emerging triumphant at MLG Anaheim after a 3-1 win in the grand final against Splyce. There were many standout moments from Epsilon, Evil Geniuses, and Enigma6, and we are sure that the remainder of this year’s Call of Duty season will be full of surprises, upsets and high-octane competition.

Scuf Gaming was there for all the action in Anaheim, and the SCUF Booth was set up and ready to go the moment the doors opened on Friday. Between the MLG Anaheim Giveaway, all the battles onstage, and the autograph sessions with teams like OpTic, FaZe, EnVyUs, eUnited, and Luminosity, there was no limit of excitement. Now, we are hyped and geared up for these final months of competition before the CoD World Championship in August!

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With upsets and records galore, the 2016 Call of Duty World Championships is going down in the books as one of the most exciting eSports events.

But some of Team SCUF's favorite moments happened behind the scenes.

One of the best moments at the SCUF booth involved the unveiling of a massive 3D SCUF Infinity 4PS controller. CoD XP attendees lined up to do their best impression of a thumbstick, and the results were hilarious.

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In addition to posing with our giant TeamSCUF Infinity 4PS controller, fans were excited to join us at the official CoD XP SCUF Signing Booth. Pro Teams stopped by to visit with fans and sign posters, controllers, and memorabilia. From EnVy to OpTic, FaZe to Infused: people lined up all around the booth to meet some of the greatest eSports players of all time.

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CoD XP was also the official site of the unveiling of Team SCUF's Snapchat. It wasn't just the pro players and energy of the crowd that was documented, everything from zip lines to zombies made an appearance, and we made a compilation of our favorite moments for you right here.

Bringing their “Weekend Of Intel” to a close, Activision and Sledgehammer released their mini-documentary, “Brotherhood Of Heroes”: a touching tribute to the real men and women who risked their lives during the second World War to prevent Nazi tyranny the world over, and how to create a story based around such an important moment in history.

Much of the video is narrated by Martin K.A. Morgan, a World War II historian and scholar, who was instrumental in bringing the right level of honor and respect to a story that takes place during one of the most trying times in world history. “Brotherhood Of Heroes” takes you through some of the most important places and times during WWII, and shows you how the game will translate those moments.

“This isn’t a fictional war,” says Sledgehammer’s Art Director Joe Salud, “So it’s really important that we communicate to the player to have a strong understanding of what happened and what the time was like.”

Return To SCUF CoD HQ

This week’s profile focuses on one of the most successful, skilled, and versatile players Call of Duty has ever seen – Jordan ‘JKap’ Kaplan.



JKap’s break into elite-level Call of Duty came on Modern Warfare 2, a game on which he would be considered arguably the best in the world. In the era of Major League Gaming’s Pro Circuit Ladders, which made up the majority of the season, JKap played for the already legendary Xtravagant, alongside Raymond ‘Rambo’ Lussier and Will ‘BigTymer’ Johnson.

The squad had a marginally disappointing end to the season, only managing a third-place finish at the MLG National Championships in 2010, an event they’d set their sights on winning. As Modern Warfare 2 wrapped up they went their separate ways, but through a series of roster changes the team would ultimately find itself more or less reformed under OpTic Gaming, with Joe ‘MerK’ DeLuca joining the former Xtravagant trio.

Now representing the Green Wall, JKap would help take the team to their greatest heights yet, a dominant force throughout a season in which JKap himself was named the greatest player in the world, for a second consecutive year in the eyes of many, even eclipsing the prodigal talent of his future team-mate Seth ‘Scump’ Abner.

Having taken a year away during the turbulent Modern Warfare 3 season, JKap returned to competition as part of Team EnVyUs in Black Ops 2, the organisation he would become in many ways intrinsically linked to over the course of his career from then on.

Current team

JKap has played for Team EnVyUs since the second half of Advanced Warfare, making this stint with the team his longest, just a few months shy of three years. Over that period he’s been part of various iterations of the roster, but the current squad are the reigning Call of Duty World Champions, having earned the title at the end of Black Ops 3.

Over the course of the organisation’s history, JKap has played a role in many of EnVy’s greatest achievements, from their appearance in the Black Ops 2 Call of Duty Championship finals, to their ascendance at the end of Ghosts, to the rise that lead to a Call of Duty Championship title at the end of Black Ops 3.

As a result, JKap has become almost synonymous with EnVyUs. While several star players have come and gone over the years, and JKap has himself parted on several occasions, when you think of EnVyUs in Call of Duty it’s hard to ignore JKap’s presence.


Greatest achievement

Very few players are as accomplished in Call of Duty as JKap – in fact, he currently stands as the most successful player of all time in terms of prize money earned. That title is born primarily of another accolade that he shares with just one other player – JKap has won the Call of Duty Championships twice.

Both follow a surprisingly similar narrative. JKap’s squads – Denial in Advanced Warfare and EnVyUs in Black Ops 3 – had established themselves at the top of the food chain, but still under the shadow of OpTic Gaming in the minds of most spectators.

Both times, come the most important event of the year, they matched up against OpTic Gaming in the very first round of the play-offs, and both times they pulled off a victory to progress, playing a major role in denying OpTic the championship they most crave. On both occasions they went on to play a surprise underdog in the grand finals, and both times emerged victorious.



One of the aspects of JKap as a player that’s most remarkable is the change his playing style has undergone over the course of his career.

Through Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops, JKap was a superstar. Supremely skilled, he dominated with an Assault Rifle in a fashion that made him universally hailed as one of if not the best player in the world on both titles. At his individual peak, JKap hit a level that only an exceptional few will ever reach.

Over the years, however, JKap hasn’t remained the greatest in the world on an individual level – holding onto such a title for so long is approaching the impossible, especially as new players come up, the level of competition rises, and the games themselves change in fairly significant ways.

JKap’s genius, instead, has shown in his ability to adapt. Though he may no longer be capable of dominating through sheer skill, he’s become an integral part of his teams in other ways. Nowadays, he’s a much more supportive player, stepping aside for other stars on his squads and instead filling the gaps to allow them to shine.

It’s meant that rather than slipping from the top, unable to keep pace in a role that’s relies on him taking over games, his position among the elite is arguably stronger than ever before, and he’s in some ways become even more successful thanks to his willingness to do whatever is necessary to win – even if that means a little less personal glory.


Public persona

As a result of the many years he’s spent at the highest level of Call of Duty, it’s inevitable that JKap has become one of the more prominent figures in the game. However, despite the spotlight he could quite easily occupy, JKap is generally among the more reserved players in terms of his public demeanour.

That isn’t to say that JKap is camera-shy; in fact, he recently appeared alongside three other professional players on other games as a member of a fictional esports team in an episode of ‘Elementary’, a US-based TV adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. JKap also streams to nearly 100,000 followers on Twitch, and has in the past developed a YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers.

Learn about this champion's motivation from the man himself with Living Esports!

The Call of Duty scene at this year’s Gfinity Tournament was one of excellent gameplay and surprises. The final standings of the Top 8 Teams were as follows:

1st: Team EnVyUs

2nd: Epsilon eSports

3rd: FaZe Pro Team

4th: OpTic Nation

5th-8th: Evil Geniuses

5th-8th: Team KaLiBeR

5th-8th: Team Curse

5th-8th: OpTic Gaming

All of which are part of #TeamSCUF. Team EnVyUs had a well-deserved first place finish this year, with FormaL leading the way with an overall KDA 1.35, the best in the entire tournament. Also worthy of recognition, FormaL is now the first and only console FPS player to win a major championship in both Halo and Call of Duty. EnVyUs as a team went 15-1 in total with map wins/losses, which is extremely impressive to say the least. A few surprises for this Gfinity were the placement of crowd favorites OpTic Gaming and Evil Geniuses, both losing to Epsilon and FaZe respectively, pushing them to the 5th-8th bracket. EnVyUs came to this tournament with something to prove, and prove it they did; taking home their first major championship win in quite a long time. EnVyUs is now poised to be the talk of the Call of Duty gaming scene, and with UMG Dallas coming up in August, fans will get to see if they can show a repeat performance.


Want to play like EnVyUs or your favorite Pro Team and be part of #TeamSCUF? Click HERE to see all of SCUF Gaming’s officially sponsored Pro Team controllers and join in the tournament hype!
Next weekend the most prestigious and professional Call of Duty players will share the stage at X Games with the biggest stars of the extreme sports world. 8 of the top MLG teams will attend an invite only tournament and battle it out for the X Games title. Here is a rundown of the 8 attending teams and their ambitions for the weekend ahead.


Curse Orange

The Curse Orange Team comes into X Games in Group B along with EnVyUS, FaZe Red, and Optic Gaming. Curse Orange and their performance in the MLG Online League has landed them their 7th place seed, edging out sB who took the lowest seed of the attending teams this weekend. Orange certainly shouldn’t be counted out though and remains a work in progress. The team formed as the combination of Curse Youth and two of the Xfinity players who performed well at the Call of Duty Championship World Finals only a couple of months ago. Their defeats at UGC came at the hands of the 3rd and 4th place finishers respectively and very much points to Curse being dealt a tough hand from a bracket point of view. There will be no rest bite this weekend though, with all of Group B being extremely formidable. Curse Orange can take solace in the fact that, at least from a recent event perspective, their group drawing looks the more favorable of the two. An upset certainly isn’t impossible.

Curse are one of Scuf Gaming’s sponsored teams. You can play like your favorite Curse players, including Muddawg, Miyagi, Attach, and Crowster by purchasing a Curse SCUF ONE controller on the following link: Curse controllers are also available for Xbox 360 through our website.



One of the best known franchises in Call of Duty, EnVyUS have a long and successful history that has spanned various iterations of the series. Their attendance at the X Games finds EnVyUS in great form, coming in on the back of consecutive 2nd place finishes. The thorn in their side has been Complexity, now EG, at the two events preceding X Games. EnVyUS will be looking to hold their nerve this weekend and maybe even go one further. Their group drawing is arguably the more favorable of the two, with their three opponents all failing to break the top 6 placements at UGC Niagara only a few weeks ago. This leaves EnVyUS as heavy favorites going into Group B and will look to reflect this by grabbing the top seed from their pool going into the knockout stages of the tournament. EnVyUS must start quickly, though, and were certainly guilty of a slow start at the Call of Duty Championships before finding their gear. With an extremely stacked bracket ahead, EnVyUS cannot afford any early slip up’s in their quest for another top 3 placement.

EnVyUS are one of Scuf Gaming’s longest serving sponsored teams and have achieved much of their success while using a Scuf Gaming controller. There are a number of EnVyUS SCUF designs available through our website, including the EnVy Blue SCUF ONE available on the following link: EnVyUS controllers are also available on other platforms through our website,


Evil Geniuses

After the most successful 12 months in Call of Duty history, the quartet of Karma, Teepee, Aches, and Crimsix departed the compLexity organization whose colors they’d represented for well over a year to join Evil Geniuses. Under EG, the World Champions will hope to write a new chapter in Call of Duty history, starting with X Games this weekend. As with every tournament in the last 8 months, this quartet come into the event as the team to beat and will be expected to both top their group and secure first place at the close of play. Their biggest rival in recent tournaments has been EnVyUS, a veteran team who will be hoping to go one further this time out. EG’s two previous tournament defeats came at the hands of Strictly Business and UNiTE, with the former hoping to force another upset this weekend with their new roster gathering momentum.

All of these players have been SCUF users for many years and are continuing to use SCUF in 2014 under EG for X Games and beyond.



FaZe Red

One half of the FaZe pro gaming set up, FaZe Red have been drawn into Group B with Call of Duty dynasties, EnVyUS and Optic Gaming. So far JKap’s FaZe Red haven’t performed as well as the Black half of the FaZe set up, with FaZe Black leading Red in both the MLG Online League and outplacing their sister team at UGC Niagara. Despite settling for a 9th-12th placement only a couple of weekends, FaZe Red were only a whisker away from going considerably further in the tournament. Their Winner Bracket 2 match up against eventual runners up, EnVyUS, was a tight 3-2 match up. On another day it could have been FaZe Red who advanced to the latter stages and perhaps even took on Complexity in the Grand Final. This weekend offers FaZe Red a shot at revenge against EnVyUS, having been drawn together in Group B. EnVyUS and Optic Gaming will almost certainly come into the tournament as Group B favorites, with both teams having performed well online recently, as well turning in stellar performances at the latest events. FaZe Red certainly have the calibre to upset the favorites though and should not be written off in the group stages.

FaZe Red’s stars all compete using a Scuf Gaming controller at tournaments around the world. They trust Scuf Gaming to deliver the highest grade competition controller to enable their players to perform at the top level. You too can play like the FaZe pros by buying a Scuf Gaming controller today. Our range of FaZe controllers can be found on our website, including the FaZe SCUF ONE in Red.


Optic Gaming

Call of Duty’s celebrity foursome continue to mix it up with the best of the best in the eSports arena, improving significantly at the start of Ghosts after a string of slightly disappointing performances. After their third place finish at the Call of Duty Championships, Optic Gaming attained the services of veteran and proven winner, Proofy to complete their new roster. During their first outing Optic managed a respectable top 7th-8th finish at UGC Niagara, with the final blow coming against the dominant Complexity. With more time for their new line-up to gel, Niagara could prove a great platform for Optic to showcase their new team, especially with MLG Anaheim around the corner. Optic have also impressed online, currently taking up 2nd place in the second season of MLG’s online Pro League. In Group B, Optic will once again face off against their old time rivals, EnVyUS. Progression from the group will be tough, with the final placements being of significant importance during the Single Elimination phase of the tournament.

The World’s best known Call of Duty team compete at every tournament using their Scuf Gaming controllers. You can buy the same controllers used by your favourite players, including NadeShot, Scump, Clayster, and Proofy, including the Optic Gaming SCUF Stealth on our website: OpTic SCUF ONE Stealth - OpTic SCUF ONE -



Optic Nation

The other half of Optic Gaming have had a successful start to life, taking 4th place at their first tournament outing. Optic Nation certainly has the pedigree of champions, boasting some of the most successful players of recent Call of Duty titles. X Games will be a true test of their talent, with an extremely tough group drawing awaiting them in the early stages. If Optic Nation manage to advance then their reward will be a slightly easier path to the Grand Final, avoiding current World Champions EG along the way. Optic Nation cannot afford to slip up in the early stages as they did at UGC Niagara only a couple of weeks ago and a good start will put them in good stead for a solid finish. Optic Nation certainly have the credentials necessary to establish themselves among the regular podium finishers in the North America scene and X Games very easily could provide the first trophy for their cabinet.

The other half of Optic Nation are bound of success. They compete at every event using their favorite pro gaming controllers, designed and created by Scuf Gaming. You can find our entire range of Optic Gaming controllers on our website, including the Optic SCUF ONE.


Strictly Business

After Strictly Business took home the US National Finals title, many Call of Duty fans dared to believe a new era of CoD was about to begin. Weeks later and Complexity put those beliefs to bed. Since then, sB are a completely different outfit. An unconventional mix of players combines youth with great experience. This formidable mix was emphasised during their first tournament appearance at UGC Niagara, with sB taking home 6th place after narrowly losing out to Optic Nation in bracket play. This weekend offers sB a rematch against Optic Nation. With EG looking set to take at least one of the top two places, Strictly Business will battle it out with Optic Nation and Team Kaliber for the other. A fiercely competitive group with a guaranteed unpredictable outcome. Like Optic Nation, following UGC Strictly Business have had more time to establish their line-up. X Games will be the perfect stage to see how far they have progressed in that time. Also like Optic Nation, sB have the benefit of avoiding the World Champions on the way to the Grand Final should they advance from the Group Stages. A runner up spot looks tantalizingly possible.

The 2014 US Champions compete at all the biggest events through North America using the best Pro Gaming hardware available. That includes their trustworthy Scuf Gaming controllers; an important component in the team’s ongoing success. You can now play like your favourite Strictly Business players by purchasing the Strictly Business SCUF ONE through our website.


Team Kaliber

Black Ops 2 saw Team Kaliber firmly establish themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Top 3 finishes became the norm. Team Kaliber had assumed the position of the best of the rest, constantly nipping at the heels of their established rivals, including the often invincible Complexity. Their transition into Ghosts has been less of a success, with a shock placement at the Call of Duty Championship World Finals being a bitter end to a memorable 12 months for the relatively new franchise. Kaliber shared an equal placement at UGC with Optic Gaming, finishing 7th-8th overall; a slight improvement on their unfortunate Championship outing but still not where the team will want to be. Like Optic Nation and Strictly Business, their group drawing could be considered bitter sweet. On the one hand, EG will be heavy favorites to advance from their group, leaving one slot available for the remaining three titans. On the other hand, if they do manage to place in the top two in their group, they will avoid EG en route to the final. Team Kaliber are certainly due a successful tournament and X Games is as big of a stage as any for them to reaffirm themselves among the North American elite.

Scuf Gaming are proud to work with Team Kaliber, bringing their players the best controllers on the market to help them perform to the best of their ability at all the events they attend. You can also play like Team Kaliber’s pros by buying a Scuf Gaming controller today. Scuf Gaming offer a range of Team Kaliber branded controllers, as used by the pros, including the Kaliber SCUF ONE, found on the following link:
Scuf Gaming recently had the opportunity to work with Turn 10 Studios and Microsoft Studios on their latest Forza Motorsport game, Forza 5. The result, was the creation of three Custom SCUF designed cars within the game: The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG 2011, the Aston Martin Vanquish 2012, and the Mazda Andretti Autosport USF2000 2013! Be sure to check out the full story on our website HERE, as well as instructions on how to download the cars in-game for yourself!

While you're there, be sure to check out our line of SCUF ONE Controllers as well! The SCUF Controller makes the perfect companion to Forza 5, especially with the newly designed SCUF Control Disk! The back paddles, which are a staple of any SCUF Controller, allow you to hit the face buttons without taking your hands off the thumbsticks. This will allow you to hit those powerslides, shift gears, and more without ever having to sacrifice your steering! You can even customize the paddles mid-game through the use of the SCUF ONE's (EMR) Electro Magnetic Remapping feature, allowing you to change the paddle configuration on the fly for whatever gets you to 1st place!

See the cars for yourself below, and click HERE for more information about Forza Motorsport 5 and check out the SCUF themed cars below!

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG 2011

scuf benzscuf benz

Aston Martin Vanquish 2012

scuf aston martinscuf aston martin

Mazda Andretti Autosport USF2000 2013

scuf mazda andretti
After an intense weekend of pro-gaming, Call of Duty XP has finally drawn to a close with Team EnVyUs winning their first Championship and Team Captain JKap winning his second ring in the process. This was after a final series against Splyce, who made history as the first European team to make it to the final game in the history of CoD Championships.

Overall, it was always going to be a brilliant finish.


Team SCUF was thrilled to be a part of CoD XP this year, and even more amazed at the true A-games that our affiliates brought to the table. Congratulations to all of our sponsored teams and affiliates: this was truly one of the most exciting years in eSports history thanks to all of your hard work and explosive talent.

After all the surprises and incredible plays we just experienced, we can't even begin to imagine what we have to look forward to in the future!

Be sure to heads on over to Twitter to follow both Team EnVyUs and the Call of Duty World League.

Also, check out the official Team EnVyUs Infinity series for both Xbox One and Playstation: the true controller of champions!
Scuf Gaming (SCUF), global leader and innovator of high end gaming peripherals, is pleased to announce its partnership with Legends of Gaming Live™. SCUF will be sponsoring Legends of Gaming Live, the UK’s only YouTube Gaming event where over 20,000 people will attend to see their favourite YouTube stars, as well as the latest in gaming releases and hardware on September 10-11, 2016 in London.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming: “We are delighted to be partnering with Legends of Gaming to headline this event and are excited to offer gamers of all genres the opportunity to sample SCUF technology. As an extremely large influencer in the eSports world, we feel this partnership is a perfect match!"

With a lineup that includes multiple tournaments, a massive expo area, and YouTube’s biggest gaming stars, Legends of Gaming Live is set to attract over 20,000 attendees from all over Europe. Popular YouTubers confirmed to attend include Ali-A, DanTDM, Syndicate, Mini Ladd, LDShadowLady, Ashley Marie, Masteron, Mess Yourself, Spencer FC, JMX and Hurder of Buffalo.

LoG_SCUF_Partnership_Asset_V3 sm

Tickets available from with prices starting from £15.

About Legends of Gaming Live
Legends of Gaming Live is based on the hugely popular YouTube Channel Legends of Gaming from Endemol Shine Beyond which since launching in the UK in 2014 now has local adaptations in the US, Germany, France, Chile and Brazil, with further expansion in multiple territories later this year. Legends of Gaming Live is produced and promoted by Endemol Shine UK whose recent live event successes include award-winning YouTube star DanTDM’s first ever live tour, DanTDM on Tour, which sold out the first four venues within 24 hours of tickets going on sale prompting an additional nine UK venues added to the tour which started at the end of last month.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers - over 90% of the top Professional gamers in world use SCUF.

Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all.

The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 21 granted patents, and another 41 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.
PRESS RELEASE 20th Sept 2014: Scuf Gaming are delighted to release the SCUF Striker in time for FIFA14 and ProEvolutionSoccer2014.

The SCUF Striker is a totally redesigned SCUF controller with features perfect for Football/ Soccer gaming enthusiasts. We want every gamer to have the ability to customize their controller to suit their gameplay and style. The SCUF Striker does exactly this:-

1.) Totally re-engineered new back shape for the Xbox controller which locks your hands in place (with military grade grip options) designed for SCUF paddles and hair trigger adjustments
2.) Wireless controller with NEW SCUF lithium battery to provide lighter and longer gameplay. Wired controller option also available for competitive
3.) Choose from 2 or 4 paddle options where the 2 outside paddles can be fully re-mappable and mimic any of the A,B,X,Y, LB, RB, Back or Left Thumbstick down functions. This enables you to control your players with more of your hand and react faster with more advanced moves.
4.) Choose from taller domed sticks or concave sticks for left or right thumbsticks to provide more accuracy and skill
5.) Designs to suit your Team preference – more designs coming soon!

With the above features and design, Scuf Gaming expect the SCUF Striker to appeal to a broad range of gamers, from FIFA to Pro Evolution to general gamers because this controller works perfectly for ANY Xbox360 or PC game.

Please visit for more information
Continuing Activision and Sledgehammer’s “Week Of Intel”, the official Call of Duty YouTube channel released two more fascinating characters in their “Meet The Squad” series. And after four American soldiers, today’s update takes on a decidedly more European flavor.

The first is the mysterious Rousseau, a French resistance fighter who has found herself in the center of the fight looking to save her family. The second is British Secret Service officer Major Arthur Crowley, an expert on sabotage and deception. It isn’t clear yet how deep of a relationship we’re going to have with these new-introduced characters during CoD’s single-player campaign, but it’s obvious that CoD:WWII has a brilliant cast thus far. Perhaps we’ll get to learn about some of the villains this week?

The CoD PC beta begins next week, and while it probably won’t show us much about the campaign’s cast, we can’t wait to get back into the fight.

Return To SCUF CoD HQ


ATLANTA, November 09, 2018Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, is teaming up with the Movember Foundation to use its profile and wide reaching affiliate network to raise awareness for the issues that affect men’s mental health. During November, Scuf Gaming will also donate 10 percent of its website sales to the Movember Foundation when customers use the code “MOVEMBER” at purchase.

Scuf Gaming will put limited-edition, Movember-themed SCUF Impacts in the hands of partners and influencers to help create visibility and awareness for this cause. The specially designed Movember controllers feature the classic moustache silhouettes that have become synonymous with the Movember Foundation and men’s health awareness. Under the tagline “Share Your Frame of Mind” and via the hashtags “#MOVEMBER” and “#SCUFMO”, influencers and pro-gamers, including Ali-A, CouRage, and OpTic Gaming CEO Hector Rodriguez, will join the fight to bring awareness to these issues, showcasing the Movember-themed SCUF controllers and sharing the Movember Foundation’s message.

“Young adults and adolescents make up a large portion of the gaming community, and unfortunately, mental health issues among people in these age groups is rising and tends to go unrecognized,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and co-founder of Scuf Gaming. “As leaders in the gaming community, we are in a fortunate position to help raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with mental health concerns. We encourage all of our followers to support this campaign and those in need.”

The Movember Foundation is the leading global charity dedicated to changing the face of men’s health. Its annual campaign encourages men to grow moustaches in the month of November, and year-round they encourage the discussion of men’s health issues including, mental health, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide prevention.

“Scuf has a global active community that can help bring light to these important issues,” said JC, Co-founder of Movember. “We are devoted to going to where our audience is, making sure men live happier, healthier, and longer lives. We’re excited to work with Scuf to create more awareness for this cause in a hugely passionate and powerful community.”

To learn more on Movember, visit, and get involved on social media via the hashtags “#MOVEMBER” and “#SCUFMO”.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 45 granted patents, and another 57 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable Sax™ button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

131 Granted & Pending Patents Complement Almost a Decade of Gaming Innovation

ATLANTA, June 7, 2019 — Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary Ironburg Inventions, has expanded its global patent footprint with additional patents in Europe.

With 77 granted patents and 54 pending patent applications, Scuf Gaming expands its global coverage for Back Control Functions, Trigger Control System, Thumbstick Control Area and side-mounted configurable Sax™ buttons (S1 and S2). Scuf Gaming is well-known for creating the category of performance controllers, designing and manufacturing its own controllers as well as licensing its IP to several companies, including Microsoft for the creation of the Xbox Elite Wireless controller.

“Patents take an extremely long time to be granted, sometimes as long as 5 years, so it is gratifying to see the recent acceleration of granted applications to protect our innovations,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and co-founder of Scuf Gaming. “As a young innovative company, our IP is a core differentiator that allows us to protect our investment and continue to push the boundaries of the next generation of gaming controllers.”

SCUF’s patented innovations have benefitted hundreds of thousands of gamers, professional and casual, improving performance, comfort, and customization by enabling users to use more of their hands in a safe and ergonomic way. SCUF features have now become required functionality for esports professionals and competitive gamers.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 77 granted patents, and another 54 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
esports-awards-scuf-gaming-2016PRESS RELEASE - November 21st (Atlanta, GA) - Tonight, the inaugural eSports Industry Awards took place at The Brewery in London. The awards are dedicated to rewarding and recognizing the amazing talent and innovation of the eSports industry. Scuf Gaming had the immense pleasure of winning the Hardware Provider of the Year award at this year’s event.

When accepting the award, Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-
Founder of Scuf Gaming had this to say, “We started Scuf Gaming about 6 years ago and I must say, we weren’t expecting it to become something this large. We now have 200 employees and my heart goes out to each and every one of them. They’ve put their heart and soul into this company and honestly, we wouldn’t be here, receiving this award, without them. I’m proud to say that we’ve built something pretty special at SCUF.”

Scuf Gaming would also like to congratulate our partners who either won or were nominated at this year’s awards, including Callum “Swanny” Swan, winner of the UK eSports Player of the Year Award and Team EnVyUs, winner of the eSports Team of the Year Award and Seth “Scump” Abner, Console Player of the Year Award.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where over 90% of the top Professional gamers in the world use SCUF.

Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all.

The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 22 granted patents, and another 59 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.

About the eSports Industry Awards
The eSports Industry Awards are dedicated to recognizing the international eSports business, showcasing top class performance and innovation from the players, teams, media, hardware providers, games, events, and personalities within the scene.

Hosted by games industry commentator and presenter Julia Hardy and the Gadget Show’s Jason Bradbury, over 600 of the industry’s leading figures gathered in London’s The Brewery on November 21st to celebrate achievements and network with each other. The event was streamed to the world live on the night.

The long list of categories and nominees were constructed through public nominations, and a judging panel consisting of respected professionals from a cross section of the eSports industry including ex-players, media and broadcasters who determined the overall winners in each of the categories.
SCUF Ghost Hybrid for Xbox 360

Scuf Gaming proudly presents our Limited Edition SCUF Ghost Hybrid controller for Call Of Duty Ghost launch day.

(click image to see the product on our website)

SCUF Ghost

With a fully transforming 2-stage thermal color changing paint, this controller magically reveals 2 x half ghost faces on the left and right handles, which appear as heat is applied through contact with the hand. The SCUF Ghost controller also includes a custom hand made 3D silver ghost skull encased in clear guide button. With bright white LEDs, smoke buttons, SCUF Ghost paddles and GHOST on the bottom trim, each controller is hand crafted using an 8-stage hand painted process and is truly unique! Additional options include, 4 paddles, remapping of the outside paddles, rotating D-Pad, trigger stops, domed sticks and SCUF military grade grip. All SCUF controllers are competition approved for use at MLG, EGL, WGL, Reflex, Gfinity, ESL and more!


SCUF Ghosts PS3

Scuf Gaming proudly presents our Limited Edition SCUF Ghost PS controller for Call Of Duty Ghost launch day.

(click image to see the product on our website)

SCUF Ghosts PS3
Here are this week’s top stories from the last seven days in the eSports scene.

UMG Orlando 2016 Cancelled

Unfortunately, with Hurricane Matthew heading towards Floridian shores, UMG had to make the tough decision to cancel their Call of Duty event this weekend in the interest of player safety. Taking to their website, UMG wrote:

“It is with regret that we announce that due to the hurricane that is anticipated hit Florida this weekend, UMG Orlando has been cancelled.

“Regardless of the financial losses, which not hosting the event exposes us to, we felt the safety of our community was obviously far more important.

“For UMG, the community comes first over everything.

“In due course we will be refunding all team passes and attendee passes.

“Our thoughts are with the people of Florida and all people impacted by this storm front, we hope you stay safe.”

Gears 4 Launch Invitational Teams

With Gears 4 on the horizon, the teams have been finalized for the first major tournament. The Gears 4 MLG Launch Invitational will take place at the MLG Arena in Columbus, Ohio on October 22nd , with $25,000 up for grabs over the course of the weekend. Six American teams – OpTic Gaming, EUnited, EnVyUS, eLevate, NRG, and Enigma6 – will be joined by Latin American Splyce and Australian Mindfreak in the 8 team showdown. Notably, Europe will be unrepresented in the competition after controversy led to the qualifying team being removed from the tournament and replaced by North Americans Enigma6.

Callum ‘Swanny’ Swan Announces Return

Swanny, one of Europe’s most decorated players, was forced to pull out of Call of Duty XP at the last minute following an unexpected illness. Millenium instead played with MiRx at this year’s World Championship but question marks still remained about Swanny and his Call of Duty future. This week, the Stage 2 Champion took to his private Twitter to reassure fans and thank them for their concern. He said:

Paris Saint-Germaine Esports Team Coming Soon

Yet another major sports team are set to join the eSports arms race, with news that French football team PSG will launch their own competitive gaming division in the near future. The announcement came as part of a bigger release that included news of ESWC being acquired by Webedia, the company behind prominent French esports team Millenium. The exact details of the PSG esports team are yet to be announced, but a brief release promised, “you will soon see the teams ‘Paris Saint-Germain eSports’, wearing the same jersey like the players of the football team.”.

Team Dignitas Acquired by Philadelphia 76ers

On a day when news broke that Team Liquid had been acquired by a consortium that already owned two basketball teams, Team Dignitas announced that they had been purchased by NBA team the Philadelphia 76ers. Also part of the deal is the acquisition of the Apex LCS team, who will merge into the Dignitas brand going forward. Dignitas have a long-standing history in both the PC and console esports scenes, supporting teams in Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty and FIFA, among others, over the years.
A new DOOM game has arrived and we were super excited to fight our well through Hell and its waves of demons with our SCUF Controller. The game is an exciting and frantic run through multiple environments with enough nods to the past DOOM games to make any fan smile.

For anyone not familiar: DOOM is a First-Person Shooter centered on very fast paced gunfights against the varied spawn of Hell utilizing some crazy cool guns like the Sawed-Off Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Gauss Cannon, and the ever popular BFG9000. The best part? You don’t have to reload your weapons, ever. This mechanic forces gamers to re-think a lot of their basic strategy when approaching fights, as the lack of reloading is nice, but some enemies can absorb bullets like sponges. We found the movement (you move normally at what most games would consider a sprint, and includes jumping, vaulting, and an eventual double jump) to be the most crucial aspect of survival in DOOM. This is where our SCUF Controller was incredibly helpful.

For DOOM we strongly recommend purchasing EMR with your custom SCUF Controller due to our paddle config of A/Right Stick Down on Xbox One or X/Right Stick Down on PS4. The A/X button is the jump, an obviously crucial tactic for dodging enemies before they have a chance to get you. Clicking on the right stick performs a “Glory Kill”. Do enough damage to an enemy to stagger it and it will flash blue, run up to it and hit Right Stick down to insta-kill the demon and get some health. Considering how much damage some of these enemies can do to you, you’ll be using Glory Kills quite often, which makes it perfect to set to your right paddle. We spent most of our time with DOOM jumping, vaulting, and performing Glory Kills with extreme efficiency thanks to our SCUF Controllers, and we highly recommend picking up a Custom SCUF Controller of your own to join the fight in Hell.

Customize a SCUF Infinity1 HERE, or a SCUF Infinity 4PS HERE and Fight like Hell
Gotaga and Prime SCUF Gaming House

In case you missed it, Scuf Gaming officially launched a brand-new Gaming House in France last week with a giant bash to welcome its new residents: famed professional gamer Corentin “Gotaga” Houssein and gamer, rapper, and style extraordinaire Amine “PrimeTimeFUT” Mekri, who will live stream, make music, and play games for their millions of fans.

“Gaming has evolved from a hobby into a lifestyle, and it’s making its mark in music, fashion, and the rest of the culture,” said Duncan Ironmonger, Scuf Gaming founder and CEO. “Gotaga and Prime are perfect examples of this. They’ve created international brands for themselves through their gaming skills, musical accomplishments, and fashion sense.”

SCUF French Gaming House

Situated in a historic Paris neighborhood, the stunning SCUF House France provides the ultimate living experience for its guests, complete with three terraces, an indoor swimming pool, a private bar, and a movie theater. Most importantly, the house includes dedicated areas for content creation, including a custom-built streaming room for Gotaga, a music studio for Prime, and a streaming station with room for five additional guests.

“I’ve always thought gaming should bring together different communities in music, fashion, and culture,” said Gotaga. “Together with Scuf, Prime, and my family, I’m excited to create an awesome mix of all that in the SCUF House. This house will be the ideal environment for us to showcase our style and to collaborate on work we know our fans will love.”

Finally, as part of the SCUF House France grand opening, a newly re-designed Gotaga SCUF controller has been launched featuring his iconic color palette and branding. Meanwhile, a new Prime-inspired SCUF controller design was also revealed and will be available soon.

Gotaga PS4 Controller

Buy the new Gotaga SCUF controller here

About Gotaga

Gotaga, a Red Bull athlete and long-standing partner of Scuf Gaming since 2014, is one of the most prominent players in the world, and an icon in French gaming with a YouTube Channel that boasts over 2.6 million subscribers and a Twitch stream with 1.2 million followers. Gotaga’s videos highlight his high level of skill and entertaining personality. They feature family members and friends from the world of professional gaming and content creation. During his career as a professional gamer, Gotaga has played for numerous leading European teams and has attended three Call of Duty Championships. He also organizes the Gotaga Barrière Show, a private gaming event that benefits children’s hospitals.

About Prime

Prime has grown his fame as a popular streamer and gamer to launch a career as a musician and fashion designer. He has performed before tens of thousands of fans, including at the historic Bataclan.

Follow SCUF Gaming France, Gotaga, and Prime for more content from the SCUF Gaming House!
This week’s profile features a member of the reigning world champion Team EnVyUs squad – Bryan ‘Apathy’ Zhelyazkov.


Apathy’s rise to prominence came first in the original Call of Duty: Black Ops. Having proven he could compete on LAN, he found himself playing alongside Chris ‘Parasite’ Duarte as part of apex.Collapse, a squad that placed second at MLG Raleigh and finished fourth to round out the year at the MLG National Championship in 2011.

After a solid but unexceptional Black Ops 2 season, Apathy cemented himself among the truly elite on Call of Duty Ghosts. Starting the year with Strictly Business, a few early roster changes built a team that would ultimately be the first to deny compLexity a title, albeit the prize-less Call of Duty Championships NA Qualifier.

His first real trophy came within the same year, after strictly Business had separated but still alongside Doug ‘Censor’ Martin. Apathy had moved to FaZe, where the addition of two World Champions – Chris ‘Parasite’ Duarte and Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow – rounded out an elite squad that collected FaZe Clan’s first ever championship victory at UMG Nashville.


Current team

Since the mid-season of Black Ops 3, Apathy has played for Team EnVyUs. Following his addition to the squad, EnVy rose to become arguably the number one team in the world, appearing in the grand finals of the last three events of the year and winning two, including the Call of Duty Championships.

Since that moment of triumph, however, it’s been a downhill slope for the boys in blue. Though their Infinite Warfare season has seen periodic decent results – a third-place at the CWL Atlanta Open, top six at CWL Dallas – on the whole the team have been unable to live up to their former glory.

The decline culminated recently at the CWL Anaheim Open, where EnVyUs picked up their worst placing in the organisation’s history, a 21st-24th finish. It’s a huge fall from grace and one that certainly raises questions for the team.

EnVyUs defied the expectations of most by escaping a dangerous Group Green in Stage Two of the Global Pro League, assuring themselves a top-eight finish, but there’s still work to do if they are to return to being considered a truly elite team.

However, the source of their recent troubles seems to be largely based in team chemistry – individuals have still shone at times, with Apathy himself having some particularly stand-out series at some events. Whatever the future of the team, nobody is questioning that Apathy remains one of the most dangerous SMG players in the world.


Greatest achievement

There’s no question as to Apathy’s greatest accomplishment in Call of Duty. He’s part of an exclusive group of players to have won the game’s most prestigious trophy – that of the Call of Duty Championships.

In Apathy’s case, it happened to also be the single biggest prize pool in Call of Duty history, but it’s not so much about that. The Call of Duty Championships has always been more about the competition than the money – the chance to own one of those exclusive rings, and call yourself a World Champion.

To do it, Apathy and co had to go through their toughest opponent – OpTic Gaming – in the very first round of bracket play. Having pulled off the victory, from there the team cruised through the winner bracket, ultimately beating Splyce in the grand finals.



Apathy made his name as a fast-paced, high-impact SMG player. For many of his teams, he is the first point of contact, the sharp tip of the spear.

While at times over the years consistency has perhaps kept him out of the conversation for the best SMG in the world, Apathy always has a dominant game in him. When Apathy is on form he’s explosive, capable of taking over single-handedly and dictating the game.

The value of a player who poses such a threat is the room he creates for his team mates. When Apathy explodes, he’s a one-man wrecking ball, but the rest of the time he’s still drawing disproportionate attention from his opponents.

Whether or not they survive his attack, Apathy’s aim is to give the enemy no room to breathe – if he can’t take care of them himself, it still becomes all the easier for the rest of his squad to clean up.

Public persona

Often found with a smile on his face, Apathy often comes across as one of the more light-hearted professional players. Easy-going and likeable, Apathy has built a solid fanbase of supporters.

While he may not match the astronomical numbers of those players who have had extended tenure under the likes of the OpTic or FaZe brands, Apathy nevertheless tweets to more than 211,000 followers, streams to nearly 50,000 followers and occasionally uploads for his 96,000 YouTube subscribers.

E3 Fornite and Stranger Things

We’re more than ready for the competition to heat up with the upcoming Fortnite World Cup, but that’s not stopping Epic Games from bringing the fire this summer. Word coming out of E3 is that they’re ready to keep us entertained between the weekend qualifiers with not one but two interesting promotions on the way.

First up is a new promotion that crosses over with the forthcoming third season of Stranger Things. Though it’s unknown exactly what will take place in Fortnite, there already have been glimpses of the Scoops Ahoy ice cream shop in the game. There’s a good chance that players could see skins based on characters, but we’re dying to see if any new game modes from the Upside Down or ‘80s-style weaponry will be introduced to shake up how we play the game.

Meanwhile, those keeping an eye on DrLupo’s activities from E3 last week may have seen this sneak peek of what appears to be a new Prop Hunt mode likely making its way to Fortnite soon.
This week’s affiliate profile takes a look at a legend of modern Halo in Tony ‘Lethul’ Campbell Jr.




Lethul made his major event debut towards the end of the Halo 3 era, playing at MLG Columbus in 2010. It wasn’t a spectacular first outing, but at the start of the Halo Reach season just months later, Lethul would be launched into the spotlight for the new game, winning the MLG Washington D.C. Combine and following up with a win in the MLG Dallas Halo Reach exhibition tournament.

When the MLG circuit for Reach got going the following year, Lethul remained at the top, with finals appearances at MLG Dallas and MLG Orlando, and victory at MLG Raleigh as highlights of the season. Lethul remained among the elite for the whole of Reach and through Halo 4, but it was on Halo 2: Anniversary Edition that he would really stamp his authority on the game.

Playing under Evil Geniuses, Lethal would dominate for the entirety of the H2A season, winning the majority of the tournaments he attended, including both seasons of the Halo Championship Series. From the release of H2A to present, Lethul has been the most successful player in Halo, consistently winning trophies for the past three years.

Current team

Lethul currently represents OpTic Gaming as the most dominant and successful force in Halo 5. The squad originally came together at the game’s release under Counter Logic Gaming, before moving to the green wall in the summer of 2016.

Alongside Paul ‘SnakeBite’ Duarte, Matthew ‘Royal2’ Fiorante and Bradley ‘Frosty’ Bergstrom, Lethul has been a part of creating a dynasty which has so far spanned the entirety of Halo 5’s lifespan.

Since the game’s release, Lethul and co have been the most successful team in the world, and it’s not close. The squad has been a permanent feature of grand finals and won the majority of them. There is almost no accolade that the team hasn’t collected over the near two years of their rule.


Great achievement

When success comes as consistently as it has for Lethul over the past three years, that in itself begins to eclipse any single moment. Many teams and players can win titles, almost none will ever experience anything close to the level of continued dominance Lethul has imposed upon the game.

Within such immense success, however, there are particular accomplishments that stand out even among the rest. In any game, for those that can claim it, the title of “World Champion” is usually the pinnacle achievement of a career.

In Halo, there are only four players that can make such a claim, and Lethul is among them. That’s not simply because there has only been one such event – there have been two since the Halo World Championships’ inception in 2016. Lethul and his team claimed victory at both.


Lethul has long been a really solid team player. Many would categorize him as something of a "glue guy," if you will to put it into a more traditional sports term. He’s constantly in good spots and shooting things to make things easier for his teammates. He’s a team first kind of player who has no problem dying if it means his teammates will get 2 or 3 kills or secure the objective. This unselfish play and ability to bring a team together has seen Lethul help his team to countless Major titles, including two World Championships.


Public persona

Publicly, Lethul is known as something of a troll. Not one to shy away from the jokes, he’s embraced the extra publicity that comes part and parcel with representing OpTic Gaming. His unveiling as a member of OpTic was also iconic, teaming up with owner H3cz as part of a shock reveal at the end of an episode of OpTic Vision.
Get ready for Mayhem! Borderlands 3, the popular loot ‘n shooter by Gearbox Software and 2K Games has arrived on PS4™, Xbox One™, and PC. Like its predecessors, Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the new title is packed with new adventures, vault hunters and enemies. Whether you’re playing solo or co-op with friends, be ready for anything that comes your way with your SCUF controller.

Just like selecting the best skills in the skill tree, you can pick the best options for better performance and gameplay with a SCUF. In this guide, we’ll be showing you how to get the most out of your SCUF controller in Borderlands 3 starting with the basics and then with advanced controller customizations.

Step One: The Outer Paddles

Let’s start with learning how to use the most important feature of a SCUF controller: the Paddle Control System. Starting with two paddles.

By default, the left paddle is mapped to Jump (X on PS4, A on Xbox) and the right paddle is mapped to Slide/Crouch/Ground Slam (O on PS4, B on Xbox). Practice using only the paddles for these functions and ignore their face buttons during gameplay. It will take a little while to get used to, but keep practicing and you will develop muscle memory. Mastering these two paddles will help you dodge your enemies, perform cool trick shots and gain the upperhand by jump sliding and doing damage with the ground slam without taking your thumbs off the thumbsticks.

Step Two: The Inner Paddles

While our SCUF Infinity4PS PRO for PS4 features two paddles, the IMPACT and Vantage for PS4, as well as the Prestige for Xbox One have four paddles available. Having more paddles available means that you can transfer more actions previously used with your thumbs to your back fingers to become faster and keep full control of your aim.

By default, the inner left paddle is mapped to Reload/Use (Square on PS4, X on Xbox) and the inner right paddle is mapped to Next Weapon (Triangle on PS4, Y on Xbox). Repeat the same process as before, but now incorporating one of the inner two paddles. Ignore their face buttons until you’re comfortable with using all the paddles instead of the facebuttons. With regular practice, it can take up to two weeks to be completely used to them. In a Loot ‘n Shooter like Borderlands 3, picking up items quickly and efficiently makes life easier with so many more items to pick up, and paddles vastly improve the experience.

Conquering all four paddles will give you the biggest advantage to quickly Jump, Reload/Use Items, Swap Weapons, and Slide/Crouch/Ground Slam all while keeping your thumb on the thumbstick, ready to aim.

Check out the Configurations below!

Borderlands 3 PC and PS4 controller
Borderlands 3 PC and PS4 controller

Step Three: Configuring the Paddles

Now that you’ve mastered the paddles, let’s start remapping. If your controller is equipped with our remapping feature, you can remap the paddles by using our EMR Mag Key (or just slide the remapping switch into remapping mode if you’re a SCUF Vantage owner). Press and hold the button you want to map to your paddle or sax button. When finished, remove the EMR key (or slide the remap switch back into play mode on SCUF Vantage) and you’re ready to go. You can tailor your SCUF to your playstyle just like you can select the best vault hunter for your playstyle. Keep an eye out for an article on more Borderlands 3 layouts coming soon!

Step Four: Select the right Thumbsticks for you

Whether you’re an aggressive gamer like Amara, the elemental brawler siren, who runs into battle to pulverize enemies, or you’re a defensive gamer like FL4K, the beastmaster, who stalks his prey and sends out his pets, SCUF thumbsticks are interchangeable to match your unique preference of comfort and playstyle.

There are two parts to the thumbstick: its shape and its length.

  • Concave thumbsticks are designed for more movement control.

  • Domed thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

  • Short thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

  • Tall thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with.

For aggressive gamers, like shotgun players, we recommend a short concave thumbstick on the left and a short domed thumbstick on the right. You’ll be quick to move and still ready to quickly aim.

For defensive gamers, like sniper players, we recommend a short concave thumbstick on the left and a tall domed thumbstick on the right. You can still move quickly, but also be the most accurate when aiming.

Step Five: Activate the Trigger Control System

While paddles improve your overall performance and thumbsticks improve your aim, our trigger system will take your speed when aiming and shooting to the next level. SCUF’s Trigger Control system is available on every controller model and offers full trigger customization through adjustable trigger stops and hair triggers.

For Borderlands 3, you will want to have your trigger stops on except when you plan on using vehicles (which require the full trigger motion to operate). They will reduce the amount your trigger has to travel past the activation point and will allow for faster shooting and aiming.

To further tune your trigger movement, the hair triggers will allow you to modify the distance to the activation point. You should only adjust your hair triggers in game; start by turning the key until you hit the activation point which is where your weapon will start shooting on its own, then dial it back 1 turn, or to your preference.

Step Six: Selecting Other SCUF Options

Digital Tap Bumpers and Digital Tap Triggers

For dedicated shooter players, you can also choose our Digital Tap Bumpers and Digital Triggers options (for SCUF IMPACT & Infinity4PS PRO). These features completely eliminate the range of movement of the bumpers and triggers and provides a feel similar to a mouse click. This is only recommended for players who only play shooter games.


Vibration can affect your aim, but also cause fatigue overtime from the added weight in your controller. We recommend ordering your SCUF without vibration modules / rumbles (or taking them out if you’re using a SCUF Vantage).

Sax Buttons

If you are a SCUF Vantage owner, you have two additional access points called Sax Buttons designed to further reduce finger movement and therefore improve your performance. These are located on the side of the controller which you can engage using your inner finger. We recommend mapping Action Skill (L1 on PS4) to S1 and Grenades (R1 on PS4 to S2 to start with. Activate your action skill and toss grenades in the middle of battle without moving your fingers off the triggers.

Borderlands 3 PC and PS4 controller


Now that you have customized the different aspects of your controller, it’s time to jump in-game and test your new setup. Like every change, adjusting to these new settings may take some time - however, with practice and dedication, every SCUF feature will help you reach your full potential and wreak havoc on Pandora and the Borderlands!



PRESS RELEASE: 15th MAY 2014 – The SCUF TACTICAL collection is the new cool, whether you're a fashion guru, gamer or just simply elite, you’re going to love the way you look and feel in the new SCUF hoodie, hat and tees. The collection includes military design qualities and was designed with style and comfort in mind for extended gaming sessions.


Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming says, “We’re extremely pleased with the way the SCUF TACTICAL collection came together and the positive feedback we’ve received from the gaming community. We designed the collection with a focus on style, fit and special features that we knew SCUF fans would appreciate, like the shoulder loop on the tees to make game-play easier. We’re confident our customers will become big fans of this new SCUF gear.”


The tees are made of 100% high grade, dense and breathable cotton and offer extreme comfort and durability for gamers to breath easy while their opponents struggle.  Tees come in two colors: CAMO and WHITE; offer a close fit and include the SCUF logo on the chest, curved shoulder seams and back shoulder panels.   An exciting new feature on the tees is the shoulder loops which allow for headphone cables to stay away from a gamer’s hands while in game-play.


The SCUF PURSUIT hoodie is perfect for major gaming events when the air temp is cool and you need to focus.  The black hoodie has a body armor effect at the torso and elbows, includes zipped pockets, raised SCUF logo on the chest and a military style interior patch. It’s a favorite among pro-players! 4


The SCUF TARGET Camo Cap is a cool new design. It includes a structured fit, high crown and normal bill with the SCUF logo font center. There are two sizes available to ensure a comfortable fit, small/medium and large/x-large. The interior includes branded taping and a moisture-absorbing sweatband.


The SCUF TACTICAL paddle has been subtly placed on the entire collection.


SCUF TACTICAL Collection Includes:


  • STEALTH CREW TEE - CAMO - (S-XXL) - $29.95

  • STEALTH V-NECK TEE - CAMO - (S-XXL) - $29.95

  • PACKED CREW TEE – WHITE - (S-XXL) - $24.95

  • PACKED V-NECK TEE – WHITE - (S-XXL) - $24.95


  • TARGET CAP – CAMO – (S/M & L/XL) - $24.95


Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.  Editorial and product photos available upon request.


This week’s affiliate profile takes a look at console esports prodigy Cuyler ‘Huke’ Garland.


Among console esports stars, Huke might well be the most unique. He was unusual to begin with, a young talent that seemingly came out of nowhere on Advanced Warfare. By the end of the year, he’d gone from unknown amateur to being hailed as one of the best players in the world – a feat few have managed.

What makes him particularly exceptional, however, is that having been forced out of the pro level by age restrictions, he then transitioned to Halo. Not only did he become one of very few players to ever successfully make the move in that direction (OpTic Gaming’s Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter being the only other high-profile example), he has become even more successful as a result.

Within a year of making the switch, Huke was representing major organisations and playing alongside legendary names as he had in Call of Duty, but in Halo he’s managed to go a step beyond and win championships as well.

Having found success in both games, Huke is already among an elite group – the likes of the aforementioned Crimsix, his OpTic Gaming team mate Matthew ‘Formal’ Piper, and Ian ‘Enable’ Wyatt being the other obvious members. The company Huke shares despite still being a young player makes him one of the most exciting prospects in console esports, a legend in the making.

With Call of Duty: WWII on the horizon, rumours are swirling that Huke might make a return to Call of Duty now that he’s old enough to compete in major events again. If he does, he’ll instantly be one of the most highly anticipated players on the circuit.


Although Huke had competed briefly in Call of Duty Ghosts, his rise to prominence truly began in Advanced Warfare. Having kicked off the season with a top-16 placement alongside fellow amateur players at MLG Columbus, he’d launch himself into the spotlight by reaching the grand finals of UMG Orlando with a Stunner Gaming squad that had no business contending for the trophy on paper.

It didn’t take long for Huke to earn recognition as a rare talent despite his inexperience on a professional level. Age restrictions at the Call of Duty Championships arguably prevented him from joining an elite squad earlier, but by the mid-season he was playing for a FaZe squad that reached back-to-back grand finals at major events.

To close out Infinite Warfare Huke found himself playing under Denial, alongside Advanced Warfare World Champion James ‘Replays’ Crowder. The team remained at the pinnacle of the game, appearing in another two grand finals but never quite able to overcome the dominant OpTic Gaming squad.

By the end of his rookie season, Huke was one of the most exciting and sought-after players in the world, universally recognised as an extraordinary talent relative to his age and experience. Unfortunately, his Call of Duty career would be cut short – at least temporarily – by factors beyond his control.

The introduction of the Call of Duty World League meant that all major events the following year, not just the Call of Duty Championships, would require competitors to be over the age of eighteen. Unwilling to watch from the side-lines for two years, Huke made the switch to Halo, where he has gone on to even greater success.

Current team

Today, Huke competes in Halo 5: Guardians for Team EnVyUs. Champions of HCS Las Vegas 2016, the HCS Fall 2016 Finals, UMG Daytona 2017, as well as runners-up in the 2017 Halo World Championship, EnVy have been one of the most successful teams in the world during Huke’s time with them.

Since Huke’s addition to the team, they have been a constant presence on the podium, consistently placing third-place or higher. Over that period, they’ve been the primary obstacle in the way of an otherwise dominant OpTic Gaming squad, whom they’ve faced off against in several grand finals.


Greatest achievement

Despite a meteoric rise in Advanced Warfare, Huke was never quite able to lift a trophy in Call of Duty. He reached four grand finals over the course of the season, but on every occasion ran into the indomitable OpTic Gaming, who were then only in the first year of the legendary roster that has terrorised the game since.

Having made the switch to Halo, it didn’t take Huke long to start reaching grand finals again. Having truly announced his arrival in the new game with a top-four finish at the 2016 Halo World Championship in March, he placed second in his first season of the Halo Championship Series.

It was the following season, however, that marked arguably his greatest achievement to date. Having moved to Team EnVyUs after HCS Summer 2016, the squad put together a dominant run for the HCS Fall 2016 season. Having topped the regular season, the squad were able to come back from the loser bracket to defeat the imperious OpTic Gaming in consecutive best-of-sevens to take the trophy.

It was a weekend to remember as some of Europe's finest Call of Duty players met up in Sheffield to prove who was the best on their side of the pond! After a 3rd place win at Anaheim last week, the general consensus was that Epsilon was the favorite to win, and they did not disappoint. One stunning victory after another, Epsilon brought all their aggression to the grand final, taking down Red Reserve in a 3-0 finish that came down to the final few seconds of an Uplink match.

With this victory fresh in their mind, it's become clear that Epsilon is ready for the opportunity to prove themselves stateside. With Splyce also making their name known this season, it's clear that the CoD Championship is going to have more than just American teams set to make a splash.

shef8 shef7 shef6 shef5 shef4 shef3 shef2 shef Momo_Scuf-Booth EGL_sy3 EGL_Marky2 EGL_Final_Eps
PRESS RELEASE: March 2015 - With the $1M COD finals less than 2 weeks away; Scuf Gaming® will be releasing a series of 6 segments, which takes a closer look at how competitive gaming has significantly grown over the past four years and the part SCUF® plays in its progression as an eSport. Having created a new market segment for customized professional/ hardcore gaming controllers, SCUF will cover the history of how they redefined the way gamers use controllers and the company’s investment in educating gamers to use more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. Four years on and now more than 90% of the top professional gamers in ‘Shooters’ use a SCUF Controller.

SCUF is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, UMG, EGL and Gfinity; and is heavily invested in supporting the growth of eSports. SCUF help gamers compete at an elite level and are affiliated with a large majority of the world’s top professional gamers and YouTubers. The SCUFOLOGY series will cover 6 segments, which encompass the main functional areas of SCUF Controllers:


Series Segments

1/6 – SCUFOLOGY – Why Paddles Make You A Better Gamer – hand safety, increased dexterity and improved gameplay + don’t forget EMR!

2/6 – SCUFOLOGY – Adjustable hair trigger and trigger stop mechanism + trigger extenders – improved accuracy and reduced trigger latency when using the gun

3/6 – SCUFOLOGY – SCUF Thumbsticks – 6 sizes - why length, shape and feel matter

4/6 – SCUFOLOGY – Get a Grip – Military grade hand crafted grip finishes & add on Grip handles for controllers

5/6 – SCUFOLOGY – SCUF Control Disc (d-Pad) - more control for all games and fully removable

6/6 – SCUFOLOGY – Design & Comfort – Full customization & finishes to express yourself

Since inventing and patenting the paddle control system over 4 years ago, Scuf Gaming has redefined the way gamers use their controller in a more natural and intuitive way, with paddle play now becoming the determining factor for elite gamers. SCUF controllers improve performance by increasing the use of your hand, by up to 100%. Scuf Gaming through Ironburg Inventions (Invention/ Patent subsidiary) has already been issued 7 patents with another 28 pending, protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. By using up to 4 control functions on the underside of your controller, gamers are able to improve their hand movement and perform more advanced moves, with increased dexterity. Couple this with the adjustable hair trigger & stop mechanism and other SCUF features and it becomes obvious why over 90% of the world’s top pro gamers trust SCUF.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, “Since our humble beginnings in early 2011, we have become a global innovator and leader in eSports and tactical gaming equipment. With operations and production in North America and Europe, we employ over 150 people and invest millions of dollars into research and development. We have been a huge supporter of the eSports world and pride ourselves on innovating and supporting top tier gamers. While we are best known in competitive eSports, SCUF controllers are widely used by disabled gamers who benefit from the paddle control system on the back of the controller. Most recently we have been asked to talk about all the features of a SCUF so it seemed appropriate to release a series on SCUFOLOGY to talk further about what we’ve created and why! With the $1M COD Championship fast approaching, we’re very excited to see the best of the best competing in LA on 27th – 29th March. We’ll be there to cheer on all our sponsored teams who will be competing in the finals.”

“During the series, we will discuss the ethos behind SCUFOLOGY and how we have defined a new market space; explaining topics such as why our trigger mechanisms have become so key for use in shooter games and why our paddle control system has become de-facto. Our objective is to always offer gamers an improved gaming experience, from reduced latency to increased dexterity, from comfort and grip to design, we strive to create intuitive and ergonomic experiences.  As a final note, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, employees and customers who have made it possible for SCUF to get to where we are today!"

Scuf Gaming offers custom controllers and accessories for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. For additional information, please visit


Scuf Gaming® provides “Tactical Gear For Elite Gamers” and is trusted by over 90% of professional gamers. Entering the market in 2010, SCUF is leading the field as a Global innovator in eSports and tactical gaming equipment and is the most widely used specialist controller in competitive gaming. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 7 granted patents, and another 28 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

Are you still looking for the right loadout when you log into Call of Duty: WWII? Are you unable to pick the division that defines you as an online warrior? The fine folks at Sony have heard your cries, and developed a video detailing their favorite loadouts for CoD: WWII Multiplayer!

More than just some helpful advice, Sony's made a point of delivering an option for each division choice, ensuring that no one is left out. Of course, these won't cover every single player's tastes, but it's a terrific place to start, particularly if you're just getting into CoD. From the Jack Of All Trades Infantryman to the Tactical Insertion Sniper, these loadouts offer up some great food for thought when it comes to getting the most out of your online experience.

Take a look at the video below: do any of these samples feel familiar to you? Or have you found the perfect setup for your soldier already?


Video Game Trailers Gamescom

After 5 awesome days, Europe’s biggest gaming convention came to a close on Saturday, leaving behind it a colorful batch of new trailers to get completely hyped over. Here’s what some of our staff had to say about their favorite reveals from Gamescom 2018:


With the announcement of The Company at Gamescom, the one thing I felt that Battlefield was missing has now been added to the game: customization. I already know I’ll enjoy putting in the hours to level up and spec out my soldier to fit my exact play style. Battlefield has it all now!

Alex M.


10 years! 10 long years of waiting for a new main title in the Devil May Cry series. The new trailer at Gamescom has given us everything we've ever wanted and more. Dante is BACK, followed by Nero in his prime. We get just a quick showing of new weapons, interchangeable Devil Breakers, taunting in the air and shooting while dodging, but it has my mouth watering!

Nikolas C.


I absolutely loved From Software’s Tenchu Z on Xbox 360 and I’m pumped to give their latest game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, my full attention this coming March. The familiar but upgraded assassination animation shown off in their Gamescom 2018 trailer seriously makes me want to dust off my old console and roll across the rooftops of feudal Japan tonight!

Adam T.


World War Z is looking like a great mixture of all my favorite zombie shooter experiences. Dynamic zombie hordes, open levels and multiplayer have it so I may never have the same experience twice! It’ll be fun to hop into a lobby with friends, come up with some crazy strategies and battle the hordes until the sun comes up.

Avelyn S.


Paradox Interactive is bringing my all-time favorite grand strategy game to PS4 and Xbox One, so naturally I'm wildly excited. I'm ready to develop planets, coordinate naval space fleets, plan invasion forces, engage in aggressive diplomacy, form the occasional trade pact and make dangerous scientific breakthroughs, all from the comfort of my couch. It will be really interesting to see how Stellaris plays out on a controller.

Gavin B.

Watch the full playlist on our official YouTube channel here:
Scuf Gaming Gamescom 2018 Trailer Playlist

Let us know on Twitter about the games you’re most excited for:
It was a week of cards, millions of dollars, and heartbreak, but the Super High Roller Bowl 2017 has drawn to a conclusion with the triumph of Christoph Vogelsang. With his victory, he places himself as the second highest poker winnings earner in Germany, behind only fellow German Fedor Holz.

It was Scuf Gaming's first poker tournament, and TeamSCUF took pride in the nerves of steel displayed by our affiliates, that includes Holz, Rainer Kempe, Steffen Sontheimer, Christian Christner, and Koray Aldemir: all of whom use games like Call of Duty, Overwatch, and FIFA to relax and even sharpen their skills on the poker table. From the very beginning, this high-stakes tournament was clearly going to be one for the books, with the inclusion of many legendary poker players, and even a wild card in the form of comedian Kevin Hart.

Ultimately, TeamSCUF's players didn't make it to the final table, but it was an amazing experience nonetheless, and we were happy to offer fully customized SCUF IMPACTs to each of our affiliates to keep them playing at their best, whether they're at the table or on the battlefield!

super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming aria resort casino super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming fedor Holz super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming Koray Aldemir super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming Rainer Kempe super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming sponsored controllers super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming Steffen Sontheimer super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming super high roller poker bowl scuf gaming controllers

PRESS RELEASE: April 23, 2015 – Today SCUF releases the second of six segments on SCUFOLOGY - Adjustable Hair Trigger & Stop Mechanism + Trigger Extenders; providing improved accuracy and reduced trigger latency when using the gun.

After inventing and patenting the Adjustable Hair Trigger and Stop Mechanism for gaming controllers 4 years ago, SCUF have significantly improved gaming performance. With the objective of reducing trigger and hand movement, SCUF invented these features. 1.) Adjustable Hair Trigger can be self adjusted using a SCUF Key to reduce the trigger swing before the trigger is pulled. 2.) Trigger Stop Mechanism minimizes the distance the trigger has to travel before springing back to a neutral position on the controller. The Trigger Stop Mechanism is most beneficial when using guns in shooter games offering a noticeably faster reaction time, which is crucial during gunfights.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, says, “Our vision was to create features and functions that would become an integral part of controllers for elite gamers. Our patented Adjustable Trigger & Trigger Stop Mechanism has changed the way gamers play shooters; making them more competitive by improving their accuracy and allowing gamers to get more shots off during gameplay. We innovate to create competition legal features endorsed by professional gaming leagues to offer the best competitive gaming experience.”

Dillon ‘Attach’ Price, Denial eSports (2015 Call of Duty® Champions) says, “Trigger stops are one of the most important, if not the most important, part of the controller. Being able to shoot as fast as possible is a huge factor and can decide whether you win or lose a game.”

SCUF FPS Adjustable Trigger & Pro Grip - Home Combo Kit

Scuf Gaming wanted gamers to benefit from our technology so; gamers with any budget can now afford the SCUF Trigger and Grip features. The trigger grips are adjustable using a SCUF Key, allowing the gamer to externally tune their triggers to their desired distance, based on the game type; adjusting the sensitivity and height of the triggers so the gamer knows exactly when a weapon will fire. The SCUF FPS Adjustable Trigger Grips are self-fitted and easy to swap out with SCUF’s Pro Grip handles. The Pro Grip handles are great for gamers who may wish to change to racing or sports games, where a full range of trigger motion may be required. SCUF FPS Adjustable Trigger & Pro Grip Combo Kits are SCUF ONE and Xbox One compatible and available for purchase at $24.95 on and select e-tailers/retailers.

SCUF 4PS FANGS – Self-Fitted Trigger Extenders for PlayStation 4

SCUF 4PS Trigger Extenders were designed to lengthen the trigger, which helps improve trigger sensitivity and accuracy! They’re great for all hand sizes; especially for larger hands as they extend the parameters of a stock PlayStation 4 controller. The trigger extenders clip easily on and off any SCUF 4PS or PS4 controller and they also have grip and grooves for your fingers, providing additional comfort and grip. SCUF 4PS FANGS Trigger Extenders are available for purchase at $9.95 on and select e-tailers/retailers.

Scuf Gaming offers custom controllers and accessories for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. All SCUF controllers offer many innovative features that are exclusive to Scuf Gaming. SCUF controller prices begin at $79.95 and customers may also utilize SCUF’s Send In Service to have their own controller SCUF’d up, at a starting price of $44.95. For additional information, please visit

To learn more about SCUF Triggers, check out our feature page: Trigger Control and SCUF’s social media campaign on twitter: @ScufGaming #TriggerControl.

In the next segment we’ll talk about SCUFOLOGY– SCUF Thumbsticks – 6 sizes – why length, shape and feel matter. To review the series launch press release please check out $1M ROAD TO CHAMPS: SCUFOLOGY SERIES ON HOW SCUF GAMING CREATED A NEW MARKET SPACE.


Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 7 granted patents, and another 28 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring NAMELESS from Luminosity!

Real Name: Anthony Wheeler


Current Team: Luminosity

Hometown: Dyer, IN

How long have you been gaming? 10 years

If you could be any video game character who would you be? If I could be any video game player I’d be Marcus Phoenix from Gears Of War. He’s just a boss.

What’s your favorite childhood game? My favorite childhood game was Spyro!

What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? The last show I binge watched was House Of Cards.

What is your Guilty Pleasure?

Who is your Celebrity Crush? My celebrity crush I’d say is Instagram model Chantel Jeffries. She’s just bad.

Favorite Comfort Food? My comfort food is probably wings from Bdubs.

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? My biggest pet peeve is when people eat with their mouth open. It sounds disgusting…. Who wants to hear that?

Fun Fact? Fun fact about me is that I have 2 rap songs unreleased to the public. They are bangers, too. I’m dropping them in 2018.
Atlanta, GA — August 27, 2016 Scuf Gaming (SCUF), the leading global manufacturer of professional customized gaming controllers, the inventors of paddles, hair triggers and long-time advocate of eSports, today announced the sponsorship and partnership with the team Luminosity Gaming (LG).

LG has become a household name globally in the esports scene in an impressively short amount of time, hosting some of the best teams and players in Call of Duty, Halo, Overwatch, Smite, League of Legends, Counter Strike, Hearthstone and World of Warcraft.

“We are proud to announce our partnership with Luminosity Gaming, an eSports organization that features some of the best professional gamers in the world. LG has built their eSports empire on the same values of dedication, hard work and passion that the Scuf Gaming brand represents, it seemed a perfect time to concrete our partnership as the Controller Partner for Console and PC. We are delighted to add them to #TeamSCUF, “ said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Founder of Scuf Gaming.

“A global leader in custom controllers, Scuf Gaming has been a staple in the console esports scene for years. With the recent signing of our Halo team along with our existing world class Call of Duty team, it only made sense to partner with the market leader, SCUF Gaming. The team at SCUF has consistently displayed a high level of commitment to their partnered teams and the community. Our players love for the product is unquestioned and now our fans will have the opportunity to support their favorite team with the best product!” Steve Maida Owner of Luminosity Gaming.

To celebrate this announcement, Scuf Gaming is offering a five (5) percent discount code off all products on their website, which can be redeemed by entering the code “LG” or “Luminosity” at checkout on

In the near future, SCUF will be releasing a custom LG controller for Xbox One & PC.

Be a part of the conversation on Twitter with @SCUFGaming and @Luminosity. Follow Scuf Gaming and LG on Facebook for the latest eSports news.

About Lumosity Gaming
Founded in February 2015 by Steve Maida, Luminosity Gaming, is a new eSports organization in North America. Our headquarters is located in Toronto, Canada. Our goal is to provide support to our athletes, allowing them to maintain a career in professional gaming. At the same time, we are emotionally invested in the growth of eSports and hope to contribute to it’s rapidly excelling growth. Over 50,000 followers collectively on social media. Currently competing in PC games such as Counter Strike Global Offensive at the top professional level in ESEA Invite, CEVO Professional, etc. We are actively exploring expanding into more games, with focuses on the more popular games such as League of Legends, Hearthstone, Call of Duty, Dota 2, StarCraft II, and more. Only being a few months old, our team at LG is extremely proud of our rapid growth and recent success placing 1st and 2nd respectively in ESEA Invite, and CEVO Professional. We have already established a loyal, ever growing fan base and look to make them proud in the coming months as we push to new heights in the gaming world.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where more than 90% of the world’s top professional gamers in shooters use a SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 21 granted patents, and another 39 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. Scuf Gaming is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, CWL, MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Scuf Gaming is proud to announce the launch of SCUF Germany on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These social media channels will join SCUF Global, SCUF Spain, SCUF France, and SCUF Italy as Scuf Gaming makes its way from one country to another, sharing pro gaming innovation and custom controllers with the world.

Follow SCUF Germany for SCUF-related news and esports announcements from Deutschland and beyond!

And be sure to celebrate by taking part in the SCUF Germany Giveaway! Sign Up Below!

Scuf Gaming Deutschland - Giveaway zum Launch!

OpTic Heads to Los Angeles a Winner

If there's a perfect city to hold the final Halo World Championship Qualifier in, it's Las Vegas. The lights are bright, the stakes are high, and it's anyone's guess who's going home a winner. After an incredible showing through the weekend, OpTic Gaming defeated Team Liquid on Sunday, taking home another victory. After OpTic's CoD win in Paris, this only furthers their reputation among the greatest esports organizations in the industry.

With Las Vegas in the bag, we're less than three weeks away from the grand finale. The Halo World Championship Finals in Los Angeles are from the 24th of March to the 26th, and Scuf Gaming will be keeping a close eye on all the action. Stay glued to SCUF's Twitter and Facebook for news from the Halo scene. No doubt we've got another amazing weekend to look forward to. Until then, be sure to look at the SCUF Halo Game Guide for pointers on how to make a SCUF controller work for you as you go feet first into hell.

OpTic Gaming at Halo World Championship
Some moments in gaming require you to be alert, coiled, and ready to strike at any time. Scuf Gaming prides itself on providing the level of precision and innovation that every player needs to make every movement count: to make every shot of yours worth ten of theirs. To celebrate that proud tradition, SCUF has released the all-new Venom Infinity Series.


Available for both PS4 and Xbox One, the SCUF Venom features the classic design of snake skin with all the supple comfort the world has come to expect from a SCUF. This new addition to the Designer Collection is fully customizable and contains all the patented technology that keeps Scuf Gaming in the hands of 90% of all Pro Gamers worldwide.

Get your handcrafted SCUF Venom for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One today!
PRESS RELEASE – December 23 2013: Scuf Gaming is delighted to announce a partnership with UMG Gaming for 2014


UMG Gaming, provider of LAN events throughout the United States, has partnered with the professionals choice for console gaming controllers, Scuf Gaming!



Jeff Covington, Founder of UMG speaks“Scuf Gaming are a huge supporter of the Pro Gaming scene and a Company we have been wanting to work with for a long time. SCUF controllers are used by the majority of professional gamers – they are what the community want! We have always been impressed by the quality and innovation Scuf Gaming bought to the Pro Gaming market through the addition of their features and are very excited for the year ahead!


Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming says; “As a Company who creates products for elite gamers, we have always kept a close relationship with key gaming event organizers and Gaming Leagues. UMG is a Company who has rapidly grown this past few years and have done so in an impressive way. This is great for the competitive gaming scene and I give full credit to their Management staff and look forward to seeing what 2014 holds!”


ABOUT SCUF GAMING: Until we invented the SCUF in 2010, gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming has made it possible to display more dexterity in a safe, ergonomic way. We understand the limitations of a normal controller for Professional gamers, who need to control over 20 functions whilst they’re in gameplay; making use of only 2 fingers and 2 thumbs is extremely limiting at the Top level. One size cannot fit all and will not fit all for the elite 10% of the community. It can restrict the advancement of play, the games and their enjoyment; hence why some Professional players were eventually forced to use techniques like CLAW; which can be very harmful to your hand with repetition. The paddles and trigger mechanisms that Scuf Gaming developed and patented allow each player to choose their preferred settings for gameplay and help them become the best gamer of they can be.



UMG provides LAN events throughout the United States and was formed in order to provide gamers a source for competitive events nationwide. It has since grown and expanded beyond the gaming scene to offer different services for corporate clients and all types of parties and events.
Scuf Gaming is proud of the infinite number of design and customization options that we offer the world of gaming. From the faraway world of science fiction to the excitement of eSports, there is no limit to the style and functionality that a SCUF controller can offer.


Each of our Infinity Series controllers has been grouped into the category that represents it the best, from the smooth luxury of the Carbon Fiber Collection to the trendy prints of the Designer Collection. No matter which look or style you love, there is a SCUF Collection that is perfect for you.

Each Collection is available for PS4 and XB1, and every design comes fully loaded with the patented technology that makes Scuf Gaming the number one choice among Pro Gamers. With so many looks to choose from, TeamSCUF is certain that you'll find the perfect controller for you.
The CWL London Invitational was the first European Tournament of its kind in 7 months, and after four days of incredible gameplay, TeamSCUF says that it was worth the wait! Heavy hitters like Orbit, Splyce, Infused, Millenium, Epsilon, Aware, and FAB were all in attendance, and with a crowd like that it's easy to expect some spectacular games.

CWL London

Pro Points and cash were on the line with the cutoff date for invitations to MLG Atlanta and ESWC Paris quickly approaching, and the tension over the weekend was palpable, leading to some incredible plays and surprising upsets.

Ultimately, it came down to a nail-biting series between Orbit and Splyce, with Orbit emerging triumphant. They'll go home with $10,000 and 5,000 Pro Points per team member.

With only a month down, 2017 is shaping up to be an incredible years for Call of Duty World League, and as the games continue into Paris and Atlanta, TeamSCUF will be there for every exciting moment.

CWL London
TeamSCUF started the excitement of the MLG Atlanta weekend a day early by offering open house tours to teams, affiliates, and partners. Among these esteemed colleagues were the winners of SCUF's 1 Million Twitter Followers celebration, Ralph Cortez and Scott Hansen. The winners were cheered at the door by SCUF staff who were eager to meet new members of the TeamSCUF family. Along with introductions to the entire SCUF team, the winners hand built their own personalized SCUF controllers.

Million-Winner-2965 Million-Winner-3035 Million-Winner-3064

Ralph and Scott were joined at SCUF Headquarters by Sundance DiGiovanni of MLG, Jay Puryear of Activision, Fnatic's Call of Duty team, staff at Dexerto, and many more. Everyone was given a full tour of the facilities by SCUF CEO Duncan Ironmonger, followed by a leisurely afternoon getting to know staff, playing shuffleboard, and enjoying a catered lunch. It was a great opportunity for members of so many different pieces of the pro gaming world to get together, share ideas, and talk about the industry that they're so passionate about.

Million-Winner-3009 Million-Winner-3187 Million-Winner-3032

With MLG Atlanta starting tomorrow, there were plenty of details to be discussed. Brackets, predictions, favorite players: by the end of the day, everyone was amped up and ready to watch the latest Call of Duty tournament unfold. TeamSCUF will be covering the event from start to finish, so keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook for all the behind-the-scenes details.

Dans l'histoire du jeu vidéo en compétition, il y a des équipes marquantes... et il y a des légendes.

Avec des dizaines et des dizaines de victoires au palmarès, OpTic Gaming est un vrai titan dans le monde de l'Esport. S'étant illustré lors des tournois les plus mémorables et comptant dans ses rangs l'élite de l'élite des joueurs pros, OpTic Gaming est LA référence en matière d'Esport.

C'est pourquoi SCUF Gaming est ravi d'annoncer son nouveau design : la nouvelle série de manettes OpTic GreenWall SCUF Infinity !

Ces manettes PS4 et Xbox reprennent toute l'iconographie d'OpTic Gaming, dans un design aussi électrisant qu'audacieux. En plus des palettes, gâchettes et joysticks premium qui sont synonymes avec toutes les manettes SCUF, les nouvelles OpTic GreenWall SCUF Infinity sont recouvertes de graffitis avec les trois couleurs emblématiques d'OpTic Gaming : blanc, noir et vert.

Cette nouvelle manette ne vous permet pas seulement d'afficher votre soutien à votre équipe préférée : elle envoie un message clair à vos adversaires.

À savoir, « Préparez-vous, ici, on joue comme les pros. »

Pour commencer la conception de votre toute nouvelle SCUF OpTic GreenWall pour Xbox One, cliquez ici. Si vous possédez une PlayStation 4, cliquez ici.
Valentine’s Day has arrived: a day that fills some with warm, gooey feelings and others with unspeakable dread. At TeamSCUF, however, we believe that any excuse to sit down and play a game with the one you love (or the one you have a big crush on) is a good excuse. With that in mind, we’ve developed a short list of some of the best games for couples.

best games for couples


Probably the friendliest game on this list, the LittleBigPlanet series has been charming people for years, and playing alongside someone special to you offers a unique combination of working together and head-to-head competition. And that’s to say nothing of the idea of creating a level of your own and seeing how well your partner does against your puzzles and traps.

Mortal Kombat

If LittleBigPlanet is the friendliest game on this list, then Mortal Kombat might be the least friendly. Great for the competitive couple, this classic fighting franchise takes the whole “you stole my heart” idea to a very literal level. Show off your bone-splintering moves to (and against) your sweetheart, but try to remember: it’s just a game! It's just a game until your sweetie throws you into a pit of spikes, that is.


Is there really anything more romantic than someone who will play Support for you? Fast and fun, Overwatch is perfect for almost anyone. With a massive cast of characters and roles, everyone has a chance at winning Player Of The Game: particularly when you’re playing alongside someone who cares enough to give you the heal at the right time, or just plain stay on the payload!

best games for couples


There is nothing quite as satisfying as roaming the countryside, fighting insane bad guys and collecting loot and incredible guns along the way. And if you can do it with someone to watch your back? Even better. The Borderlands series has been providing explosive combat and laughs for years, and its co-op mode is one of the best there! Just try to avoid fights over who gets what loot and you should be fine.

Battleblock Theater

Speaking of laughs, Battleblock Theater is another of those games that are perfect for some challenging but light-hearted fun with a loved one. With all its puzzles and hurdles to overcome, cooperation is the name of the game! Work together with your partner to uncover all the mysteries and humor of Hatty Hattington or challenge each other with Battleblock Theater’s excellent level editor!

Do you have a game you can't get enough of with your loved one? Let us know what you think are some of the best games for couples.


ATLANTA, November 16, 2018Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has renewed its longstanding partnership as official controller sponsor of OpTic Gaming, the leading professional esports organization.

“Throughout our long-standing partnership, Scuf Gaming has demonstrated an understanding of the high expectations of our professional players through top quality products.” said Ryan Musselman, President of Infinite Esports & Entertainment. “We are excited to continue working with Scuf Gaming, and look forward to collaborating on new and innovative products for the benefit of our players and the Green Wall.”

“As OpTic Gaming’s longest tenured sponsor, we’ve supported the organization and its teams with our equipment from the very start,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “As we head into the new Call of Duty World League season, we’re delighted to continue working with OpTic Gaming and are excited to watch their team perform this season.”

Scuf Gaming continues to sponsor the organization’s console teams, including those competing in Call of Duty and Gears of War as well as their lineup of content creators. SCUF will continue to create and support various OpTic SCUF controllers, featuring the signature Green Wall color schemeenabling fans and players to bear the OpTic Gaming logo and design when gaming.

For more information, please visit

About OpTicGaming

Founded in 2006, OpTic Gaming is an industry-defining esports, media, and entertainment organization. With an audience built up over a decade, they are widely recognized for their extensive impact, passionately engaged global audience, and astounding rate of competitive success.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 45 granted patents, and another 57 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

Scuf Gaming is proud to announce its support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month with the introduction of our first Controller of the Month: the SCUF Pink Ribbon. Emblazoned with a shower of pink in a soft touch finish, the Pink Ribbon stands as a proud representative of breast cancer survivors and those we've lost along the way. But don't let the delicate exterior fool you: each of these handcrafted controllers comes equipped with the same premium technology that has kept SCUF in hands of 90% of Pro Players for years.


Keeping with the theme of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a portion of every Pink Ribbon sold will go toward Breast Cancer Research and Awareness.

With this inaugural Controller of the Month, Scuf Gaming hopes to offer a tribute to survivors all over the world. This limited edition SCUF Infinity Series controller is available for Xbox One and PS4. Whether it's a gift for yourself or someone you know, pick one up before they're gone!
Everyone has their favorite cluster of squadmates for multiplayer get togethers: it definitely beats sitting around waiting for some random pubbies to join. Activision released a CoD: WWII trailer today that does a brilliant job of recreating the feeling of getting the old team back together for something new and exciting.

Now, while this particular squad seems a little… overpopulated… It’s got everyone at TeamSCUF excited to gather their teammates and decimate the battlefields in Call of Duty: WWII.

November’s right around the corner, and we are pumped.

Return To SCUF CoD HQ

The latest in Call of Duty DLC has an arrival date of January 30th, and it's bringing more maps, more war, and more zombies!

With a theme of uprisings against the Nazi scourge, the appropriately titled The Resistance will be Activision's first DLC pack for CoD: WWII, and features plenty of new ways to keep multiplayer fresh for soldiers who were there in the beginning, fought their way through the Winter, and are now looking for more ways to play.

First and foremost, The Resistance will feature three new maps: the Czechoslovakian-centered Anthropoid, the Eastern Front action of Valkyrie, and Occupation: a remake of the classic Call Of Duty map Resistance, which made its first appearance in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Call of Duty DLC

If you're looking for more objectives-based action, The Resistance is introducing Operation Intercept. The mission surrounding this latest War Mode map involves an Allied rescue attempt on resistance fighters being transported outside of St. Lo, France. Free your allies, destroy Axis communication equipment, and bring their latest train full of innocents to a complete (and permanent) halt.

And finally, if regular Nazis aren't scary enough for you, The Resistance continues CoD: WWII's epic Zombie tale with the latest chapter: The Darkest Shore. The terrifying action in this one sounds like a truly lock n' load good time, so we're going to let Activision themselves describe it:
The Darkest Shore follows our heroes into the next chapter of their dangerous journey. Only days after the horrific disaster of Mittelburg, the crew has received intel that suggests Doktor Straub is on an island just north of Germany. Blanketed in fog, this island is surrounded by Nazi air and sea power – and crawling with the Undead. Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson will need to battle all this and more to uncover the mysteries hidden within the Darkest Shore.

If that doesn't sound like enough intrigue, danger, and crazy flesh-eating zombies for you, then check your pulse: you might be a zombie yourself. The Resistance DLC is coming on January 30th, and you know Scuf Gaming is going to be there the first day: racking up kills and blowing up trains.

Are you ready for The Resistance? Make sure you have the right equipment, and take a look at SCUF's BOTG Bundle, full of everything you'll need to bring the Axis to its knees.
It’s Friday, so that means we’re taking a look at the goings-on from across the video gaming world this week. Here are our top stories from the last seven days.

Rocket League Set for October Update

October will see a new update to Rocket League entitled ‘Aquadome’ and will include a water-themed arena. Two new DLC Battle-cars – Proteus and Triton – will release at the same time, available for purchase at $1.99. Rocket League recently released their September DLC pack which included a new mode called Rumble.

Battlefield 1 Maps Announced

The entire map list for Battlefield 1 has been revealed. As well as Sinai Desert, which is playable in the beta, the following maps will be available out the box:

 Ballroom Blitz

 Argonne Forest

 Fao Fortress

 Suez

 The St. Quentin Scar

 Amiens

 Monte Grappa

 Empire's Edge

The game also ships with a variety of modes familiar to regular Battlefield players, including Conquest, Domination, Operations, Rush, War Pigeons and Team Deathmatch. The full game is set for release 21 st October. Not only that, the first DLC map has also been announced and is due for release, for free, in December. The free map will be called Giant’s Shadow.

Street Fighter 5 Getting New Character

Street Fighter 5 players on PS4 and PC can now take advantage of a new major update. The patch introduces ‘vs CPU’ mode to SFV for the first time, enabling you to take on an A.I. opponent – a mode that bizarrely didn’t ship with the game. Perhaps more excitingly, you can now get your hands on a new playable character, Urien, the Vice President of the Illuminati. You can download Urien from the relevant market place, or you’ll receive the character for free if you’re a season pass holder. The update also includes a number of new KO options across the different maps, while premium costumes are also available to buy.

GTA Online Bikers Update

GTA Online is the gift that just keeps on giving and the next major expansion is just around the corner. This most recent update is focused around motorbikes, giving players the opportunity to run their own motorcycle club. The update will even introduce a hierarchy, where perspective members can progress through the ranks from prospect right the way up to club president. There’s also set to be a number of new modes for both cooperative and competitive gameplay, as well as a host of bikes, tats and motorbike club-themed weapons. If you want to live life in the fast lane on two wheels, this is the update for you.

TwitchCon Update

As TwitchCon edges closer, Twitch has made more major announcements about new features added to the show. Firstly, Twitch have announced ‘The Party,’ headlined by regular streamer and world famous DJ, Steve Aoki, supported by T-Pain and Darude. TwitchCon will also feature an area for eSports battles which will host a number of competitive tournaments aimed at both amateurs and pro-gamers.

If you just want to relax and watch some eSports then you’re also in luck, as the event will feature a dedicated eSports viewing lounge. Attendees can also enjoy a scavenger hunt over the course of the weekend, or tap into their creative side and do a paint-along with Bob Ross. What more could you want? TwitchCon takes place September 30th – October 2nd at the San Diego Convention Center.
In the first in the series of SCUF's Affiliates Of The Week, we’re looking at OpTic Gaming’s Ian ‘Crimsix’ Porter – Call of Duty’s highest achieving player ever. With 29 Major event titles to his name, including a world title, few will ever achieve what Crimsix has achieved.

Living Esports-Crimsix


Crimsix called time on a short but relatively successful Halo career – where he shared a team with the likes of Lethul, Naded, Legit, Strongside and more – to link up with the compLexity Call of Duty team.

Crimsix needed little time to adjust to the scene and after winning one of the biggest online CoD tournaments in history, helped his team to 2nd place at his first offline tournament. A stellar 4th place finish at Call of Duty Championships 2013 went somewhat under the radar but a team change to acquire Clayster really put Crimsix and compLexity on the map.

Together with his new team, Crimsix and compLexity formed arguably Call of Duty’s greatest ever quartet, winning countless titles including the coveted Call of Duty Championship in 2014.


Current Team

Crimsix, together with compLexity and later Evil Geniuses, enjoyed sustained success at the top of the Call of Duty scene. Yet, after years on top it was time for a shift in gears. EG went out on a high note by winning the ESWC title, but change was in the air.

A series of high profile roster shuffles saw Crimsix join OpTic Gaming. After a successful start to life in Call of Duty’s most popular franchise, further roster changes saw the assembly of the OpTic Gaming team as it's currently known: Crimsix, Scump, Formal, and Karma.

Together, the OpTic Gaming team boast three Call of Duty Championship rings and the most Major event titles wins of any CoD organization.

Their target for this year: Finally land an elusive Call of Duty Championship for OpTic Gaming. Another year of excellence is expected, but it’s the biggest prize of all that the team will have their eye on.


Career Highlight

As the game’s most accomplished player ever, Crimsix’s career is nothing but a highlight reel. Yet the accolade he’s only managed to scoop once is the Call of Duty Championship. In two consecutive years of OpTic Gaming dominance, the scene’s biggest prize has eluded Crimsix and his colleagues.

Talking about only winning one Call of Duty Championship is a mark of the career that Crimsix has so far enjoyed. The 2014 winning team were nothing short of worthy champions, and their lifting of the title was the culmination of over a year of redefining quality in Call of Duty.



As a player, Crimsix isn’t one for heavy trash talk, being overly outspoken, or being the most flashy.

His approach to the game is highly methodical, almost robot-like. His unflappable, unnerved, and sometimes untouchable gameplay has earned him the nickname ‘Crimbot’: a tag that Crimsix wears like a badge of honor.

Crimsix isn’t one to shy away from a clutch situation either, and over the years has held steely nerves while bagging his team's most important rounds on their way to picking up major titles.

Most recently, Crimsix helped OpTic to their third successive ESWC title; his fifth in Paris.


Public Persona

Few can argue with Crimsix’s record as a player during his time with compLexity. 

Yet there was almost a feeling that Crimsix wasn’t getting the attention and stardom his accomplishments deserved. Whether it was their overwhelming dominance or the combination of players in the team, there was something about compLexity that the fans didn’t fully grasp.

His transfer to OpTic Gaming changed all of that. Finally, a supporting fan base came along with the titles. Crimsix further connected with the enormous OpTic fan base through regular YouTube videos, gaining over 500,000 subscribers to date.

His content ranges from Call of Duty gameplays to cooking challenges with his girlfriend.

For even more insights into the legendary Crimsix, check out SCUF's Living Esports video on his life, his style, and his devotion to the game.

"The Taken King" the newest expansion for Destiny, a first person shooter, has arrived to much praise from fans and newcomers alike. As avid year 1 Guardians, we at SCUF wanted to give our recommendations for the new subclasses and how we use our SCUF Controllers to defeat the enemies of the light.

This week we'll be focusing on the new Titan subclass, the "Sunbreaker":

The Sunbreakers’ roles revolve around their new super, the "Hammer of Sol" during which your Titan summons a flaming hammer that causes devastating damage to anyone or anything it hits; you can also create Sunspots which buff your damage and survivability.

Our particular play-style for PVE revolves around the perk "Simmering Flames" which causes your grenade and melee to recharge twice as fast when your super energy is full, and then stacking as much of the Intellect stat as we can find. This allows you to toss many more grenades - our favorite being the Thermite Grenade, which is very helpful for downing PVE enemies.


For our Titans, we like to use the 4 paddle SCUF Controller design with the following configuration (from left to right): ABYX for SCUF Infinity1 or X/Square for SCUF 4PS. Movement is key in Destiny and having the ability to jump and aim, or jump and escape, is a crucial skill you'll never want to be without. The added bonus of a quick reload is also especially helpful so you'll never be caught unprepared.

Our entry in to the crucible focuses on the new Sunspots and damaging enemies with your newfound fire abilities. The "Thermal Vent" and "Fire Keeper" perks give you both extra damage to close range enemies and additional survivability with an over shield so long as you stand in your Sunspots.

destiny controller configuration for pvp

Our configuration is slightly changed for PVP play, we prefer an AXBY paddle configuration for SCUF Infinity1 or X/Triangle for SCUF 4PS with our controllers. This allows quick weapon swapping while you evade or approach in case you are facing down opposition with an empty magazine.

Do you play your Sunbreaker differently? How do you play Destiny? What SCUF configurations do you use?

Join in the discussion on Twitter with #SCUFDestiny
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — June 3, 2016 — Evil Geniuses (EG), a world-leading pro gaming team and new media agency, is pleased to announce its partnership with Scuf Gaming (SCUF), the inventors of paddles, hair triggers and global leader of professional customized gaming controllers.

"SCUF has been incredible to work with for as long as I can remember, you can tell they really care about their product and want to create the best gaming experience," says Eric "Snip3down" Wrona. My old controller settings didn't allow me to jump or even sprint without taking my right thumb off the joystick, causing me to lose aim for a short time. With the added functionality on a SCUF controller, I was able to keep my controller settings the same and use the paddles to remove that issue, giving me more control and a better shot. I am very excited to have SCUF as the official partner of Evil Geniuses."

In a game where reaction time is essential to a team’s success, having the right equipment is paramount. SCUF controllers offer increased functionality needed to play video games like Halo at the highest level so EG is delighted to be working with SCUF. To celebrate this announcement, Scuf Gaming is offering a five (5) percent discount code off all products on their website, which can be redeemed by entering the code “EG” at checkout on

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Founder Scuf Gaming, “EG are a huge contributor to the tremendous growth and success of eSports and with their commitment to competitive Gaming, it seemed a perfect time to concrete our partnership as the Controller Partner for Console and PC. We are delighted to add them to #TeamSCUF.

In the near future, SCUF will be releasing a custom EG controller for Xbox One & PC. Be sure to follow EG (Facebook, Twitter) and Scuf Gaming (Facebook, Twitter) for the latest updates.

Scuf Gaming Evil Geniuses pro gaming partnershiop

About Evil Geniuses
Founded in 1999, Evil Geniuses is the world’s best video game team. With championships from every major tournament circuit, the players featured on EG are the most storied and influential pro gamers within the e-sports industry. Monster Energy, T-Mobile, and Papa Johns are just a few of the many consumer brands who’ve aligned with the pro players and teams on Evil Geniuses in order to connect with the gamer demographic around the globe.

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a Global Leader and Innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers where more than 90% of the world’s top professional gamers in shooters use a SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 21 granted patents, and another 39 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. Scuf Gaming is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, CWL, MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
PAX West is one of the biggest and most popular conventions in the world, and Scuf Gaming was in Seattle to take part in the huge weekend of fun, spectacle, and video gaming excitement. With a sold out crowd and some legendary attendees, it was the perfect opportunity to share the SCUF experience at PAX.

The new and improved SCUF Booth made its premiere with a streaming booth where guests of honor like Ms 5000 Watts, TheMavShow, TripleWreck, RealKraftyy, Luminosity, and Charionna could entertain crowds of fans both online and in person! These guests were also available to sign autographs and share some tips and tricks with the audience.


The SCUF Booth was also equipped with gaming stations for anyone interested in testing out SCUF's custom controllers themselves! Set up to play Call of Duty and Destiny, there was no better chance for anyone to see for themselves exactly why Scuf Gaming is the controller of choice for over 90% of all pro gamers. It was amazing to see gamers from all over the country sit down and test these competitive controllers, whether they were fans of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC. And when they had tested the innovation of SCUF's technology for themselves, they could purchase a SCUF IMPACT or SCUF Infinity4PS PRO at a special price available only to PAX attendees.


PAX West 2017 was another incredible example of the gaming community getting together to celebrate the best that video games have to offer, and Scuf Gaming, as always, was psyched to be a part of it. Between seeing some incredible new games, meeting new members of TeamSCUF, and teaching crowds of people about our competitive controllers, there's nothing left to do but get excited about PAX West 2018!


131 Granted & Pending Patents Complement Almost a Decade of Gaming Innovation

ATLANTA, June 7, 2019 — Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent subsidiary Ironburg Inventions, has expanded its global patent footprint with additional patents in Europe.

With 77 granted patents and 54 pending patent applications, Scuf Gaming expands its global coverage for Back Control Functions, Trigger Control System, Thumbstick Control Area and side-mounted configurable Sax™ buttons (S1 and S2). Scuf Gaming is well-known for creating the category of performance controllers, designing and manufacturing its own controllers as well as licensing its IP to several companies, including Microsoft for the creation of the Xbox Elite Wireless controller.

“Patents take an extremely long time to be granted, sometimes as long as 5 years, so it is gratifying to see the recent acceleration of granted applications to protect our innovations,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and co-founder of Scuf Gaming. “As a young innovative company, our IP is a core differentiator that allows us to protect our investment and continue to push the boundaries of the next generation of gaming controllers.”

SCUF’s patented innovations have benefitted hundreds of thousands of gamers, professional and casual, improving performance, comfort, and customization by enabling users to use more of their hands in a safe and ergonomic way. SCUF features have now become required functionality for esports professionals and competitive gamers.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 77 granted patents, and another 54 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Joshh from Splyce:

Real Name: Joshua-Lee Sheppard

Gamer Tag: BsportJoshh

Current Team: Splyce

Hometown: Birmingham

How long have you been gaming? 6+ years

If you could be any video game character who would you be? CJ from GTA

What’s your favorite childhood game? Simpsons Hit and Run

What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? Prison Break

What is your Guilty Pleasure? No comment

Who is your Celebrity Crush? Selena Gomez

Favorite Comfort Food? Chippy, Kebab

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? People eating down the mic

Do you have any weird phobias? Not that I can think of

Do you have any weird habits? I mean, not going to sleep til 7am+

Fun Fact? I’m known as ‘Bsport’Joshh because Bsport was my first ever team and where I made my name, so it’s always stuck.

After months of speculation, Activision and Sledgehammer announced today that the multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: WWII’s PC port will begin on September 29th, and run through the weekend, ending on October 2nd. Unlike the PS4 and Xbox One betas, CoD’s PC will not require a pre-order to access it.

Sledgehammer Games has been taking all of the feedback they’ve received from the console betas and applying it to the finished product in November, so we can only guess what thoughts PC gamers will have for the biggest FPS of the year.

“We’re...thankful for the open and constructive dialogue throughout the course of the Beta,” a representative at Sledgehammer posted today. “It meant a lot to every developer who was actively reading comments on Reddit and our social channels. And best of all, it was great to finally be able to play Call of Duty: WWII with the community.”

It sounds like Sledgehammer is having as much fun with CoD as we are. November 3rd can’t get here fast enough!

Return To SCUF CoD HQ

In this week’s affiliate profile we’ll be looking at an Australian Call of Duty legend, Mindfreak’s Mitchell ‘BuZZO’ Mader.



BuZZO has been an ever present in the Australian Call of Duty scene and has consistently won titles since he emerged on the scene many moons ago. Best known for competing with Mindfreak, BuZZO has also enjoyed stints as part of a number of other outfits, including the short-lived apeX.anXiety, a sister team to the many North American and European apeX rosters.

BuZZO later established himself as part of Team Immunity, before transitioning into Mindfreak where he’s been a permanent fixture for almost three years.

Current Team

For well over two years now, BuZZO has been a part of Mindfreak, perhaps the greatest Call of Duty team Australia has ever produced. They’ve dominated domestically, hardly even challenged in their position at the top since their inception. Since the release of Advanced Warfare, they’ve been almost undefeated on home soil.

This year, however, a new challenger arose from within their own ranks. Star player Denholm ‘Denz’ Taylor left the team, looking to form a new Australian dynasty as part of Tainted Minds. BuZZO and co endured, however, retaining their top spot with a win at CWL Sydney and subsequently securing the APAC spot in the CWL Global Pro League. There, they put up an impressive fight against the likes of EnVyUs and Splyce, while out-performing Cloud9 to avoid relegation.

When it comes to international competition, the APAC region has long been overlooked. While they may not be quite on the level of the truly elite yet, Mindfreak are leading the charge in making their region competitive on the global level.


Greatest achievement

It’s easy to look to BuZZO’s trophy cabinet for a highlight moment – by now, it’s practically overflowing from domestic success, with Mindfreak having won CWL Sydney this year, both stages of the ANZ CWL last year, and a myriad of other domestic events stretching back through Advanced Warfare.

The consistency of such results over such a lengthy period is certainly an epic achievement in itself, but to select a single event that stands out, you perhaps have to look outside Australia, and set the bar a little lower than total victory.

Domestic success, particularly in the fashion Mindfreak have managed, is impressive, but the greatest challenge is on the international stage – and at the pinnacle of international competition is the Call of Duty Championships.

It was here, in 2015, that BuZZO’s Mindfreak came sixth, out-placing the likes of EnVyUs, Team Kaliber, and the legendary OpTic Gaming while finishing as the highest-placing team from outside of North America. Despite not reaching the trophy they’re so accustomed to receiving at home, the result was a demonstration that APAC teams had the potential to compete with the best in the world, something no amount of domestic success could show by itself.


BuZZO usually plays a similar playstyle to that of fellow veterans like Proofy or Swanny, typically an AR anchor type role. With the switch to the jetpack Call of Duty games, there has been less demand for this type of slow, methodical play and subsequently BuZZO has had to adapt.

There’s still elements of this classic play in his game but certainly he’s adapted to the more run and gun type game play we’re seeing with the current iterations of Call of Duty.

BuZZO is something of a captain figure for his team but doesn’t really occupy the typical “hype-man” role you associate with the team leader, and leaves that to his mate mates to take up.

His role in the team means that he’s most likely to engage with players who occupy a similar AR role in their teams, such as Assault for Cloud9 or Clayster for FaZe Clan, and his ability to win these crucial gun fights that often lead to large portions of the map being locked down are pivotal to the success of Mindfreak.

Given his more traditional playstyle, it’s likely that a move back to Boots on the Ground Call of Duty will suit BuZZO extremely well. Expect even more from the Adelaide based pro next year.


Public Persona

BuZZO is arguably the face of modern Australian Call of Duty, having been part of the all-conquering Mindfreak team that have led the APAC scene for many years now.

In his time in Call of Duty, BuZZO has seen it all and done it all, having clashed with the best the game has offered since his rise to the top of the APAC region. He has also had the fortune of learning from the biggest names that his region has had to offer.

The torch has since been passed and BuZZO has graduated into the poster boy for the Australian and APAC Call of Duty region. In interviews BuZZO is composed, well-articulated, honest and often critical of himself and his own performances. He effortlessly exudes confidence, while displaying a deep understanding of Call of Duty. It is this confidence and understanding that have elevated him to becoming the star that he is today.
This week’s profile takes a look at Team Kaliber’s Dylan ‘Theory’ McGee.



Theory is one of the few pros that didn’t take long to reach the dizzying heights at the top of the scene. He kicked off the Black Ops 2 season in considerable fashion and almost immediately after finding his way onto the vVv roster, had landed 3rd place at MLG Winter Championship and a top 8 finish at the 2013 Call of Duty Championships.

From there, Theory linked up with the newly formed Team Kaliber where he has spent the vast, vast majority of his Call of Duty career, minus a few brief cameos for other established outfits.

Current Team

While no one would claim that the current iteration of Team Kaliber is the best ever, there’s certainly some potential in the ranks. Having gone into hiding after a bizarre and unfortunate series of events largely contributed to the team unfortunately missing out on last year’s CWL Stage Two, Team Kaliber returned at the eleventh hour of Black Ops 3 to make a notable cameo and snatch top 12 at last year’s Championships.

Heading into the new year and many believed that Team Kaliber would have a launch pad with which to start their new era. Unfortunately, after a decent start where the team achieved top 16, tK’s ambitions have been somewhat thwarted by having begin each Major tournament in the Open Bracket.

Despite tough runs at almost every subsequent event post Vegas, Team Kaliber have continually been knocking on the door but have fallen just short. In Paris the team had two opportunities to break into the Championship Bracket but were defeated in each instance. In both Dallas and Atlanta, Team Kaliber did reach the latter stages but were eliminated by European opposition – Supremacy and Fnatic respectively.

This has all added up to a frustrating season for a team packed with genuine potential. Having just missed out on a spot in Stage One Relegation, the team will look ahead to Anaheim where they’ll make their debut appearance since switching ColeChan for Accuracy.

On current form at least, Theory and Team Kaliber are very much on course to snatch up a place at this year’s Championships, where they’ll look to show the scene what they’re really made of on the biggest stage.


Career Highlight

While Theory has moved about occasionally, he’s largely been a Team Kaliber player over the course of his playing career. His sustained quality has led Theory to be an ever-present at Call of Duty Championship events over the years, achieving top 8 on two occasions along the way.

Arguably though his career highlight was during the latter stages of Black Ops 2 and the earlier stages of Call of Duty Ghosts. It was during this period that Team Kaliber were at their pinnacle and had it not been for the incredible quality of compLexity – a team whose dominance hasn’t since been matched – Theory would likely have won at least one Major title.

Unfortunately, playing in the era of the most dominant team ever left Theory empty handed on the Major title front; he did however win a Minor offline competition in the form of AEL Dallas 2014 upon return to Team Kaliber after a hiatus with FaZe.

At their peak, Team Kaliber earned second place finishes at the MLG Fall Championship 2013, UMG Philadelphia 2013 and a top 3 finish at Gfinity 2. Had Theory not made the move to FaZe Clan when he did, arguably he could have been a catalyst to finally land a first-place finish for Team Kaliber as compLexity started to run out of steam. Coincidentally, by the time Theory did return, Team Kaliber themselves had gone somewhat off the boil and finished the season empty handed anyway.



Theory has long been associated with being an objective player. While he leans towards a more aggressive style of play, his understanding of the fundamentals is what has led him to being a top player for many years and has kept his stock high for such a prolonged period of his career.

His cool and collected demeanor translates to both inside and outside of Call of Duty, helping his team keep a level headedness at important moments in time. Fundamentally, Theory is better suited to boots on the ground Call of Duty, as his career statistics show. Despite still enjoying success during the ‘jetpack era,’ look out for Theory to have a big year when CoD returns to boots on the ground action later in 2017.


Public Persona

Theory has never been a particularly outspoken pro and tends to remain reserved and professional regardless of the situation. On Twitter Theory has amassed almost 60K followers, but has largely shunned the limelight, despite opportunities to boost his own profile.

As a former member of the Team Kaliber house, Theory regularly appeared in videos with housemates including Sharp and Kosdff, but never used the opportunity to launch his own YouTube channel with regular content. Theory is an occasional streamer but that’s where his content production ends. Theory, unlike many of his counterparts, is a dedicated player first and foremost.

Learn More About Theory In His Own Words With SCUF Living Esports

SCUF celebrates another incredible pro gamer this week with Josiah "Slacked" Berry, Luminosity's storied Objectives player.

Living Esports-Slacked


Like many legendary pro gamers, Josiah "Slacked" Berry made his way into the Pro Circuit with Call of Duty: Black Ops. During the MLG National Championships in 2011, the newcomer and his team Notorious stunned audiences by finishing 7th in an overall spread that included veteran teams such as OpTic Gaming and Team EnVyUs.

Slacked would return to the MLG National Championships in 2013 alongside heavy hitter Clayster in UNiTE Gaming, where they would take 2nd place to Fariko Impact, only further cementing a reputation that would show no signs of slowing in future events.

For the following several years, Slacked would continue his hard-won reputation as a solid asset to the world of Call of Duty, competing alongside legends such as NAMELESS, PHiZZURP, Saints, and many others. He was seen on the rosters of several well-known gaming organizations, including a year long run with Rise Nation.


Current Team

After years of proving himself on the virutal battlefield, Slacked has settled into his role as an Objectives player with Luminosity Gaming.

This switch was not without controversy, as Slacked left Rise Nation alongside two teammates, Sam "Octane" Larew, and Nicholas "Classic" Di Constanzo, to form an almost entirely brand new Luminosity with Renato "Saints" Forza. It was not a decision made lightly, and in a video that he posted to YouTube, Slacked explained that he felt that the team was no longer progressing in a way that made sense for them.

Formed at the end of 2016, this new iteration of Luminosity had a lot to prove, and they didn't waste any time making it clear that they wouldn't be pushovers. Slacked has been a major force to be reckoned with in the new Luminosity, making a strong showing at MLG Atlanta 2017 and MLG Dallas 2017.


Career Highlights

While Slacked hasn't yet secured a Championship ring, it would be foolish to write him off. At only 19 years old, Slacked has already achieved a career that many can only dream of. And with 1st place finishes at UMG South Carolina Champion Tournament in 2016 and defeating OpTic Gaming at the Totino's Invitational in 2015, it's clear that Slacked has a taste for victory.

Public Persona

If there's one thing that takes you off guard about this 19 year old pro gamer, it's his level of professionalism and respect for the game. During public events and interviews, Slacked has always made it clear how lucky he considers himself to be as a part of this world. And beyond that, it becomes abundantly clear that he respects Call of Duty as a profession, which means he is always bringing his best foot forward, whether it be on the virtual battlefield, or treating his fans with admiration and gratitude.

When he and the majority of Rise Nation left to join Luminosity, Slacked released a video explaining the situation and their reasons for making the change. In this way he made himself something of a mouthpiece for the team. And with his cool head and gracious attitude, it's no wonder that he stands out among his team mates as a thoughtful, consummate professional.

For a deeper look into what makes Josiah "Slacked" Berry a force to be reckoned with, visit his SCUF Living Esports profile, and hear from the man himself!

We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring MadCat from Millenium

Real Name: Dylan Daly

Gamer Tag: MadCat

Current Team: Millenium

Hometown: Birmingham

How long have you been gaming? Competitively 4 years

If you could be any video game character who would you be? Sonic

What’s your favorite childhood game? Golden Eye

What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? Game of Thrones

What is your Guilty Pleasure? Biting bottle caps

Who is your Celebrity Crush? Don’t have one ?

Favorite Comfort Food? Chinese (Egg fried rice)

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Odor

Do you have any weird phobias? People who slob with their mouth full

Do you have any weird habits? I cannot walk out the house without having a shower in any circumstance

Fun Fact? Once upon a time I had a black belt in karate (12 yrs young)
After days of gameplay, charity, and sleep-deprived entertainment, the 2016 Race To Prestige has finally come and gone. This year the world got its hands on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, introducing a very new style of game to fans of the long-standing, multi-billion dollar franchise. Futuristic armaments and mechanical rigs have been added to an already chaotic multiplayer game mode, and fans of eSports the world over were looking forward to seeing how that would change team composition and strategy.

2016 Race To Prestige New Added Gameplay

Another new addition to the proud tradition of The Race was the introduction of OpTic Gaming’s team OpTicRTP. As the broadcasts began, viewers all over the world were treated to live video of the OpTic SCUF House and nearly every single team member playing their hearts out. Everyone from Scump to Karma to Hector were present to help ring in the latest Call of Duty, and it was clear that they were having a blast. In a fan favorite moment, Jamie Gray Hyder, who voiced and provided motion capture for Nora Salter, stopped by for a few hours to play and promote Infinite Warfare. She talked to fans and provided some insights into her Navy SEAL training and chats with NASA about space combat. She even shared some thoughts on jetpacks and the strong feelings of the player base surrounding them.

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The donations rolled in steadily as the days passed, and ultimately over $100,000 was raised for the Call of Duty Endowment, and it will all go toward helping countless veterans find work.

Team SCUF is proud to have been a part of The Race To Prestige this year and in years gone by. It’s always a week of exciting action and generosity for a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Now that the 2016 Race is over, let us know: what were some of your favorite moments? Did you get into the giving spirit and donate?

The best part about the world of eSports is that the next terrific event is always around the corner, and without fail Team SCUF will be there.

SCUF HQ got a surprise visitor today in the form of pro gaming legend James "Clayster" Eubanks, who visited to celebrate the release of his new SCUF controller. The FaZe Clan superstar spent the day in full takeover mode, enjoying the opportunity to take the first SCUF Clayster for a test run, and even including a personalized note for one lucky fan. It's only been a few months since his last visit to Scuf Gaming, and the staff and crew were more than happy to see him return. It was only suiting that Clayster be the one to announce his new SCUF controller, and he gave the world his impressions during a live Q&A.

Clayster-5866 Clayster-5909 Clayster-5989

At the end of a long day, Clayster announced a giveaway to celebrate the arrival of the new controller, before heading out to enjoy the sights and sounds of Atlanta. Clayster's sleek, new design couldn't have asked for a better introduction to the world of gaming.

The new SCUF Clayster controller is based on the labyrinth-like logo of pro gaming legend James “Clayster” Eubanks. Sporting a brightly colored motif against a classic black shell, this maze-like design reminds the world of the incredible twists and turns that Clayster’s career has taken, as he has moved from one team to another, learning and evolving as he went. This new member of the Esports Collection represents the product of hard-won success, and is available for the SCUF IMPACT, Infinity4PS, and Infinity1 Series controllers.

Check out the details on the SCUF Clayster and enter the Giveaway to win one of your own!

May 2nd – 3rd marked the Electronic World Sports Cup (EWSC) tournament at the Zenith Concert Hall in Paris, France. This was the first major tournament since the Call of Duty Championship in March and many teams were attempting to overtake Denial, the current World Champs. Representing #TeamSCUF were OpTic Gaming, Denial, FaZe France and Epsilon. Ultimately the top three were OpTic, Denial and Team Revenge with Denial and Revenge facing off in the Semi Finals.

At the start, it seemed Denial would sweep Revenge 3-0, considering their dominating performance in the first two games, but Revenge managed to push Denial to a Game 5. The final game, S&D on Recovery, was 5-2 in Revenge’s favor. Denial managed a massive rally and pushed to round 11 where they defeated Revenge to enormous cheers and applause from the crowd.

Denial’s win over Revenge placed them against OpTic Gaming for the Final.  And, OpTic were eager for redemption after their 7th place finish at the Call of Duty Championships. The crowd in Paris had been jubilant all weekend, but the cheers for the final two teams as they walked on stage trumped them all. Game 1, Hardpoint on Solar, was even-paced for some time, but OpTic’s Crimsix started slaying and was able to push OpTic to a decisive 250-100 victory. Games 2 and 3 were much closer and went to OpTic and Denial respectively; with Denial pulling off an incredible comeback to win 13-11 with less than a minute to go. Game 4 was a battle for control, CTF on Retreat, with Denial taking an early lead. The play shifted in favor of OpTic halfway through the match.  OpTic ran with it, not allowing Denial room to re-organize and took Game 4 and the tournament to thunderous cheering from the spectators.

This victory gave Crimsix his 3rd ESWC title and gave OpTic Gaming Call of Duty bragging rights once again.

ESWC Optic + Denial

Want to play like your favorite #TeamSCUF teams? Check out the SCUF ONE Controller page HERE and the SCUF 4PS Page HERE and start configuring your very own Custom SCUF Controller now!


ATLANTA, GA., October 20, 2017 — Scuf Gaming, the maker of high-performance game controllers used by 90 percent of the world’s professional gamers, has teamed up with gaming influencer and celebrity Alastair “Ali-A” Aiken on a stylish new design, the “Ali-A Game On”. The new Game On controller is inspired by Ali-A’s new graphic novel “Ali-A Adventures: Game On”, which released October 19 in the United Kingdom by Puffin Books and on October 24 in the United States by Random House Books for Young Readers.


“SCUF controllers are my go-to for every single gaming situation because they feel so comfortable in my hands, and everything is totally customizable,” Ali-A said. “It’s just so amazing they made the Ali-A Game On in that “Ali-A” blue, the same color as the hero’s uniform in “Game On”.”

In the book, Ali-A is depicted as a gaming icon who transforms into a superhero when merciless aliens crash the launch party for a hot new video game. The action takes readers from Ali’s transformation into the Liberator all the way to the final boss battle.

As an iconic member of the gaming community in real life, Ali-A has built two YouTube channels with over 13 million subscribers combined. He is also the host of Ali-A’s Superchargers on CBBC, in which kids give their parents’ tired old vehicles a hip new look.

“We’ve worked with Ali-A for about four years, and like SCUF, he’s passionate about video games and the gaming community” said Scuf Gaming CEO Duncan Ironmonger. “Ali-A instantly understood the SCUF layout, and how paddles on the underside of the controller, adjustable triggers, and interchangeable thumbsticks could make anyone a better gamer. Ali-A’s millions of fans will love the look and feel of this fully customizable and high performance controller. Anyone who wants to play like Ali-A will want to get their hands on this controller.”

The Ali-A Game On SCUF is available for PS4, Xbox, and PC at starting at $169.95 for the SCUF IMPACT (£134.99, 169.95€); $159.95 for the Infinity4PS PRO (£127.99, 159.95€); and $159.95 for the Infinity1 (£127.99, 159.95€).


About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, global leader and innovator of gaming peripherals and winner of eSports Industry Awards for “Best Hardware” in 2016, provides tactical gear for elite gamers where over 90% of the top professional gamers in the world use SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to competitive and casual gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 36 granted patents, and another 69 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.  For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Snapchat.
With dozens of teams attending from all over the world, MLG Anaheim 2016 began with a bang. And with an amazing view of the action from our booth, SCUF was thrilled to see all the MLG teams, players, and fans joining in together for a great weekend full of excitement and action-packed gaming competition.

The Open

The Open matches had some heavy competition, with plenty of familiar faces gathered to compete. It was a good day for Splyce, who made their way to the fourth round, breezing 2-0 wins past Pink Wall and King Esports. Today, they'll face Lethal Gaming, who beat Arion Gaming and 1 Nation to get there. Whoever takes home a victory during that round will have to face the winner of a round four bout between the closely matched Vigor and Cloud9 Eclipse in order to advance to the Championships.

Other highlights include an upset victory of Draconic eSports over Super Nova in the 2nd round, though they went on to be defeated by Pnda Gaming, who will face Kaliber in the fourth. Millenium also secured themselves a slot in the fourth, beating out NsK and Senix eSports. They will tackle Dynasty today in their bid to advance. In another series of upsets, Kinetic eliminated Hooleybags in the second round, and Never Stop Gaming took home a victory against the favored BitterSweet. Both underdogs were defeated in their third round by FLARE eSports and Kingdom eSports, respectively. FLARE will have their work cut out for them in today's round against Infused, while Kingdom will be facing giantslayers In2ition, who managed three upsets in a row, defeating Hot Commodity, New Hope eSports, and Echo Fox for a chance at the Championships.

MLG Anaheim SCUF Booth 1

Pool Play

It was an exciting day for some of the best eSports teams in the world yesterday, starting with two victories for OpTic Gaming, who defeated Cloud9 and SoloMid 3-0. Another big winner for the day was Rise Nation, who secured their place in the pool with 3-0 wins over H2K and 100 ThievesEnVyUs also kept the crowd on their toes by squeezing past Dream 3-2, then taking a 3-0 victory against compLexity. Dream would end the day with a 3-1 win against compLexity.

But today's Saturday, and that means a brand new day of MLG goodness. If you're in Anaheim, be sure to come by the SCUF booth and say hello to #TeamSCUF in the flesh! We've still got two days of Call of Duty combat to look forward to, and we're hyped for all the action.

MLG Anaheim SCUF Booth 2

Good luck to the competitors, and happy hunting!
Call of Duy PlayStation 4 ControllerATLANTA, October 11, 2018 — Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has released the official Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 limited edition SCUF PlayStation 4 controller, a specially-designed wireless SCUF Vantage.

With 15 unique and customizable features designed to personalize gameplay, the SCUF Vantage Black Ops 4 boasts an exclusive design and branding on its faceplate – including orange rings around the thumbsticks, the iconic four-striped orange Black Ops emblem, and a matte finish with renderings of the franchise’s popular specialists in action.

“Back in 2011, we created the SCUF controller primarily for use with Call of Duty. Since then, we’ve built the company on grassroots engagement with fans and pros alike, which is why today over 90% of pros use SCUF controllers. Continuing our support of Call of Duty is a major milestone for the company, and there will be a lot more to come from this collaboration,” said SCUF Gaming Founder and CEO Duncan Ironmonger. “The SCUF Vantage’s features tie up really well with Black Ops 4. We’re very excited to see how the Call of Duty community uses some of the new controller features in gameplay, like the Sax buttons in the new Blackout mode.”

Each SCUF Vantage comes equipped with a suite of configurable components, including the paddle control system, unique side-mounted Sax buttons, advanced audio touch bar controls, a quick-access remapping switch, customizable thumbsticks, hair trigger, trigger stops and extenders, choice of D-pads, and an interchangeable magnetic faceplate, all designed to increase hand use and deliver a measurable performance increase.

Now gamers seeking a performance controller can enjoy a wide range of customization options that optimize comfort and gameplay performance, delivering both precision and flexibility for a variety of playstyles.

The limited edition SCUF Vantage Black Ops 4 is exclusively available for $229.95 USD at
It was another explosive weekend for the world of Call of Duty as some of the best esports professionals in the world descended upon Texas for MLG Dallas! After some of the most nerve-wracking finals the game has ever seen, OpTic Gaming defeated eUnited, paying them back for their win at Atlanta this year. The winner's bracket was followed up by FaZe Clan and Splyce taking 3rd and 4th, respectively.

The excitement was just as huge at the TeamSCUF Booth, where the greats of the Call of Duty world took some time out of their day to sign merch and take pictures with the loyal fans who came out to watch them play. Lethal Gaming and Team KaLiBeR joined OpTic Gaming, FaZe Clan, Splyce, and eUnited at various points throughout the weekend to sign autographs. Dallas was the final event before the cut off date for the CWL Global Pro League, so the events coming up are going to be truly the best of the best, and SCUF will be there to join in on all the mayhem and fun!

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In 2012, Minks was a Pharmacy student at the University of South Australia. She expected to finish her degree, spend some time working as a pharmacist and eventually perhaps train as a doctor. Her true passion, however, lay not in medicine, but in video games. Unfortunately, gaming wouldn’t make for much of a career.

In March of 2013, Minks discovered Twitch. She’d already dabbled in YouTube, making Call of Duty montages and commentaries, but in live streaming she found her platform.

Minks kept at it, and gradually her audience grew. Through a combination of commitment and a talent for entertaining, she increased her presence on Twitch until, in November of 2014, she was able to turn her passion into a full-time occupation.

Now, Minks has nearly 340,000 followers on Twitch, and her YouTube channel, more of a side project these days, nevertheless boasts more than 55,000 subscribers.


Going Beyond

While Minks spends most of her time streaming, Twitch isn’t the only place she can be found. Making the most of her interest in competitive Call of Duty, she’s also to be seen from time to time at events, both as a spectator and occasionally as part of the broadcast, and sometimes in the role of interviewer.

Minks has also made a point of being a vocal advocate for women in gaming. Having built a platform for herself, she’s often taken the opportunity to use that spotlight to both highlight the difficulties that women can face in the space, but also encourage others to follow in her footsteps.


Multi-gamer Entertainer

While Minks made her name playing and streaming Call of Duty, as a gamer at heart Minks is also well versed in a wide range of titles. Be it PC or console, Minks plays and streams everything from the biggest multi-player games like League of Legends, CS:GO, and Overwatch to single-player titles such as Until Dawn, Metal Gear Solid, and Outlast.

Minks has further expanded her repertoire to including regular cooking shows, in which she attempts to teach audiences how to bake mouth watering snacks in her own unique way. Her baking shows have become a popular feature, and in collaboration with numerous guests, have thrown up some of the highlights of her time on Twitch.


Outside the Stream

Minks splits her time between her native Australia and the United States, following her high profile engagement to popular World League commentator, Mr X. Since then, Minks has featured even more heavily at major events around the world, from London to Los Angeles. For more action from one of SCUF's favorite streamers, be sure to follow Minks on Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram.

These past two weeks (April 4 ­ April 17) in the world of Call of Duty brought fans the Crown Melbourne Invitational 2016​and a handful of roster changes for Call of Duty®: Black Ops III.

Six teams battled it out in this single elimination, best­of­seven series tournament held in Melbourne, Australia. Quarterfinal action began on Saturday (April 9) as Plantronics Tainted Minds defeated The Chiefs eSports Club 4­3, and Mindfreak swept Team Orbit ANZ 4­0.

Moving on to the semi­finals, OpTic Gaming began their tournament run down under with a 4­0 win over Tainted Minds, while Millenium took down Mindfreak 4­0. This set up the Grand Final match up that everyone was expecting: OpTic vs. Millenium.

OpTic jumped out to the early 1­0 series lead with a 250­223 win on Breach Hardpoint, but Millenium responded right away with a 6­1 win on Stronghold Search and Destroy to even the series at 1­1. From there, it was all OpTic as they were able to win 8­3 on Infection Uplink, 1­0 on Evac Capture the Flag and 6­2 on Breach Search and Destroy to close out the series 4­1.

After this weekend where OpTic was crowned the champions yet again, a few roster changes took place as teams are preparing for Stage 2 of the CWL. First, Chris “Parasite” Duarte was released from compLexity Gaming and has been replaced by Jevon “Goonjar” Gooljar­lim for Stage 2. Also, Team EnVyUs announced their new Call of Duty roster by dropping Patrick “ACHES” Price and Tyler “TeePee” Polchow for Johnathan “John” Perez and Bryan “Apathy” Zhelyazkov. Dream Team also announced that they have released both Steven “Diabolic” Rivero and Troy “Sender” Michaels, and will be looking for two new players before the start of Stage 2.

Optic Gaming_CWL

Congratulations once again to OpTic Gaming on winning another championship at the Crown Melbourne Invitational 2016, and good luck to all the teams competing and preparing for the start of Stage 2 of the CWL this week (Tuesday, April 19).

Check back next week for another look at the week of Call of Duty action in review.

Scuf Gaming teams up with Internet superstar Syndicate for exclusive gaming controller - A partnership 9 years in the making

ATLANTA, September 13, 2019Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has partnered with the British influencer and streamer Tom Cassell, better known by his creative name Syndicate, to design a series of SCUF controllers.

Syndicate, a long-term user and admirer of SCUF controllers, has played a key part in the creation process of the new controllers, adding his own personal touch. Each controller spotlights Syndicate’s trademark lion logo, accented with gold and silver tones, and is crafted to improve any player’s gameplay performance and boasts numerous customizable features to fit any playstyle.

“This is a relationship many years in the making. I’ve used SCUF controllers since I started playing Call of Duty and uploading my games back in 2011,” Tom Cassell said. “I’m excited to bring my fans a controller that is not only sleek and stylish but can improve their play just like it enhances mine.”

This partnership is a celebration of a joint anniversary: Syndicate launched his first YouTube channel nine years ago, the same year Scuf Gaming invented the SCUF controller. Since then, Syndicate has grown to become one of the most famous internet personalities worldwide, with millions of fans across YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms.

“I’ve known Tom for nine years and throughout this time he has been an avid user of SCUF controllers. We talked about a partnership many times, so to finally create a SCUF Syndicate controller was a memorable milestone for both of us,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO of Scuf Gaming. “He understands what SCUF stands for, because he is a user first and a partner second. These new controllers represent that unique, organic relationship, over nine years in the making.”

The SCUF Vantage Syndicate (starting at $199.95, exclusive to North America) and the SCUF Impact Syndicate (starting at 169.95€/$169.95/£134.99) are now available on Scuf Gaming’s official website. A special edition SCUF Prestige Syndicate for Xbox One and PC will become available later this year.

About Syndicate
Tom Cassell, better known as Syndicate, is one of the most famous Internet personalities worldwide. He is the creator and owner of TheSyndicateProject, a YouTube channel with over 9.9 million subscribers, and the Syndicate Twitch channel, which has over 2.7 million followers.

An energetic and uplifting content creator, Syndicate started uploading his videos to YouTube in 2010. His first clips revolved mostly around Halo and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but he rose to prominence with the release of the zombies' mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Cassell left school and quit his job at McDonald's after taking his A-levels to concentrate on his YouTube channel.

Well known thanks to the positive and open style of his videos, Syndicate also owns Life of Tom, another YouTube channel with daily vlogs about travel, hobbies and quotidian funny situations.

For more information about Syndicate, follow him on his channels:

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 91 granted patents, and another 55 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back-control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

Gregory FCA for Scuf Gaming
Matt Fleischl, 610-228-2129
[email protected]
This week’s profile takes a look at one of Halo’s most prominent ambassadors, Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins.

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There are likely very few people who have played quite as much Halo as Ninja. Having picked up the very first game in the franchise on the day of release and dedicating almost every available minute in the years since to the series, it’s not outlandish to suggest that Ninja might have played more Halo than almost anyone else on the planet.

Despite falling in love with the game on day one, it wouldn’t be until Halo 3 that Ninja discovered team competition. GameBattles would open the door for him, and through it he would eventually start competing at Major League Gaming LAN events.

It wasn’t until Halo: Reach, however, that Ninja really began to make a name for himself. He would place fifth at the MLG D.C. Combine, a tournament specifically geared towards exposure for up-and-coming amateurs. Not long after, Ninja would find himself playing alongside some of Halo’s most legendary names, competing for Final Boss, playing alongside Dave ‘Walshy’ Walsh in Turning Point, and playing for Str8 Rippin’. Today, Ninja can count himself among them as one of Halo’s most prominent players.


Current team

Having closed out 2016 with Evil Geniuses, at the start of the new year Ninja found himself a new home under Luminosity’s banner. A staple of the upper echelons, the squad have picked up consistent top-eight and top-six placements since Ninja’s addition.

One such top-six finish came at this year’s Halo World Championship, where the squad were unfortunate to fall in the path of both eventual champions OpTic Gaming and runners-up Team EnVyUs.

Halo isn’t the only game in which Ninja has competed for Luminosity, however. In recent years he’s also turned his hand to H1Z1, participating in several of the game’s more high-profile events, such as the H1Z1: Fight for the Crown at which he placed third as part of a Luminosity team, and the H1Z1 Invitational in 2015, where he won one of the solo games.


Career highlight

Ninja’s first championship, and his most successful season, would come during Halo 4. The inaugural event for the game would take place a few days before official release, at the MLG Fall Championship in 2012. Playing for Warriors, Ninja would win the tournament, taking down future OpTic Gaming Call of Duty star Matthew ‘FormaL’ Piper’s Ambush in the finals.

If there were any doubts about the legitimacy of the Ninja’s first win, given that it came so early into the new game’s lifecycle that it hadn’t even been released yet, Ninja would put those doubts to rest over the rest of the season.  

With several different rosters, Ninja would continue to collect high placements for the game’s duration, appearing in several grand finals and collecting two further titles.


Every player has a unique perspective on how they play the game and Ninja is no different, with a recognizable and distinct playstyle. An incredibly talented player mechanically, he doesn’t shy away from risky situations or avoid conflict. Instead he seeks it out, pushing the pace of a game and forcing the opposing team to constantly be reacting to his movement around the map.

This forces the other team to focus on him and play his game while freeing up space for his teammates to get to the positions they’d like to control.

He has the ability to completely dominate a game against even some of the highest-level opponents when he is performing at his peak. His ability to use the sniper rifle is comparable with any of the greats currently in the game while his aggression with the weapon can catch opposing teams off guard.

While such a play style naturally comes with its risks, it makes Ninja one of the most entertaining players to watch on the circuit.

Public persona

Many professional players stay away from regular match-making, fearing the development of bad habits by playing against less skilled opponents that won’t punish mistakes in the same way as fellow pro’s. However, as Halo’s most popular streaming figure for the past half a decade, Ninja has done the opposite. Instead he has always taken his role as an entertainer and ambassador of Halo very seriously and dedicated himself to streaming and making content.

It is incredibly unique to be such a popular figure amongst casual fans while simultaneously being a legitimate professional talent, yet that is the position Ninja is in. Thousands of people tune in to support his matches and it’s no wonder why. His engagement with the fans outside of the game has helped build a community around Halo, while his exciting play style in game makes him a very enjoyable player to watch.

As a result Ninja has thrived, building up a Twitch following of more than 475,000, while amassing nearly 100,000 Twitter followers and over 130,000 YouTube subscribers.
The SMITE World Championship 2016 took place on January 7th through 10th in Atlanta, to a host of exciting news and gameplay coverage across PC and Xbox One.

Hi-Rez Studios introduced the new Joust 3v3 map, as well as the inclusion of the Japanese Pantheon of gods to the roster and some changes to how in-game rewards are earned; they were also able to showcase their other IPs including their new mobile game “Jetpack Fighter”, the hotly anticipated “Paladins” and even showed some love for “Tribes: Ascend.”

It was a good day to be a Hi-Rez Studios gamer.

SMITE World Championship 2016 2

The SMITE tournament was split between PC and Xbox One platforms with several Scuf Gaming teams attending each side.

Ultimately, #TeamSCUF would prove victorious on both fronts with a dominating performance by Epsilon on PC as they went 3-0 over their opponent, and a similar 3-0 performance from Team EnYyUs on the Xbox One side making them the first World Champion Xbox One SMITE team.

SMITE World Championship 2016 3

The Scuf Gaming booth was in full swing at the event, selling a very popular and exclusive SMITE SCUF Infinity1 Controller to attendees. The SCUF team was on hand to answer questions and let people get their hands on a SCUF.

SMITE World Championship 2016 5

If you were able to attend the event and visited the SCUF booth, thank you for stopping by!

If not we didn't catch you this time, we hope to see you at the next event!
Scuf Gaming continues their partnership with famous American rock band, Avenged Sevenfold to release the LIMITED EDITION SCUF 4PS Avenged controller for use with the PlayStation 4.  The LIMITED EDITION SCUF 4PS Avenged has the signature repeating print of the band’s logo; (Death Bat) a skull with bat wings and patented SCUF Avenged Hook Paddles on the reverse of the controller. Only 2,000 LIMITED EDITION SCUF 4PS Avenged controllers are available!  They’re hand crafted and come with an authentication certificate with signatures of band members. The band’s lead vocalist, M. Shadows, is an avid gamer and fell in love with SCUF controllers since using them in early 2012.  SCUF has partnered with Avenged Sevenfold since 2013, releasing a full collection of SCUF Avenged controllers including the SCUF ONE Avenged, SCUF Avenged Hybrid and the SCUF PS3.

M. Shadows says, “The band is super excited about the launch of the SCUF 4PS Avenged.  The collection of controllers we've created with SCUF are awesome and I’m sure this is going to be a fan favorite!”

Avenged4PS-2 NEW

The new LIMITED EDITION SCUF 4PS Avenged is a feature rich and robust controller for PlayStation 4.  It has a fully re-designed SCUF Back with built in SCUF grip, optional SCUF control disc and innovative EMR (Electro-Magnetic Remapping) technology which takes your gaming flexibility to the next level. This optional feature provides on-the-fly remapping capabilities for the patented SCUF paddles. The SCUF 4PS Avenged is customizable to gameplay and enables more use of the hand in a safe and ergonomic way to truly become the best gamer possible!

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming, says “We’re thrilled to be working with M. Shadows and Avenged Sevenfold again for the launch of the LIMITED EDITION SCUF 4PS Avenged. Fans have been asking for the SCUF 4PS Avenged for months now and we’re excited to launch this much-anticipated controller.  The SCUF Avenged Collection is a fantastic group of SCUF controllers and we feel they represent the Avenged Sevenfold brand really well.”

The SCUF 4PS Avenged base price retails for $159.95 USD, £129.99 and €159.99, additional upgrades are available.  To purchase, please visit


Over the course of the last 14 years, Avenged Sevenfold has grown to be one of the biggest names in heavy metal music. Consistently releasing ground breaking, genre defying music, the band have written and recorded some of the best and most acclaimed rock albums of the 21st Century, each different, but equally as brilliant as it’s predecessor. Their breath-taking live shows have garnered an unshakeable reputation as one of the most must-see bands in the world. Their most recent studio album, ‘Hail To The King’, was the band’s first to hit the #1 spot in the UK and their second to top the Billboard charts in the US. Over the years, Avenged Sevenfold has built a fanatical fan base that includes over 18 million fans on Facebook and over 1.3 million fans on Twitter.


Scuf Gaming provides “Tactical Gear For Elite Gamers” and is trusted by over 85% of Pro-Gamers. Entering the market in 2010, SCUF is leading the field in the professional gaming controller market and has become the defacto professional controller. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 4 granted patents, and another 28 pending to include back paddles, adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, EMR, military grade SCUF grip and various thumbstick lengths in both domed and concave styles. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at major competitions and Scuf Gaming partners with many Pro Gaming Leagues to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG and ESL. Scuf Gaming also sells a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
Scuf Gaming is proud to announce the launch of SCUF Spain's social media accounts on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram! These pages join SCUF Global, SCUF France, and SCUF Italy as Team SCUF makes its way all over the world.

Follow SCUF Spain for SCUF-related news and Spanish esports announcements!


As an added bonus, all Spain-based members of TeamSCUF are invited to sign up for our latest giveaway! Details below:

Gana un SCUF Infinity para PS4 o Xbox One
SCUF Ghost Hybrid for Xbox 360

Scuf Gaming proudly presents our Limited Edition SCUF Ghost Hybrid controller for Call Of Duty Ghost launch day.

(click image to see the product on our website)

SCUF Ghost

With a fully transforming 2-stage thermal color changing paint, this controller magically reveals 2 x half ghost faces on the left and right handles, which appear as heat is applied through contact with the hand. The SCUF Ghost controller also includes a custom hand made 3D silver ghost skull encased in clear guide button. With bright white LEDs, smoke buttons, SCUF Ghost paddles and GHOST on the bottom trim, each controller is hand crafted using an 8-stage hand painted process and is truly unique! Additional options include, 4 paddles, remapping of the outside paddles, rotating D-Pad, trigger stops, domed sticks and SCUF military grade grip. All SCUF controllers are competition approved for use at MLG, EGL, WGL, Reflex, Gfinity, ESL and more!


SCUF Ghosts PS3

Scuf Gaming proudly presents our Limited Edition SCUF Ghost PS controller for Call Of Duty Ghost launch day.

(click image to see the product on our website)

SCUF Ghosts PS3
We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Loony from The Rise Nation:

Real Name: Daniel Loza

Gamer Tag: Loony

Current Team: The Rise Nation

Hometown: Venice, California

How long have you been gaming? Casually for 14 years. Competitively for 5 years.

If you could be any video game character who would you be? Link

What’s your favorite childhood game? Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater

What’s the last TV show that you binge watched? Game of Thrones

What is your Guilty Pleasure? Putting Tapatio on everything

Who is your Celebrity Crush? Selena Gomez

Favorite Comfort Food? Ceviche

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Loud eaters

Do you have any weird phobias? Can’t think of any weird phobias

Do you have any weird habits? Lurking Twitter all day

Fun Fact? I’m 100% Mexican
The Race To Prestige continues into its third day, and our look back at the history of The Race pushes its way into 2013.

2013 brought the world Call of Duty: Ghosts, and a new sense of charitability to The Race. Actively requesting donations for the Call of Duty Endowment during the stream, a familiar group of players banded once again under the team alias of “Hashtag The Race”. This year’s team consisted of TmarTn, iiJERiiCHOii, MrErnestLe, MuzzaFuzza, and GoldGlove. What followed was another year of highlights and action, coupled with sleep-deprived humor, and the exploration of a completely new world in the Call of Duty universe. Far from the only players aiming for glory, “Hashtag The Race” would be joined in the trial by pro-gaming legends OpTic Gaming, Complexity, and EnVyUs. So no matter what, The Race was going to be a firestorm.

Regardless of the competition, “Hashtag the Race” would be formidable contenders. By the time Ghosts was released, the team was already solidified into their individual roles of experience-looting super soldiers. Whether they were tired or not, there was no shortage of causes to celebrate, including MrErnestLe’s first K.E.M. killstreak, which had everyone on stream holding their breath in anticipation…

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And, of course, the greatest lesson of all that we learned watching the livestream: never get within 50 feet of MuzzaFuzza when he has access to a minigun.

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At the end of an epic, sleepless week of gaming, a familiar face reigned supreme. oTradeMark and PWNSTARZdotCOM were declared the first Prestige Masters in 2013 for Call of Duty: Ghosts. But ultimately, “Hashtag The Race” declared the entire event a victory, having raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Call Of Duty Endowment. Another fast-paced Race drew to a close, but in terms of charity and excitement, the best was yet to come.

Join us tomorrow as Team SCUF takes a look back at the 2014 Race To Prestige!

Once again, the galaxy is in danger of destruction from unstoppable forces, and once again, it looks like it’s going to be a whole lot of fun.

Injustice 2 is being released today for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and TeamSCUF has been gearing up to play. Everything about this sequel makes us think of what we loved about the original Injustice: Gods Among Us. All of those classic conflicts are there: friend versus friend, father versus son, and Batman versus everybody. But now the malevolent Brainiac is pulling the strings.

With dozens of characters to play and master, everyone’s scrambling to get their grind in, and TeamSCUF is no different. In addition to the ability to map button attacks to the SCUF Infinity1 and the SCUF IMPACT’s paddle control system, we’ve already thanked our lucky Starfires for the SCUF Control Disc, which makes our movements more fluid than we could expect from a regular D-Pad.

What characters are you looking to master?

More importantly than that, whose side are you taking? Are you still in Superman’s corner? Or are you looking to bring down the Dictator Man of Steel?

This week’s affiliate profile takes a look at a legend of modern Halo in Tony ‘Lethul’ Campbell Jr.




Lethul made his major event debut towards the end of the Halo 3 era, playing at MLG Columbus in 2010. It wasn’t a spectacular first outing, but at the start of the Halo Reach season just months later, Lethul would be launched into the spotlight for the new game, winning the MLG Washington D.C. Combine and following up with a win in the MLG Dallas Halo Reach exhibition tournament.

When the MLG circuit for Reach got going the following year, Lethul remained at the top, with finals appearances at MLG Dallas and MLG Orlando, and victory at MLG Raleigh as highlights of the season. Lethul remained among the elite for the whole of Reach and through Halo 4, but it was on Halo 2: Anniversary Edition that he would really stamp his authority on the game.

Playing under Evil Geniuses, Lethal would dominate for the entirety of the H2A season, winning the majority of the tournaments he attended, including both seasons of the Halo Championship Series. From the release of H2A to present, Lethul has been the most successful player in Halo, consistently winning trophies for the past three years.

Current team

Lethul currently represents OpTic Gaming as the most dominant and successful force in Halo 5. The squad originally came together at the game’s release under Counter Logic Gaming, before moving to the green wall in the summer of 2016.

Alongside Paul ‘SnakeBite’ Duarte, Matthew ‘Royal2’ Fiorante and Bradley ‘Frosty’ Bergstrom, Lethul has been a part of creating a dynasty which has so far spanned the entirety of Halo 5’s lifespan.

Since the game’s release, Lethul and co have been the most successful team in the world, and it’s not close. The squad has been a permanent feature of grand finals and won the majority of them. There is almost no accolade that the team hasn’t collected over the near two years of their rule.


Great achievement

When success comes as consistently as it has for Lethul over the past three years, that in itself begins to eclipse any single moment. Many teams and players can win titles, almost none will ever experience anything close to the level of continued dominance Lethul has imposed upon the game.

Within such immense success, however, there are particular accomplishments that stand out even among the rest. In any game, for those that can claim it, the title of “World Champion” is usually the pinnacle achievement of a career.

In Halo, there are only four players that can make such a claim, and Lethul is among them. That’s not simply because there has only been one such event – there have been two since the Halo World Championships’ inception in 2016. Lethul and his team claimed victory at both.


Lethul has long been a really solid team player. Many would categorize him as something of a "glue guy," if you will to put it into a more traditional sports term. He’s constantly in good spots and shooting things to make things easier for his teammates. He’s a team first kind of player who has no problem dying if it means his teammates will get 2 or 3 kills or secure the objective. This unselfish play and ability to bring a team together has seen Lethul help his team to countless Major titles, including two World Championships.


Public persona

Publicly, Lethul is known as something of a troll. Not one to shy away from the jokes, he’s embraced the extra publicity that comes part and parcel with representing OpTic Gaming. His unveiling as a member of OpTic was also iconic, teaming up with owner H3cz as part of a shock reveal at the end of an episode of OpTic Vision.



PRESS RELEASE: 15th MAY 2014 – The SCUF TACTICAL collection is the new cool, whether you're a fashion guru, gamer or just simply elite, you’re going to love the way you look and feel in the new SCUF hoodie, hat and tees. The collection includes military design qualities and was designed with style and comfort in mind for extended gaming sessions.


Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming says, “We’re extremely pleased with the way the SCUF TACTICAL collection came together and the positive feedback we’ve received from the gaming community. We designed the collection with a focus on style, fit and special features that we knew SCUF fans would appreciate, like the shoulder loop on the tees to make game-play easier. We’re confident our customers will become big fans of this new SCUF gear.”


The tees are made of 100% high grade, dense and breathable cotton and offer extreme comfort and durability for gamers to breath easy while their opponents struggle.  Tees come in two colors: CAMO and WHITE; offer a close fit and include the SCUF logo on the chest, curved shoulder seams and back shoulder panels.   An exciting new feature on the tees is the shoulder loops which allow for headphone cables to stay away from a gamer’s hands while in game-play.


The SCUF PURSUIT hoodie is perfect for major gaming events when the air temp is cool and you need to focus.  The black hoodie has a body armor effect at the torso and elbows, includes zipped pockets, raised SCUF logo on the chest and a military style interior patch. It’s a favorite among pro-players! 4


The SCUF TARGET Camo Cap is a cool new design. It includes a structured fit, high crown and normal bill with the SCUF logo font center. There are two sizes available to ensure a comfortable fit, small/medium and large/x-large. The interior includes branded taping and a moisture-absorbing sweatband.


The SCUF TACTICAL paddle has been subtly placed on the entire collection.


SCUF TACTICAL Collection Includes:


  • STEALTH CREW TEE - CAMO - (S-XXL) - $29.95

  • STEALTH V-NECK TEE - CAMO - (S-XXL) - $29.95

  • PACKED CREW TEE – WHITE - (S-XXL) - $24.95

  • PACKED V-NECK TEE – WHITE - (S-XXL) - $24.95


  • TARGET CAP – CAMO – (S/M & L/XL) - $24.95


Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


Visit for more information.  Editorial and product photos available upon request.

With some of the best plays and upsets we've seen in a long time, MLG Atlanta was just the sort of event that will give a jolt to the other tournaments we can look forward to this year. Against all odds, eUnited fought their way to the front of the line, taking home the big win after a series against OpTic Gaming that got everyone in the crowd chanting.

With every event meaning more points toward the ultimate championship, these kinds of upsets are incredible to watch. It makes us wonder what we can look forward to the rest of the year! Like any other MLG event, we're sad to see this one end. But there's one thing for certain: it's gotten us fired up for MLG Dallas!

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta
UMG Dallas showcased some great gameplay from teams of all levels, but no one could have anticipated the amazing performance from Denial eSports. Opening the day with a 3-0 on team Vanquish, and then another 3-0 against the then-undefeated EnVyUs. The winners’ finals saw Denial taking on EnVy again, who had just defeated OpTic Nation in the losers’ bracket. Denial only had to win a best of 5 to take the tournament, while EnVy had to win 2 series. Denial didn’t give them that chance as they went to sweep the series 3-0 once again, beginning with a 60+ point spread in the first Domination game. Congrats to Denial for their outstanding performance!

Among the top 5 stood three of #TeamSCUF teams; Team EnVyUs, OpTic Nation, and OpTic Gaming in order of placement. EnVy once again played very well and really pushed their hardest, only losing to Denial the entire tournament. In what must have ultimately been a bittersweet moment for owner of both Team OpTic and OpTic Nation, OpTic H3CZ watched his two teams compete for the 3rd place finish with OpTic Nation ultimately taking the victory.

Scuf Gaming is very proud of its #TeamSCUF Pro Teams and wishes them the best of luck in the coming PAX Prime tournament this weekend! We appreciate all of our fans who came to our booth to see the Custom SCUF Controllers and support #TeamSCUF!

Want to play like your favorite Pro Teams? Make sure to check out the custom EnVyUs SCUF One Controller HERE, and the custom OpTic SCUF One Controller HERE. Find the entire roster of Pro Team Controllers HERE.

Over 140 Granted & Pending Patents Covering Gaming Controller Innovation

ATLANTA, July 18, 2019 — Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, through its patent affiliate Ironburg Inventions, has expanded its international global patent portfolio with an additional 14 granted patents in Europe. These additional patents bring the total number granted to 91 worldwide, and an additional 55 pending patent applications.

Scuf Gaming’s latest patents expand international protection of its trigger stop features that have effectively become required functionality for esports professionals and competitive gamers. The patents also cover newer innovations in the thumbstick area that enable greater customization for user preference and playstyle. With these new patents, Scuf Gaming now has 42 granted European patents, covering its innovation in the gaming controller market across the continent.

“Since creating the market category for performance controllers in 2011, our patented innovations have improved the performance of hundreds of thousands of gamers worldwide,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “SCUF features have become the standard for competitive gameplay. Players demand this functionality in their controller. That’s why our innovation has been licensed by numerous companies, growing this market and bringing performance controllers to a larger segment of gamers.”

SCUF’s patented innovations have benefitted hundreds of thousands of gamers, professional and casual, improving performance, comfort, and customization by enabling users to use more of their hands in a safe and ergonomic way. SCUF features have now become required functionality for esports professionals and competitive gamers.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 91 granted patents, and another 55 pending applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
Scuf Gaming announces opening of in France & partnership with Gotaga


May 10th 2014 – Global market leader of Professional Gaming Controllers, Scuf Gaming, launches a French Website to further demonstrate their commitment to the eSports community in France. Since creating a market segment for Professional Controllers, through the invention of back paddles and adjustable hair trigger/ trigger stop functionality in 2010, SCUF remains the dominant Professional Controller Company. An estimated 85% of Top gamers use SCUF for shooters and their dominant position is down to the quality of build and innovative features.


Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder Scuf Gaming; “The French eSports community is one of the top gaming communities in the World and one we have supported through sponsored players, organizations and events for a number of years. Last year we made a commitment to further invest in the local community by opening a French twitter account @ScufFrance  It only seemed right that we have a local presence given we invented the SCUF paddles, trigger functions and other key features that enable gamers to use more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. Today is that day - we are extremely proud to launch our French website to fully support the local community in their native language. We love the French community & competition, and the Country has some of the biggest and most passionate gamers in the world.”


Since inception, Scuf Gaming has been very committed to support the best players around the world, supporting teams like OpTic Gaming, EnVy, Complexity, Epsilon & TCM to mention just a few. SCUF have also had a big impact on growing the eSports World by supporting and partnering with key Gaming leagues like MLG, Gfinity, UMG, EGL, Skylan, Reflex. It appeared natural to not only launch a French website but also to support one of the best and most successful French players and a true icon “Gotaga” also known as “The French monster”.


Gotaga says "I decided after some reflexion to partner with Scuf Gaming. We've been in talks for a while and I’m glad to now represent the brand and be one of their ambassadors. The quality of the products, especially with the SCUF ONE, and their second to none investment in eSports have been the factors for me in this important decision. I've always wanted to work with brands that corresponds me and today that's the case with Scuf Gaming which is the best professional controller company in the world and it's a perfect timing as they open a french website"


Jonas Ferry, Head of Scuf Gaming in France : “It’s been a year since we have started to share SCUF values’ in France. We are thrilled to move one step forward in our support of the French community by allowing our French customers to order & get support in French. Gotaga’s return to #TeamSCUF is testimony to our superior quality and continual innovation. He needed to use the best equipment in his expectations to achieve in Europe & worldwide. We are delighted to have him choose Scuf Gaming!”.


About Scuf Gaming :


Scuf Gaming is the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and restorer of custom video game equipment and accessories. A company focused on providing “tactical gear for elite gamers,” SCUF entered the market three years ago with the SCUF controller. Along with patented back paddles, Scuf Gaming controllers also feature adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF grip and optional domed or concave SCUF sticks. SCUF controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, SkyLAN, Gfinity, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. Scuf Gaming also sell a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.
Add a tube to your cart and use the discount code "GAMERGRIP" on all orders over $83/£53 placed at offer ends 11/30/2013
What is Gamer Grip and how can it help you?

Gamer Grip is a non-slip, antiperspirant formula designed to improve your hold on your controller. Providing an excellent enhancement to your grip for a competitive edge over your opponents, Gamer Grip ensures that nerves and adrenaline won’t get in your way. Sweaty palms are a thing of the past; just one pea sized blob of Gamer Grip is all you need.

A single 2 ounce tube of Gamer Grip may last several months with typical use. Apply the Gamer Grip to your hands before or during extended gaming sessions for an enhanced hold on your controller, minimizing loss of control caused by perspiration. For more info please visit



We’re prepping for CoD XP by asking the pros a series of questions. Get to know your favorite Pro Player just a little bit more with our Player Profile Mini Series. Today, we’re featuring Reedy from Epsilon eSports!

Real Name: Matthew Piper
Gamer Tag: FormaL
Current Team: OpTic Gaming
Hometown: Orange County, CA
How long you have been gaming?: 14 years casually, 6 years professionally
If you could be any video game character who would you be?: Sonic the Hedgehog
Favorite childhood game?: Pokemon
What’s the last TV show that you binge watched?: Vampire Diaries (lol)
What is your Guilty Pleasure?: Reese's Sticks
Who is your Celebrity Crush?: @LISSAYEEE
Favorite Comfort Food?: Mac n Cheese
What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Immature gamers
Do you have any weird phobias? Spiders
Do you have any weird habits? No weird habits
Fun Fact? There's nothing fun about me.
Atlanta, GA – February 6th, 2017 – Scuf Gaming® (“SCUF”), global leader and innovator in esports, providing tactical gear for elite gamers and gaming enthusiasts, announced today that it has received strategic investment from H.I.G. Growth Partners ("H.I.G."), the dedicated growth capital investment affiliate of H.I.G. Capital.

HIG growth logoSince its founding in 2011, SCUF has created the high-performance, customized console controller category, while also increasing hand-use and improving controller ergonomics. SCUF has brought numerous innovations to the gaming and esports market that meaningfully enhance performance. The Company’s controllers are best-in-class, and 90% of professional gamers use SCUF products in major esports tournaments, which has helped the Company build a tremendous social following.

John Kim, a Managing Director with H.I.G. Growth Partners, commented, “SCUF is the market leader in advanced feature gaming controllers with an unmatched intellectual property portfolio. We are excited to partner with Duncan and the entire SCUF team to continue the Company’s strong, profitable growth trajectory, further develop the SCUF brand, and introduce SCUF’s products to an even greater audience of consumers.”

Founder and CEO, Duncan Ironmonger said, “We are very excited about this partnership with H.I.G. and the shared vision we have for the next stage of SCUF’s growth. H.I.G.’s investment will provide us the capital and strategic resources necessary to continue to grow our distribution presence, product assortment and the SCUF brand.”

About H.I.G. Growth Partners
H.I.G. Growth Partners is the dedicated growth capital investment affiliate of H.I.G. Capital, a leading global private equity investment firm with $21 billion of equity capital under management. We seek to make both majority and minority investments in strong, growth oriented businesses located throughout North America, South America and Europe. We will invest $5 million to $30 million in equity in a given company and target investments in profitable growth oriented businesses with between $10 million and $100 million in revenues. We consider investments across all industries, but focus on certain high-growth sectors where H.I.G. has extensive in-house expertise such as technology, healthcare, internet and media, consumer products and technology-enabled financial and business services. H.I.G. Growth Partners strives to work closely with our management teams to serve as an experienced resource, providing broad-based strategic, operational, recruiting and financial management services from a vast in-house team and a substantial network of third-party relationships. For more information, please refer to the H.I.G. website at

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a global leader and innovator in esports, providing tactical gear for elite gamers and gaming enthusiasts. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and enthusiast gamers who are looking for that edge and recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by utility and design patents protecting 3 key areas of a controller: back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF is the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, CWL, MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG.
The Race To Prestige has drawn to a close, and Team SCUF has been celebrating all week with a look back at the Races of the past.

If The Race To Prestige had become a hit with viewers by 2014, nothing would compare to the attention it garnered in 2015. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 had just released, and gamers the world over salivated with the anticipation of more boots-on-the-ground action. And with the new installment came a new team,: the aptly named “TheRace2015”. And while the team was made up of more than a few familiar faces (TmarTn, iiJERiiCHOii, Hutch, VernNotice, and GoldGlove), there was definitely a new atmosphere to the Race. Production values were a little higher, and the word had spread further than it ever had before, but that didn’t mean that the gents of “TheRace2015” were about to rest on their laurels.

Throughout the usual mayhem and excitement, it became quickly clear that something was different with this race. As the amount of donations grew and grew, “TheRace2015” could clearly see that they were on the way to an especially huge win for the Call of Duty Endowment, whether they completed the Prestige challenge or not….

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]

Ultimately, the 2015 Race to Prestige would bring in over $450,000 in donations: a colossal amount that dwarfed every year up to that point.

Now, with the torch passed to OpTic Gaming, the questions remain: will The Race To Prestige be able to amass the same blistering viewership and sense of charity? Team SCUF is feeling confident. Because there’s only one thing better than playing a bunch of games with your friends: doing it for a good cause.

The world of eSports has been working hard for the week of June 13-19, with multiple games going through the motions of their respective leagues, some tournament play and little bit of news. So here is your rundown of all the action.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III
On day one, the Call of Duty World League took a different turn than usual as several teams played twice to make up games missed a few weeks ago. In addition, all but one European match was postponed due to travel issues relating to MLG Anaheim.

Day two had similar problems, but this time in North America, with teams such as OpTic Gaming and Dream Team having to forfeit their matches vs. compLexity Gaming due to traveling issues. With only three weeks remaining, every win is crucial to help the teams secure their spot in the top eight.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Tons went down in the CS:GO world, with the continuation of the ELEAGUE, as well as DreamHack ZOWIE Open Summer.

Group D of Turner’s and WME|IMG’s ELEAGUE would have Fnatic, FaZe Clan, Team SoloMid and Team Dignitas face against each other. TSM had a strong showing, even though they only managed to pick up one map the entire week. However, this map was against the recently returned Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer and his squad, Fnatic, during their day three matchup.

Over at the DreamHack tournament, Ninjas in Pyjamas, Astralis and the newly acquired Immortals took to the stage to battle for the biggest piece of $100,000. After a shocking upset at the Major Qualifier where Immortals were knocked out by FlipSid3 Tactics, Immortals bounced back in insane fashion, taking down GODSENT 2-1 in the semifinals and NiP 2-0 in the finals, winning the event.

One team that had a highlight performance was Epsilon in the matchup against NiP. They narrowly lost two games 16-13 and 16-14 against their fellow Swedes and this was the first time we have properly had a chance to see this roster have a good showing against the tier one teams.

In terms of news, we saw a whole host of roster moves over in North America. Counter Logic Gaming and Team Liquid traded their primary AWPers, meaning that CLG now has Kenneth "koosta" Suen and Liquid have Josh "jdm64" Marzano. Following this announcement, it was revealed that Jacob "Pimp" Winneche from SK Gaming would also be joining Liquid, completing their roster.

That does it for this week, what do you think of all the news? Let us know in comments below.


The Curse Is Over!

After five days of blistering action and stunning gameplay, OpTic Gaming finally took home their first Call of Duty World Championship! After defeating 2016 Champions EnVyUs in two best of five series, OpTic now has essentially every award under their collective belts, including Karma's unprecedented 3 rings.

Karma_Three_Rings_CoD_Champs Formal_CoD_Champs_2017_MVP
The action on the stage was hard to take your eyes off of, but the excitement didn't stop there. The SCUF Booth was alive with signings, new controllers, and giveaways throughout the week.

The SCUF MLG 2.0 Controller

The SCUF MLG 2.0 was also released last week. Celebrating Major League Gaming and everything that it's done to increase the viewership and popularity of esports, the MLG 2.0 sports the stylish red, white, and blue of the pro gaming organization that shares its name, complete with their logo prominently displayed on the left handle. Available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC, this is a must have item for esports fans of every stripe.


Time At The Signing Booth

The SCUF signing booth was on fire with the greatest players of all time signing controllers, jerseys, and just about everything else! Their fans truly matter, and every team that came to the table made sure to let them know it.

Teams like OpTic, FaZe, eUnited, and Splyce all made appearances at the signing booth, taking photos and making quality memories for the fans.

EnVyUs_SCUF_Signing_Booth_CoD_Champs Clayster_eUnited_Signing_Booth_CoD_Champs Crimsix_Optic_Signing_Booth_CoD_Champs

Our Time Is Now

In addition to spending time with the pros, fans got a chance to have their pictures taken at the Our Time Is Now booth. There they posed with brand new SCUF designs and took on the look of some of esports greatest players during the Our Time Is Now campaign.

Overall, the 2017 Call of Duty Championships was one for the history books! Now, with CoD: WW2 on its way, TeamSCUF is expecting a whole new year of excitement, tense plays, and incredible gaming.

CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017 CoD_Champs_2017  
The Winter Carentan map is coming to Call Of Duty: WWII in three days, and we can’t wait!

When you spend a lot of your time playing the same maps in multiplayer over and over, the idea of learning the layout of a new locale is always some exciting and challenging fun. CoD: WWII’s Winter Siege event is coming on December 8th, along with this new map variant. With Ranked Play so recently introduced, it’s great to see so many new venues to visit on your way to the top of the ladder!

SCUF will be playing in the Winter Siege this weekend, so keep your eyes peeled for our impressions of how it feels to play!

Another day of competition in Anaheim has passed, and that leaves a single Sunday of mayhem in the 2016 MLG Anaheim Call of Duty Championships! #TeamSCUF has been thrilled to see such excitement from so many loyal fans.

We enjoyed seeing all of your #SCUFFIEs taken yesterday at the SCUF booth! Congrats to @zealRICKMA22 for winning the #SCUFFIE SCUF controller giveaway. For all of you watching from home, make sure to enter here for a chance to win a MLG Pro SCUF Infinity 4PS of your very own.

MLG Anaheim SCUF booth
Here's a recap of all the amazing action we saw on Saturday:

The Open:

It started as a good day for Splyce, who advanced to the Championships with a 2-0 win over Lethal Gaming, and a 2-1 win over Cloud9 Eclipse, who made it to Round 5 after a 2-1 victory over Vigor. Primed's 2-0 win over STDx VexX wasn't enough to stop Lethal, who defeated them 2-0 after a 2-0 triumph over Most Wanted. Also heading to the Championships were Infused, who stopped Kingdom eSport's winning streak 2-0. And finally, Millenium made it to the Championships with a 2-1 win over Pnda Gaming.

MLG Anaheim Luminosity Studyy Scuf Gaming

Pool Play:

OpTic Gaming and Cloud9 dominated Group A of the Pool with 3-0 and 2-1 records, respectively, while Group B saw European-based team Infused take home a 3-0 record, with Rise Nation following close behind at 2-1. Group C saw a clash of heavy hitters, with Team eLevate coming through with the 3-0 win, ahead of the 2-1 record of Luminosity Gaming. Group D finished with a 3-0 victory for Team EnVyUs and a 2-1 for Splyce.

MLG Anaheim Crimsix Optic Scuf Gaming

The Championship

All the excitement of the weekend began to culminate in Saturday's first round of the Championship. The two European representatives squared off, with Splyce losing to Infused 3-1. eLevate saw a 3-1 victory over Cloud9, while Rise Nation squeaked past EnVyUs with a 3-2 victory. Finally, OpTic Gaming finished up the night with a well-earned victory over Luminosity.

It all comes down to today: the cheers, the bragging rights, and the $100K in prize money! And #TeamSCUF is going to be there! Are you in Anaheim? Be sure that you drop by and give the SCUF Booth a visit!
Over the years, it’s been impossible to avoid falling in love with the characters that we meet in every Call of Duty single-player campaign, and thanks to four videos released today, it’s obvious that CoD: WWII won’t be any different.Call of Duty’s official YouTube channel released four short videos today. They’re entitled “Meet The Squad”, and each one of them focuses on a different American soldier that will help tell the story of November’s highly-anticipated World War II epic.

Each of the characters looks terrific, from the inspiring leader we see in Lieutenant Joseph Turner, to the grizzled veteran Sergeant William Pierson. But if we had to choose a favorite, it would have to be the young heroics of Private Robert Zussman and the spirit of the game’s protagonist: Private Red Daniels. Each of these characters looks great: we can’t wait to get our hands on them in November.

Return To SCUF CoD HQ

These past two weeks (April 4 ­ April 17) in the world of Call of Duty brought fans the Crown Melbourne Invitational 2016​and a handful of roster changes for Call of Duty®: Black Ops III.

Six teams battled it out in this single elimination, best­of­seven series tournament held in Melbourne, Australia. Quarterfinal action began on Saturday (April 9) as Plantronics Tainted Minds defeated The Chiefs eSports Club 4­3, and Mindfreak swept Team Orbit ANZ 4­0.

Moving on to the semi­finals, OpTic Gaming began their tournament run down under with a 4­0 win over Tainted Minds, while Millenium took down Mindfreak 4­0. This set up the Grand Final match up that everyone was expecting: OpTic vs. Millenium.

OpTic jumped out to the early 1­0 series lead with a 250­223 win on Breach Hardpoint, but Millenium responded right away with a 6­1 win on Stronghold Search and Destroy to even the series at 1­1. From there, it was all OpTic as they were able to win 8­3 on Infection Uplink, 1­0 on Evac Capture the Flag and 6­2 on Breach Search and Destroy to close out the series 4­1.

After this weekend where OpTic was crowned the champions yet again, a few roster changes took place as teams are preparing for Stage 2 of the CWL. First, Chris “Parasite” Duarte was released from compLexity Gaming and has been replaced by Jevon “Goonjar” Gooljar­lim for Stage 2. Also, Team EnVyUs announced their new Call of Duty roster by dropping Patrick “ACHES” Price and Tyler “TeePee” Polchow for Johnathan “John” Perez and Bryan “Apathy” Zhelyazkov. Dream Team also announced that they have released both Steven “Diabolic” Rivero and Troy “Sender” Michaels, and will be looking for two new players before the start of Stage 2.

Optic Gaming_CWL

Congratulations once again to OpTic Gaming on winning another championship at the Crown Melbourne Invitational 2016, and good luck to all the teams competing and preparing for the start of Stage 2 of the CWL this week (Tuesday, April 19).

Check back next week for another look at the week of Call of Duty action in review.
The 2017 Hi-Rez Expo is here! This weekend, fans of the SMITE and Paladins franchises can look forward to the best of the best battling it out in heavenly battlegrounds, and Scuf Gaming is proud to be there!


The event has only just begun, but already we’re feeling the excitement as teams like Soar, Luminosity, and Allegiance begin their ascent into the highest ranks of one of the world’s most popular MOBAs. For a full look at who’s playing today, take a look at the schedule or jump right into the action on Twitch.

Coming to Atlanta for the event? Be sure to visit the Scuf Gaming booth! We’ll be there with some of our favorite controllers in stock, including our exclusive SCUF SMITE Infinity Series. Throughout the weekend, some of your favorite players will be visiting to sign posters and merch, as well, so be on the lookout! Also be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates! 

It’s going to be a good weekend in Atlanta, and we hope to see you there!

Scuf Gaming is proud to introduce the SCUF Italy social pages on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. These pages will join the SCUF Global and French social pages and we are so excited to welcome Italia to #TeamSCUF!

Follow those pages for upcoming Italian region SCUF announcements, well as Italian eSports news!




Make sure to check out the SCUFItalia Launch Giveaway, ending June 30th, HERE!

CoD: WWII has been among the most hyped games of the year, and Activision surprised fans everywhere by releasing the beta a day early! With a November release, the CoD: WWII beta represents the first chance in years to play a new boots on the ground Call of Duty experience. The beta for Playstation 4 ends on the 28th of August, and picks back up for Xbox One and PS4 with a second run from September 1st to the 4th.

It's possible that a third (or even a fourth) beta is in the works, but for the time being, the next two weekends are your only chance to get some multiplayer training in before Call Of Duty: WWII releases on November 3rd.

With fewer high-tech options and a focus on the classic style that made Call Of Duty one of the most popular games of all time, it goes without saying that you'll want every advantage you can get. SCUF's custom controllers are equipped with the patented innovations that can give players a real advantage in the trenches of World War II. That's the reason that Scuf Gaming is used by over 90% of all pro gamers.

This weekend's multiplayer beta is already a true proving ground for pro gamers, esports hopefuls, and hardcore gamers of every stripe. SCUF's gaming technology can provide the winning edge that a player needs, whether you're enjoying CoD's campaign, the chaos of multiplayer, or waves of the undead in Zombie mode. Keep your eyes peeled for SCUF's Call Of Duty: WWII game guide, coming soon!

Proud owner of over 100 Granted and Pending Patents

ATLANTA, April 26, 2019Scuf Gaming®innovator and creator of the high-performance gaming controller market, has expanded its global patent portfolio to 62 granted patents and a further 53 additional pending applications, through its patent subsidiary Ironburg Inventions.

One such SCUF innovation is highlighted in the recently granted United States Patent No. 10,188,940, covering a mechanism within the controller case for manual adjustment of trigger range of motion, which had been filed several years before.

SCUF is well known for re-inventing the way gamers use a controller in 4 key areas and has over 100 patents protecting its innovation:

  1. Back Control Functions/ paddles (P1,P2, P3, P4) accessed using your middle fingers

  2. Trigger Control Area – ability to fine tune your triggers for different games

  3. Thumbstick Control Area – ways to change out your thumbstick sizes and shapes

  4. Side Action buttons (S1, S2) – removable side activation points

“It’s amazing to see how the controller market has evolved since we first invented back control functions 9 years ago,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming. “At the time, the middle fingers of the hands went completely unused. It seemed logical to create back paddles to mimic the front buttons, so that the thumbs could reside on thumbsticks. In 2011, only a few hundred people used our features. Today, most core gamers would agree that you can't play modern games without SCUF features.”

In 2015, Scuf Gaming licensed its IP to Microsoft to create the Xbox Elite controller and in 2018, Scuf Gaming licensed parts of its IP to Collective Minds. Scuf Gaming continues to invest millions of dollars into research and development and actively defends its intellectual property to protect its assets and many employees worldwide.

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 62 granted patents, and another 53 pending, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about Scuf Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.
Press Release - Scuf Gaming partners with Team Supremacy


Scuf Gaming is delighted to announce a partnership with one of France's finest teams, Supremacy. Team Supremacy have been one of the top French team for years and they've collected a number of titles including a recent win at Skylan ESWC, the title of ESWC French vice-champion as well as a spot in the top8 ESWC teams.

Composing of players that have been competing at the highest level for years, this team is both experienced and stable. Outside being one of the best competing teams in their homeland country, Supremacy is also a successful clan of Call of Duty Elite since Modern Warfare 3.

Julien "ZylewR" Louis, captain of Supremacy says:
"I'm very happy to finally settle a partnership with Scuf Gaming, one of the most respected suppliers of consoles gear. We will be attending upcoming events with a Supremacy branded controller and I'm delighted that it's been unveiled. We'd like to thank ScufGaming for their belief in our Organization and we are hoping that we will represent them the best way we can in our next competitions."

Jonas Ferry, head of ScufGaming in France continues:
"Adding a French team that has been continually performing well is great to see and we are delighted to add Supremacy to our Sponsored Team roster! We love supporting the Pro gaming community and with this team, which composes of some really great players, we are excited to watch the upcoming Call of Duty Ghost tournaments unveil"

ABOUT SCUF GAMING: Until the SCUF was invented in 2010; gamers could only use compromising techniques like CLAW to play with more of their hand. Using back paddles, which mimic the front buttons, Scuf Gaming has made it possible to display more dexterity is a safe, ergonomic way. Scuf Gaming also offers features such as adjustable hair triggers, trigger stops, military grade SCUF Grip and optional domed or concave sticks. SCUF Controllers are legally approved for use at most major competitions to include MLG, EGL, WGL, G-finity, Skylan, Reflex, UMG, ESL, etc. When we designed the SCUF, our focus was to reduce unnecessary latency in hand movement and allow experienced gamers to game for longer while using more of their hand in a safe and ergonomic way. We believe the paddles and adjustable hair triggers are a great advancement for Console Gaming and are ideal for gamers to display their skill and dexterity and pull off more exciting gameplays which in turn will increase audience interest!” For more information please visit
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has been officially announced as the next game in the Call of Duty franchise. Alongside the new title, a remastered version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is due to be bundled alongside Infinite Warfare with legacy pre-orders available. Infinite Warfare is being developed by Infinity Ward, the original developers of the game, and looks to take CoD to a literal new level with the announcement trailer showing space combat.

Many fans and pro players prefer the "boots to the ground" style of CoD multiplayer so we are very interested to see more game-play as soon as possible. We are looking forward to seeing how the competitive scene handles the inclusion of the remastered Modern Warfare with possibilities of older games being played competitively has already shown success with titles such as the Halo: the Master Chief Collection.

At the end of the day, we'll always be hyped for a new Call of Duty, and with Infinite Warfare and a Modern Warfare remaster there's a lot to be excited about.

What do you think of Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and the Modern Warfare remaster? Join the discussion on our Twitter and Facebook pages

Dreamhack Atlanta 2017 made for an amazing weekend. With a nail-biting Halo finale that saw Splyce defeat OpTic, this was a weekend of great gaming, brilliant personalities, and enough excitement to keep everyone talking. SCUF was there to join in, and not an hour went by without something great to see and do.

The SCUF Booth was a popular destination, with pro gamers such as Ninja, Luminosity, and SoaR Gaming visiting to talk about the new SCUF IMPACT. The EnVyUs Rocket League team came by to discuss the benefits of using a SCUF with the best car/soccer hybrid ever made, and what better way to end the weekend than with a performance by Waka Flocka Flame? Dreamhack 2017 was an amazing weekend, and SCUF can't wait to come by again next year!

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With an accumulative 4.9 billion minutes (over 7,000 years) of play and over 9.7 million players in the beta alone, chances are you’ve been enjoying Overwatch as much as TeamSCUF!


Overwatch’s colorful cast of characters lead to unique team compositions and intense, objective-oriented game play, and our SCUF was with us every step of the way. The game is strictly online and objective-based, and that means no campaign mode. Only mayhem. Team synergy and clever use of your abilities are key to victory!



Because your hero’s main abilities are set to bumpers, we used a ‘Y’ / ‘A’ paddle configuration for Xbox and a Triangle / ‘X’ 4PS setup for mobility and ult dropping. This flexibility for jumping and climbing is especially nice for both ninjas, and almost required for Pharah players who enjoy spending a lot of time in the air while raining rockets on enemies. Trigger stops are a natural pick for this shooter, and they’ve aided us equally well on both of our Infinity Series controllers.


The main two recommended features for your SCUF are the EMR and Trigger Stops which allow for effective paddle setup and a major drop in trigger latency. That way, your DPS starts first!


Overwatch can be defined in two words: Straightforward and Fun. Whether you are going stag or pushing payloads with your team, Overwatch is definitely a blast and we highly recommend bringing our SCUF Controllers to the fray!


It might even help you steal the Play Of The Game from Bastion.

scuf_elite_customized_xbox_controller_anodized_silverPRESS RELEASE – December 19, 2016 (Atlanta, GA) – Scuf Gaming® (SCUF), global leader in esports and input devices, announces a new range of innovative accessories for the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller and the launch of the SCUF ELITE customization program as part of their partnership with Microsoft.

Six years ago, SCUF created a new market space for professional customized controllers, challenging the ‘status-quo’ of how controllers were designed and used. Inventing many features that improve performance including paddles and adjustable hair trigger/stop mechanisms, SCUF has 25 granted patents and another 55 pending. SCUF is used by over 90% of professional gamers, in October 2015, SCUF announced that it signed a licensing deal with Microsoft Corporation providing Microsoft the rights to use SCUF’s intellectual property, patents and innovations. Under the terms of the agreement, Scuf Gaming became the exclusive 3rd party accessories partner for professional gaming.

Recognizing the competitive edge that SCUF patented features provide, Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming stated, “Since inception, our vision has always been to cater to the top 10% of the market, but also see the mass market benefit from the innovative features and functions we patented. Over 90% of top professional gamers use SCUF so, our handcrafted SCUF Infinity Series are always built with weight, performance, precision and design in mind. Not everyone is aware we exist so, now we are able to offer the wider market an alternative through our partnership with Microsoft to further increase awareness with the launch of the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller and our SCUF ELITE accessories.”

Now gamers can experience SCUF familiarity and innovation to further boost their Xbox Elite Wireless Controller gaming experience. SCUF is offering their crossover paddle control system and directional bias D-pad positioned for optimal ergonomic performance, military grade grip handles contoured to fit your hand and an increased range of precision thumbsticks. The SCUF ELITE customization program also offers a full range of unique designs and color treatments, including faceplate, buttons, trim and SCUF accessories.

SCUF ELITE accessory kits may be purchased separately on for the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller. SCUF ELITE Paddle Control System & Directional Bias D-pad kit sells for $39.95 and the SCUF ELITE Pro Grips & Precision Thumbstick kit is $29.95 and available in five color options. The SCUF ELITE controller customization program ranges from $149.95 to over $200 depending on features and customization selected.

eliteaccessory_paddledpadSCUF ELITE Paddle Control System & Directional Bias D-pad Kit - $39.95

SCUF ELITE Paddle Control System

  • SCUF paddles are positioned for optimal ergonomic performance, using crossover paddle control system.

  • Paddles mimic any face button, allowing thumbs to remain on the thumbsticks - shortening response time between actions.

  • Modular and customizable, choose from 0 to 4 paddles to utilize more of your hand in game.

  • Comfortable, intuitive design, and familiar to SCUF users. Play like a Pro.

  • Color: Silver

SCUF ELITE Directional Bias D-pad

  • Tilted D-pad to access a single direction bias quicker - reduced distance when alternating from the thumbstick to D-pad.

  • The angle helps the gamer focus on the direction of the D-pad bias.

  • Adjustable to all 4 positions.

  • Magnetic technology for easy position changes.

  • Color: Silver

eliteaccessory_thumbsticksgripsSCUF ELITE Pro Grips & Precision Thumbstick Kit - $29.95 (coming soon)

SCUF ELITE Precision Thumbsticks

  • Improve precision and accuracy.

  • Length and shape caters to different hand sizes.

  • Military grade grip for increased comfort and durability.

  • Magnetic technology for easy thumbstick change.

  • Colors: Black, White, Red, Blue, Green

SCUF ELITE Pro Grip Handles

  • Contoured to fit your hands.

  • Military grade material for improved grip.

  • Easy to install.

  • Colors: Black, White, Red, Blue, Green

To learn more about SCUF’s Infinity range of professional controllers and the SCUF ELITE customization program and accessories, please visit us online at

About Scuf Gaming
Scuf Gaming® is a global leader and innovator in esports, providing tactical gear for elite gamers where over 90% of the top professional gamers in the world use SCUF. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and console, SCUF offers a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater to professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 25 granted patents, and another 55 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area.
ATLANTA, Georgia. ­ October 15, 2015 -  Scuf Gaming (together with its patent subsidiary, Ironburg Inventions, Ltd) “SCUF” announced that it has signed a licensing agreement with Microsoft Corporation, providing Microsoft the rights to use SCUFs intellectual property, patents and innovations. Under the terms of the agreement Scuf Gaming will also become the exclusive 3rd party accessories partner for the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming & Ironburg Inventions, stated, "Since creating a new market space for customizable professional gaming controllers 5 years ago, our vision has always been to see the mass market benefit from the innovative features and functions we patented. Over 90% of top professional gamers have recognized the competitive edge SCUF provides so we are delighted that Microsoft will now bring that edge to the wider market with its Xbox Elite Wireless Controller."

“SCUF continues to improve the way gamers use a controller, reducing hand strain and enhancing the gameplay experience,” said Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox. “We are pleased to work with SCUF to bring this project to the masses."

To learn more about Scuf Gaming, please visit us online at

About Scuf Gaming

Scuf Gaming® is a global leader and innovator in eSports, providing Tactical Gear for Elite Gamers. Selling high-end accessories and customized gaming controllers for PC and Console, SCUF offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. Built to specification, SCUF controllers cater for professional and hardcore gamers who recognize that one size does not fit all. The primary focus for SCUF controllers are the functional features, which go toward improving your game, allowing you to reduce latency and use more of your hand in a safe and ergonomic way. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 17 granted patents, and another 34 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL, UMG and ESWC. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.


About Xbox

Xbox is Microsoft’s premier entertainment brand for the TV, phone, PC and tablet. In living rooms or on the go, Xbox is home to the best and broadest games, as well as one of the world’s largest libraries of movies, TV, music and sports. Your favorite games, TV and entertainment come to life in new ways through the power of Kinect, Xbox SmartGlass and Xbox Live, the world’s premier social entertainment network. More information about Xbox can be found online at

It’s Friday, so that means we’re taking a look at the goings-on from across the video gaming world this week. Here are our top stories from the last seven days.

Rocket League Set for October Update

October will see a new update to Rocket League entitled ‘Aquadome’ and will include a water-themed arena. Two new DLC Battle-cars – Proteus and Triton – will release at the same time, available for purchase at $1.99. Rocket League recently released their September DLC pack which included a new mode called Rumble.

Battlefield 1 Maps Announced

The entire map list for Battlefield 1 has been revealed. As well as Sinai Desert, which is playable in the beta, the following maps will be available out the box:

 Ballroom Blitz

 Argonne Forest

 Fao Fortress

 Suez

 The St. Quentin Scar

 Amiens

 Monte Grappa

 Empire's Edge

The game also ships with a variety of modes familiar to regular Battlefield players, including Conquest, Domination, Operations, Rush, War Pigeons and Team Deathmatch. The full game is set for release 21 st October. Not only that, the first DLC map has also been announced and is due for release, for free, in December. The free map will be called Giant’s Shadow.

Street Fighter 5 Getting New Character

Street Fighter 5 players on PS4 and PC can now take advantage of a new major update. The patch introduces ‘vs CPU’ mode to SFV for the first time, enabling you to take on an A.I. opponent – a mode that bizarrely didn’t ship with the game. Perhaps more excitingly, you can now get your hands on a new playable character, Urien, the Vice President of the Illuminati. You can download Urien from the relevant market place, or you’ll receive the character for free if you’re a season pass holder. The update also includes a number of new KO options across the different maps, while premium costumes are also available to buy.

GTA Online Bikers Update

GTA Online is the gift that just keeps on giving and the next major expansion is just around the corner. This most recent update is focused around motorbikes, giving players the opportunity to run their own motorcycle club. The update will even introduce a hierarchy, where perspective members can progress through the ranks from prospect right the way up to club president. There’s also set to be a number of new modes for both cooperative and competitive gameplay, as well as a host of bikes, tats and motorbike club-themed weapons. If you want to live life in the fast lane on two wheels, this is the update for you.

TwitchCon Update

As TwitchCon edges closer, Twitch has made more major announcements about new features added to the show. Firstly, Twitch have announced ‘The Party,’ headlined by regular streamer and world famous DJ, Steve Aoki, supported by T-Pain and Darude. TwitchCon will also feature an area for eSports battles which will host a number of competitive tournaments aimed at both amateurs and pro-gamers.

If you just want to relax and watch some eSports then you’re also in luck, as the event will feature a dedicated eSports viewing lounge. Attendees can also enjoy a scavenger hunt over the course of the weekend, or tap into their creative side and do a paint-along with Bob Ross. What more could you want? TwitchCon takes place September 30th – October 2nd at the San Diego Convention Center.
This week’s affiliate profile looks at Daniel ‘Loony’ Loza, team captain for Rise Nation.

Living Esports_Loony_V2


While Loony had a presence in Call of Duty earlier, his real break-out year was Call of Duty: Ghosts. As part of the very first Rise Nation roster, he placed in the top-eight of the Call of Duty Championships and remained among the upper echelons for most of the season.

The squad, however, wasn’t a championship threat, so at the start of Advanced Warfare Loony moved to Team Kaliber, who at the time were among the more prestigious squads. After another top-eight finish at CoD Champs, he was picked up by EnVyUs, where he remained until the end of the season. Despite never putting hands on a trophy, the EnVyUs squad that finished out the season was among the most dangerous in the world, and might have made a much greater impact had they not frequently come up against OpTic and FaZe, the titans of the day.

Loony’s true ascension, however, came during Black Ops 3. Now back under Rise Nation, his new squad would battle OpTic Gaming for the top spot in the first half of the season, taking victory at UMG South Carolina and remaining within the top-four for the majority of the season.

Current team

Loony is now well into his second season of continuous play under the Rise Nation banner. He re-joined the organisation at the start of Black Ops 3 and has remained there since, but coming into Infinite Warfare the roster received a major overhaul.

The rest of the championship-winning Black Ops 3 roster departed, leaving Loony alone to pick up three members of the Elevate squad from that year who had hung near the top, but never quite managed to lift a trophy.

At the start of Infinite Warfare that would change almost immediately, with Rise taking the CWL Vegas Open. Unfortunately, since then the team’s fortunes have steadily declined, culminating in a failure to qualify for the CWL Global Pro League Stage One play-offs. As a result, the future of this squad is becoming increasingly uncertain, but over the past few years Loony has proven himself one of a fairly exclusive group of players capable of winning major titles.


Greatest Achievement

Loony’s crowning achievement to date was arguably his victory at the aforementioned CWL Vegas Open.

The new squad were incredibly hot in the first major event of the year powering through the tournament to the grand final, where they beat Cloud9 for a second time to take the victory.

It was in some ways also a moment of personal vindication for Loony, who in the process had taken down his former team-mates, now under Luminosity, in a head-to-head winner bracket match. Not only had he beaten his former squad, he’d proven that he could be a champion, and that he could lead a team that had never won before to their first victory.



Most comfortable with an SMG in his hands, Loony is at his most effective when he has other stars to play around. While he’s occasionally come under criticism for inconsistency in a statistical sense, when his teams are functioning properly he shouldn’t be the primary point of focus.

Instead, Loony’s impact comes two-fold – in his ability to support and facilitate his star players, and also in the occasional high-impact games in which he’s capable of taking over completely.

In this sense, Loony shouldn’t be considered a traditional “carry” player, and be expected to put up incredible numbers on a consistent basis. That’s not his job – instead, he’s the player who is going to put teams over the edge in key moments with explosive play. It’s this high-impact potential that’s helped Loony collect trophies with two entirely different squads in the past two seasons.


Public persona

Loony has long been among the more reserved players in terms of his approach to the public spotlight. Though he’s quite happy to give an interview during the course of an event, outside of competition he hasn’t thrown himself into the media aspects of being a professional player in the same way as some others have.

Being one of a relatively small group of players that have appeared in multiple grand finals over the last couple of years, Loony is naturally a well-recognized player, boasting over 100,000 followers on Twitter, but where others spend much of their time outside of competition streaming and producing other forms of content to grow their audience, Loony is content keeping away from the cameras for the most part, and then making his impact on stage.

Visit Loony's Living Esports page for a closer look into his process and what makes keeps him in the winner's circle!


Fresh from his 2017 CoD Championships win with the legendary OpTic Gaming, Ian "Crimsix" Porter invaded Scuf Gaming HQ! With his mind for tactics and tech, the Crimbot wanted a firsthand look at the patented technology that makes up each and every SCUF controller.

Scuf Gaming's affiliation with the two-time Call of Duty Champion goes back years, eventually culminating in the release of the Crimsix SCUF controller in 2016, and the limited edition Crimsix SCUF LE controller in 2017. In fact, in celebration of his arrival, Crimsix decided to offer one lucky winner the chance to take home an autographed Crimsix LE SCUF IMPACT!

This is a one of a kind opportunity, so don't miss out! This is your chance to own a limited edition tribute to one of the best pro gamers of all time!
Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming talks SCUF Infinity1 on Xbox Daily: Live @E3 w/ eSports caster 'Bravo'

daily show hero
Hand Safety, Increased Dexterity & Improved Gameplay + Don’t Forget EMR!

why paddles paddle





PRESS RELEASE: March 26, 2015 – Today SCUF releases the first of six segments on SCUFOLOGY - Why Paddles Make You A Better Gamer – showcasing how SCUF paddles provide hand safety, increased dexterity and improved gameplay + SCUF’s innovative EMR technology!

Since inventing and patenting the paddle control system over 4 years ago, Scuf Gaming has progressively innovated and redefined the way gamers use their controller in a more natural and intuitive way.  Over the past 4 years, paddle play has become the defining factor for elite gamers where over 90% of the world’s top pro gamers trust SCUF when competing in First Person Shooter games. SCUF paddles are widely recognized to improve a gamer’s performance by increasing hand use and control during gameplay. The paddles offer improved hand movement when executing more advanced moves in game by providing increased dexterity for the gamer.

Duncan Ironmonger, CEO & Co-Founder of Scuf Gaming, says, “Since inventing the Paddle Control System over 4 years ago, our vision was to have SCUF features and functions become an essential and integral part of controllers for Elite Gamers.  The 6 areas of additional functionality we have added to a normal controller have now become de-facto for Professional and Hardcore gamers.  Like golf, one size does not fit all at the top level and we have addressed this through the work we have done. We have created a new market space for Customized Hardcore Controllers and we did it all from true grass routes. We invested dozens of man-years and millions of dollars to create and educate in this space and we are delighted to be where we are today knowing so many people rely on SCUF and love what we do.”

With SCUF controllers, gamers have the option to choose either 2 or 4 paddles based on their preferred configuration. Couple this with any or all of the other 5 features and it’s easy to see why SCUF makes the best gamers even better.  By adding the EMR (Electro Magnetic Remapping) option to your SCUF, it allows the user to remap the back paddles to any face buttons of the controller. By using the SCUF EMR key (high powered magnet) you are able to activate an internal SCUF switch in the controller, which allows you to assign any face button to the paddles at the back of the controller.  This remapping functionality is an optional add on to SCUF controllers and is great for gamers who play multiple games and those who may want the back paddles to be different face buttons for different games and gameplay.

Ironmonger addresses more of the innovation and investment SCUF has made through the 28+ filed and granted patents. “A reality of innovating and creating a new market space is the need to protect your innovation and investment.  We realized very early in our cycle that we would need to protect 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. We have been granted several patents that protect these areas and have several more that we expect to be approved soon. The beautiful and unique thing about SCUF paddles is they enable elite and casual gamers with any size hand the ability to access more actions.  Through the use of the underside of the controller, gamers are able to keep their thumbs on the thumbsticks while accessing face buttons for moves like SCUF JUMP (now a famously coined gaming phrase)."


SCUF is the official controller partner for top professional gaming leagues such as MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG and has become the controller of choice for the world’s most successful professional gamers. In fact, 17 of the top teams globally (NA, EU & Australia) competing for the Call of Duty® Million Dollar Tournament in Los Angeles, Mach 27-29, are SCUF sponsored teams and users of SCUF controllers.

“With the addition of Scuf Gaming’s paddles, I’ve taken my game to a whole new level!  I trust SCUF because I’m a better gamer when I use SCUF,” says Optic Gaming’s Ian “Crimsix” Porter – 2015 North America Call of Duty® Finalist & 2014 Call of Duty® Million Dollar 1st place (previously with Team Complexity).

Scuf Gaming offers custom controllers and accessories for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. All SCUF controllers are available with paddles and many innovative features that are exclusive to Scuf Gaming. SCUF controller prices begin at $79.95 and customers may also utilize SCUF’s Send In Service to have their own controller SCUF’d up, at a starting price of $44.95. For additional information, please visit

To learn more about SCUF patented paddle technology, check out our feature page: and SCUF’s social media campaign on twitter: @ScufGaming #WHYPADDLES.

Next weeks segment we’ll talk about SCUFOLOGY – Adjustable Hair Trigger and Trigger Stop Mechanism + Trigger Extenders – Providing improved accuracy and reduced trigger latency when using the gun. To review the series launch press release please check out $1M ROAD TO CHAMPS: SCUFOLOGY SERIES ON HOW SCUF GAMING CREATED A NEW MARKET SPACE.


Scuf Gaming® provides “Tactical Gear For Elite Gamers” and is trusted by over 90% of professional gamers. Entering the market in 2010, SCUF is leading the field as a Global innovator in eSports and tactical gaming equipment and is the most widely used specialist controller in competitive gaming. The SCUF controller has features, which are covered by 7 granted patents, and another 28 pending; protecting 3 key areas of a controller; back control functions and handles, trigger control mechanisms and thumbstick control area. SCUF controllers are the official controller partner of major gaming leagues, including MLG, ESL, Gfinity, EGL and UMG. With operations and production in North America and Europe, Scuf Gaming also provides a variety of accessories and apparel specifically designed for Elite Gamers.

SCUF Vantage Custom Controller for PS4

Officially licensed controller introduces new Sax buttons, removable magnetic faceplate, audio touch bar, and removable vibration modules to offer the purest connection between player and game

Atlanta, May 22, 2018 --- Since first arriving on the scene in 2011, Scuf Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has radically changed the way controllers are used. Now pushing its vision a step further, Scuf Gaming introduces a controller meticulously designed for superior performance and comfort: the SCUF Vantage for the PlayStation®4 (PS4TM) system. This new officially licensed controller for the PS4 is built from the ground up, incorporating SCUF’s patented technologies and a number of new features that set a new standard for performance controllers.

The SCUF Vantage introduces unique features never before seen on any other controller or prior generations of SCUFs:

  • The addition of unique side-mounted right and left Sax buttons are designed to fit the natural placement of a player’s fingers and provide additional configurability.

  • A removable faceplate makes it easy to change thumbsticks and personalize the controller.

  • For advanced audio control, players can simply swipe an audio touch bar to adjust the volume while keeping their hands on the controller, tamping down cross-chatter during team play, raising the volume to get in the zone, or muting sound entirely to concentrate in high-pressure moments.

  • Players can reduce weight and lessen hand fatigue with removable vibration modules.


SCUF Vantage PS4 Controller

“Controllers are the single most important connection between an individual and the game. They should be an extension of the player to maximize their performance,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of Scuf Gaming.

The Vantage’s ergonomic shape complements a suite of configurable components, including the paddle control system, removable back paddles, a quick-access remapping switch, customizable thumbsticks, hair trigger, trigger stops and extenders, choice of D-pads, and an interchangeable magnetic faceplate. These features are modularly designed to shorten hand movements and gain a measurable performance advantage, making it easier for players to tailor the controller to their individual preferences.

Since day one, SCUF’s mission has been to redefine the category of gaming controllers by increasing hand use and improving reaction times to match the evolving complexities of games. SCUF Vantage offers that perfect experience. It’s ergonomically-designed from the ground up to let gamers unlock their true potential and become the best they can be.

“Over the last 18 months, we’ve worked tirelessly to evolve the features that have made SCUF the preferred controller of the majority of top professional gamers. With Vantage we created a controller that caters to every gamer and suits different hand sizes and gameplay styles,” continued Ironmonger. “We also wanted to address the needs of gamers with disabilities, which led to the inspiration for the configurable Sax buttons, conveniently located close to the bumpers, triggers, and face buttons.”

The SCUF Vantage for PS4 is now available for pre-order in a wired-only (USB) model for $169.95 USD, and a wireless (Bluetooth)/wired (USB) model for $199.95 USD on in the U.S. and Canada. Both models include a suite of interchangeable parts and a high-speed braided micro-USB cable for a truly tailored experience. The wireless/wired model also includes a protection and travel case for your controller.

Gregory FCA for Scuf Gaming
Matt Fleischl, 610-228-2129
[email protected]

“PlayStation” and “PS4” are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 
With amazing feats performed by teams like FAB, Epsilon, GIANTS, Millenium, Supremacy and Splyce, Insomnia 60 held up its reputation as one of the best European gaming events in the world. Only one would walk away as the winner of the CWL Birmingham event, and that honor went to Epsilon, who took a double sweep to take out some incredible competition in Splyce. Congratulations to Epsilon and everyone else who made this another white-knuckle event!

Scuf Gaming was proud to be set up at Insomnia, and even had some examples of the brand new SCUF IMPACT for guests and gaming fans to test and get a feel of. It's always a great pleasure to meet members of TeamSCUF and meet new faces in the crowd! SCUF couldn't be happier with the incredible turnout, and are looking forward to seeing everyone else at Insomnia 61 next year.

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The 2017 Hi-Rez Expo is here! This weekend, fans of the SMITE and Paladins franchises can look forward to the best of the best battling it out in heavenly battlegrounds, and Scuf Gaming is proud to be there!


The event has only just begun, but already we’re feeling the excitement as teams like Soar, Luminosity, and Allegiance begin their ascent into the highest ranks of one of the world’s most popular MOBAs. For a full look at who’s playing today, take a look at the schedule or jump right into the action on Twitch.

Coming to Atlanta for the event? Be sure to visit the Scuf Gaming booth! We’ll be there with some of our favorite controllers in stock, including our exclusive SCUF SMITE Infinity Series. Throughout the weekend, some of your favorite players will be visiting to sign posters and merch, as well, so be on the lookout! Also be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates! 

It’s going to be a good weekend in Atlanta, and we hope to see you there!

E3 2017 was full of hints about the future of gaming. TeamSCUF were glued to the screen whenever more information about Call of Duty: WWII was announced. Sony and Sledgehammer Games gave everyone a chance look at November's most anticipated shooter, and the reactions were very positive. And based on the reactions we saw on Twitter, some of the best pro gamers in the world are just as excited as the general public.

The overall theme was one of anticipation of the gameplay, the multiplayer, and of course: the "boots on the ground".

In the meantime, many pros were just plain excited:

Some players expressed their belief that next year was going to be one to remember:

While others were a little more cautious about all the excitement:

But TeamSCUF's feelings on the upcoming Call of Duty: WWII are perfectly summed up by The King himself:

What do you think about Call of Duty's upcoming release? Are you looking forward to boots on the ground, or will you miss the warm hum of your combat rig? Follow SCUF on Twitter and let us know!

Only one day down, and the action at MLG Atlanta has been nothing short of extraordinary! There have been some incredible plays and some surprising upsets, and at the end of the day, TeamSCUF is proud to count 3-0 records with OpTic Gaming, FaZe Clan, and Luminosity. If we had to choose a favorite moment of the day, it would definitely come down to the nail-biter between FaZe and Team Infused, which came down to a 3-2 win for FaZe after a 6-4 Search and Destroy!

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta

The excitement was felt just as heavily at the TeamSCUF Booth as on the virtual battlefield, with luminaries like Evil Geniuses, Luminosity, and Rise Nation coming to the signing table to autograph merch and shake hands with some of their beloved fans. Friday is over, but it's pretty clear that the entire weekend of MLG Atlanta is going to be one for the books! If you're at the tournament, be sure to visit the SCUF Booth and say hello! Otherwise, make a point to visit SCUF at Twitter and Facebook for a of behind-the-scenes look at the action!

MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta MLG Atlanta
After a weekend at MLG Atlanta, Scuf Gaming HQ was invaded by FaZe Clan, who enjoyed an afternoon of taking a personal tour of the offices with CEO Duncan Ironmonger, talking shop and testing custom controllers.

TeamSCUF was thrilled to welcome ZooMaa, Clayster, Enable, and Attach to our headquarters and show these pro players a first hand look at the handcrafted magic behind the SCUF controllers that they play and win with!

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan  FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan FaZe Clan FaZe Clan

TeamSCUF (and Facebook Live) even got to watch a professional at work when Attach hit up the testing room for some hands-on analysis with a new SCUF Infinity 4PS!

The CoD: WWII Campaign Trailer is here and it is intense.

Released today, Activision and Sledgehammer have put together some of the best-looking (and most nail-biting) moments we’ve seen in a Call of Duty game to date. And with fans clamoring for a more gritty, realistic, and boots on the ground game, it’s clear that they’re getting what they’ve been looking for.

The official Call of Duty YouTube channel introduced us to our new protagonist and single-player game experience with this:

Call of Duty®: WWII tells the story of Private Ronald “Red” Daniels, a young recruit in the U.S. First Infantry Division who experiences combat for the first time on D-Day, one of the largest amphibious assaults in history. After surviving the beaches of Normandy, Red and his squad will fight their way across Europe, engaging the enemy in iconic battle locations such as the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge, as they make their way into Germany. The journey begins on November 3.”

CoD’s single-player campaigns have always had great writing and huge, show stopping moments, but this one looks to be their best one yet.
MLG Anaheim 2016 has come and gone, and the final Championship Sunday did not disappoint! #TeamSCUF was ecstatic to be there, meeting so many fans and gaming enthusiasts there for an exciting last day of Call Of Duty.

What what a last day it was:

A blistering second round saw OpTic Gaming defeat Rise Nation 3-0, advancing to face eLevate, who took a close 3-2 victory against Infused. And while eLevate put up an admirable fight, the heavily favored OpTic came out on top with a 3-2 Championship Match win, adding another tally to an already impressive series of accolades!

#TeamSCUF had an amazing time in Anaheim this weekend, and we hope that everyone else did too, whether you were there or watching from home. Congratulations to OpTic and every one of the amazing teams we got to see compete! Be sure to follow us @ScufGaming on Twitter for details on future events that we'll be attending this year!

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