
The Loadout - Miami Heretics' José "ReeaL" Fernández

One of the newcomers to the Miami Heretics roster, José "ReeaL" Fernández helped carry the team to a Champs 2024 qualification.

Originally starting this season on the Carolina Royal Ravens, ReeaL was one of the top incoming rookies, and a strong contender for Rookie of the Year. Outside of the game, however, ReeaL's season was off to a rocky start.

Due to visa issues, ReeaL had to play all his matches from Spain, and was hindered by both lag and the inability to travel to majors. Eventually, he was dropped from the Ravens, but found his home with the Miami Heretics.

After sorting out his visa issues, ReeaL came back with a vengeance. Now considered the best player on the Miami Heretics, ReeaL uses his fast paced playstyle in the SMG role to regularly drop high kill games against even the best teams in the CDL.

ReeaL plays on a SCUF Reflex and says the digital trap triggers give the controller a unique feel that helps him stay at the top of his game.

“My controller go-to is the PS5 Miami Heretics controller from SCUF Gaming. What makes this controller unique is the paddles in the back and the digital clicks that they have on the triggers. They are very durable."

Read the full video transcript

I'm José Manuel, and I go by ReeaL. R-E-E-A-L.

I feel it's like a roller coaster because at the beginning of the season I was in Carolina. Some things happen, and I couldn't stay on the team. When I got dropped from Ravens, that was my lowest point. Now I'm in Miami Heretics, and I feel like everything is going perfectly fine.

It's way easier for me to communicate in Spanish because it's my first language. I'm originally from Spain. Everything is more natural and easily for everyone.

I'm with Vikul, Lucky and MettalZ. MettalZ is the funniest guy on the team. Lucky is the serious one. And Vikul is the guy that don't care about anything.

My controller go-to is the PS5 Miami Heretics controller from SCUF Gaming. What makes this controller unique is the paddles in the back and the digital clicks that they have on the triggers. They are very durable.

The controller setup I use for Call of Duty is Tactical Flip. I slide with the right stick, jump with the left stick, and melee with the right paddle.

The strongest part of my game I will say is my gunning. I think it's one of the most important things in a player. If you have that gun and you are smart enough to make it work, you can be the best.

I think my weakest part is like whenever I start bad, it's so hard for me to keep up with my teammates.

"We were talking about playing our game like ourselves, but I feel like we didn't start playing like that until the third map, and it cost us like the series."

I think like I'm the most vocal on the team. When everything is getting wrong, one of us usually screams like everyone to shut up and regain and start thinking with our brains.

The only way that I can quiet my mind is only like when I'm in game, not just like focus on the game. I just don't think about anything else. The moment I take off my headset, I start thinking like on the next match straight away because I'm so excited that I cannot wait to keep playing.

"Let's go, kids! Everything for Heretics! Let's go, Heretics!"

Esports has given me my dream job and money for being able to take care of my family.

Well, I want to say thank you for supporting me to my grandma, to my mom, to Danny, Sara and Paula, for helping and supporting me in my career playing Call of Duty. I just want to say thank you.