2K’s and Visual Concept’s NBA 2K20 released on September 6th, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia, and mobile. Refining their well known realistic basketball simulation with modes like open-world neighborhood, myCareer, WNBA, and freeplay.
2K’s and Visual Concept’s NBA 2K20 released on September 6th, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia, and mobile. Refining their well known realistic basketball simulation with modes like open-world neighborhood, myCareer, WNBA, and freeplay.Dominate on the court with SCUF using these controller and gameplay settings.
Dominate on the court with SCUF using these controller and gameplay settings.How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUF
How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFHow To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFHow To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFEveryone plays differently; whether you have a thumbstick preference or just want to improve your movement and precision, SCUF Thumbsticks are interchangeable to suit your particular playstyle.
Everyone plays differently; whether you have a thumbstick preference or just want to improve your movement and precision, SCUF Thumbsticks are interchangeable to suit your particular playstyle.Thumbsticks
ThumbsticksThumbsticksConcave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.
Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.
Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.
Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.
Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.
Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.
Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.
Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.
Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.
Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.
Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.
Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.
Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming.For NBA 2K20, be able to quickly run and switch up directions while defending and hit the green on the Shot Meter. We recommend playing with a Short Concave Thumbstick on the left for quick controlled movement, and a Tall Domed Thumbstick on the right for precision when shooting with the stick.
For NBA 2K20, be able to quickly run and switch up directions while defending and hit the green on the Shot Meter. We recommend playing with a Short Concave Thumbstick on the left for quick controlled movement, and a Tall Domed Thumbstick on the right for precision when shooting with the stick. be able to quickly run and switch up directions while defending and hit the green on the Shot Meter.For players with larger hand sizes, try out the Tall Thumbsticks for improved comfort while playing.
For players with larger hand sizes, try out the Tall Thumbsticks for improved comfort while playing.Paddles
PaddlesPaddlesPaddles located on the back of every SCUF controller improve your comfort by allowing you to perform harder to access functions like the Play Calling Menu and Team Strategies while keeping your thumbs on the thumbsticks to stay on top of your movement and shots.
Paddles located on the back of every SCUF controller improve your comfort by allowing you to perform harder to access functions like the Play Calling Menu and Team Strategies while keeping your thumbs on the thumbsticks to stay on top of your movement and shots.Learn More About SCUF INFINITY4PS PRO
Learn More About SCUF PRESTIGE
Learn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2
For SCUF Vantage players, placing Team Strategies (D-Pad Left) on S1 and Play Calling Menu (D-Pad Right) on S2 frees up the paddles to use more of your hand for the essentials like passing and shooting.
For SCUF Vantage players, placing Team Strategies (D-Pad Left) on S1 and Play Calling Menu (D-Pad Right) on S2 frees up the paddles to use more of your hand for the essentials like passing and shooting.Grip
GripGripUp until 1 AM practicing to reach the top of the League? Each SCUF controller has the option for high performance grip: a textured non-slip surface. This is perfect for long gaming sessions to improve comfort and performance.
Up until 1 AM practicing to reach the top of the League? Each SCUF controller has the option for high performance grip: a textured non-slip surface. This is perfect for long gaming sessions to improve comfort and performance.Vibration
VibrationVibrationVibrationPlay like the pros and improve your shots and increase your comfort by ordering your SCUF without vibration modules / rumbles (or taking them out if you’re using a SCUF Vantage). Vibration can cause fatigue overtime from the added weight in your controller, and can interfere with your shots while playing.
Play like the pros and improve your shots and increase your comfort by ordering your SCUF without vibration modules / rumbles (or taking them out if you’re using a SCUF Vantage). Vibration can cause fatigue overtime from the added weight in your controller, and can interfere with your shots while playing.NBA 2K20 Gameplay Settings
NBA 2K20 Gameplay SettingsNBA 2K20 Gameplay SettingsHere are a couple settings to help improve gameplay:
Here are a couple settings to help improve gameplay:Change the camera angle to 2K Camera, so you can have a better view of the court and your players.
Go into Settings > Camera > 2K Camera.
The Shot Meter is now customizable with new designs to select from. The options for the foot meter are easier to see due to the larger size, and a bit more accurate.
Go into Controller Settings > Shot Meter > By Feet With Splash
Change the camera angle to 2K Camera, so you can have a better view of the court and your players.
Change the camera angle to 2K Camera, so you can have a better view of the court and your players.
Change the camera angle to 2K Camera, so you can have a better view of the court and your players.Go into Settings > Camera > 2K Camera.
Go into Settings > Camera > 2K Camera.
Go into Settings > Camera > 2K Camera.
Go into Settings > Camera > 2K Camera.The Shot Meter is now customizable with new designs to select from. The options for the foot meter are easier to see due to the larger size, and a bit more accurate.
The Shot Meter is now customizable with new designs to select from. The options for the foot meter are easier to see due to the larger size, and a bit more accurate.
The Shot Meter is now customizable with new designs to select from. The options for the foot meter are easier to see due to the larger size, and a bit more accurate.Go into Controller Settings > Shot Meter > By Feet With Splash
Go into Controller Settings > Shot Meter > By Feet With Splash
Go into Controller Settings > Shot Meter > By Feet With Splash
Go into Controller Settings > Shot Meter > By Feet With SplashFollow SCUF on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook and let us know how you like to use your paddles.
Follow SCUF on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook and let us know how you like to use your paddles. Follow SCUF onTwitterTwitterTwitter,InstagramInstagramInstagram,YoutubeYoutubeYoutube, and FacebookFacebookFacebookand let us know how you like to use your paddles.