SCUF gaming article

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Game Guide

Capcom’s best-selling action RPG to date, Monster Hunter World, just released the Iceborne expansion on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Capcom’s best-selling action RPG to date, Monster Hunter World, just released the Iceborne expansion on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

It’s a stunning new snowy world featuring new powerful monsters, classic complex combat, whole new ecosystems, and more armor and weapon customizations for you and your Palico. 

It’s a stunning new snowy world featuring new powerful monsters, classic complex combat, whole new ecosystems, and more armor and weapon customizations for you and your Palico. 

How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUF

How To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUFHow To Improve Your Gameplay Using a SCUF



Everyone has different hand sizes, thumb lengths, and preferences. That’s why SCUF thumbsticks are interchangeable: whether you prefer dual blades or a bow, switch out your thumbsticks to best match your playstyle.

Everyone has different hand sizes, thumb lengths, and preferences. That’s why SCUF thumbsticks are interchangeable: whether you prefer dual blades or a bow, switch out your thumbsticks to best match your playstyle.

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming. 

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

  • Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.

    Concave Thumbsticks are designed for more control over movement.Concave Thumbsticks
  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

  • Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.

    Domed Thumbsticks are designed for more accuracy.Domed Thumbsticks
  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

  • Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.

    Short Thumbsticks are designed for quicker movement speed.Short Thumbsticks 
  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming. 

  • Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming. 

    Tall Thumbsticks are designed to have more angle to play with and more precise aiming. Tall Thumbsticks

    We recommend using a short concave thumbstick on the left for quick controlled movement and a domed tall thumbstick on the right for precise accuracy when fighting against ferocious monsters.

    We recommend using a short concave thumbstick on the left for quick controlled movement and a domed tall thumbstick on the right for precise accuracy when fighting against ferocious monsters.

    Paddles + SAX

    Paddles + SAXPaddles + SAX

    Paddles located on the back of every SCUF controller will help improve timing of attack combos and evade incoming attacks while keeping your thumbs on the thumbsticks for quick movement control and precise tracking.

    Paddles located on the back of every SCUF controller will help improve timing of attack combos and evade incoming attacks while keeping your thumbs on the thumbsticks for quick movement control and precise tracking.

    Use the SAX buttons handily at your side to quickly navigate your inventory without distraction in the middle of intense fights; quickly activating items like traps, healing potions, and Nulberries are critical to defeating monsters.

    Use the SAX buttons handily at your side to quickly navigate your inventory without distraction in the middle of intense fights; quickly activating items like traps, healing potions, and Nulberries are critical to defeating monsters.Use the SAX buttons handily at your side to quickly navigate your inventory without distraction in the middle of intense fights; quickly activating items like traps, healing potions, and Nulberries are critical to defeating monsters.


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    SCUF IMPACT Monster Hunter World iceborne configuration
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    SCUF Prestige Monster Hunter World Configuration
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    SCUF Vantage 2 MHW Iceborne ConfigurationLearn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2

    SCUF Vantage 2 MHW Iceborne Configuration
    Learn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2Learn More About SCUF VANTAGE 2



    Vibration can cause fatigue overtime from the added weight in your controller. We recommend ordering your SCUF without vibration modules / rumbles

    Vibration can cause fatigue overtime from the added weight in your controller. We recommend ordering your SCUF without vibration modules / rumbles

    For SCUF Vantage 2 players, reduce hand fatigue from long hunting sessions by removing the vibration modules; this will decrease the overall weight of the controller to help keep you adventuring.  

    For SCUF Vantage 2 players, reduce hand fatigue from long hunting sessions by removing the vibration modules; this will decrease the overall weight of the controller to help keep you adventuring. For SCUF Vantage 2 players, reduce hand fatigue from long hunting sessions by removing the vibration modules; this will decrease the overall weight of the controller to help keep you adventuring. For SCUF Vantage 2 players, reduce hand fatigue from long hunting sessions by removing the vibration modules; this will decrease the overall weight of the controller to help keep you adventuring. 



    From fighting a Fulgur Anjanath to a Velkhana, be ready for anything heading your way with SCUF.

    From fighting a Fulgur Anjanath to a Velkhana, be ready for anything heading your way with SCUF. From fighting a Fulgur Anjanath to a Velkhana, be ready for anything heading your way with SCUF.

    Let us know which controller layouts have worked best for you! Follow SCUF on TwitterInstagramYoutubeand Facebook.

    Let us know which controller layouts have worked best for you! Follow SCUF on TwitterInstagramYoutubeand Facebook.Let us know which controller layouts have worked best for you! Follow SCUF on TwitterTwitterTwitterInstagramInstagramInstagramYoutubeYoutubeYoutubeandFacebookFacebookFacebook..