
Best Perk Loadouts in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 introduces Treyarch's innovative omnidirectional movement system, and features 33 weapons to level up and unlock, along with 16 brand-new multiplayer maps. This year's movement is fast-paced and dynamic, requiring players to carefully select perks that align with their playstyle. Mastering the best Black Ops 6 perks is essential for optimizing your performance, whether you're focusing on perks for Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies or utilizing the new Scavenger perk in Black Ops 6.

The perk system in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 plays a crucial role in shaping your gameplay, whether you prefer an aggressive rushing approach or a more strategic flanking style. By refining your skills and understanding the full range of perks—both existing and new—you can stay ahead of the competition. Here are some recommendations to enhance your next multiplayer experience.

Black Ops 6 Best Perk Loadouts Thumbnail

Best Perks for Multiplayer

Perk 1 Slot


Dexterity decreases the weapon's movement during diving, sliding, and jumping. It also reduces fall damage. If you intend to take advantage of the game’s omnimovement, this perk is ideal for you. When you are sliding, diving, and bouncing around during a gunfight, the benefits offered by Dexterity can help you to maintain greater control.


Become. undetectable to hostile UAVs and Scout Pulses, whether moving, planting, controlling, or defusing. If you prefer to make sneaky plays, this is a terrific benefit for keeping under the radar. It is also a fantastic option for laying low with a sniper class.


Ninja reduces the noise of your footsteps and overall movement, making it perfect for sneaky plays and covert operations. Similar to Ghost, it is particularly useful in non-respawn modes like Search and Destroy, where remaining undetected can be crucial to your success.

Flak Jacket

Flak Jacket is a valuable perk for players who want to reduce the impact of explosive damage, including grenades, rockets, and other explosive attacks. It is essential for defensive players or those who frequently find themselves in areas with heavy explosive activity, providing increased survivability in high-risk situations.

Perk 2 Slot

Fast Hands

Fast Hands enhances your ability to throw back grenades by extending fuse times and enables quicker weapon swaps. In the fast-paced environment of Black Ops 6, speed and mobility are crucial. This perk is particularly valuable when your primary weapon runs out of ammunition, allowing for a faster transition to your secondary weapon and maintaining offensive momentum.


Assassin rewards you for eliminating enemies on killstreaks by causing them to drop bounty packs, which are marked on the minimap. Collecting these packs contributes directly to your score, making this perk an effective tool for boosting your points in high-kill lobbies.


Dispatcher reduces the score cost of nonlethal streaks and stacks with Bankroll, making it an ideal choice for players who prefer a support role. While aggressive players may prioritize perks like Fast Hands and Assassin, Dispatcher is particularly beneficial for those looking to enhance their support abilities and contribute to team strategy.

Tactical Mask

Tactical Mask reduces the effects of stuns, flashbangs, and other tactical grenades. This perk is perfect for players who wish to maintain focus and continue fighting through attempts by enemies to disorient or disable them, ensuring consistent performance in chaotic combat situations.

Perk 3 Slot

Double Time

Double Time is an excellent choice for aggressive playstyles, as it significantly extends the duration of Tactical Sprint. This perk is particularly useful for players who favor a run-and-gun approach or need to rush to secure objectives, such as capturing hardpoints. It enhances mobility, allowing for faster and more fluid movement across the battlefield.


Bankroll grants +150 score toward scorestreaks at the start of each life. This perk is especially powerful when combined with Dispatcher, as the two stack to increase your chances of accumulating experience points and leveling up quickly. It is an excellent option for players focused on accelerating their scorestreaks.


Equipping at least one loadout with the Cold-Blooded perk can be highly beneficial, particularly in matches dominated by powerful enemy streaks. Cold-Blooded helps you remain undetected by enemy targeting systems, giving you an option to switch loadouts and survive in high-pressure situations.


Gung-Ho allows you to shoot while sliding, diving, or running, providing a distinct advantage in fast-paced combat scenarios. This perk is ideal for aggressive players who prefer to stay mobile while attacking enemies, as it allows for seamless movement and offensive action in dynamic firefights.

Add a SCUF to Your Loadout

Looking to elevate your Black Ops 6 experience? SCUF, an official partner of the Call of Duty franchise, is the ideal choice to optimize your gameplay. SCUF controllers allow you to reassign key actions — such as reload, slide, or jump — from traditional face buttons to paddles on the back of the controller. Whether you're using the SCUF Reflex for PS5, the SCUF Instinct for Xbox Series X/S, or the SCUF Envision for PC, these controllers provide a distinct advantage by enabling precise control over your aim and movement, including the new omnimovement system.

SCUF paddles minimize thumb movement, enhancing accuracy by mapping essential functions directly to the controller. For players using snipers or semi-automatic weapons, adjustable trigger stops reduce the shooting distance for faster responses. Additionally, customizable thumbsticks improve precision, allowing you to adjust the stick shape and height to suit your preferences. SCUF controllers also prioritize comfort, reducing hand strain during extended gaming sessions and providing better grip for sustained play. Here is our recommended setup for using a SCUF with Black Ops 6:

  • Inner Right Paddle: Jump
  • Outer Right Paddle: Crouch/Slide/Prone
  • Inner Left Paddle: Melee
  • Outer Left Paddle: Reload

These controllers are perfect for mastering advanced movement techniques in Call of Duty multiplayer, offering you a competitive edge in every match.

In conclusion, whether you're aiming for offensive strength, stealth, or enhanced survivability, understanding the full spectrum of perks in Black Ops 6 enables you to craft the perfect loadout. While it's important to remain mindful of potential issues, such as the Black Ops 6 perk glitch, it’s crucial not to let these distractions deter you from exploring the comprehensive array of perks available. With the right combination of perks, you can dominate the battlefield, elevating your performance in both Black Ops Zombies and Black Ops 6 multiplayer modes.

By experimenting with various perk combinations and tailoring them to match your preferred playstyle, you can ensure you're fully prepared for any challenge Black Ops 6 has to offer.