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ATLANTA, GA, October 12th, 2023 – SCUF Gaming, creator of the high-performance gaming controller category (NASDAQ:CRSR), today announced the launch of its groundbreaking new line of PC controllers, SCUF Envision. Designed specifically for PC gamers, SCUF Envision redefines the PC gaming experience with its unprecedented customization and cutting-edge technology.

Offering an unparalleled level of control, SCUF Envision grants PC gamers a decisive competitive advantage, with the additional control options that have made SCUF controller synonymous with competitive gaming. Within a familiar shape, 11 additional remappable inputs compared to standard controllers, empower gamers to create a controller layout that suits their unique playstyle and puts every control within easy reach, for when it matters most.

“Our vision is to provide PC gamers who choose to play with a controller the best possible experience in their favorite games,” said Bertrand Chevalier, GM of SCUF Gaming. “Before Envision, players settled for performance on controllers that weren’t optimized for PC gaming. Now, with Envision, they have more control, and faster responses, all on a platform tailor-made for PC.”

Showcasing its versatility, SCUF Envision boasts five fully programmable G-Keys for convenient access to any PC shortcut. Additionally, the controller features two Side Action (SAX) buttons that unlock new possibilities in game configurations, along with four integrated back paddles for faster reactions and more control in your favorite games. Switch weapons, jump, or slide, all without taking your thumbs off the thumbsticks. Launch an app, mute your microphone, or even launch your stream without your hands leaving the controller.

SCUF Envision innovates further with mechanical ABXY and D-Pad buttons, which offer crisp and responsive inputs. With SCUF Envision Pro, gamers can also take advantage of Adjustable Instant Triggers, allowing them to switch between mouse-like clicks for quick FPS shots and the full trigger range for RPG and racing-style games. The controller's hyper-fast connectivity ensures seamless and lag-free inputs, with Envision Pro unleashing ultra-low-latency CORSAIR SLIPSTREAM Wireless Technology for advanced PC gaming completely free from wires.

“SCUF has always been at the forefront of performance controllers. We introduced back-control functions back in 2011 and have continued to bring innovation to the category. Being part of the Corsair family provided the perfect opportunity to bring the best of both brands together to create the ultimate controller experience for PC gamers,” said Chevalier. “SCUF Envision represents the next evolution of gaming controllers, providing greater precision, and performance than ever.”

SCUF Envision also integrates seamlessly with the power of Corsair iCUE software, enabling gamers to customize thumbstick and trigger response curves from the same interface they use for their entire PC setup. Players can also synchronize the controller’s RGB light strip with the rest of their battlestation, elevating their gaming atmosphere to dazzling new highs.

Putting extraordinary versatility and personalization in your grasp, SCUF Envision delivers more control, more finesse, and more performance to change your game once again.

Pricing and Availability

Compatible with Windows 10 PCs, SCUF Envision starts at $129.99 and Envision Pro starts at $179.99. Both will be available from October 12th at select retailers, and from SCUF Gaming’s website:

Color and design customizable variants of SCUF ENVISION will be coming soon.

Web Pages

To learn more about SCUF Envision, please visit:

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 134 granted patents and designs, and another 34 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitch.




Contact Information

Snr. Director - Corporate Comms

Harry Butler

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Isaac Hamilton, auch bekannt als IceManIsaac, arbeitet gut überlegt. Alles, was er tut, hat einen Sinn. Als er sich entschlossen hatte, es mit Content Creation und Streaming zu versuchen, war ihm klar, dass er eine authentische Content-Strategie braucht. Sein Plan zahlt sich bis heute aus: Es geht nicht um ihn. 


Anstatt Gameplay von sich selbst zu veröffentlichen, hat er Guides produziert, die anderen Spielern helfen, besser zu werden. Und das hat funktioniert. Seine Hingabe zu seiner Community war die Geburtsstunde der Warzone Academy, die seinem YouTube Kanal den Durchbruch gebracht und seinem Namen Bekanntheit verliehen hat. Das ist aber nur der Anfang. 


Wir haben uns mit IceManIsaac hingesetzt und über seine Anfänge, den Start seines ersten SCUF Controller Designs und dessen Inspiration sowie seine Zukunftspläne gesprochen. 


Was war deine erste Gamingerfahrung? Welches Spiel hat dich in den Bann gezogen? 

Ich zocke schon solange ich denken kann. Seit meiner Kindheit, ich erinnere mich gar nicht an eine Zeit davor. Ich bin 1993 geboren und Pokémon Rot kam 1996 für den Game Boy raus, das war eins meiner ersten Videospiele, mit denen ich aufgewachsen bin. 

Ich habe auch viel auf dem Nintendo 64 gespielt. Diddy Kong Racing habe ich geliebt. Ich weiß noch genau, wie mir mein Cousin den Arsch versohlt hat, als ich gerade mal 4 oder 5 Jahre alt war und ich tierisch rumgetobt habe. Dann habe ich angefangen, das Spiel zu grinden und zu grinden, bis ich ihn irgendwann endlich besiegt habe. 

Ich bin Spielen wie Super Smash Bros 64 regelrecht verfallen und habe die Story in Spielen wie Super Mario 64 genossen. Das hat mich mein Leben lang begleitet – Ich hab eigentlich alles gezockt, von N64 über GameCube bis zur PS3 und PS4. Selbst auf der originalen Xbox habe ich gezockt. 


Was hat dich dazu inspiriert, das Streamen zu beginnen? 

Im Herbst 2016 habe ich mich in Overwatch verliebt und bin dann während meiner Pausen beim Air Force Training in der competitive Ladder immer weiter gestiegen. Irgendwann meinte jemand zu mir, ich sei Nummer 3 weltweit für Hanzo. Das hat mich angespornt, weiter zu grinden und als ich dann die Nummer 1 geworden bin, habe ich ein Video über meinen Weg von Gold zu Grandmaster gemacht und das auf YouTube hochgeladen. Dieses Video ist durch die Decke gegangen und hat mir gezeigt, was Content Creation für eine Macht hat. 

Als dann Leute in meinen YouTube Kommentaren meinten, ich solle mit dem Streaming anfangen, hatte ich keine Ahnung, wovon die da sprachen. Ich habe mich dann über Twitch informiert und Leute wie summit1g und DrDisrespect entdeckt, die waren es, die mich dazu inspiriert haben. 


Wie schaffst du es, in der Air Force zu sein und gleichzeitig Vollzeit zu streamen? 

Ich muss 80 bis 100 Stunden Arbeit pro Woche balancieren. Manchmal stehe ich schon um 3 Uhr früh auf, um zur Arbeit zu gehen, zu fliegen oder eine 8 Stunden Schicht lang zu unterrichten. Dann komme ich nach Hause, esse zu Abend mit meiner Frau, trinke einen Kaffee und setze mich direkt an die Aufnahme von YouTube Videos und Streaming. Ich habe nicht wirklich Freizeit während der Woche. 

Ich bin aber ein Glückspilz. Meine Frau ist einfach der beste Teammate. Sie ist die unerwähnte Heldin im Hintergrund dieser ganzen Operation. Sie ist meine Managerin – hilft mit Verträgen, Verpflichtungen und stellt sicher, dass alles im Lot ist. Ohne sie passiert gar nichts. 

Es braucht eine Menge Hingabe und Disziplin damit das alles funktioniert, aber ich weiß, dass wenn ich es richtig anstelle und irgendwann die Air Force verlasse, meiner Frau und unserer zukünftigen Familie das Leben bieten kann, das sie verdienen. Ich liebe die Air Force und ich wollte meinem Land dienen und ich glaube, dass ich das getan habe. Es ist mein Traum, also werde ich ihn mit allem, was ich habe, verfolgen. 


Erst kürzlich hast du geteilt, dass du dein „Traum-Content/Gaming Studio“ fertig eingerichtet hast. Welche Dinge brauchtest du dafür unbedingt? Hast du noch Pläne, mehr hinzuzufügen? 

Für mich war der Studiobau hauptsächlich für den ersten Eindruck. Da draußen gibt es tausende Leute, die das gleiche Spiel streamen. Wenn also Zuschauer in meinen Stream kommen, will ich dass sie sehen, wieviel Mühe ich mir mit dem Content gebe und wie wichtig mir die Community und mein Handwerk sind. 

Also wollte ich die Beleuchtung perfekt machen. Die Ästhetik sollte auch perfekt sein. Ich wollte etwas machen, das vorher noch niemand sonst gemacht hat. Jetzt kopieren viele Leute das und das stört mich überhaupt nicht. Ich bin aber auch ein riesiger Tech-Nerd. 

Ich habe mein Studio mit zwei 4K ASUS Monitoren ausgerüstet, einem 1440p 240 Hz Monitor, auf dem ich spiele und mein Setup besteht aus 2 PCs. Bei mir liegen auch SCUF Controller überall herum, ein paar richtig gute Kameras und ein Schreibtisch, der stabil wie ein Panzer ist. In Sachen Performance und Ästhetik komme ich mit diesem Setup auf jeden Fall für eine ganze Zeit lang klar. 


Was denkst du über Warzone 2? 

Ich freue mich schon mega darauf. Auf dem Call of Duty: Next Event konnte ich es bereits antesten und sie wollen noch jede Menge radikal anpassen, damit es zu einem wahrhaftigen Warzone 2.0 wird und nicht nur einer neuen Map. 


Einiges im Spiel fühlt sich noch etwas klobig an, mit den neuen Movement- oder Looting-Mechaniken. Zum Glück habe ich dafür einen SCUF in der Hand, der mir sehr hilft. Ich muss mir keine Sorgen machen, Double Claw zu spielen oder das D-Pad zu erreichen. Ein paar dieser Buttons lege ich einfach auf die Paddles und mache es mir so leichter. 


Das absolut Beste an Warzone 2 ist für mich aber die neue Map, die ist unglaublich. Sie ist super optimiert. Die Sichtbarkeit ist super und sie sieht wunderschön aus. Sie spielt sich auch sehr gut. 


Wie bist du mit SCUF in Verbindung gekommen? 

Auf der TwitchCon hab ich mit ihnen darüber gesprochen, wie gut mir ihre Produkte gefallen und dann hat SCUF mir einen Controller zum Testen geschickt. Dann hab ich angefangen, SCUFs zu reviewen – Ich dachte, ich werde ein Tech Review YouTuber. Dann kam Warzone raus und ich hab die Warzone Academy vorangetrieben, der Rest ist sozusagen Geschichte. 


Erzähl uns mehr über dein exklusives SCUF-Design! 

Ganz im Gegensatz zu meinem Namen hasse ich die Kälte. Es gibt für mich wirklich nichts Schlimmeres als Kälte. Die Ästhetik von Blau mochte ich aber schon immer – Eisblau oder elektrisches Blau – Verdammt, diese Farbe sticht raus. Ich wollte, dass der Controller auf meiner Hand-Cam richtig zur Geltung kommt und diese Farben sehen einfach genial aus. Außerdem passt es definitiv zu den Vibes, die ich mit dem elektrischen Blau und dem Retro-Wellen-Design aufgebaut habe. 


Aber: Über allem anderen wollte ich, dass der Controller möglichst minimalistisch wird. Der Controller sollte für die Person designt werden, die ihn benutzt; es sollte sich nach ihrem SCUF anfühlen. Deshalb haben wir das Adlerauge als Logo nur ganz klein an die linke untere Ecke gesetzt und das „A“ der Academy unten rechts. 


All der Content auf meinem Kanal dreht sich darum, den Leuten dabei zu helfen, besser zu werden. SCUF ist eins der Werkzeuge, die ich den Leuten empfehle, um ihr Handwerk zu verbessern. Das ist es, was dieses Controller-Design ausmacht. Es geht um den Spieler, auf seiner Reise besser zu werden, nicht um mich. Die Community, die ich mir aufgebaut habe, ist mir sehr wichtig – dieser Controller ist für sie. 

Kris Lamberson, bei seinen über 600.000 Instagram Followern besser bekannt als “FaZe Swagg”, hat 2,1 Millionen Follower auf Twitch und 2,54 Millionen YouTube Abonnenten die seine Streams regelmäßig besuchen. 

Er trat FaZe im Jahr 2020 als erstes schwarzes Mitglied des FaZe-Clans bei und ist einer der bekanntesten Content Creator der Welt. Aber das wusstest du wahrscheinlich schon.

Wusstest du, dass Popcorn sein Lieblingssnack beim Streamen ist? Oder dass er ein kleines Ritual hat, dass er vor jedem Turnier-Match durchzieht? Oder dass sein längster Stream satte 17 Stunden lief?  

DAS sind einige der Dinge, die wir über Swagg wissen wollten. Passen zum Start seines eigenen SCUF Controllers haben wir genau diese Möglichkeit bekommen.  

Viel Spaß mit diesem exklusiven Interview, in dem ihr mehr über Swaggs erste Gaming Erfahrungen, die Inspiration hinter seinem Controller Design und mehr erfahren werdet.  

Was war das allererste Spiel, dass du gespielt hast?

NBA Live 2003 auf der PS2, damit hat alles angefangen. Ich hab das andauernd mit meinem Vater gespielt.  

Was war die erste Konsole, auf der du gespielt hast?

Die PS2. Meine Mutter hat uns eine zu Weihnachten geschenkt, gleich mit ein paar Spielen. Mein Bruder und ich sind von da an immer mit ihr zu Blockbuster gegangen und haben neue Spiele ausgeliehen.  

Wie bist du so richtig ins Gaming gekommen?  

Mein Kumpel Kaleb hat mir während der High School Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 gezeigt und es hat mich sofort in den Bann gezogen. Danach hab ich mir das Spiel von Jsmooth ausgeliehen und jeden Tag MW3 gezockt. 

Was war das schwerste Spiel, dass du je gespielt hast?

Bauen in Fortnite auf PlayStation. Mit einem Controller ist das viel viel schwerer als mit Tastatur und Maus.  

Welcher COD Teil ist dein absoluter Favorit?  

MW3, kein Zweifel. Es war das erste COD, was ich je gespielt habe und womit einfach alles für mich angefangen hat.  

Mit wem spielst du am allerliebsten und wieso?  

Jsmooth, ganz klar. Er ist albern und mit ihm wird es einfach nie langweilig.  

Was war dein längster Stream bisher?  

17 Stunden – als Caldera rauskam. Der Hype, weil eine neue Map kommt und sie am ersten Tag gleich zu spielen hat mich einfach den ganzen Tag motiviert.  

Hast du einen Lieblingssnack zum Zocken?  

Popcorn. Das lässt sich leicht zwischen Games essen und es schmeckt einfach soo gut. Auch beim Filmabend oder im Kino wirst du mich immer mit Popcorn sehen.  

Hast du irgendwelche Rituale vor wichtigen Spielen?  

An Turnier-Tagen ziehe ich mir immer mein FaZe Trikot an und hype mich zusammen mit dem Chat, bevor das Turnier losgeht.  

In Bezug auf deine Zeit als Basketballspieler, die beiden Sportarten benötigen ganz klar unterschiedliche Fitnesslevel und mentale Ausdauer, aber hast du für dich einen Zusammenhang zwischen beiden gefunden?  

Die richtige Balance zu finden und sich nicht selbst zu überanstrengen und immer auf das innere Wohlbefinden zu achten. Das Fitnessstudio hilft dabei enorm - insbesondere weil Basketball logischerweise körperlich viel anstrengender ist, als Videospiele zu spielen. Für mich ist es jetzt einfach wichtig, Sport zu treiben und meinen Kopf so frei zu bekommen.   

Was war die Inspiration hinter deinem eigenen SCUF Controller Design?  

Mein Mercedes-Benz AMG GT Brabus. Er ist Miami-Blau und ich liebe diese Farbe. Also dachte ich mir: Warum nicht auf einen Controller packen?

Was bedeutet es dir, inzwischen schon 5 Jahre mit SCUF zusammenzuarbeiten?  

Es ist großartig. Ich benutze SCUF Controller seit ich mit COD angefangen habe. Mit SCUF verpartnert zu sein und das seit inzwischen 5 Jahren ist einfach surreal. Bester Controller im Geschäft!  

SCUF Gaming Launches New Customizable Features for SCUF Reflex

Make the high-performance PS5 controller your own with complete customizability and 32 new designs for maximum personalization

ATLANTA, GA, May 10th, 2022 – SCUF Gaming, creator of the high-performance gaming controller category (NASDAQ:CRSR), today launched the customizable SCUF Reflex, its most technologically advanced controller designed specifically for PlayStation 5 (PS5), available in three models: Reflex, Reflex Pro, and Reflex FPS. All Reflex controllers come equipped with the game-changing features that competitive players expect from SCUF – such as the patented paddle control system with four removable back paddles programmable at the press of a button – now with a bevy of customization options so that you can create a personalized Reflex controller that is uniquely yours.

“Controllers are an extension of the player to maximize their performance and personality. These new SCUF Reflex options let you create and design a Reflex controller that fits your unique style, with a wide range of faceplates, thumbstick variations, trim colors, and more.” said Diego Nunez, Vice President of Gaming Marketing at CORSAIR. “The PS5 community deserves a controller that meets their gaming needs and lives up to the standards they’ve come to expect from SCUF products. The Reflex was created to be just that. Now all that’s left to do is make it your own.”

The Reflex will offer several customizable components in the builder, including the faceplate, touchpad, button kit, and triggers. A complete list of customizable features includes:

  • 32 faceplate colors

  • 9 touchpad colors

  • 9 faceplate trim colors

  • 6 button kit colors

  • 4 thumbstick colors

  • 2 thumbstick shapes

  • 2 thumbstick heights

  • 2 trigger styles

  • 7 trigger and bumper colors

  • 7 D-pad colors

  • 5 Create/Options colors

  • 2 Home colors

Pricing and Availability

Compatible with PS5 and Windows 7+, SCUF Reflex starts at $199.99 and is available exclusively at:

SCUF is not affiliated, associated, or in any way officially connected with any Sony company. All non-SCUF product names are trademarks of their respective holders.

Product Images

High-resolution images of the SCUF Reflex controller can be found at the link below:

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 180 granted patents and designs, and another 38 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.




Contact Information 

Worldwide PR Director 

Harry Butler 

[email protected]

PR – USA and Canada 

Gregory FCA for

SCUF Gaming -

Mike Lizun

[email protected]


Pascal Bregeon 

Zak Storey

[email protected]

[email protected]

PR – Scandinavia

Gabriel Begorgis

[email protected]

PR – Benelux

Ralf van Velthoven

[email protected]


Yannick Friedsam  

Stefan Quiring

[email protected]

[email protected]

PR – Italy 

Davide Salvioni  

[email protected]

PR – Spain and Portugal 

Noelia Colino 

[email protected]

PR – France

Clemence Garcia

[email protected]

PR – Central Eastern Europe 

Michal Rozpendowski

[email protected]


Faster performance, and more customization, for all Xbox gamers

ATLANTA, GA, August 17th, 2021 – SCUF Gaming, a leader in the design and manufacturing of high-performance gaming controllers, today introduces the Designed for Xbox SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro, created specifically for the Xbox Series X|S.
SCUF Instinct incorporates all of the innovative features gamers expect from SCUF – including the patented paddle control system that helped make SCUF controllers the premier choice of competitive players everywhere – with an evolved controller design to improve performance for Xbox fans. Both Instinct and Instinct Pro include four embedded back control paddles, which can be programmed to replicate the ABXY buttons. Their refined ergonomic shape enables better control for a wide variety of hand sizes, with millions of customization options to suit all gamers including interchangeable faceplates, thumbsticks, and D-pads.
SCUF Instinct Pro additionally offers new adjustable Instant Triggers, giving gamers the ability to choose between regular or instant-action at the flick of a switch. Instant Triggers eliminate the trigger pull, activating immediately with a one-tap motion, similar to a mouse click – ideal for fast-paced shooters. You can always switch back to regular triggers and be ready to play your favorite racing game. Instinct Pro also includes High-Performance Grip.

“With SCUF Instinct, gamers have a new advantage when playing on Xbox Series X|S. We’ve refined the way we deliver SCUF performance controllers, with a new form-factor that will appeal to an even wider range of gamers and hand sizes. Four Embedded Back Paddles, Instant Triggers, and a new thumbstick design combine to make our most reactive controller to date,” said Diego Nunez, SCUF Gaming Chief Marketing Officer. “Xbox fans are at the core of SCUF’s history, and we’re proud to have created a controller that both pays homage to that legacy and equips gamers for exciting new games on the newest console generation.”
Today’s gamers shouldn’t stick with one game, franchise, or genre, which is why Instinct introduces onboard, remappable profiles that can be toggled through at the press of a button, a SCUF first. Paddle profiles make it easy to fine-tune controller settings and save them for later for different games. No pause in gameplay, remapping tool, or app required.
Instinct controllers can also be customized with millions of design combinations on the SCUF Gaming website. Pick from a wide variety of faceplates, thumbstick variations, and trim colors to match any setup or personal style. Every detail and feature of Instinct has been meticulously crafted and engineered for an unbeatable gaming experience configurable to any playstyle.

A full list of SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro features includes:
● Profile Switch allows you to save three remapping configurations for different games
● Wireless connectivity to play comfortably from a distance, now with improved dynamic latency input
● An optional wired connection for lower latency play from your couch with 2m USB Type-C cable
● Interchangeable domed, concaved, short, and long thumbsticks for the perfect fit
● Improved thumbstick design and material for more grip and durability
● Removable faceplate makes it easy to switch designs and thumbsticks
● New Share button for gamers to show off their best clips with friends
● Self-lubricating rings help thumbsticks glide smoothly against the faceplate
● Mute any headset connected to your controller with the press of a button
● Instant Triggers activate like a mouse click for faster shots (Instinct Pro only)
● Performance grip with a comfortable, non-slip feel for extended gaming sessions (Instinct Pro only)

Pricing and Availability
Compatible with the Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows 10 PCs, and mobile devices, SCUF Instinct starts at $169.99 and Instinct Pro starts at $199.99. Both are now available exclusively at SCUF Gaming’s website:

Product Images
High-resolution images of the SCUF Instinct and Instinct Pro can be found at the link below:

About SCUF Gaming
SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for console and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 158 granted patents and designs, and another 42 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area, and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements. In December 2019, SCUF Gaming was acquired by CORSAIR, and remains a separate brand within CORSAIR.
For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.




Contact Information

Worldwide PR Director

Harry Butler

[email protected]

PR – USA and Canada

Gregory FCA for
SCUF Gaming -
Matt Fleischl

[email protected]


Pascal Bregeon

[email protected]

PR – Scandinavia

Gabriel Begorgis

[email protected]

PR – Benelux

Ralf van Velthoven

[email protected]


Yannick Friedsam
Stefan Quiring

[email protected]
+49 151 40520153
[email protected]

PR – Italy

Davide Salvioni

[email protected]

PR – France

Aurelien Herault

[email protected]
+33 (7) 86 60 04 79

PR – Spain and Portugal

Noelia Colino

[email protected]

PR – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Michal Rozpendowski

[email protected] +48 662 145 840

You can view this release in French here, German here, and Italian here.

— SCUF Gaming, innovator and creator of the high-performance gaming controller category, has unveiled the new SCUF H1 customizable wired gaming headset. Based on the design and technology of the award-winning CORSAIR VIRTUOSO headset, the H1 is customizable and tailored for competitive gamers who prefer the zero-latency provided by a wired headset.

The SCUF H1’s lightweight design is fully configurable and built for comfort, with immersive sound and a high-resolution interchangeable microphone to make crucial callouts that can be the difference between a victory or a loss. Every rustle of footsteps in a grassy field and every far-off missile strike is delivered with clear fidelity, almost doubling the audio frequency of most gaming headsets.

The H1 is the result of a collaboration with new parent company CORSAIR, which acquired SCUF Gaming in 2019. Building on SCUF’s heritage of customization, comfort, and performance, the H1 is available in two base colors with dozens of customizable features so players can express their style and even match their headset design to their favorite SCUF controller. Features include:

  • High-bandwidth microphone with a removable and universal headphone jack provides wide dynamic range and superb vocal clarity (uni-directional or omni-directional options available)
  • Speaker tags allow for easy customization to keep your style fresh (30+ design options available)
  • Premium memory foam earpads deliver long-lasting comfort for long gaming sessions (Synthetic leather or hybrid options available)
  • Precision-tuned 50mm high-density neodymium speaker drivers deliver clear, high-quality sound in the heat of battle
  • Adjustable, synthetic leather headband conforms to the shape of your head
  • In-line volume control allows you to make on-the-fly adjustments without distracting you from your game

“We created the H1 to pair flawless audio quality with play-all-day comfort,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of SCUF Gaming. “The H1 is a natural extension of the controller and continues our legacy of combining performance and customization. Gamers can customize their H1 to get the look and feel that they want, with the lightweight design engineered for competitive gaming so players can wear it for hours without thinking twice.”

SCUF H1 is compatible with any device equipped with a 3.5mm headphone port or with a 3.5mm adapter, including controllers for current and next generation consoles, smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

The SCUF H1, starting at $129.99, is available to configure and purchase on


Gregory FCA for SCUF Gaming

Matt Fleischl,


[email protected]

Imagery & Downloads

Click Here to Browse the SCUF Gift Guide

Looking for a gift for the gamer in your life, but not sure where to start? SCUF
provides the best performance controllers on the market - for an improved gaming experience while matching your style. Each SCUF controller is customizable from how it looks to which features are suited for the type of gamer in mind. SCUF controllers are perfect for those who love shooter games, but are also great for those who play a wide variety of different types of games. 

Let’s take a look at each type of controller can offer: 

The SCUF INFINITY4PSPRO is the entry into the world of performance controllers with two paddles on the back and a similar shape to a regular PS4 Controller. It is compatible with the PS4, PC, and Mobile Devices. 

SCUF IMPACT is the next level up with 4 paddles on the back for PS4, PC, and Mobile. It has a wider shape than a regular PS4 controller, so it’s great for those who have larger hands.

SCUF PRESTIGE has 4 paddles and a similar comfortable shape to the Xbox One controller.  It is compatible with Xbox One, as well as the next generation of consoles: Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PC + Mobile. 

Each custom controller in the builder has several options to select: 

EMR: Choosing EMR will allow the paddles on the back of the controller to be remapped to whichever buttons someone wants instead of the default buttons. Great for customizing the controller to how one likes to play. 

Trigger Systems: There are three types of trigger systems to choose from which will affect how the buttons on the top back of the controller function.

  • Default - This option leaves the triggers as normal, like any other controller. 

  • Trigger Control System - This option adds a switch to the triggers that can be turned on to decrease how far the trigger has to go to activate. It also adds the ability to adjust the hair triggers which will increase the button’s response time. This option is great for shooter games and some action/adventure games.

  • Digital Tap Triggers - This option makes the triggers function similar to the click of a mouse button. This option is recommended only for shooter games and perfect for those who are really into shooters. 

Thumbsticks: Each SCUF Controller has interchangeable thumbsticks to increase comfort and suit hand size + playstyle. There are choices for shape and height.

  • Concave - Concave shape allows the thumb to dig in for more rapid movements and easier thumbstick clicks

  • Domed - Domed shape provides more subtle control for precise movements

  • Short - Shorter length means less distance to travel for faster reactions

  • Tall - Longer length provides a better angle for increased

Control Disc: This option provides a circular disc on top of the D-Pad on the left and makes it easier for players to hit diagonal directs if needed, like in fighting games. It is removable, so you can still use a regular D-Pad for other games too. 

Grip: There are three options for grip for the SCUF Infinity4PSPro and the SCUF IMPACT.

  • No Grip - This option will leave the back of the controller smooth

  • Military Grade - A textured plastic grip, will help reduce sweat when playing for long periods of time and improve comfort. 

  • High-Performance - A rubberized grip that will reduce sweat and slippage when playing for long periods of time and improve comfort. 

Rumbles: Rumbles are what cause a controller to vibrate when certain things happen in game. By default, they are left in the controller. There is an option to remove them which will decrease the weight of the controller and will remove any unwanted movement when playing. Usually a choice for very competitive shooting game players. 

If you’re looking for more assistance in choosing the best controller for the gamer in your life, check out our Controller Finder.

We also have a Holiday Gift Guide to help pick the perfect gift for your gamer. 

Atlanta, GA, April 10, 2020: SCUF Gaming has today concluded an investigation into a potential data exposure that was recently brought to our attention.

On April 2, we were notified by security researcher Bob Diachenko that an internal development database was potentially exposed to the internet. Once notified, we identified the root cause of this exposure and secured the database within two hours. While investigating Mr. Diachenko’s warning, we also discovered that a bot had connected to the database’s server and placed a ransom note there. We have no evidence that either the bot or any other actor was able to misappropriate customer data.

This issue was specific to one system, being operated off-site due to work-from-home precautions resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic. It contained a database used for customer orders, returns and repairs, along with other non-sensitive customer information. We immediately took action to close off this access.

Please rest assured, there is no risk of exposed customers’ full credit card numbers, credit card CVV numbers, user names, encrypted customer passwords, or any card information for orders processed via PayPal or other payment methods.

Information in the database did include customers’ name, email address, shipping address, billing address, SCUF order history, and if applicable SCUF returns and repairs history. Only the last four digits of payment cards and payment card expiration dates for orders processed before March 28, 2019 were included.

We understand the importance of our customers’ privacy and security, and are taking immediate steps to directly notify all affected customers. We are also performing an in-depth security audit to test that our other systems and databases remain secure. 

We encourage our customers to monitor their personal accounts and email for suspicious activity and be cautious of any unsolicited communications that ask for their personal data or refer you to a web page asking for personal data.

If our customers require further information regarding this data exposure and how they may be affected, they can contact [email protected]

We take the security of the data you entrust to us extremely seriously and are committed to keeping it safe, both now and in the future. We wish to thank Bob Diachenko, security researcher at, for his help in bringing this issue to our attention and our IT team for resolving it rapidly. 

We hope you stay safe and well in these challenging times with COVID-19.

ATLANTA, JUNE 25, 2020SCUF Gaming, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, has teamed up with the Call of Duty League™ (CDL) to bring fans new, official League controllers featuring team colors and logos. The new line of SCUF controllers commemorate the inaugural season of the Call of Duty League. Each of the 13 designs are available on two different SCUF controllers, the SCUF Infinity 4PS Pro and the SCUF Impact.

“SCUF Gaming has a long history with the highest levels of competition in Call of Duty, and we’re proud to launch this collection so fans can support their favorite team,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO and Founder of SCUF Gaming. “While the designs capture all of the excitement and passion of each franchise, SCUF features and functionality unlock the true potential of every competitor and gamer.”

SCUF controllers are built with a suite of configurable components, including unique back paddles, ergonomic grips, tunable trigger stops, and thumbstick lengths. These features make SCUFs the preferred controller of countless esports professionals because each component can be tailored to the style of the player, providing a measurable performance improvement. Numerous Call of Duty League competitors such as Clayster, Attach, and Methodz use a SCUF in-game.

This year marks the inaugural season of the Call of Duty League, which features five-on-five matches from professional esports teams in 12 markets, representing 11 cities in four countries around the globe.

The SCUF CDL 4PS Pro and the SCUF CDL IMPACT are available now at

About SCUF Gaming

SCUF Gaming®, innovator and creator of high-performance gaming controllers, provides superior accessories and customized gaming controllers for consoles and PC that are used by top professional gamers as well as casual gamers. Built to specification, SCUF controllers offer a number of functional and design features custom built to increase hand use and improve gameplay. SCUF controller features are covered by 118 granted patents and designs, and another 52 pending patent applications, focusing on four key areas of a controller: the back control functions and handles, the trigger control mechanisms, the thumbstick control area and the side-mounted configurable SaxTM button placements.

For additional information about SCUF Gaming, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, or Snapchat.

About Call of Duty League

Call of Duty League™ is the official esports league of the Call of Duty® franchise, from publisher Activision. The inaugural season of Call of Duty League features 12 teams from four countries and spotlights the best Call of Duty esports players from around the world. Call of Duty League launched in January 2020, with fresh ways for pro players, amateurs, and fans to come together around one of the world’s most beloved games. Learn more at

CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY LEAGUE, THE CALL OF DUTY LEAGUE LOGO are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.


Call of Duty League 2020 Begins

A new era of Call of Duty esports, featuring 12 city based teams, began this past weekend with the Launch Weekend hosted in Minneapolis by the Minnesota ROKKR. New rivalries were formed and new teams showed their true strengths going into the upcoming season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Before it kicked off, SCUF was announced as the Official Controller Partner of the Call of Duty League. 

Performance Highlights

Atlanta FaZe and Chicago Huntsmen performed as many expected, taking a commanding 2-0 record after the weekend. Surprising performances this week came from the Paris Legion winning both of their matches this weekend and the Florida Mutineers, who finished the weekend 1-1. Both Dallas Empire and OpTic Gaming Los Angeles fell short of very high expectations, ending at the bottom of the leaderboard at 0-2 each. Home team Minnesota ROKKR started strong at 2-0, also winning the first Battle for the North over the Toronto Ultra. 

SCUF At CDL Launch Weekend

Over at the SCUF booth, fans could learn from SCUF Experts the best tips and tricks for COD: MW, try any SCUF controller at the Game Stations, and pick up their favorite controller from the SCUF Store. Another popular spot was the SCUF Build Challenge, where customers could compete to see who could get the faster time of the week for an impressive prize. To top it all off, all 12 teams stopped by the SCUF signing booth, the only place for fans to meet their favorite players. Local Minnesota ROKKR fans turned up in droves to meet their new team.

Next Up: CDL London

The Call of Duty League continues with the next homestead weekend hosted by London Royal Ravens on February 8-9. To keep up to date on the Call of Duty League, follow SCUF on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Season Standings

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend SCUF Store

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Call of Duty MW Official SCUF Controller

CDL 2020 Launch Weekend Minnesota Team Signings